Boolean ReadScriptParams (GPtr globals)
	PIReadDescriptor			token = NULL;
	DescriptorKeyID				key = NULLID;
	DescriptorTypeID			type = NULLID;
	double						percent = 0;
	const double				minValue = kPercentMin, maxValue = kPercentMax;
	DescriptorUnitID			percentUnitPass = unitPercent;
	OSType						x = typeNull;
	DescriptorKeyIDArray		array = { keyMyShape, keyMyChannels, keyMyCreate, NULLID };
	int32						flags = 0;
	OSErr						stickyError = noErr;
	Boolean						returnValue = true;
	if (DescriptorAvailable(NULL))
	{ /* playing back.  Do our thing. */
		token = OpenReader(array);
		if (token)
			while (PIGetKey(token, &key, &type, &flags))
				switch (key)
					case keyMyArea:
						PIGetEnum(token, &x);
						gWhatArea = KeyToEnum(x, typeMySelect);
					case keyMyAmount: // optional
						PIGetPinUnitFloat(token, &minValue, &maxValue, &percentUnitPass, &percent);
						gPercent = (short)percent;
					case keyMyChannels:
						PIGetEnum(token, &x);
						gWhatChannels = KeyToEnum(x, typeMyComposite);
					case keyMyCreate:
						PIGetEnum(token, &x);
						gCreate = KeyToEnum(x, typeMyCreate);

			stickyError = CloseReader(&token); // closes & disposes.
			if (stickyError)
				if (stickyError == errMissingParameter) // missedParamErr == -1715
					/* (descriptorKeyIDArray != NULL)
					   missing parameter somewhere.  Walk IDarray to find which one. */
					gResult = stickyError;
		returnValue = PlayDialog();
		/* return TRUE if want to show our Dialog */
	return returnValue;
Boolean ReadScriptParams (GPtr globals)
	PIReadDescriptor	token = NULL;	// token we'll use to read descriptor
	DescriptorKeyID		key = NULLID;	// the next key
	DescriptorTypeID	type = NULLID;	// the type of the key we read
	int32				flags = 0;		// any flags for the key
	// Populate this array if we're expecting any keys,
	// must be NULLID terminated:
	DescriptorKeyIDArray array = { NULLID };
	// While we're reading keys, errors will stick around and be reported
	// when we close the token:
	OSErr				err = noErr;
	// Assume we want to pop our dialog unless explicitly told not to:
	Boolean				returnValue = true;
	if (DescriptorAvailable(NULL))
	{ // descriptor suite is available, go ahead and open descriptor:
		// PIUtilities routine to open descriptor handed to us by host:
		token = OpenReader(array);
		if (token)
		{ // token was valid, so read keys from it:
			while (PIGetKey(token, &key, &type, &flags))
			{ // got a valid key.  Figure out where to put it:
				switch (key)
				{ // match a key to its expected type:case keyAmount:
					case 0:

					// Read scripting keys and values here.
					// See PIActions.h and PIUtilities.h for
					// routines and macros for scripting functions.
				} // key
			} // PIGetKey

			// PIUtilities routine that automatically deallocates,
			// closes, and sets token to NULL:
			err = CloseReader(&token);
			if (err)
			{ // an error did occur while we were reading keys:
				if (err == errMissingParameter) // missedParamErr == -1715
				{ // missing parameter somewhere.  Walk IDarray to find which one.
				{ // serious error.  Return it as a global result:
					gResult = err;
			} // stickyError
		} // didn't have a valid token
		// Whether we had a valid token or not, we were given information
		// as to whether to pop our dialog or not.  PIUtilities has a routine
		// to check that and return TRUE if we should pop it, FALSE if not:	
		returnValue = PlayDialog();
	} // descriptor suite unavailable
	return returnValue;
} // end ReadScriptParams
OSErr ReadScriptParams (GPtr globals)
	PIReadDescriptor	token = NULL;	// token we'll use to read descriptor
	DescriptorKeyID		key = NULLID;	// the next key
	DescriptorTypeID	type = NULLID;	// the type of the key we read
	int32				flags = 0;		// any flags for the key
	// Populate this array if we're expecting any keys,
	// must be NULLID terminated:
	DescriptorKeyIDArray	array = { keyHorizontal, keyVertical, keyXFactor, keyGaussianBlurData, NULLID };
	// While we're reading keys, errors will stick around and be reported
	// when we close the token:
	OSErr				err = noErr;
	// Assume we want to pop our dialog unless explicitly told not to:
	Boolean				returnValue = gQueryForParameters;
	if (DescriptorAvailable(NULL))
	{ // descriptor suite is available, go ahead and open descriptor:
		// PIUtilities routine to open descriptor handed to us by host:
		token = OpenReader(array);
		if (token)
		{ // token was valid, so read keys from it:
			while (PIGetKey(token, &key, &type, &flags))
			{ // got a valid key.  Figure out where to put it:
				switch (key)
				{ // match a key to its expected type:case keyAmount:
					case keyHorizontal:
						int32 h;
						err = PIGetInt(token, &h);
						gPointH = (short)h;
					case keyVertical:
						int32 v;
						err = PIGetInt(token, &v);
						gPointV = (short)v;
					case keyXFactor:
						err = PIGetInt(token, &gXFactor);
					case keyGaussianBlurData:
						err = PIGetBool(token, &gGaussianBlurData);
					// ignore all other cases and classes
				} // key
			} // PIGetKey

			// PIUtilities routine that automatically deallocates,
			// closes, and sets token to NULL:
			err = CloseReader(&token);
			if (err)
			{ // an error did occur while we were reading keys:
				if (err == errMissingParameter) // missedParamErr == -1715
				{ // missing parameter somewhere.  Walk IDarray to find which one.
				{ // serious error.  Return it as a global result:
					gResult = err;
			} // stickyError
		} // didn't have a valid token
		// Whether we had a valid token or not, we were given information
		// as to whether to pop our dialog or not.  PIUtilities has a routine
		// to check that and return TRUE if we should pop it, FALSE if not:	
		returnValue = PlayDialog();
	} // descriptor suite unavailable
	gQueryForParameters = returnValue;
	return err;
} // end ReadScriptParams
void OpenScriptParams (GPtr globals)
	DescriptorKeyID				key = 0;
	DescriptorTypeID			type = 0;
	int32						flags = 0;
	int32						depth = gOutputDepth;
	double						rows = gLastRows, columns = gLastCols;
	const double				minRows = kRowsMin, maxRows = kRowsMax,
								minColumns = kColumnsMin, maxColumns = kColumnsMax;
	unsigned long				pixelsUnitPass = unitPixels;
	PIDescriptorHandle 			descriptor;
	ReadDescriptorProcs			*reader;
	PIReadDescriptor			token;

// why the hell isn't this stuff in the main source base?
#ifndef PIGetKey
#define PIGetKey(token, key, type, flags) \
	reader->getKeyProc(token, key, type, flags)

#ifndef PIGetPinUnitFloat
#define PIGetPinUnitFloat(token, min, max, unit, value) \
	reader->getPinnedUnitFloatProc(token, min, max, unit, value)

#ifndef PIGetInt
#define PIGetInt(token, value) \
	reader->getIntegerProc(token, value)

	if (gStuff->descriptorParameters)
		descriptor = gStuff->descriptorParameters->descriptor;
		reader =  gStuff->descriptorParameters->readDescriptorProcs;
		token = reader->openReadDescriptorProc(descriptor, NULL);
		/* don't know how many we're going to be passed, so don't bother with array */
		if (token)
			while (PIGetKey(token, &key, &type, &flags))
/* nothing to do here
				switch (key)
					case keyVertical:
						PIGetPinUnitFloat(token, &minRows, &maxRows, &pixelsUnitPass, &rows);
						gLastRows = (int32)rows;
					case keyHorizontal:
						PIGetPinUnitFloat(token, &minColumns, &maxColumns, &pixelsUnitPass, &columns);
						gLastCols = (int32)columns;
					case keyDepth:
						PIGetInt(token, &depth);
						gOutputDepth = (int16)depth;
		// HostCloseReader
		PIDisposeHandle( gStuff->descriptorParameters->descriptor );
		gStuff->descriptorParameters->descriptor = NULL;
	/* return true if want to show our Dialog */