bool PicPxIsEdge(const Pic *pic, const Vec2i pos, const bool isPixel) { const bool isTopOrBottomEdge = pos.y == -1 || pos.y == pic->size.y; const bool isLeftOrRightEdge = pos.x == -1 || pos.x == pic->size.x; const bool isLeft = pos.x > 0 && !isTopOrBottomEdge && PIXEL2COLOR(*(pic->Data + pos.x - 1 + pos.y * pic->size.x)).a; const bool isRight = pos.x < pic->size.x - 1 && !isTopOrBottomEdge && PIXEL2COLOR(*(pic->Data + pos.x + 1 + pos.y * pic->size.x)).a; const bool isAbove = pos.y > 0 && !isLeftOrRightEdge && PIXEL2COLOR(*(pic->Data + pos.x + (pos.y - 1) * pic->size.x)).a; const bool isBelow = pos.y < pic->size.y - 1 && !isLeftOrRightEdge && PIXEL2COLOR(*(pic->Data + pos.x + (pos.y + 1) * pic->size.x)).a; if (isPixel) { return !(isLeft && isRight && isAbove && isBelow); } else { return isLeft || isRight || isAbove || isBelow; } }
void Draw_Point(const int x, const int y, color_t c) { Uint32 *screen = gGraphicsDevice.buf; int idx = PixelIndex( x, y, gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res.x, gGraphicsDevice.cachedConfig.Res.y); if (x < gGraphicsDevice.clipping.left || x > gGraphicsDevice.clipping.right || y < || y > gGraphicsDevice.clipping.bottom) { return; } if (c.a == 255) { screen[idx] = COLOR2PIXEL(c); } else { const color_t existing = PIXEL2COLOR(screen[idx]); screen[idx] = COLOR2PIXEL(ColorAlphaBlend(existing, c)); } }
static void DrawGuideImage( DrawBuffer *b, SDL_Surface *guideImage, Uint8 alpha) { SDL_LockSurface(guideImage); // Scale based on ratio between map size and guide image size, // so that the guide image stretches to the map size double xScale = (double)guideImage->w / (gMap.Size.x * TILE_WIDTH); double yScale = (double)guideImage->h / (gMap.Size.y * TILE_HEIGHT); for (int j = 0; j < b->g->cachedConfig.Res.y; j++) { int y = (int)round((j + b->yTop) * yScale); for (int i = 0; i < b->g->cachedConfig.Res.x; i++) { int x = (int)round((i + b->xTop) * xScale); if (x >= 0 && x < guideImage->w && y >= 0 && y < guideImage->h) { int imgIndex = y * guideImage->w + x; Uint32 p = ((Uint32 *)guideImage->pixels)[imgIndex]; color_t c = PIXEL2COLOR(p); c.a = alpha; Draw_Point(i, j, c); } } } SDL_UnlockSurface(guideImage); }
void PicTrim(Pic *pic, const bool xTrim, const bool yTrim) { // Scan all pixels looking for the min/max of x and y Vec2i min = pic->size; Vec2i max = Vec2iZero(); for (Vec2i pos = Vec2iZero(); pos.y < pic->size.y; pos.y++) { for (pos.x = 0; pos.x < pic->size.x; pos.x++) { const Uint32 pixel = *(pic->Data + pos.x + pos.y * pic->size.x); if (PIXEL2COLOR(pixel).a > 0) { min.x = MIN(min.x, pos.x); min.y = MIN(min.y, pos.y); max.x = MAX(max.x, pos.x); max.y = MAX(max.y, pos.y); } } } // If no opaque pixels found, don't trim Vec2i newSize = pic->size; Vec2i offset = Vec2iZero(); if (min.x < max.x && min.y < max.y) { if (xTrim) { newSize.x = max.x - min.x + 1; offset.x = min.x; } if (yTrim) { newSize.y = max.y - min.y + 1; offset.y = min.y; } } // Trim by copying pixels Uint32 *newData; CMALLOC(newData, newSize.x * newSize.y * sizeof *newData); for (Vec2i pos = Vec2iZero(); pos.y < newSize.y; pos.y++) { for (pos.x = 0; pos.x < newSize.x; pos.x++) { Uint32 *target = newData + pos.x + pos.y * newSize.x; const int srcIdx = pos.x + offset.x + (pos.y + offset.y) * pic->size.x; *target = *(pic->Data + srcIdx); } } // Replace the old data CFREE(pic->Data); pic->Data = newData; pic->size = newSize; pic->offset = Vec2iZero(); }
void DrawPointTint(GraphicsDevice *device, Vec2i pos, HSV tint) { Uint32 *screen = device->buf; int idx = PixelIndex( pos.x, pos.y, device->cachedConfig.Res.x, device->cachedConfig.Res.y); color_t c; if (pos.x < device->clipping.left || pos.x > device->clipping.right || pos.y < device-> || pos.y > device->clipping.bottom) { return; } c = PIXEL2COLOR(screen[idx]); c = ColorTint(c, tint); screen[idx] = COLOR2PIXEL(c); }
void DrawPointMask(GraphicsDevice *device, Vec2i pos, color_t mask) { Uint32 *screen = device->buf; int idx = PixelIndex( pos.x, pos.y, device->cachedConfig.Res.x, device->cachedConfig.Res.y); color_t c; if (pos.x < gGraphicsDevice.clipping.left || pos.x > gGraphicsDevice.clipping.right || pos.y < || pos.y > gGraphicsDevice.clipping.bottom) { return; } c = PIXEL2COLOR(screen[idx]); c = ColorMult(c, mask); screen[idx] = COLOR2PIXEL(c); }