void COXMaskedEdit::OnKillfocus() { // TODO: Add your control notification handler code here // send OXMEN_VALIDATE notification to parent to validate typed information // if the notification was handled, the return value have to be one of these: // // -1 - if typed info is invalid // 0 - typed info is valid but virtual OnValidate function will be // called to verify typed info // 1 - typed info is valid and OnValidate function won't be called CWnd* pParentWnd=GetParent(); ASSERT(pParentWnd); MENMHDR MENMHdr; memset(&MENMHdr,0,sizeof(MENMHdr)); MENMHdr.hdr.hwndFrom=GetSafeHwnd(); MENMHdr.hdr.idFrom=GetDlgCtrlID(); MENMHdr.hdr.code=OXMEN_VALIDATE; MENMHdr.bValid=TRUE; MENMHdr.bDefaultValidation=TRUE; MENMHdr.nPosition=0; pParentWnd->SendMessage(WM_NOTIFY,MENMHdr.hdr.idFrom,(LPARAM)&MENMHdr); if(!MENMHdr.bValid || !(MENMHdr.bDefaultValidation ? OnValidate() : TRUE)) { SetFocus(); ValidationError(); // set insertion point at the first input location UpdateInsertionPointForward(MENMHdr.nPosition); } }
void CXFA_FFNumericEdit::OnProcessEvent(CFWL_Event* pEvent) { if (pEvent->GetClassID() == CFWL_EventType::Validate) { CFWL_EvtValidate* event = static_cast<CFWL_EvtValidate*>(pEvent); event->bValidate = OnValidate(m_pNormalWidget->GetWidget(), event->wsInsert); return; } CXFA_FFTextEdit::OnProcessEvent(pEvent); }
FWL_ERR CXFA_FFNumericEdit::OnProcessEvent(CFWL_Event* pEvent) { FX_DWORD dwEventID = pEvent->GetClassID(); if (dwEventID == FWL_EVTHASH_EDT_Validate) { CFWL_EvtEdtValidate* event = (CFWL_EvtEdtValidate*)pEvent; CFX_WideString wsChange = event->wsInsert; event->bValidate = OnValidate(m_pNormalWidget->GetWidget(), wsChange); return event->bValidate; } else { return CXFA_FFTextEdit::OnProcessEvent(pEvent); } }
int CPDFSDK_InterForm::BeforeSelectionChange(CPDF_FormField* pField, const CFX_WideString& csValue) { if (pField->GetFieldType() != FIELDTYPE_LISTBOX) return 0; if (!OnKeyStrokeCommit(pField, csValue)) return -1; if (!OnValidate(pField, csValue)) return -1; return 1; }
int CPDFSDK_InterForm::BeforeValueChange(CPDF_FormField* pField, const CFX_WideString& csValue) { int nType = pField->GetFieldType(); if (nType != FIELDTYPE_COMBOBOX && nType != FIELDTYPE_TEXTFIELD) return 0; if (!OnKeyStrokeCommit(pField, csValue)) return -1; if (!OnValidate(pField, csValue)) return -1; return 1; }