Exemple #1
void send(uint8_t status, uint8_t* buffer, uint8_t buffer_length) {
  uint8_t transmitBuffer[UART_command_length + 1];
  transmitBuffer[0] = MORE_DATA;
  uint8_t total_transmitted = 0;
  while (total_transmitted < buffer_length) {
    if (buffer_length - total_transmitted <= UART_command_length) {
      transmitBuffer[0] = status;
    for (int i = 0; i < UART_command_length; i++) {
      if (total_transmitted < buffer_length) {
        transmitBuffer[i+1] = buffer[total_transmitted];
      } else {
        transmitBuffer[i+1] = 0;
    if (HAL_UART_Transmit(&hUART, (unsigned char*) transmitBuffer, UART_command_length + 1, 1000) != HAL_OK) {
      Output_High(FAIL_LED_GPIOx, FAIL_LED_Pin);
      Output_High(BUSY_LED_GPIOx, BUSY_LED_Pin);
      for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
        HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(FAIL_LED_GPIOx, FAIL_LED_Pin);
        HAL_GPIO_TogglePin(BUSY_LED_GPIOx, BUSY_LED_Pin);
//    Main Function:                                                          
void main()
    //  PIC Initialization Section
    Disable_Interrupts(GLOBAL);                 // all interrupts OFF
    Setup_adc(ADC_OFF);                         // ADC not needed
    Setup_adc_ports(NO_ANALOGS);                // No ADC ports needed 
    Setup_timer_0(RTCC_INTERNAL|RTCC_DIV_256);  // Timer 0 set for  42.6us, 
    Setup_timer_1(T1_DISABLED);                 // Timer 1  

    Set_Tris_A(TRISA_Enabled);          // SPI Disabled
    Set_Tris_B(TRISB_Disable);          // Flash SPI Disabled 
    Set_Tris_C(TRISC_Disable);          // Flash SPI Disabled

    Output_high(FLASH_SELECT);          // Slash Select High
    Output_high(FLASH_CLOCK);           // Pulse the clock
    Output_low(RTC_RST);                // Disable RTC
    Output_High(FPGALoad);              // FPGA Upload pin
    Output_High(FPGAReset);             // FPGA reset off
    Output_High(TestLED);               // indication of boot up

    spi_enabled   = False;              // ZBC to PIC SPI disabled initially
    spi_write     = False;              // ZBC to PIC SPI disabled initially
    Refresh_RTCSPI();                   // Refresh data from RTC into SPI buffer

    //  USB Initialization Section            
    usb_init_cs();                      // Initialize the USB Connection
    if(read_eeprom(BOOT_TYPE) > 0) {    // We want boot from FLASH
        FlashToFPGA();                  // If not hooked up to USB then try to init
        Output_Low(FPGAReset);          // FPGA reset off
        Output_High(FPGAReset);         // FPGA reset off
        Output_Low(TestLED);            // Turn off Test LED
    else {
        FGPA_SPI_Init();                // Put PIC in SPI Slave mode 
    //  Main Command Loop:            
    do {                                // Always do USB Task
        usb_task();                     // so it will detect USB pluging in 
        if(usb_enumerated()) {          // Are we plugged into the USB port ?
            usb_rcvdata_task();         // If so, check for data 
        if(spi_enabled) {               // if ZBC to PIC SPI enabled, then check 
            if(SSP_HAS_DATA()) {
                Handle_SPI();           // Handle SPI request from ZBC
        }                               // Otherwise... just
    } while(True);                      // Continue forever, what else can we do ?