/* * Error() spits a system error message up on the screen, (q.v. perror(3)) * but allows a printf-style argument list and separates the errno from * the message with a newline. */ void Error(char *fmt, ...) { void *chain; char *bfr; int bfrsize; va_list ptr; bfr = alloca(bfrsize = (strlen(fmt) + 1000) ); va_start(ptr, fmt); vsnprintf(bfr, bfrsize-100, fmt, ptr); va_end(ptr); if (errno != 0) { strcat(bfr, "\n"); strncat(bfr, strerror(errno), 99); } chain = ObjChain(0, newOKButton(0, "OK", 0, 0)); MENU(chain, -1, -1, "Error", bfr, ERROR_FLAG); deleteObjChain(chain); } /* Error */
void main(int pointy, char **arguments) { Obj *a, *c; Obj *t, *chain; chain = ObjChain(a = newButton(1,"A",0,0), newButton(2,"B",0,0)); chain = ObjChain(chain, c = newCheck(0,0,"C",0,0,0,0)); chain = ObjChain(chain, newCheck(0,4,"D",0,0,0,0)); t = ObjChain(chain, chain); if (t == (Obj*)0) perror("duplicate insert"); else puts("ERROR! duplicate inserts work"); puts("BACKWARD"); printPrevObjChain(chain); puts("FORWARD"); printNextObjChain(chain); t = copyObj(a); setObjTitle(t, "AA"); chain = extractFromObjChain(chain, a); if (chain) { puts("FORWARD AFTER EXTRACT"); printNextObjChain(chain); ObjChain(c, a); ObjChain(c, t); puts("FORWARD AFTER REINSERT"); printNextObjChain(chain); chain = sortObjChain(chain); if (chain) { puts("FORWARD AFTER SORT"); printNextObjChain(chain); } else perror("sortObjChain"); } else perror("extractFromObjChain"); deleteObjChain(chain); adump(); }
/* * _nd_help() displays helpfiles */ void _nd_help(char *document) { STRING(Page) pages; Page *cur, *up = 0; int rc; void *help, *chain; char *topic; /* help topic title, for putting on the * help box titlebar*/ if (document == 0) return; CREATE(pages); cur = &EXPAND(pages); cur->cursor = 0; cur->file = helpfile(document, root); do { help = newHelp(0, 0, (COLS*3)/4, LINES-10, cur->file, (pfo)ndhcallback, 0); /*setObjTitle(help, cur->file);*/ if (cur->cursor) setHelpCursor(help, cur->cursor); chain = ObjChain(help, newCancelButton(0,"Done", 0, 0)); rc = MENU(chain, -1, -1, getHelpTopic(help), 0, 0); if (rc == MENU_OK) { if (( topic = currentHtmlTag(help) )) { cur->cursor = getHelpCursor(help); up = cur; cur = &EXPAND(pages); cur->cursor = 0; cur->file = helpfile(topic, up ? up->file : root); } } else if (rc == MENU_ESCAPE) { free(cur->file); S(pages)--; up = (S(pages) > 1) ? &T(pages)[S(pages)-2]:0; cur = &T(pages)[S(pages)-1]; } else if (rc == MENU_CANCEL) { int i; for (i = 0; i < S(pages); i++) free(T(pages)[i].file); } deleteObjChain(chain); } while ( S(pages) > 0 ); DELETE(pages); #if HAVE_DOUPDATE doupdate(); #else refresh(); #endif } /* _nd_help */
void main(int argc, char **argv) { void *chain; int st; char check1 = 0, check2 = 1; char name[20]; char password[20]; char message[80]; LIA foo; static char msg[] = "This is some text\n" "That can be found\n" "In a text object\n" "At the bottom of the sea\n"; static ListItem menu[] = { /* menuitems need hotkeys */ { "A", "Choice A" }, { "B", "Choice B" }, { "C", "Choice C" }, { "D", "Choice D" }, { "E", "Choice E" }, { "F", "Choice F" }, { "G", "Choice G" }, { "H", "Choice H" }, }; #define NR_MENU (sizeof menu / sizeof menu[0]) static ListItem list[] = { { "A", "Choice A", 0, 1 }, { "B", "Choice B", 0, 0 }, { "C", "Choice C", 0, 0 }, } ; #define NR_LIST (sizeof list / sizeof list[0]) strcpy(name, "Fernando Poo"); name[0] = 0xff; strcpy(password, "Sekret"); strcpy(message, "A MESSAGE"); setHelpRoot("."); chain = ObjChain(newOKButton(1,"OK", 0, 0), newCheck(0,0,"A CHECK ITEM GOES PLONK",0,&check1,0,"demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newCancelButton(2,"CANCEL", 0, "demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newCheck(0,2,0,"Check | your hat?",&check2,0,"demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newString(4,3,10, sizeof name, name, "Name", "Your name", 0, "demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newPWString(0,7,10, sizeof password, password, 0, "Your password", 0, "demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newString(0,10,10, sizeof message, message, "String Title", 0, 0, "demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newMenu(30,0,-1,-1, NR_MENU,menu,"A MENU","", MENU_SELECTION, menucallback,"demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, list_ying = newList(40,0,-1,-1, NR_LIST,list,"A LIST","", CHECK_SELECTED,0,"demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, list_yang = newRadioList(54,0,-1,-1, NR_LIST,list,"SAME LIST","", HIGHLIGHT_SELECTED,0,"demo.html")); chain = ObjChain(chain, newText(40,7,20,3,strlen(msg),"Text",0,msg,0,"demo.html")); init_dialog(); if (argc > 1) { switch (atoi(argv[1])) { default: use_helpline("[TAB] to move, [ESC] to exit"); st = MENU(chain, 0, 0, "title", "SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS\nGOES BONK", FANCY_MENU|ALIGN_RIGHT); if (st == MENU_ERROR) perror("MENU"); break; case 1: use_helpline("This is an error message"); Error("Nothing in particular"); break; case 2: use_helpline("Counting down"); errno = 0; MENU(0,-1,-1 ,0, " ONE ", 0); usleep(400000); use_helpline("tick"); MENU(0,-1,-1, 0, " TWO ", 0); usleep(400000); use_helpline("tick"); MENU(0,-1,-1, 0, "THREE", 0); usleep(400000); break; case 4: foo = newLIA(0,0); addToLIA(foo, "1", "first", 0); addToLIA(foo, "2", "second", 0); addToLIA(foo, "3", "third", 0); addToLIA(foo, "4", "forth", 0); addToLIA(foo, "5", "fifth", 0); chain = newListWidget(0,0,18,3,foo,"title", 0,0,0,0); chain = ObjChain(chain, newCancelButton(0, "Done", 0, 0)); st = MENU(chain, -1, -1, "list widget", 0, 0); if (st == MENU_ERROR) perror("MENU"); break; } } else { use_helpline("[TAB] or the mouse to navigate, [ESC] to exit"); st = MENU(chain, -1, -1, "title", "SCIENTIFIC PROGRESS\nGOES BONK", ALIGN_RIGHT); if (st == MENU_ERROR) perror("MENU"); } end_dialog(); adump(); }