Exemple #1
 * Find the fillvalue that should be used for a variable.
 * @param file Info about file we are writing to.
 * @param varid the variable ID.
 * @param vdesc pointer to var_desc_t info for this var.
 * @returns 0 for success, non-zero error code for failure.
 * @ingroup PIO_write_darray
 * @author Ed Hartnett
int find_var_fillvalue(file_desc_t *file, int varid, var_desc_t *vdesc)
    iosystem_desc_t *ios;  /* Pointer to io system information. */
    int pio_type;
    PIO_Offset type_size;
    int no_fill;
    int ierr;

    /* Check inputs. */
    pioassert(file && file->iosystem && vdesc, "invalid input", __FILE__, __LINE__);
    ios = file->iosystem;

    LOG((3, "find_var_fillvalue file->pio_ncid = %d varid = %d", file->pio_ncid, varid));

    /* Find out PIO data type of var. */
    if ((ierr = PIOc_inq_vartype(file->pio_ncid, varid, &pio_type)))
        return pio_err(ios, NULL, ierr, __FILE__, __LINE__);

    /* Find out length of type. */
    if ((ierr = PIOc_inq_type(file->pio_ncid, pio_type, NULL, &type_size)))
        return pio_err(ios, NULL, ierr, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    LOG((3, "getting fill value for varid = %d pio_type = %d type_size = %d",
         varid, pio_type, type_size));

    /* Allocate storage for the fill value. */
    if (!(vdesc->fillvalue = malloc(type_size)))
        return pio_err(ios, NULL, PIO_ENOMEM, __FILE__, __LINE__);

    /* Get the fill value. */
    if ((ierr = PIOc_inq_var_fill(file->pio_ncid, varid, &no_fill, vdesc->fillvalue)))
        return pio_err(ios, NULL, ierr, __FILE__, __LINE__);
    vdesc->use_fill = no_fill ? 0 : 1;
    LOG((3, "vdesc->use_fill = %d", vdesc->use_fill));

    return PIO_NOERR;
Exemple #2
/* Run Tests for Init_Intercomm. */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /* Zero-based rank of processor. */
    int my_rank;

    /* Number of processors involved in current execution. */
    int ntasks;

    int num_flavors; /* Number of PIO netCDF flavors in this build. */
    int flavor[NUM_FLAVORS]; /* iotypes for the supported netCDF IO flavors. */

    /* Names for the output files. */
    char filename[NUM_FLAVORS][NC_MAX_NAME + 1];

    /* The ID for the parallel I/O system. */
    int iosysid[COMPONENT_COUNT];

    /* Return code. */
    int ret;

    MPI_Comm test_comm;

    char too_long_name[PIO_MAX_NAME * 5 + 1];

    /* Create a name that is too long. */
    memset(too_long_name, 74, PIO_MAX_NAME * 5);
    too_long_name[PIO_MAX_NAME * 5] = 0;

    /* Set up test. */
    if ((ret = pio_test_init2(argc, argv, &my_rank, &ntasks, TARGET_NTASKS, TARGET_NTASKS,
                              -1, &test_comm)))

    /* Figure out iotypes. */
    if ((ret = get_iotypes(&num_flavors, flavor)))

    if (my_rank < TARGET_NTASKS)

        /* How many processors will be used for our IO and 2 computation components. */
        int num_procs[COMPONENT_COUNT] = {2};

        /* Is the current process a computation task? */
        int comp_task = my_rank < 2 ? 0 : 1;

        /* Index of computation task in iosysid array. Varies by rank and
         * does not apply to IO component processes. */
        int my_comp_idx = comp_task ? 0 : -1;

        /* Initialize the IO system. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_init_async(test_comm, NUM_IO_PROCS, NULL, COMPONENT_COUNT,
                                   num_procs, NULL, NULL, NULL, PIO_REARR_BOX, iosysid)))

        /* All the netCDF calls are only executed on the computation
         * tasks. The IO tasks have not returned from PIOc_Init_Intercomm,
         * and when the do, they should go straight to finalize. */
        if (comp_task)
            for (int fmt = 0; fmt < num_flavors; fmt++)
                int ncid, varid, dimid;
                PIO_Offset start[NDIM], count[NDIM] = {0};
                int data[DIM_LEN];

                /* Create the filename for this flavor. */
                sprintf(filename[fmt], "test_intercomm2_%d.nc", flavor[fmt]);

                /* Create a netCDF file with one dimension and one variable. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_createfile(iosysid[my_comp_idx], &ncid, &flavor[fmt], filename[fmt],

                /* End define mode, then re-enter it. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_enddef(ncid)))
                if ((ret = PIOc_redef(ncid)))

                /* Test the inq_format function. */
                int myformat;
                if (PIOc_inq_format(ncid + TEST_VAL_42, &myformat) != PIO_EBADID)
                if ((ret = PIOc_inq_format(ncid, &myformat)))
                if ((flavor[fmt] == PIO_IOTYPE_PNETCDF || flavor[fmt] == PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF) &&
                    myformat != 1)
                else if ((flavor[fmt] == PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4C || flavor[fmt] == PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4P) &&
                         myformat != 3)

                /* Test the inq_type function for atomic types. */
                char type_name[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
                PIO_Offset type_size;
                nc_type xtype[NUM_TYPES] = {NC_CHAR, NC_BYTE, NC_SHORT, NC_INT, NC_FLOAT, NC_DOUBLE,
                                            NC_UBYTE, NC_USHORT, NC_UINT, NC_INT64, NC_UINT64};
                int type_len[NUM_TYPES] = {1, 1, 2, 4, 4, 8, 1, 2, 4, 8, 8};
                int max_type = flavor[fmt] == PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF ? NC_DOUBLE : NC_UINT64;

                /* This should not work. */
                if (PIOc_inq_type(ncid + TEST_VAL_42, xtype[0], type_name, &type_size) != PIO_EBADID)

                /* These should work. */
                for (int i = 0; i < max_type; i++)
                    if ((ret = PIOc_inq_type(ncid, xtype[i], type_name, &type_size)))
                    if (type_size != type_len[i])

                /* Define a dimension. */
                char dimname2[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
                if ((ret = PIOc_def_dim(ncid, FIRST_DIM_NAME, DIM_LEN, &dimid)))
                if ((ret = PIOc_inq_dimname(ncid, 0, dimname2)))
                if (strcmp(dimname2, FIRST_DIM_NAME))
                if ((ret = PIOc_rename_dim(ncid, 0, DIM_NAME)))

                /* These should not work. */
                if (PIOc_rename_dim(ncid + TEST_VAL_42, 0, DIM_NAME) != PIO_EBADID)
                if (PIOc_rename_dim(ncid, 0, NULL) != PIO_EINVAL)
                if (PIOc_rename_dim(ncid, 0, too_long_name) != PIO_EINVAL)

                /* Define a 1-D variable. */
                char varname2[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];
                if ((ret = PIOc_def_var(ncid, FIRST_VAR_NAME, NC_INT, NDIM, &dimid, &varid)))
                if ((ret = PIOc_inq_varname(ncid, 0, varname2)))
                if (strcmp(varname2, FIRST_VAR_NAME))
                if ((ret = PIOc_rename_var(ncid, 0, VAR_NAME)))

                /* These should not work. */
                if (PIOc_rename_var(ncid + TEST_VAL_42, 0, VAR_NAME) != PIO_EBADID)
                if (PIOc_rename_var(ncid, 0, NULL) != PIO_EINVAL)
                if (PIOc_rename_var(ncid, 0, too_long_name) != PIO_EINVAL)

                /* Add a global attribute. */
                int att_data = ATT_VALUE;
                short short_att_data = ATT_VALUE;
                float float_att_data = ATT_VALUE;
                double double_att_data = ATT_VALUE;
                char attname2[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];

                /* Write an att and rename it. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_put_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, FIRST_ATT_NAME, NC_INT, 1, &att_data)))
                if ((ret = PIOc_inq_attname(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, 0, attname2)))
                if (strcmp(attname2, FIRST_ATT_NAME))
                if ((ret = PIOc_rename_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, FIRST_ATT_NAME, ATT_NAME)))

                /* These should not work. */
                if (PIOc_inq_attname(ncid + TEST_VAL_42, NC_GLOBAL, 0, attname2) != PIO_EBADID)
                if (PIOc_rename_att(ncid + TEST_VAL_42, NC_GLOBAL, FIRST_ATT_NAME, ATT_NAME) != PIO_EBADID)
                if (PIOc_rename_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, FIRST_ATT_NAME, NULL) != PIO_EINVAL)
                if (PIOc_rename_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, FIRST_ATT_NAME, too_long_name) != PIO_EINVAL)
                if (PIOc_del_att(ncid + TEST_VAL_42, NC_GLOBAL, FIRST_ATT_NAME) != PIO_EBADID)
                if (PIOc_del_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, NULL) != PIO_EINVAL)
                if (PIOc_del_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, too_long_name) != PIO_EINVAL)

                /* Write an att and delete it. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_put_att_int(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, FIRST_ATT_NAME, NC_INT, 1, &att_data)))
                if ((ret = PIOc_del_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, FIRST_ATT_NAME)))
                /* if ((ret = PIOc_inq_att(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, FIRST_ATT_NAME, NULL, NULL)) != PIO_ENOTATT) */
                /* { */
                /*      printf("ret = %d\n", ret); */
                /*      ERR(ERR_AWFUL); */
                /* } */

                /* Write some atts of different types. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_put_att_short(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, SHORT_ATT_NAME, NC_SHORT, 1, &short_att_data)))
                if ((ret = PIOc_put_att_float(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, FLOAT_ATT_NAME, NC_FLOAT, 1, &float_att_data)))
                if ((ret = PIOc_put_att_double(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, DOUBLE_ATT_NAME, NC_DOUBLE, 1, &double_att_data)))

                /* Check some att types. */
                nc_type myatttype;
                if ((ret = PIOc_inq_atttype(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, SHORT_ATT_NAME, &myatttype)))
                if (myatttype != NC_SHORT)
                if ((ret = PIOc_inq_atttype(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, FLOAT_ATT_NAME, &myatttype)))
                if (myatttype != NC_FLOAT)
                if ((ret = PIOc_inq_atttype(ncid, NC_GLOBAL, DOUBLE_ATT_NAME, &myatttype)))
                if (myatttype != NC_DOUBLE)

                /* End define mode. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_enddef(ncid)))

                /* Write some data. For the PIOc_put/get functions, all
                 * data must be on compmaster before the function is
                 * called. Only compmaster's arguments are passed to the
                 * async msg handler. All other computation tasks are
                 * ignored. */
                for (int i = 0; i < DIM_LEN; i++)
                    data[i] = i;
                start[0] = 0;
                count[0] = DIM_LEN;
                if ((ret = PIOc_put_vars_tc(ncid, varid, start, count, NULL, NC_INT, data)))

                /* Close the file. */
                if ((ret = PIOc_closefile(ncid)))

                /* Check the file for correctness. */
                if ((ret = check_file(iosysid[my_comp_idx], flavor[fmt], filename[fmt], my_rank)))

                /* Now delete the file. */
                /* if ((ret = PIOc_deletefile(iosysid, filename[fmt]))) */
                /*      ERR(ret); */
                /* if ((ret = PIOc_openfile(iosysid, &ncid, &flavor[fmt], filename[fmt], */
                /*                           NC_NOWRITE)) != PIO_ENFILE) */
                /*      ERR(ERR_AWFUL); */

            } /* next netcdf flavor */

            /* Finalize the IO system. Only call this from the computation tasks. */
            if ((ret = PIOc_finalize(iosysid[my_comp_idx])))
    } /* my_rank < TARGET_NTASKS */

    /* Finalize test. */
    if ((ret = pio_test_finalize(&test_comm)))
        return ERR_AWFUL;

    printf("%d %s SUCCESS!!\n", my_rank, TEST_NAME);

    return 0;
Exemple #3
/* Run tests for darray functions. */
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int my_rank;
    int ntasks;
    int num_flavors; /* Number of PIO netCDF flavors in this build. */
    int flavor[NUM_FLAVORS]; /* iotypes for the supported netCDF IO flavors. */
    MPI_Comm test_comm; /* A communicator for this test. */
    int ret;         /* Return code. */

    /* Initialize test. */
    if ((ret = pio_test_init2(argc, argv, &my_rank, &ntasks, MIN_NTASKS,
                              MIN_NTASKS, -1, &test_comm)))

    if ((ret = PIOc_set_iosystem_error_handling(PIO_DEFAULT, PIO_RETURN_ERROR, NULL)))
        return ret;

    /* Only do something on max_ntasks tasks. */
    if (my_rank < TARGET_NTASKS)
        int iosysid;  /* The ID for the parallel I/O system. */
        int ioproc_stride = 1;    /* Stride in the mpi rank between io tasks. */
        int ioproc_start = 0;     /* Zero based rank of first processor to be used for I/O. */
        int wioid, rioid;
        int maplen = MAPLEN;
        MPI_Offset wcompmap[MAPLEN];
        MPI_Offset rcompmap[MAPLEN];

        /* Data we will write for each type. */
        signed char byte_data[MAPLEN];
        char char_data[MAPLEN];
        short short_data[MAPLEN];
        int int_data[MAPLEN];
        float float_data[MAPLEN];
        double double_data[MAPLEN];
#ifdef _NETCDF4
        unsigned char ubyte_data[MAPLEN];
        unsigned short ushort_data[MAPLEN];
        unsigned int uint_data[MAPLEN];
        long long int64_data[MAPLEN];
        unsigned long long uint64_data[MAPLEN];
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

        /* Expected results for each type. */
        signed char byte_expected[MAPLEN];
        char char_expected[MAPLEN];
        short short_expected[MAPLEN];
        int int_expected[MAPLEN];
        float float_expected[MAPLEN];
        double double_expected[MAPLEN];
#ifdef _NETCDF4
        unsigned char ubyte_expected[MAPLEN];
        unsigned short ushort_expected[MAPLEN];
        unsigned int uint_expected[MAPLEN];
        long long int64_expected[MAPLEN];
        unsigned long long uint64_expected[MAPLEN];
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

        /* Custom fill value for each type. */
        signed char byte_fill = -2;
        char char_fill = 2;
        short short_fill = -2;
        int int_fill = -2;
        float float_fill = -2;
        double double_fill = -2;
#ifdef _NETCDF4
        unsigned char ubyte_fill = 2;
        unsigned short ushort_fill = 2;
        unsigned int uint_fill = 2;
        long long int64_fill = 2;
        unsigned long long uint64_fill = 2;
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

        /* Default fill value for each type. */
        signed char byte_default_fill = NC_FILL_BYTE;
        char char_default_fill = NC_FILL_CHAR;
        short short_default_fill = NC_FILL_SHORT;
        int int_default_fill = NC_FILL_INT;
        float float_default_fill = NC_FILL_FLOAT;
        double double_default_fill = NC_FILL_DOUBLE;
#ifdef _NETCDF4
        unsigned char ubyte_default_fill = NC_FILL_UBYTE;
        unsigned short ushort_default_fill = NC_FILL_USHORT;
        unsigned int uint_default_fill = NC_FILL_UINT;
        long long int64_default_fill = NC_FILL_INT64;
        unsigned long long uint64_default_fill = NC_FILL_UINT64;
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

        int ret;      /* Return code. */

        /* Set up the compmaps. Don't forget these are 1-based
         * numbers, like in Fortran! */
        for (int i = 0; i < MAPLEN; i++)
            wcompmap[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : 0; /* Even values missing. */
            rcompmap[i] = my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1;

        /* Figure out iotypes. */
        if ((ret = get_iotypes(&num_flavors, flavor)))

        /* Test for each rearranger. */
        for (int r = 0; r < NUM_REARRANGERS_TO_TEST; r++)
            /* Initialize the PIO IO system. This specifies how
             * many and which processors are involved in I/O. */
            if ((ret = PIOc_Init_Intracomm(test_comm, NUM_IO_PROCS, ioproc_stride, ioproc_start,
                                           rearranger[r], &iosysid)))
                return ret;

            /* Test with and without custom fill values. */
            for (int fv = 0; fv < NUM_TEST_CASES_FILLVALUE; fv++)
#ifndef _NETCDF4
#define NUM_TYPES 6
                int test_type[NUM_TYPES] = {PIO_BYTE, PIO_CHAR, PIO_SHORT, PIO_INT, PIO_FLOAT, PIO_DOUBLE};
#define NUM_TYPES 11
                int test_type[NUM_TYPES] = {PIO_BYTE, PIO_CHAR, PIO_SHORT, PIO_INT, PIO_FLOAT, PIO_DOUBLE,
                                            PIO_UBYTE, PIO_USHORT, PIO_UINT, PIO_INT64, PIO_UINT64};
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

                /* Determine what data to write. Put value of 42 into
                 * array elements that will not get written. Due to
                 * the decomposition, these will be replaced by fill
                 * values. */
                for (int i = 0; i < MAPLEN; i++)
                    byte_data[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : TEST_VAL_42;
                    char_data[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : TEST_VAL_42;
                    short_data[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : TEST_VAL_42;
                    int_data[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : TEST_VAL_42;
                    float_data[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : TEST_VAL_42;
                    double_data[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : TEST_VAL_42;
#ifdef _NETCDF4
                    ubyte_data[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : TEST_VAL_42;
                    ushort_data[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : TEST_VAL_42;
                    uint_data[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : TEST_VAL_42;
                    int64_data[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : TEST_VAL_42;
                    uint64_data[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : TEST_VAL_42;
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

                /* Determine what data to expect from the test. For
                 * even values of i, the fill value will be used, and
                 * it may be custom or default fill value. */
                for (int i = 0; i < MAPLEN; i++)
                    byte_expected[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : (fv ? byte_default_fill : byte_fill);
                    char_expected[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : (fv ? char_default_fill : char_fill);
                    short_expected[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : (fv ? short_default_fill : short_fill);
                    int_expected[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : (fv ? int_default_fill : int_fill);
                    float_expected[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : (fv ? float_default_fill : float_fill);
                    double_expected[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : (fv ? double_default_fill : double_fill);
#ifdef _NETCDF4
                    ubyte_expected[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : (fv ? ubyte_default_fill : ubyte_fill);
                    ushort_expected[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : (fv ? ushort_default_fill : ushort_fill);
                    uint_expected[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : (fv ? uint_default_fill : uint_fill);
                    int64_expected[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : (fv ? int64_default_fill : int64_fill);
                    uint64_expected[i] = i % 2 ? my_rank * MAPLEN + i + 1 : (fv ? uint64_default_fill : uint64_fill);
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */

                /* Test for each available type. */
                for (int t = 0; t < NUM_TYPES; t++)
                    void *expected;
                    void *fill;
                    void *data;
                    int ncid, dimid, varid;
                    char filename[NC_MAX_NAME + 1];

                    switch (test_type[t])
                    case PIO_BYTE:
                        expected = byte_expected;
                        fill = fv ? &byte_default_fill : &byte_fill;
                        data = byte_data;
                    case PIO_CHAR:
                        expected = char_expected;
                        fill = fv ? &char_default_fill : &char_fill;
                        data = char_data;
                    case PIO_SHORT:
                        expected = short_expected;
                        fill = fv ? &short_default_fill : &short_fill;
                        data = short_data;
                    case PIO_INT:
                        expected = int_expected;
                        fill = fv ? &int_default_fill : &int_fill;
                        data = int_data;
                    case PIO_FLOAT:
                        expected = float_expected;
                        fill = fv ? &float_default_fill : &float_fill;
                        data = float_data;
                    case PIO_DOUBLE:
                        expected = double_expected;
                        fill = fv ? &double_default_fill : &double_fill;
                        data = double_data;
#ifdef _NETCDF4
                    case PIO_UBYTE:
                        expected = ubyte_expected;
                        fill = fv ? &ubyte_default_fill : &ubyte_fill;
                        data = ubyte_data;
                    case PIO_USHORT:
                        expected = ushort_expected;
                        fill = fv ? &ushort_default_fill : &ushort_fill;
                        data = ushort_data;
                    case PIO_UINT:
                        expected = uint_expected;
                        fill = fv ? &uint_default_fill : &uint_fill;
                        data = uint_data;
                    case PIO_INT64:
                        expected = int64_expected;
                        fill = fv ? &int64_default_fill : &int64_fill;
                        data = int64_data;
                    case PIO_UINT64:
                        expected = uint64_expected;
                        fill = fv ? &uint64_default_fill : &uint64_fill;
                        data = uint64_data;
#endif /* _NETCDF4 */
                        return ERR_AWFUL;

                    /* Initialize decompositions. */
                    if ((ret = PIOc_InitDecomp(iosysid, test_type[t], NDIM1, dim_len, maplen, wcompmap,
                                               &wioid, &rearranger[r], NULL, NULL)))
                        return ret;
                    if ((ret = PIOc_InitDecomp(iosysid, test_type[t], NDIM1, dim_len, maplen, rcompmap,
                                               &rioid, &rearranger[r], NULL, NULL)))
                        return ret;

                    /* Create the test file in each of the available iotypes. */
                    for (int fmt = 0; fmt < num_flavors; fmt++)
                        PIO_Offset type_size;
                        void *data_in;

                        /* Byte type doesn't work with pnetcdf. */
                        if (flavor[fmt] == PIO_IOTYPE_PNETCDF && (test_type[t] == PIO_BYTE || test_type[t] == PIO_CHAR))

                        /* NetCDF-4 types only work with netCDF-4 formats. */
                        if (test_type[t] > PIO_DOUBLE && flavor[fmt] != PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4C &&
                            flavor[fmt] != PIO_IOTYPE_NETCDF4P)

                        /* Put together filename. */
                        sprintf(filename, "%s_iotype_%d_rearr_%d_type_%d.nc", TEST_NAME, flavor[fmt],
                                rearranger[r], test_type[t]);

                        /* Create file. */
                        if ((ret = PIOc_createfile(iosysid, &ncid, &flavor[fmt], filename, NC_CLOBBER)))
                            return ret;

                        /* Define metadata. */
                        if ((ret = PIOc_def_dim(ncid, DIM_NAME, dim_len[0], &dimid)))
                            return ret;
                        if ((ret = PIOc_def_var(ncid, VAR_NAME, test_type[t], NDIM1, &dimid, &varid)))
                            return ret;
                        if ((ret = PIOc_put_att(ncid, varid, FILL_VALUE_NAME, test_type[t],
                                                1, fill)))
                            return ret;
                        if ((ret = PIOc_enddef(ncid)))
                            return ret;

                        /* Write some data. */
                        if ((ret = PIOc_write_darray(ncid, varid, wioid, MAPLEN, data, fill)))
                            return ret;
                        if ((ret = PIOc_sync(ncid)))
                            return ret;

                        /* What is size of type? */
                        if ((ret = PIOc_inq_type(ncid, test_type[t], NULL, &type_size)))
                            return ret;

                        /* Allocate space to read data into. */
                        if (!(data_in = malloc(type_size * MAPLEN)))
                            return PIO_ENOMEM;

                        /* Read the data. */
                        if ((ret = PIOc_read_darray(ncid, varid, rioid, MAPLEN, data_in)))
                            return ret;

                        /* Check results. */
                        if (memcmp(data_in, expected, type_size * MAPLEN))
                            return ERR_AWFUL;

                        /* Release storage. */

                        /* Close file. */
                        if ((ret = PIOc_closefile(ncid)))
                            return ret;
                    } /* next iotype */

                    /* Free decompositions. */
                    if ((ret = PIOc_freedecomp(iosysid, wioid)))
                        return ret;
                    if ((ret = PIOc_freedecomp(iosysid, rioid)))
                        return ret;

                } /* next type */
            } /* next fill value test case */
        } /* next rearranger */

        /* Finalize PIO system. */
        if ((ret = PIOc_finalize(iosysid)))
            return ret;

    } /* endif my_rank < TARGET_NTASKS */

    /* Finalize the MPI library. */
    if ((ret = pio_test_finalize(&test_comm)))
        return ret;

    printf("%d %s SUCCESS!!\n", my_rank, TEST_NAME);
    return 0;