static ObjectLocation get_object_filename(SuifObject *obj) {
  ObjectLocation loc;
  if (!obj) {
  while (obj && !is_kind_of<FileBlock>(obj)) {
    obj = obj->get_parent();
  if (!obj) return loc;
  FileBlock *fb = to<FileBlock>(obj);
static ObjectLocation read_line_number(const SuifObject* stmt){
  Annote* annote = (to<AnnotableObject>(stmt))->peek_annote("line");
  // have the line # -- return
  if ( annote != NULL ) {
    IInteger line = to<IntegerBrick>(to<BrickAnnote>(annote)->
    String file = to<StringBrick>(to<BrickAnnote>(annote)->
    return(ObjectLocation(file, line));
  ObjectLocation loc;
void KITECH_MonteCarloLocalizationComp::RandomizeAt (double x, double y, double radius)
	particles.clear ();
	particles.reserve (maxParticles);

	for (int i=0; i < maxParticles; ++i) {
		double r = radius * (rand() % 1000) / 1000.;
		double th = DEG2RAD(rand() % 360);

		VirtualRobot vr;
		vr.pos.x = x + r*cos(th);
		vr.pos.y = y + r*sin(th);
		vr.pos.theta = th;
		vr.prob = 1. / maxParticles;

		particles.push_back (vr);
	variance = ObjectLocation (radius*radius, radius*radius, DEG2RAD(360*360));
bool KITECH_MonteCarloLocalizationComp::Predict(ObjectLocation position)
	ObjectLocation delta = diff(position, positionPrev);
	double ang = DeltaRad (delta.Atan(), positionPrev.theta);
	double sgn = (-M_PI/2 < ang && ang < M_PI/2) ? 1. : -1.;

	double deltaForward = sgn*delta.Length ();
	double deltaAngle = delta.theta;

	if ((-epsilon < deltaForward && deltaForward < epsilon) &&
		(-epsilon < deltaAngle   &&   deltaAngle < epsilon) ) return false;

	double stdevDistance = sqrt(varianceDistance);
	double stdevDirection = sqrt(varianceDirection);

	// 로봇의 이동량(전진량, 회전량) 만큼 각각의 파티클을 움직인다.
	// 이 때, 이동량에 비례하는 오차(Gaussian random 으로 생성)가 추가된다.
	for (int i = 0, n = particles.size(); i < n; ++i) {
		VirtualRobot &vr = particles[i];
		double th = vr.pos.theta + deltaAngle / 2.;

		double dx = deltaForward * cos(th);
		double dy = deltaForward * sin(th);
		double dth = deltaAngle;
		double vdx = dx * stdevDistance * GaussRand ();
		double vdy = dy * stdevDistance * GaussRand ();
		double vdth = dth * stdevDirection * GaussRand ();

		vr.pos += ObjectLocation(dx + vdx, dy + vdy, dth + vdth);

	StocasticPosition ();

	positionPrev = position;

	return false;