Exemple #1
char * L1F_main( PLUGIN_interface * plint )
   char *str ;
   int  ii ;
   float *tsar ;

   /*--------- go to first input line ---------*/

   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;

   str    = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;
   polort = PLUTO_string_index( str , NBASE , baseline_strings ) ;

   ignore = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;

   /*------ loop over remaining options, check their tags, process them -----*/

   nrsin = nrts = ntsim = 0 ;
   do {
      str = PLUTO_get_optiontag(plint) ; if( str == NULL ) break ;

      if( strcmp(str,"Sinusoid") == 0 ){

         sinper[nrsin]  = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;
         sinharm[nrsin] = PLUTO_get_number(plint) - 1.0 ;
         if( sinper[nrsin] <= 0.0 )
            return "************************\n"
                   "Illegal Sinusoid Period!\n"
                   "************************"  ;

         nrsin++ ;

      } else if( strcmp(str,"Timeseries") == 0 ){

         tsim[ntsim] = PLUTO_get_timeseries(plint) ;

         if( tsim[ntsim] == NULL || tsim[ntsim]->nx < 3 || tsim[ntsim]->kind != MRI_float )
            return "*************************\n"
                   "Illegal Timeseries Input!\n"
                   "*************************"  ;

         tsar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim[ntsim]) ;
         for( ii=ignore ; ii < tsim[ntsim]->nx && tsar[ii] >= WAY_BIG ; ii++ ) ; /* nada */
         ignore = ii ;
         nrts += tsim[ntsim]->ny ; ntsim++ ;

      } else {
         return "************************\n"
                "Illegal optiontag found!\n"
                "************************"  ;
   } while(1) ;

   /*--- nothing left to do until data arrives ---*/

   initialize = 1 ;  /* force re-initialization */

   /*** compute how many ref functions are ordered ***/

   { int nref , ks ;
     char str[64] ;

     nref = (polort+1) + nrts ;
     for( ks=0 ; ks < nrsin ; ks++ ) nref += 2*(sinharm[ks]+1) ;
     sprintf(str," \nNumber of fit parameters = %d\n",nref) ;
     PLUTO_popup_transient( plint , str ) ;

   return NULL ;
Exemple #2
char * STAVG_main( PLUGIN_interface * plint )
   MCW_idcode * idc ;                          /* input dataset idcode */
   THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset , * new_dset ;  /* input and output datasets */
   char * new_prefix , * str , * str2;         /* strings from user */
   int   meth;                                 /* chosen computation method */
   int   new_datum ,                           /* control parameters */
         old_datum , ntime ;

   int   te, ne, tinc, kim, nia;
   int   numepochs, minlength, maxlength, lastindex, navgpts;
   int   nvox , perc , new_units, old_units ;
   int   ii, ibot,itop , kk, jj; 
   int   no1, user_maxlength, delta;
   int   *pEpochLength, *pTimeIndex;
   int   nx, ny, nz, npix;
   float *pNumAvg;
   float old_dtime;

   MRI_IMAGE * stimim;
   MRI_IMARR *avgimar;

   byte   ** bptr  = NULL ;  /* one of these will be the array of */
   short  ** sptr  = NULL ;  /* pointers to input dataset sub-bricks */
   float  ** fptr  = NULL ;  /* (depending on input datum type) */

   float   * fxar  = NULL ;  /* array loaded from input dataset */
   float   * stimar = NULL ;
   float  ** fout  = NULL ;  /* will be array of output floats */

   float   * tar   = NULL ;  /* will be array of taper coefficients */

   float   * nstimar;

   /*----- Check inputs from AFNI to see if they are reasonable-ish -----*/

   /*--------- go to first input line ---------*/

   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;

   idc      = PLUTO_get_idcode(plint) ;   /* get dataset item */
   old_dset = PLUTO_find_dset(idc) ;      /* get ptr to dataset */
   if( old_dset == NULL )
      return "*************************\n"
             "Cannot find Input Dataset\n"
             "*************************"  ;

   ntime = DSET_NUM_TIMES(old_dset) ;
   if( ntime < 2 )
      return "*****************************\n"
             "Dataset has only 1 time point\n"
             "*****************************"  ;

   ii = DSET_NVALS_PER_TIME(old_dset) ;
   if( ii > 1 )
      return "************************************\n"
             "Dataset has > 1 value per time point\n"
             "************************************"  ;
   old_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE( old_dset , 0 ) ; /* get old dataset datum type */
   new_datum = old_datum;
   old_dtime = DSET_TIMESTEP(old_dset);
   old_units = DSET_TIMEUNITS(old_dset);
   nvox = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy * old_dset->daxes->nzz;
   npix = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy;
   nx = old_dset->daxes->nxx;

   new_prefix = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;   /* get string item (the output prefix) */
   if( ! PLUTO_prefix_ok(new_prefix) )      /* check if it is OK */
      return "************************\n"
             "Output Prefix is illegal\n"
             "************************"  ;

   /*--------- go to next input line ---------*/


   stimim = PLUTO_get_timeseries(plint);
   if( stimim == NULL ) return "Please specify stimulus timing";

   if( stimim->nx < ntime ){
      return "**************************************\n"
             "Not enough pts in stimulus time-series\n"

   stimar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(stimim);

   delta = PLUTO_get_number(plint);

   if( abs(delta) > ntime ){
      return "************************\n"
             "Delta shift is too large\n"
   /*initialize variables if not user specified */
   user_maxlength = ntime;
   no1 = 0;

   /*--------- go to next input line ---------*/


   str  = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;      /* get string item (the method) */
   meth = PLUTO_string_index( str ,      /* find it in list it is from */
                              _STAVG_NUM_METHODS ,
                              method_strings ) ;

   /*--------- see if the 4th option line is present --------*/

   str = PLUTO_get_optiontag( plint ) ;
   if( str != NULL ){
      user_maxlength = (int) PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;
      str2  = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;      /* get string item (the method) */
      no1   = PLUTO_string_index( str2 ,      /* find it in list it is from */
                                 2 ,
                                 yes_no_strings) ;

   /*---------- At this point, the inputs are OK ----------*/

   PLUTO_popup_meter( plint ) ;  /* popup a progress meter */

   /*________________[ Main Code ]_________________________*/
   fout = avg_epochs( old_dset, stimar, user_maxlength, 1, meth, plint );
   if( fout == NULL ) return " \nError in avg_epochs() function!\n " ;
   if( RMB_DEBUG ) fprintf(stderr, "Done with avg_epochs\n");
   maxlength = M_maxlength;

   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( old_dset ) ; /* start with copy of old one */

   { char * his = PLUTO_commandstring(plint) ;
     tross_Copy_History( old_dset , new_dset ) ;
     tross_Append_History( new_dset , his ) ; free( his ) ;
   /*-- edit some of its internal parameters --*/
   ii = EDIT_dset_items(
           new_dset ,
              ADN_prefix      , new_prefix ,           /* filename prefix */
              ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC , /* store in memory */
              ADN_datum_all   , new_datum ,            /* atomic datum */
              ADN_nvals       , maxlength ,            /* # sub-bricks */
              ADN_ntt         , maxlength ,            /* # time points */
           /*   ADN_ttorg       , old_dtime ,  */              /* time origin */
           /*   ADN_ttdel       , old_dtime ,  */            /* time step */
           /*   ADN_ttdur       , old_dtime ,  */            /* time duration */
           /*   ADN_nsl         , 0 ,          */        /* z-axis time slicing */
           /*   ADN_tunits      , old_units ,  */        /* time units */
           ADN_none ) ;

   if( ii != 0 ){
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
      return "***********************************\n"
             "Error while creating output dataset\n"
             "***********************************"  ;

   /*------- The output is now in fout[kk][ii],
             for kk=0..maxlength-1 , ii=0..nvox-1.
             We must now put this into the output dataset -------*/

   switch( new_datum ){

      /*** output is floats is the simplest:
           we just have to attach the fout bricks to the dataset ***/

      case MRI_float:
         for( kk=0 ; kk < maxlength ; kk++ )
            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , kk , MRI_float , fout[kk] ) ;
      break ;

      /*** output is shorts:
           we have to create a scaled sub-brick from fout ***/

      case MRI_short:{
         short * bout ;
         float fac ; 

         for( kk=0 ; kk < maxlength ; kk++ ){  /* loop over sub-bricks */

            /*-- get output sub-brick --*/
            bout = (short *) malloc( sizeof(short) * nvox ) ;
            if( bout == NULL ){
               fprintf(stderr,"\nFinal malloc error in plug_stavg!\n\a") ;
               return("Final malloc error in plug_stavg!"); ;
               /*  exit(1) ;*/

            /*-- find scaling and then scale --*/
            /*fac = MCW_vol_amax( nvox,1,1 , MRI_float , fout[kk] ) ;*/
            fac = 1.0;
            EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,fac ,
                                    MRI_float,fout[kk] , MRI_short,bout ) ;
            free( fout[kk] ) ;  /* don't need this anymore */

            /*-- put output brick into dataset, and store scale factor --*/
            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , kk , MRI_short , bout ) ;
      break ;

      /*** output is bytes (byte = unsigned char)
           we have to create a scaled sub-brick from fout ***/

      case MRI_byte:{
         byte * bout ;
         float fac ;

         for( kk=0 ; kk < maxlength ; kk++ ){  /* loop over sub-bricks */

            /*-- get output sub-brick --*/

            bout = (byte *) malloc( sizeof(byte) * nvox ) ;
            if( bout == NULL ){
               fprintf(stderr,"\nFinal malloc error in plug_stavg!\n\a") ;
               return("Final malloc error in plug_stavg!"); ;
	       /*               exit(1) ;*/

            /*-- find scaling and then scale --*/

            fac = 1.0;
            EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,fac ,
                                    MRI_float,fout[kk] , MRI_byte,bout ) ;

            free( fout[kk] ) ;  /* don't need this anymore */

            /*-- put output brick into dataset, and store scale factor --*/

            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , kk , MRI_byte , bout ) ;

      break ;

   } /* end of switch on output data type */

   /*-------------- Cleanup and go home ----------------*/

   PLUTO_set_meter( plint , 100 ) ;  /* set progress meter to 100% */

   PLUTO_add_dset( plint , new_dset , DSET_ACTION_MAKE_CURRENT ) ;

   return NULL ;  /* null string returned means all was OK */
Exemple #3
static char * DELAY_main( PLUGIN_interface * plint )
   hilbert_data_V2 uda,*ud;
   MRI_IMAGE * tsim;
   MCW_idcode * idc ;         /* input dataset idcode */
   THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset , * new_dset ;  /* input and output datasets */
   char *tmpstr , * str , *nprfxstr;                 /* strings from user */
   int   ntime, nvec ,nprfx, i;
	float * vec , fs , T ;
	/* Allocate as much character space as Bob specifies in afni.h + a bit more */
	tmpstr = (char *) calloc (PLUGIN_MAX_STRING_RANGE+10,sizeof(char));
	nprfxstr = (char *) calloc (PLUGIN_MAX_STRING_RANGE+10,sizeof(char));
	if (tmpstr == NULL || nprfxstr == NULL) 
									  return "********************\n"
												"Could not Allocate\n"
												"a teeni weeni bit of\n"
												"Memory ! \n"
	ud = &uda;		/* ud now points to an allocated space */
	ud->errcode = 0;	/*reset error flag */
   /*----- Check inputs from AFNI to see if they are reasonable-ish -----*/

   /*--------- go to first input line ---------*/
   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;

   idc      = PLUTO_get_idcode(plint) ;   /* get dataset item */
   old_dset = PLUTO_find_dset(idc) ;      /* get ptr to dataset */
   if( old_dset == NULL )
      return "*************************\n"
             "Cannot find Input Dataset\n"
             "*************************"  ;
   ud->dsetname = DSET_FILECODE (old_dset);
	ud->nsamp = DSET_NUM_TIMES (old_dset);
	ud->Navg = 1 ;    /* Navg does not play a role for the p value, averaging increases sensitivity */
	ud->Nort = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ; /* Should be two by default, for mean and linear trend */
	ud->Nfit = 2 ;  /* Always 2 for phase and amplitude for this plugin */
	/*--------- go to 2nd input line, input time series ---------*/
	PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;
	tsim = PLUTO_get_timeseries(plint);
	if (tsim == NULL) return "No Timeseries Input";
	ud->ln = (int)tsim -> nx;									/* number of points in each vector */
	nvec 	= tsim -> ny;									/* number of vectors */
	ud->rvec   = (float *) MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim);	/* vec[i+j*nx] = ith point of jth vector */
																/* for i=0 .. ntime-1 and j=0 .. nvec-1 */
	if (is_vect_null (ud->rvec,ud->ln) == 1) 	/* check if ref vect is all zeroes */
			return "Reference vector is all zeros";	
	ud->refname = tsim->name;
	ud->ignore = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;    /* get number item */
	str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;
   ud->Dsamp = (int)PLUTO_string_index( str , NUM_YN_STRINGS , yn_strings ) ;
   /*--------- go to 3rd input line, sampling frequency, and stimulus period ---------*/
   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;
   ud->fs = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;    /* get number item */
   ud->T = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;    /* get number item */
   ud->co = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;    /* get number item */
   str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;
   ud->biasrem = (int)PLUTO_string_index( str , NUM_YN_STRINGS , yn_strings ) ;
   /*--------- go to 4th input line, delay units and wrp option---------*/
   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;

   ud->Nseg = (int)PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;    /* get number item */
   ud->Pover = (int)PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;    /* get number item */
   str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;      						/* get string item (the method) */
   ud->unt = (int)PLUTO_string_index( str ,      				/* find it in list it is from */
             	 NUM_METHOD_STRINGS ,
             	 method_strings ) ;
	str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;  
	ud->wrp = (int)PLUTO_string_index( str , NUM_YN_STRINGS , yn_strings ) ;
   /*--------- go to 5th input line Output prefix ---------*/
   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;
   ud->new_prefix = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;   /* get string item (the output prefix) */
	/* check to see if the field is empty */
	if (ud->new_prefix == NULL)
			nprfx = 0;
			nprfx = 1;
	/* check if the size is larger than 0. I did not want to check for this unless it's allocated */
	if (nprfx == 1 && (int)strlen (ud->new_prefix) == 0)
		nprfx = 0;
	if (nprfx == 0)		/* now create the new name and make new_prefix point to it */
			sprintf (nprfxstr,"%s.DEL",DSET_PREFIX (old_dset));
			ud->new_prefix = nprfxstr;
			/*printf ("New prefix is set to be : %s\n\a",ud->new_prefix);*/
   if( ! PLUTO_prefix_ok(ud->new_prefix) )      /* check if it is OK */
      return "************************\n"
             "Output Prefix is illegal\n"
             "************************"  ;
	str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ; 				/* write delays to file ? */
	ud->out = (int)PLUTO_string_index( str , NUM_YN_STRINGS , yn_strings );
	ud->strout = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ; 				/* strout is for the outiflename, which will be used after the debugging section */
	if (ud->strout == NULL)						/* if no output name is given, use the new_prefix */
		{ud->strout = ud->new_prefix;}
				if((int)strlen (ud->strout) == 0) ud->strout = ud->new_prefix;
	str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ; 
	ud->outts = (int)PLUTO_string_index( str , NUM_YN_STRINGS , yn_strings );
	/* ------------------Done with user parameters ---------------------------- */
	ud->nxx = (int)old_dset->daxes->nxx;				/* get data set dimensions */
	ud->nyy = (int)old_dset->daxes->nyy;
	ud->nzz = (int)old_dset->daxes->nzz;
	/* No need for users to set these options ...*/
	ud->dtrnd = 0;
	if (ud->ln != (ud->nsamp - ud->ignore))
			ud->errcode = ERROR_BADLENGTH;
			return "***************************\n"
					 "Bad time series length \n"
					 "Check reference time series\n"
					 " or the ignore parameter   \n"
	if ((ud->unt < 0) || (ud->unt > 2))										/* unt error Check */
         ud->errcode = ERROR_WRONGUNIT;
         return "***********************\n"
         		 " internal error: (ziad)\n"
					 "unt values out of bound\n"
					 "***********************\n";			/*unt must be between 0 and 2 */
	  if ((ud->wrp < 0) || (ud->wrp > 1))										/* wrp error Check */
         ud->errcode = ERROR_WARPVALUES;
         return "***********************\n"
         		 " internal error: (ziad)\n"
					 "wrp values out of bound\n"
					 "***********************\n";			/* wrp must be between 0 and 1*/
	  if (ud->fs < 0.0) {       /* fs error Check */
         ud->errcode = ERROR_FSVALUES;
         return "***********************\n"
         		 " internal error: (ziad)\n"
					 "fs value is negative !\n"
					 "***********************\n";			/* fs must be >= 0*/
	  if (ud->T < 0.0) {        /* T error Check */
         ud->errcode = ERROR_TVALUES;
         return "***********************\n"
         		 " internal error: (ziad)\n"
					 "T value is negative !\n"
					 "***********************\n";					/*T must be >= 0  */
     if ((ud->T == 0.0) && (ud->unt > 0))                /* unt error Check */
         ud->errcode = ERROR_TaUNITVALUES;
         return "***********************\n"
         		 " internal error: (ziad)\n"
					 "T and unt val. mismatch\n"
					 "***********************\n";			/*T must be specified, and > 0 in order to use polar units*/

    if ((ud->wrp == 1) && (ud->T == 0.0))                  /* wrp error Check */
         ud->errcode = ERROR_TaWRAPVALUES;
         return "***********************\n"
         		 " internal error: (ziad)\n"
					 "wrp and T val. mismatch\n"
					 "***********************\n"; 			/*T must be specified, and > 0 in order to use polar warp*/
	 if ((ud->out == NOPE) && (ud->outts == YUP))
	 		 ud->errcode = ERROR_OUTCONFLICT;
         		 "error: \n"
					 "Write flag must be on\n"
					 "to use Write ts\n"

	/* Open the logfile, regardless of the ascii output files */
	sprintf ( tmpstr , "%s.log" , ud->strout);
	ud->outlogfile = fopen (tmpstr,"w");

	if (ud->out == YUP)									/* open outfile */
					ud->outwrite = fopen (ud->strout,"w");
					if (ud->outts == YUP)
							sprintf ( tmpstr , "%s.ts" , ud->strout);
							ud->outwritets = fopen (tmpstr,"w");
					if ((ud->outwrite == NULL) || (ud->outlogfile == NULL) ||\
					    (ud->outwritets == NULL && ud->outts == YUP) )
							ud->errcode = ERROR_FILEOPEN; 
							return "***********************\n"
									 "Could Not Write Outfile\n"
	/* Write out user variables to Logfile */
	write_ud (ud);			/* writes user data to a file */
	/*show_ud (ud,0);	*/			/* For some debugging */

   /*------------- ready to compute new dataset -----------*/

   new_dset = MAKER_4D_to_typed_fbuc ( old_dset ,             /* input dataset */
          ud->new_prefix ,           /* output prefix */
          -1,	/* negative value indicating data type is like original brick */
          ud->ignore ,               /* ignore count */
          1 ,   /* detrend = ON Let BOB do it*/
          NBUCKETS,					/*Number of values at each voxel*/
			 DELAY_tsfuncV2 ,         /* timeseries processor (bucket version)*/
			 (void *)ud,          /* data for tsfunc */
			 NULL, 0							) ; 
   /* Setup the label, keywords and types of subbricks */
	i = 0;
	while (i < NBUCKETS)
			switch (i)
					case DELINDX:					/* delay value in results vector */
						EDIT_BRICK_LABEL (new_dset,i,"Delay");
						EDIT_BRICK_ADDKEY (new_dset,i,"D");
					case COVINDX:					/* covariance value in results vector */
						EDIT_BRICK_LABEL (new_dset,i,"Covariance");
						EDIT_BRICK_ADDKEY (new_dset,i,"I");
					case COFINDX:					/* cross correlation coefficient value in results vector */
						EDIT_BRICK_LABEL (new_dset,i,"Corr. Coef.");
						EDIT_BRICK_ADDKEY (new_dset,i,"r");
						/* Here you must modify either ud->Nfit or ud->Nort or most likely ud->nsamp based on ud->Navg */
						EDIT_BRICK_TO_FICO (new_dset,i,ud->nsamp - ud->ignore,ud->Nfit,ud->Nort);
					case VARINDX:					/* FMRI time course variance value in results vector */
						EDIT_BRICK_LABEL (new_dset,i,"Variance");
						EDIT_BRICK_ADDKEY (new_dset,i,"S2");
					default :
						return "*********************\n"
								 "Internal Error (ziad)\n"
								 " Bad i value \n"
   if (!AFNI_noenv("AFNI_AUTOMATIC_FDR")) {
      THD_create_all_fdrcurves( new_dset );
	PLUTO_add_dset( plint , new_dset , DSET_ACTION_MAKE_CURRENT ) ;

   if (ud->out == YUP)									/* close outfile and outlogfile*/
					fclose (ud->outlogfile);
					fclose (ud->outwrite);
					if (ud->outts  == YUP) fclose (ud->outwritets);
					if (ud->outlogfile != NULL)	fclose (ud->outlogfile);		/* close outlogfile */
	free (tmpstr);		
	free (nprfxstr);
   return NULL ;  /* null string returned means all was OK */