TwoObjectivesInstance::TwoObjectivesInstance(string name, string filename1, string filename2)
:m_Name(name), m_File1Path(filename1), m_File2Path(filename2)
    // On initialise srand

    // On établit la précision

    // On parse les fichiers
    this->m_File1Matrix = this->parsingTSPFile(filename1, &this->m_File1Dimension);
    this->m_File2Matrix = this->parsingTSPFile(filename2, &this->m_File2Dimension);

    // On teste si les dimensions des deux fichiers sont les mêmes
    // Si ce n'est pas le cas, il y'a un problème
    if(this->m_File1Dimension != this->m_File2Dimension)
        cout << "Erreur: les deux fichiers n'ont pas le même nombre de villes" << endl;
        cout << filename1 << " possède " << this->m_File1Dimension << " villes"<< endl;
        cout << filename2 << " possède " << this->m_File2Dimension << " villes"<< endl;

    // On génère 500 solutions
    for(int i = 0; i < SOLUTIONS; i++)
        #if SHOW_DEBUGS
        cout << endl << "Solution N°" << i+1 << endl;
        #endif // SHOW_DEBUGS

    // Filtrage Online

    // Filtrage Offline

    // On affiche les 500 solutions
    for(int i = 0; i < SOLUTIONS; i++)
        cout << endl << "Solution N°" << i+1 << endl;
        cout << "Distance: " << this->m_solutions[i].Getdistance() << " - Coût: " << this->m_solutions[i].Getcost() << endl;
        cout << "Dominée online: " << this->m_solutions[i].GetOnlineDominated() << endl;
        cout << "Dominée offline: " << this->m_solutions[i].GetOfflineDominated() << endl;
    #endif // SHOW_DEBUGS

    // On crée un graphique sur gnuplot avec toutes les solutions
    this->makePlot(this->m_Name, OFFLINE, false);
    this->makePlot(this->m_Name, ONLINE, false);

    // On crée un graphique sur gnuplot avec le Front de Pareto
    this->makePlot(this->m_Name, OFFLINE, true);
    this->makePlot(this->m_Name, ONLINE, true);

    // 5) Fichier 10 approx front pareto

    // On exécute au moins 10 fois
    cout << "Approximations du front de Pareto pour l'instance " << m_Name << endl;
    for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double cpu0  = get_cpu_time();
        // On remplit un front de Pareto dans le fichier
        vector<Solution> best_sols = PLS();
        double cpu1  = get_cpu_time();
        cout << "Temps d'exécution itération " << i+1 << " : " << (int)( (cpu1  - cpu0) * 1000) << " milliseconds (CPU time)" << endl;
        this->fillApproxFile(best_sols, i);
static int evaluate()
  int sq;
  int score[2];
  sq_t king_square[2];
  state_t *state = &board->state;
  //clearing data:
  score[W] = 0; score[B] = 0;

  ///pawn evaluation:
  ///piece evaluation
  king_square[W] = King_Square(W);
  king_square[B] = King_Square(B);
  score[W] += psq_table[WK][king_square[W]];
  score[W] += eval_white_king(king_square[W]);
  score[B] += psq_table[BK][king_square[B]];
  score[B] += eval_black_king(king_square[B]);
  for(sq = PLS(WQ); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
  { score[W] += psq_table[WQ][sq];
    if(calc_rank(sq) == RANK_7
    && calc_rank(king_square[BLACK]) == RANK_8)
      score[W] += QUEEN_ON_7TH_REWARD;
    score[W] += eval_q_mobility(sq,W);
  for(sq = PLS(BQ); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
  { score[B] += psq_table[BQ][sq];
    if(calc_rank(sq) == RANK_2
    && calc_rank(king_square[WHITE]) == RANK_1)
      score[B] += QUEEN_ON_7TH_REWARD;
    score[B] += eval_q_mobility(sq,B);
  for(sq = PLS(WR); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
  { score[W] += psq_table[WR][sq];
    score[W] += eval_white_rook(sq);
    score[W] += eval_r_mobility(sq,W);
  for(sq = PLS(BR); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
  { score[B] += psq_table[BR][sq];
    score[B] += eval_black_rook(sq);
    score[B] += eval_r_mobility(sq,B);
  for(sq = PLS(WB); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
  { score[W] += psq_table[WB][sq];
    score[W] += eval_white_bishop(sq);
    score[W] += eval_b_mobility(sq,W);
    //outposts - twice as low than a knight outpost:
    if(!((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[B]))
    { if(psq_outposts[W][sq])
      { //if not attacked by an opponent's pawn,
        //this could be a weak square that matters,
        //in accordance with the outposts table:
        score[W] += (psq_outposts[W][sq]) / 2;
        //additional bonus if it's reinforced by own pawns:
        if((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[W])
          score[W] += (psq_outposts[W][sq]) / 2;				
  for(sq = PLS(BB); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
  { score[B] += psq_table[BB][sq];
    score[B] += eval_black_bishop(sq);
    score[B] += eval_b_mobility(sq,B);
    if(!((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[W]))
    { if(psq_outposts[B][sq])
      { score[B] += (psq_outposts[B][sq]) / 2;
        if((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[B])
          score[B] += (psq_outposts[B][sq]) / 2;
  for(sq = PLS(WN); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
  { score[W] += psq_table[WN][sq];
    score[W] += eval_n_mobility(sq,W);
    if(!((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[B]))
    { if(psq_outposts[W][sq])
      { score[W] += psq_outposts[W][sq];
        if((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[W])
          score[W] += psq_outposts[W][sq];				
  for(sq = PLS(BN); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
  { score[B] += psq_table[BN][sq];
    score[B] += eval_n_mobility(sq,B);
    if(!((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[W]))
    { if(psq_outposts[B][sq])
      { score[B] += psq_outposts[B][sq];
        if((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[B])
          score[B] += psq_outposts[B][sq];
  //bishop pair bonus depending on pawns on board:
  if(Bishops(W) >= 2) score[W] += BISHOP_PAIR_REWARD - state->pawns;
  if(Bishops(B) >= 2) score[B] += BISHOP_PAIR_REWARD - state->pawns;
  //calculate basic knight and rook material imbalances:
      quote from GM L.Kaufman:
   "A further refinement would be to raise the knight's value 
   by 1/16 and lower the rook's value by 1/8 for each pawn 
   above five of the side being valued, with the opposite 
   adjustment for each pawn short of five".
  score[W] += Rooks(W)   * rook_imbalance[Pawns(W)];
  score[W] += Knights(W) * knight_imbalance[Pawns(W)];
  score[B] += Rooks(B)   * rook_imbalance[Pawns(B)];
  score[B] += Knights(B) * knight_imbalance[Pawns(B)];
  { score[W] += eval_white_opening();
    score[B] += eval_black_opening();

  ///final results:
  score[W] += state->material_value[WHITE] + \
  score[B] += state->material_value[BLACK] + \
  if(board->side == W) return (score[W]-score[B]);
  else return -(score[W]-score[B]);
static int evaluate_endgame()
  int sq;
  int score[2];
  sq_t king_square[2];
  state_t *state = &board->state;
  //clearing data:
  score[W] = 0; score[B] = 0;
  ///pawn evaluation:

  ///piece evaluation
  king_square[W] = King_Square(W);
  king_square[B] = King_Square(B);
  score[W] += endgame_king_psq[W][king_square[W]];
  score[B] += endgame_king_psq[B][king_square[B]];
    for(sq = PLS(WQ); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
    { score[W] += psq_table[WQ][sq];
      if(calc_rank(sq) == RANK_7
      && calc_rank(king_square[BLACK]) == RANK_8)
        score[W] += QUEEN_ON_7TH_REWARD;
    for(sq = PLS(BQ); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
    { score[B] += psq_table[BQ][sq];
      if(calc_rank(sq) == RANK_2
      && calc_rank(king_square[WHITE]) == RANK_1)
        score[B] += QUEEN_ON_7TH_REWARD;
    for(sq = PLS(WR); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
    { score[W] += psq_table[WR][sq];
      score[W] += eval_white_rook(sq);
    for(sq = PLS(BR); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
    { score[B] += psq_table[BR][sq];
      score[B] += eval_black_rook(sq);
    for(sq = PLS(WB); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
    { score[W] += psq_table[WB][sq];
      score[W] += eval_white_bishop(sq);
      if(!((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[B]))
      { if(psq_outposts[W][sq])
        { score[W] += (psq_outposts[W][sq]) / 2;
          if((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[W])
            score[W] += (psq_outposts[W][sq]) / 2;				
    for(sq = PLS(BB); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
    { score[B] += psq_table[BB][sq];
      score[B] += eval_black_bishop(sq);
      if(!((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[W]))
      { if(psq_outposts[B][sq])
        { score[B] += (psq_outposts[B][sq]) / 2;
          if((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[B])
            score[B] += (psq_outposts[B][sq]) / 2;
    for(sq = PLS(WN); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
    { score[W] += psq_table[WN][sq];
      if(!((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[B]))
      { if(psq_outposts[W][sq])
        { score[W] += psq_outposts[W][sq];
          if((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[W])
            score[W] += psq_outposts[W][sq];				
    for(sq = PLS(BN); sq <= H8; sq = PLN(sq))
    { score[B] += psq_table[BN][sq];
      if(!((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[W]))
      { if(psq_outposts[B][sq])
        { score[B] += psq_outposts[B][sq];
          if((1ULL << rsz[sq]) & pawn_attacks[B])
            score[B] += psq_outposts[B][sq];
    //bishop pair bonus depending on pawns on board:
    if(Bishops(W) >= 2) score[W] += BISHOP_PAIR_REWARD - state->pawns;
    if(Bishops(B) >= 2) score[B] += BISHOP_PAIR_REWARD - state->pawns;
    //calculate basic knight and rook material imbalances:
    score[W] += Rooks(W)   * rook_imbalance[Pawns(W)];
    score[W] += Knights(W) * knight_imbalance[Pawns(W)];
    score[B] += Rooks(B)   * rook_imbalance[Pawns(B)];
    score[B] += Knights(B) * knight_imbalance[Pawns(B)];
    //a piece of code to encourage exchanges
    //in case of material advantage:
    if(state->material_value[W] > state->material_value[B]
    || state->pawn_value[W] > state->pawn_value[B])
      score[W] -= (state->piece_count[W] + state->piece_count[B]) * 2;
    if(state->material_value[B] > state->material_value[W]
    || state->pawn_value[B] > state->pawn_value[W])
      score[B] -= (state->piece_count[B] + state->piece_count[W]) * 2;
  return endeval(&score[0]);
uint64 perft(int depth)
  int i,move_count;
  move_t ms[MOVE_STACK];
  uint64 nodes;
  uint64 val;
  #ifdef EVASIONS
  char strbuff[256];
  move_t ms_test[MOVE_STACK];
  #ifdef BITS
  bitboard_t bb;
  if(depth == 0) return 1;
  if((val = probe_hash(depth)) != 0) 
    return val;

  nodes = 0;
  val = 0;
  #ifdef BITS
  bb = 0;
  for(i = PLS(WP); i <= H8; i = PLN(i))
    bitset(&bb, rsz[i]);
  if(bb != board->bb_pawns[W])
  bb = 0;
  for(i = PLS(BP); i <= H8; i = PLN(i))
    bitset(&bb, rsz[i]);
  if(bb != board->bb_pawns[B])
  #ifdef EVASIONS
  { move_count = move_gen_evasions(&ms[0]);
    if(move_count != move_gen_legal(&ms_test[0]))
    { board_to_fen(&strbuff[0]);
      printf("error: \n %s \n",strbuff);
  { move_count = move_gen(&ms[0]);
  move_count = move_gen(&ms[0]);
  for(i = 0; i < move_count; i++)
  { if(!move_make(ms[i])) continue;
    if(depth == 1)
      nodes += perft(depth - 1);

  return (nodes);