Exemple #1
void    OutInt( inttarg val ) {

// Output target integer value to object memory.

#if _CPU == 8086
    OutU16( val );
#else // _CPU == 386
    OutConst32( val );
Exemple #2
static  void    DoLoopEnd( void ) {

// Generate code for end of DO-loops or implied-DO.

    do_entry    *doptr;

    doptr = CSHead->cs_info.do_parms;
    EmitOp( FC_DO_END );
    OutPtr( doptr->do_parm );
    OutPtr( doptr->increment );
    if( doptr->increment == NULL ) {
        OutConst32( doptr->incr_value );
    } else {
        OutPtr( doptr->iteration );
    OutU16( CSHead->branch );
Exemple #3
static  void    DoLoop( TYPE do_type ) {

// Generate code for DO statement or implied-DO.

    do_entry    *doptr;
    uint        do_size;
    intstar4    incr;
    intstar4    limit;
    sym_id      loop_ctrl;
    TYPE        e1_type;
    uint        e1_size;
    itnode      *e2_node;
    itnode      *e3_node;
    bool        e2_const;

    doptr = CSHead->cs_info.do_parms;
    do_size = CITNode->sym_ptr->u.ns.xt.size;
    doptr->do_parm = CITNode->sym_ptr;          // save ptr to do variable
    AdvanceITPtr();                             // bump past the '='
    EatDoParm();                                // process e1
    PushOpn( CITNode );
    e1_type = CITNode->typ;
    e1_size = CITNode->size;
    if( ReqComma() ) {
        EatDoParm();                            // process e2
        e2_const = CITNode->opn.us == USOPN_CON;
        PushOpn( CITNode );
        e2_node = CITNode;
        e3_node = NULL;
        if( RecComma() ) {
            EatDoParm();                        // process e3
            e3_node = CITNode;
            if( !AError ) {
                if( (CITNode->opn.us == USOPN_CON) && _IsTypeInteger( do_type ) ) {
                    incr = GetIntValue( CITNode );
                    doptr->incr_value = incr;
                    doptr->increment = NULL;
                    if( (OZOpts & OZOPT_O_FASTDO) == 0 ) {
                        if( e2_const ) {
                            limit = GetIntValue( e2_node );
                            if( NeedIncrement( limit, incr, do_type ) ) {
                                PushOpn( CITNode );
                                doptr->increment = StaticAlloc( do_size, do_type );
                        } else {
                            PushOpn( CITNode );
                            doptr->increment = StaticAlloc( do_size, do_type );
                } else {
                    PushOpn( CITNode );
                    doptr->increment = StaticAlloc( do_size, do_type );
        } else {
            if( _IsTypeInteger( do_type ) ) {
                doptr->increment = NULL;
                doptr->incr_value = 1;
                if( (OZOpts & OZOPT_O_FASTDO) == 0 ) {
                    if( e2_const ) {
                        limit = GetIntValue( e2_node );
                        if( NeedIncrement( limit, 1, do_type ) ) {
                            PushConst( 1 );
                            doptr->increment = StaticAlloc( do_size, do_type );
                    } else {
                        PushConst( 1 );
                        doptr->increment = StaticAlloc( do_size, do_type );
            } else {
                PushConst( 1 );
                doptr->increment = StaticAlloc( do_size, do_type );
        EmitOp( FC_DO_BEGIN );
        OutPtr( doptr->do_parm );
        OutPtr( doptr->increment );
        if( doptr->increment == NULL ) { // INTEGER do-loop with constant incr
            loop_ctrl = StaticAlloc( do_size, do_type );
            OutConst32( doptr->incr_value );
            OutPtr( loop_ctrl );
        } else {
            if( _IsTypeInteger( do_type ) ) {
                loop_ctrl = StaticAlloc( do_size, do_type );
            } else {
                loop_ctrl = StaticAlloc( sizeof( intstar4 ), FT_INTEGER );
            doptr->iteration = loop_ctrl;
            OutPtr( loop_ctrl );
            if( e3_node == NULL ) {
                DumpType( FT_INTEGER, TypeSize( FT_INTEGER ) );
            } else {
                GenType( e3_node );
        GenType( e2_node );
        DumpType( e1_type, e1_size );
        OutU16( CSHead->branch );
        OutU16( CSHead->bottom );