Exemple #1
int SDLNet_CheckSockets(SDLNet_SocketSet set, Uint32 timeout)
Uint32	stop;
int 	numReady;

	/* Loop, polling the network devices */
	stop = SDL_GetTicks() + timeout;
	OTResult status;
	size_t	numBytes;
	int 	i;
		numReady = 0;
		for (i = set->numsockets-1;i >= 0;--i) 
			status = OTLook( set->sockets[i]->channel );
			if( status > 0 )
				switch( status )
					case T_UDERR:
						OTRcvUDErr( set->sockets[i]->channel , nil);
					case T_DISCONNECT:
						OTRcvDisconnect( set->sockets[i]->channel, nil );
					case T_ORDREL:
						OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect(set->sockets[i]->channel );
					case T_CONNECT:
						OTRcvConnect( set->sockets[i]->channel, nil );
						set->sockets[i]->ready = 1;
			else if( OTCountDataBytes(set->sockets[i]->channel, &numBytes ) != kOTNoDataErr )
				set->sockets[i]->ready = 1;
				set->sockets[i]->ready = 0;
	} while (!numReady && (SDL_GetTicks() < stop));

Exemple #2
// This function is taken from GUSI interface.
// ( 01/02/19 masahiro minami<*****@*****.**> )
static void AsyncTCPPopEvent( TCPsocket sock )
	// Make sure OT calls are not interrupted
	// Not sure if we really need this.
	OTEnterNotifier( sock->channel );
	sock->event |= (sock->curEvent = sock->newEvent );
	sock->completion |= ( sock->curCompletion = sock->newCompletion );
	sock->newEvent = sock->newCompletion = 0;
	OTLeaveNotifier( sock->channel );
	if( sock->curEvent & T_UDERR)
		// We just clear the error.
		// Should we feed this back to users ?
		// (TODO )
		OTRcvUDErr( sock->channel, NULL );
#ifdef DEBUG_NET
		printf("AsyncTCPPopEvent  T_UDERR recognized");
	// Remote is disconnecting...
	if( sock->curEvent & ( T_DISCONNECT | T_ORDREL ))
		sock->readShutdown = true;
	if( sock->curEvent &T_CONNECT )
		// Ignore the info of remote (second parameter).
		// Shoule we care ?
		// (TODO)
		OTRcvConnect( sock->channel, NULL );
		sock->connected = 1;
	if( sock->curEvent & T_ORDREL )
		OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect( sock->channel );
	if( sock->curEvent & T_DISCONNECT )
		OTRcvDisconnect( sock->channel, NULL );
	// Do we need to ?
	// (masahiro minami<*****@*****.**>)
Exemple #3
static PRBool GetState(EndpointRef endpoint, PRBool *readReady, PRBool *writeReady, PRBool *exceptReady)
	OSStatus err;
	OTResult resultOT;
	TDiscon discon;
	PRBool result = PR_FALSE;
	*readReady = *writeReady = *exceptReady = PR_FALSE;

	resultOT = OTLook(endpoint);
	switch (resultOT) {
		case T_DATA:
		case T_LISTEN:
			*readReady = PR_TRUE;
		case T_CONNECT:
			err = OTRcvConnect(endpoint, NULL);
			PR_ASSERT(err == kOTNoError);
			memset(&discon, 0 , sizeof(discon));
			err = OTRcvDisconnect(endpoint, &discon);
			PR_ASSERT(err == kOTNoError);
			*exceptReady = PR_TRUE;
		case T_ORDREL:
			*readReady = PR_TRUE;
			err = OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect(endpoint);
			PR_ASSERT(err == kOTNoError);
	resultOT = OTGetEndpointState(endpoint);
	switch (resultOT)	{
		case T_DATAXFER:
		case T_INREL:
			*writeReady = PR_TRUE;
			*writeReady = PR_FALSE;
	if ((*readReady == PR_TRUE) || (*writeReady==PR_TRUE) || (*exceptReady==PR_TRUE))
		result = PR_TRUE;

	return result;
Exemple #4
PRInt32 _MD_connect(PRFileDesc *fd, PRNetAddr *addr, PRUint32 addrlen, PRIntervalTime timeout)
	PRInt32 osfd = fd->secret->md.osfd;
	OSStatus err;
	EndpointRef endpoint = (EndpointRef) osfd;
	PRThread *me = _PR_MD_CURRENT_THREAD();
	TCall sndCall;
	TBind bindReq;
	PRNetAddr bindAddr;

	if (endpoint == NULL) {
		err = kEBADFErr;
		goto ErrorExit;
	if (addr == NULL) {
		err = kEFAULTErr;
		goto ErrorExit;
	// Bind to a local port; let the system assign it.

	bindAddr.inet.port = bindAddr.inet.ip = 0;

	bindReq.addr.maxlen = PR_NETADDR_SIZE (&bindAddr);
	bindReq.addr.len = 0;
	bindReq.addr.buf = (UInt8*) &bindAddr;
	bindReq.qlen = 0;
	PrepareThreadForAsyncIO(me, endpoint, osfd);    

	err = OTBind(endpoint, &bindReq, NULL);
	if (err != kOTNoError)
		goto ErrorExit;

	WaitOnThisThread(me, PR_INTERVAL_NO_TIMEOUT);

	err = me->md.osErrCode;
	if (err != kOTNoError)
		goto ErrorExit;

	memset(&sndCall, 0 , sizeof(sndCall));

	sndCall.addr.maxlen = addrlen;
	sndCall.addr.len = addrlen;
	sndCall.addr.buf = (UInt8*) addr;
	PrepareThreadForAsyncIO(me, endpoint, osfd);    

	err = OTConnect (endpoint, &sndCall, NULL);
	if (err != kOTNoError && err != kOTNoDataErr)
		goto ErrorExit;
	if (err == kOTNoDataErr && fd->secret->nonblocking) {
		err = kEINPROGRESSErr;
    	me->io_pending = PR_FALSE;
		goto ErrorExit;

	WaitOnThisThread(me, timeout);

	err = me->md.osErrCode;
	if (err != kOTNoError)
		goto ErrorExit;

	PR_ASSERT(me->md.cookie != NULL);

	err = OTRcvConnect(endpoint, NULL);
	PR_ASSERT(err == kOTNoError);

	return kOTNoError;

    return -1;
Exemple #5
pascal void OTTCPNotifier(void* vobj, OTEventCode code, OTResult result, void* cookie) {
	OTTCP *x = (OTTCP *) vobj;
	long oldA5;
	OSStatus s;
	oldA5 = SetA5(x->o_a5);

	post("*** OTTCPNotifier(code %x, result %ld)", (long) code, (long) result);
	if (code == T_OPENCOMPLETE) {
		if (result != noErr) {
			post("OTTCPNotifier got a T_OPENCOMPLETE code with error %ld", result);

		// Even if we got an error, we'll use the endpoint.  
		x->o_tcp_ep = (EndpointRef) cookie;
		if (x->o_inetHostName != 0) {
			// Now we expect a T_BINDCOMPLETE message.
	} else if (code == T_BINDCOMPLETE) {
		TCall sndCall;
		InetAddress inAddr;
		// See what ephemeral port number OT gave us
		x->o_receiveInetPort = x->o_addrWeActuallyGot.fPort;
		// Now the endpoint has been bound; next trick is connecting
		OTInitInetAddress(&inAddr, x->o_inetPort, x->o_inetHost);
		OTMemzero(&sndCall, sizeof(TCall));
		sndCall.addr.buf = (void *) &inAddr;
		sndCall.addr.len = sizeof(InetAddress);

		post("** About to OTConnect");
		s = OTConnect(x->o_tcp_ep, &sndCall, NULL);
		if (s == kOTNoDataErr) {
			// No problem; that means connection is in progress
			post("** OTConnect returned kOTNoDataErr - good");
		} else {
			post("е OTTCP: error: OTConnect returned %ld; not connecting.", s);
		// Now we expect T_CONNECT
	} else if (code == T_CONNECT) {
		if (result == kOTBadAddressErr) {
			post("е OTTCP: error: bad address.  Disconnecting");
			x->o_inetHost = 0;
		} else {
			post("** Got T_CONNECT");
			post("** Result passed to notifier: %ld", (long) result);
			post("** Endpoint state before OTRcvConnect: %ld", (long) OTGetEndpointState(x->o_tcp_ep));
			// We could pass in buffers to find out the actual address we connected to, etc.
			s = OTRcvConnect(x->o_tcp_ep, nil);
			if (s != kOTNoError) {
				post("е OTTCP: error: RcvConnect returned %ld", s);
			post("** Endpoint state after OTRcvConnect: %ld", (long) OTGetEndpointState(x->o_tcp_ep));
			ChangeState(x, NO_REQUEST);
			x->o_connectionSymbol = ps_connected;
			clock_delay(x->o_connectedclock, 0);
	} else if (code == T_UNBINDCOMPLETE) {
		// If we have a new inetHost, try to bind it
		if (x->o_inetHost != 0) {
			// Now we expect T_BINDCOMPLETE
		} else {
			// No inetHost, so we're disonnected
			x->o_connectionSymbol = ps_disconnected;
			clock_delay(x->o_connectedclock, 0);
	} else if (code == T_DISCONNECTCOMPLETE) {
		// We always want to rebind when we reconnect, so after disconnecting we unbind
		s = OTUnbind(x->o_tcp_ep);
		if (s != kOTNoError) {
			post("OTTCP: warning: OTUnbind returned %ld", s);
	} else if (code == T_DATA) {
	} else if (code == T_UDERR) {
		if (x->o_errorreporting) {
			PostUDERR("OTTCPNotifier was called for a T_UDERR code", x->o_tcp_ep);
		} else {
			/* We still have to receive the error to clear the condition */
			OTRcvUDErr(x->o_tcp_ep, 0);
	} else if (code == T_GODATA) {
		// Flow control restriction has lifted; now it's OK to send more data.
		do_write(x, 0, 0);
	} else if (code == T_DISCONNECT) {
		// The other dude wants to disconnect
		post("OTTCP: peer wants to disconnect");
		s = OTRcvDisconnect(x->o_tcp_ep, NULL);
		if (s == kOTNoError) {
			x->o_inetHost = 0;
		} else if (s == kOTNoDisconnectErr) {
			// false alarm
		} else {
			post("е OTTCP: error: OTRcvDisconnect returned %ld", s);
	} else if (code == T_ORDREL) {
		post("*** Got T_ORDREL");
		s = OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect(x->o_tcp_ep);
		if (s == kOTNoReleaseErr) {
			post("...false alarm!");
		} else if (s == kOTNoError) {
			x->o_inetHost = 0;
		} else {
			post("е OTTCP: error: OTRcvOrderlyDisconnect returned %ld", s);
	} else {
	 	if (x->o_errorreporting) {
			post("OTTCP: Unrecognized OTEventCode %ld in event handler.  Oh well.", (long) code);

Exemple #6
void _GSocket_Internal_Proc(unsigned long e , void* d )
  GSocket * socket = (GSocket*) d ;
  OTEventCode ev = (OTEventCode) e ;
  GSocketEvent event;
  GSocketEvent event2;
  GSocketCallback cback;
  char *data;
  GSocketCallback cback2;
  char *data2;

	if ( !socket )
		return ;
    event = GSOCK_MAX_EVENT ;
    event2 = GSOCK_MAX_EVENT ;
    cback = NULL;
    data = NULL;
    cback2 = NULL;
    data2 = NULL;

    /* Check that the socket still exists (it has not been
     * destroyed) and for safety, check that the m_endpoint field
     * is what we expect it to be.
    if ((socket != NULL) && (socket->m_takesEvents))
    	switch (ev)
    		case T_LISTEN :
    			event = GSOCK_CONNECTION ;
    			break ;
    		case T_CONNECT :
    			event = GSOCK_CONNECTION ;
    			event2 = GSOCK_OUTPUT ;
					TCall retCall;
					retCall.addr.buf	= NULL;
					retCall.addr.maxlen	= 0;
					retCall.opt.buf		= NULL;
					retCall.opt.maxlen	= 0;
					retCall.udata.buf	= NULL;
					retCall.udata.maxlen= 0;
					OTRcvConnect( socket->m_endpoint , &retCall ) ;
    			break ;
    		case T_DISCONNECT :
    			event = GSOCK_LOST ;
    			break ;
    		case T_GODATA :
    		case T_GOEXDATA :
    			event = GSOCK_OUTPUT ;
    			break ;
    		case T_DATA :
    			event = GSOCK_INPUT ;
    			break ;
    		case T_EXDATA :
    			event = GSOCK_INPUT ;
    			break ;
      if (event != GSOCK_MAX_EVENT)
        cback = socket->m_cbacks[event];
        data = socket->m_data[event];

        if (event == GSOCK_LOST)
          socket->m_detected = GSOCK_LOST_FLAG;
          socket->m_detected |= (1 << event);
      if (event2 != GSOCK_MAX_EVENT)
        cback2 = socket->m_cbacks[event2];
        data2 = socket->m_data[event2];

        if (event2 == GSOCK_LOST)
          socket->m_detected = GSOCK_LOST_FLAG;
          socket->m_detected |= (1 << event2);

    /* OK, we can now leave the critical section because we have
     * already obtained the callback address (we make no further
     * accesses to socket->whatever). However, the app should
     * be prepared to handle events from a socket that has just
     * been closed!

    if (cback != NULL)
      (cback)(socket, event, data);
    if (cback2 != NULL)
      (cback2)(socket, event2, data2);
