/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.4 at Sun Nov 15 16:49:20 2015. */ #include "Packet.pb.h" #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t uavforge_Packet_fields[9] = { PB_FIELD( 1, UINT64 , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, uavforge_Packet, timestamp, timestamp, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, STRING , REQUIRED, CALLBACK, OTHER, uavforge_Packet, sender, timestamp, 0), PB_FIELD( 3, STRING , REQUIRED, CALLBACK, OTHER, uavforge_Packet, target, sender, 0), PB_FIELD( 4, UENUM , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, uavforge_Packet, type, target, 0), PB_ONEOF_FIELD(contents, 5, MESSAGE , ONEOF, STATIC , OTHER, uavforge_Packet, telem, type, &uavforge_TelemetryPacket_fields), PB_ONEOF_FIELD(contents, 6, MESSAGE , ONEOF, STATIC , OTHER, uavforge_Packet, comm, type, &uavforge_ActionPacket_fields), PB_ONEOF_FIELD(contents, 8, MESSAGE , ONEOF, STATIC , OTHER, uavforge_Packet, info, type, &uavforge_InfoPacket_fields), PB_ONEOF_FIELD(contents, 9, MESSAGE , ONEOF, STATIC , OTHER, uavforge_Packet, ack, type, &uavforge_AckPacket_fields), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t uavforge_TelemetryPacket_fields[13] = { PB_FIELD( 1, INT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, uavforge_TelemetryPacket, seqNo, seqNo, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, FLOAT , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, uavforge_TelemetryPacket, accx, seqNo, 0), PB_FIELD( 3, FLOAT , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, uavforge_TelemetryPacket, accy, accx, 0), PB_FIELD( 4, FLOAT , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, uavforge_TelemetryPacket, accz, accy, 0), PB_FIELD( 5, FLOAT , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, uavforge_TelemetryPacket, pitch, accz, 0), PB_FIELD( 6, FLOAT , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, uavforge_TelemetryPacket, roll, pitch, 0), PB_FIELD( 7, FLOAT , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, uavforge_TelemetryPacket, yaw, roll, 0),
* OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. * */ /* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.5-dev */ #include "src/core/ext/lb_policy/grpclb/proto/grpc/lb/v1/load_balancer.pb.h" #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v1_Duration_fields[3] = { PB_FIELD( 1, INT64 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, grpc_lb_v1_Duration, seconds, seconds, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, INT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v1_Duration, nanos, seconds, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v1_LoadBalanceRequest_fields[3] = { PB_FIELD( 1, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, grpc_lb_v1_LoadBalanceRequest, initial_request, initial_request, &grpc_lb_v1_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_fields), PB_FIELD( 2, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grpc_lb_v1_LoadBalanceRequest, client_stats, initial_request, &grpc_lb_v1_ClientStats_fields), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t grpc_lb_v1_InitialLoadBalanceRequest_fields[2] = { PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, grpc_lb_v1_InitialLoadBalanceRequest, name, name, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD };
/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.2.0 at Sun Mar 31 18:07:53 2013. */ #include "messages.pb.h" const uint32_t NewWallet_wallet_number_default = 0; const bool NewWallet_is_hidden_default = false; const uint32_t LoadWallet_wallet_number_default = 0; const bool BackupWallet_is_encrypted_default = false; const uint32_t BackupWallet_device_default = 0; const pb_field_t Ping_fields[2] = { PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, CALLBACK, Ping, greeting, greeting, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t PingResponse_fields[2] = { PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , REQUIRED, CALLBACK, PingResponse, version, version, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t Success_fields[1] = { PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t Failure_fields[2] = { PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , REQUIRED, CALLBACK, Failure, error_message, error_message, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD };
/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.3 at Sun Aug 23 19:39:18 2015. */ #include "sensordata.pb.h" #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t SensorData_fields[5] = { PB_FIELD( 1, INT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, SensorData, SensorId, SensorId, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, INT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, SensorData, Command, SensorId, 0), PB_FIELD( 3, STRING , REQUIRED, CALLBACK, OTHER, SensorData, Key, Command, 0), PB_FIELD( 4, STRING , REQUIRED, CALLBACK, OTHER, SensorData, Value, Key, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD };
/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.3 at Sun Aug 30 20:55:19 2015. */ #include "messages.pb.h" #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t Sensor_fields[4] = { PB_FIELD( 1, INT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, Sensor, id, id, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, ENUM , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, Sensor, type, id, 0), PB_FIELD( 3, STRING , REQUIRED, CALLBACK, OTHER, Sensor, name, type, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t DeviceInfo_fields[3] = { PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , REQUIRED, CALLBACK, FIRST, DeviceInfo, model, model, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, MESSAGE , REPEATED, CALLBACK, OTHER, DeviceInfo, sensors, model, &Sensor_fields), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t SensorConfiguration_fields[4] = { PB_FIELD( 1, INT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, SensorConfiguration, id, id, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, BOOL , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, SensorConfiguration, enabled, id, 0), PB_FIELD( 3, INT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, SensorConfiguration, frequency, enabled, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD };
const int32_t AllTypes_opt_sint32_default = 4045; const int64_t AllTypes_opt_sint64_default = 4046; const bool AllTypes_opt_bool_default = false; const uint32_t AllTypes_opt_fixed32_default = 4048; const int32_t AllTypes_opt_sfixed32_default = 4049; const float AllTypes_opt_float_default = 4050; const uint64_t AllTypes_opt_fixed64_default = 4051; const int64_t AllTypes_opt_sfixed64_default = 4052; const double AllTypes_opt_double_default = 4053; const char AllTypes_opt_string_default[16] = "4054"; const AllTypes_opt_bytes_t AllTypes_opt_bytes_default = {4, {0x34,0x30,0x35,0x35}}; const MyEnum AllTypes_opt_enum_default = MyEnum_Second; const pb_field_t SubMessage_fields[4] = { PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , REQUIRED, STATIC, SubMessage, substuff1, substuff1, &SubMessage_substuff1_default), PB_FIELD( 2, INT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC, SubMessage, substuff2, substuff1, &SubMessage_substuff2_default), PB_FIELD( 3, FIXED32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC, SubMessage, substuff3, substuff2, &SubMessage_substuff3_default), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t AllTypes_fields[53] = { PB_FIELD( 1, INT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC, AllTypes, req_int32, req_int32, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, INT64 , REQUIRED, STATIC, AllTypes, req_int64, req_int32, 0), PB_FIELD( 3, UINT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC, AllTypes, req_uint32, req_int64, 0), PB_FIELD( 4, UINT64 , REQUIRED, STATIC, AllTypes, req_uint64, req_uint32, 0), PB_FIELD( 5, SINT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC, AllTypes, req_sint32, req_uint64, 0), PB_FIELD( 6, SINT64 , REQUIRED, STATIC, AllTypes, req_sint64, req_sint32, 0), PB_FIELD( 7, BOOL , REQUIRED, STATIC, AllTypes, req_bool, req_sint64, 0), PB_FIELD( 8, FIXED32 , REQUIRED, STATIC, AllTypes, req_fixed32, req_bool, 0), PB_FIELD( 9, SFIXED32, REQUIRED, STATIC, AllTypes, req_sfixed32, req_fixed32, 0),
/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.5 at Wed Apr 20 20:47:16 2016. */ #include "boat.pb.h" /* @@protoc_insertion_point(includes) */ #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const shedBoat_Telemetry_Status shedBoat_Telemetry_status_default = shedBoat_Telemetry_Status_UNDEFINED; const shedBoat_Location_Quality shedBoat_Location_fix_quality_default = shedBoat_Location_Quality_SHIT; const pb_field_t shedBoat_Telemetry_fields[6] = { PB_FIELD( 1, UENUM , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, shedBoat_Telemetry, status, status, &shedBoat_Telemetry_status_default), PB_FIELD( 2, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, shedBoat_Telemetry, location, status, &shedBoat_Location_fields), PB_FIELD( 3, MESSAGE , REPEATED, STATIC , OTHER, shedBoat_Telemetry, motor, location, &shedBoat_Motor_fields), PB_FIELD( 4, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, shedBoat_Telemetry, battery, motor, &shedBoat_Battery_fields), PB_FIELD( 5, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, shedBoat_Telemetry, debug, battery, &shedBoat_Debug_fields), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t shedBoat_Location_fields[11] = { PB_FIELD( 1, FLOAT , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, shedBoat_Location, latitude, latitude, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, FLOAT , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, shedBoat_Location, longitude, latitude, 0), PB_FIELD( 3, INT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, shedBoat_Location, number_of_satellites_visible, longitude, 0), PB_FIELD( 4, INT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, shedBoat_Location, speed_over_ground, number_of_satellites_visible, 0), PB_FIELD( 5, INT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, shedBoat_Location, true_heading, speed_over_ground, 0), PB_FIELD( 6, INT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, shedBoat_Location, true_bearing, true_heading, 0), PB_FIELD( 7, INT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, shedBoat_Location, utc_seconds, true_bearing, 0),
/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.4-dev at Wed Sep 16 10:37:31 2015. */ #include "rpcproto.pb.h" #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t MethodInfo_fields[6] = { PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, MethodInfo, name, name, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, UINT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, MethodInfo, min_args, name, 0), PB_FIELD( 3, UINT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, MethodInfo, max_args, min_args, 0), PB_FIELD( 4, STRING , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, MethodInfo, description, max_args, 0), PB_FIELD( 5, STRING , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, MethodInfo, arg_info, description, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t RPCMessage_fields[7] = { PB_FIELD( 1, ENUM , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, RPCMessage, type, type, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, MESSAGE , REPEATED, CALLBACK, OTHER, RPCMessage, method, type, &MethodInfo_fields), PB_FIELD( 3, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, RPCMessage, name, method, 0), PB_FIELD( 4, UINT32 , REPEATED, CALLBACK, OTHER, RPCMessage, args, name, 0), PB_FIELD( 6, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, RPCMessage, result, args, 0), PB_FIELD( 7, ENUM , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, RPCMessage, error, result, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD };
/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.9-dev */ #include "onnx.pb.h" /* @@protoc_insertion_point(includes) */ #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t onnx_AttributeProto_fields[13] = { PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, CALLBACK, FIRST, onnx_AttributeProto, name, name, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, FLOAT , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, onnx_AttributeProto, f, name, 0), PB_FIELD( 3, INT64 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, onnx_AttributeProto, i, f, 0), PB_FIELD( 4, BYTES , OPTIONAL, CALLBACK, OTHER, onnx_AttributeProto, s, i, 0), PB_FIELD( 5, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, CALLBACK, OTHER, onnx_AttributeProto, t, s, &onnx_TensorProto_fields), PB_FIELD( 6, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, CALLBACK, OTHER, onnx_AttributeProto, g, t, &onnx_GraphProto_fields), PB_FIELD( 7, FLOAT , REPEATED, CALLBACK, OTHER, onnx_AttributeProto, floats, g, 0), PB_FIELD( 8, INT64 , REPEATED, CALLBACK, OTHER, onnx_AttributeProto, ints, floats, 0), PB_FIELD( 9, BYTES , REPEATED, CALLBACK, OTHER, onnx_AttributeProto, strings, ints, 0), PB_FIELD( 10, MESSAGE , REPEATED, CALLBACK, OTHER, onnx_AttributeProto, tensors, strings, &onnx_TensorProto_fields), PB_FIELD( 11, MESSAGE , REPEATED, CALLBACK, OTHER, onnx_AttributeProto, graphs, tensors, &onnx_GraphProto_fields), PB_FIELD( 20, UENUM , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, onnx_AttributeProto, type, graphs, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t onnx_ValueInfoProto_fields[3] = { PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, CALLBACK, FIRST, onnx_ValueInfoProto, name, name, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, MESSAGE , OPTIONAL, CALLBACK, OTHER, onnx_ValueInfoProto, type, name, &onnx_TypeProto_fields),
/* Global source for all protocol buffer c defintions. Autogenerated by build system. Allows all messages to be easily included by other things */ /* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.6 */ #include "settings.pb.h" /* @@protoc_insertion_point(includes) */ #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t SensorConfig_fields[8] = { PB_FIELD( 1, BOOL , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, SensorConfig, hasADC1, hasADC1, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, BOOL , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, SensorConfig, hasADC2, hasADC1, 0), PB_FIELD( 3, BOOL , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, SensorConfig, hasRain, hasADC2, 0), PB_FIELD( 4, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, SensorConfig, avrID, hasRain, 0), PB_FIELD( 5, UINT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, SensorConfig, interval, avrID, 0), PB_FIELD( 6, UENUM , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, SensorConfig, routingMode, interval, 0), PB_FIELD( 7, UINT32 , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, SensorConfig, powerID, routingMode, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; /* @@protoc_insertion_point(eof) */ /* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.6 */ #include "power.pb.h"
*/ /* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.8 at Fri Jun 1 18:36:44 2018. */ #include "maybe_document.nanopb.h" /* @@protoc_insertion_point(includes) */ #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t firestore_client_NoDocument_fields[3] = { PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , SINGULAR, CALLBACK, FIRST, firestore_client_NoDocument, name, name, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, MESSAGE , SINGULAR, STATIC , OTHER, firestore_client_NoDocument, read_time, name, &google_protobuf_Timestamp_fields), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t firestore_client_MaybeDocument_fields[3] = { PB_ONEOF_FIELD(document_type, 1, MESSAGE , ONEOF, STATIC , FIRST, firestore_client_MaybeDocument, no_document, no_document, &firestore_client_NoDocument_fields), PB_ONEOF_FIELD(document_type, 2, MESSAGE , ONEOF, STATIC , UNION, firestore_client_MaybeDocument, document, document, &google_firestore_v1beta1_Document_fields), PB_LAST_FIELD }; /* Check that field information fits in pb_field_t */ #if !defined(PB_FIELD_32BIT) /* If you get an error here, it means that you need to define PB_FIELD_32BIT * compile-time option. You can do that in pb.h or on compiler command line.
/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.0 at Wed Jun 03 00:59:23 2015. */ #include "client.pb.h" #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t NetMsgRequestPlayers_fields[1] = { PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t NetMsgCmd_fields[2] = { PB_FIELD( 1, UINT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, NetMsgCmd, Cmd, Cmd, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t NetMsgNewPlayers_fields[3] = { PB_FIELD( 1, INT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, NetMsgNewPlayers, ClientId, ClientId, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, INT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, NetMsgNewPlayers, NumPlayers, ClientId, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD };
/* Generated by nanopb-0.3.5-dev at Sun Nov 22 16:31:39 2015. */ #include "raspberrypi.pb.h" #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t Spec_QTwHw2YxY9EFXmPrzmX4pX_fields[1] = { PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t Spec_QTwHw2YxY9EFXmPrzmX4pX__Header_fields[5] = { PB_FIELD( 1, UENUM , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, Spec_QTwHw2YxY9EFXmPrzmX4pX__Header, command, command, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, STRING , OPTIONAL, CALLBACK, OTHER, Spec_QTwHw2YxY9EFXmPrzmX4pX__Header, originator, command, 0), PB_FIELD( 3, STRING , OPTIONAL, CALLBACK, OTHER, Spec_QTwHw2YxY9EFXmPrzmX4pX__Header, nestedPath, originator, 0), PB_FIELD( 4, STRING , OPTIONAL, CALLBACK, OTHER, Spec_QTwHw2YxY9EFXmPrzmX4pX__Header, nestedSpec, nestedPath, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t Spec_QTwHw2YxY9EFXmPrzmX4pX_ping_fields[1] = { PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t Spec_QTwHw2YxY9EFXmPrzmX4pX_testEvents_fields[1] = { PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t Spec_QTwHw2YxY9EFXmPrzmX4pX_helloWorld_fields[3] = {
/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.7-dev */ #include "src/cpp/server/health/health.pb.h" /* @@protoc_insertion_point(includes) */ #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t grpc_health_v1_HealthCheckRequest_fields[2] = { PB_FIELD( 1, STRING , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, grpc_health_v1_HealthCheckRequest, service, service, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t grpc_health_v1_HealthCheckResponse_fields[2] = { PB_FIELD( 1, UENUM , OPTIONAL, STATIC , FIRST, grpc_health_v1_HealthCheckResponse, status, status, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; /* @@protoc_insertion_point(eof) */
/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.6 at Mon Sep 26 23:18:02 2016. */ #include "grSim_Commands.pb.h" /* @@protoc_insertion_point(includes) */ #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t grSim_Robot_Command_fields[13] = { PB_FIELD( 1, UINT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, grSim_Robot_Command, id, id, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, FLOAT , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, grSim_Robot_Command, kickspeedx, id, 0), PB_FIELD( 3, FLOAT , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, grSim_Robot_Command, kickspeedz, kickspeedx, 0), PB_FIELD( 4, FLOAT , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, grSim_Robot_Command, veltangent, kickspeedz, 0), PB_FIELD( 5, FLOAT , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, grSim_Robot_Command, velnormal, veltangent, 0), PB_FIELD( 6, FLOAT , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, grSim_Robot_Command, velangular, velnormal, 0), PB_FIELD( 7, BOOL , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, grSim_Robot_Command, spinner, velangular, 0), PB_FIELD( 8, BOOL , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, grSim_Robot_Command, wheelsspeed, spinner, 0), PB_FIELD( 9, FLOAT , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grSim_Robot_Command, wheel1, wheelsspeed, 0), PB_FIELD( 10, FLOAT , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grSim_Robot_Command, wheel2, wheel1, 0), PB_FIELD( 11, FLOAT , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grSim_Robot_Command, wheel3, wheel2, 0), PB_FIELD( 12, FLOAT , OPTIONAL, STATIC , OTHER, grSim_Robot_Command, wheel4, wheel3, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; const pb_field_t grSim_Commands_fields[4] = { PB_FIELD( 1, DOUBLE , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, grSim_Commands, timestamp, timestamp, 0), PB_FIELD( 2, BOOL , REQUIRED, STATIC , OTHER, grSim_Commands, isteamyellow, timestamp, 0),
/* Automatically generated nanopb constant definitions */ /* Generated by nanopb-0.3.6 at Wed Jul 20 11:31:38 2016. */ #include "sensor_data.pb.h" /* @@protoc_insertion_point(includes) */ #if PB_PROTO_HEADER_VERSION != 30 #error Regenerate this file with the current version of nanopb generator. #endif const pb_field_t SensorDataMessage_fields[2] = { PB_FIELD( 1, INT32 , REQUIRED, STATIC , FIRST, SensorDataMessage, lucky_number, lucky_number, 0), PB_LAST_FIELD }; /* @@protoc_insertion_point(eof) */