void QPrinter::interpret(PMPageFormat *f) { //get values PMOrientation o; if(PMGetOrientation(*f, &o) == noErr) setOrientation(o == kPMPortrait ? Portrait : Landscape); //Finally we update the scale so the resolution is effected by it PMSessionValidatePageFormat(psession, *f, kPMDontWantBoolean); setPageSize(carbonSize2QPrinterSize(*f)); }
bool wxMacCarbonPrintData::TransferTo( wxPrintData &data ) { OSStatus err = noErr ; UInt32 copies ; err = PMGetCopies( m_macPrintSettings , &copies ) ; if ( err == noErr ) data.SetNoCopies( copies ) ; PMOrientation orientation ; err = PMGetOrientation( m_macPageFormat , &orientation ) ; if ( err == noErr ) { if ( orientation == kPMPortrait || orientation == kPMReversePortrait ) data.SetOrientation( wxPORTRAIT ); else data.SetOrientation( wxLANDSCAPE ); } // collate cannot be set #if 0 { wxMacCFStringHolder name ; PMPrinter printer ; PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter( m_macPrintSession , &printer ) ; m_printerName = name.AsString() ; } #endif PMColorMode color ; err = PMGetColorMode( m_macPrintSettings, &color ) ; if ( err == noErr ) data.SetColour( !(color == kPMBlackAndWhite) ) ; // PMDuplexMode not yet accessible via API // PMQualityMode not yet accessible via API // todo paperSize PMRect rPaper; err = PMGetUnadjustedPaperRect( m_macPageFormat, &rPaper); if ( err == noErr ) { data.SetPaperSize( wxSize ( (int)(( rPaper.right - rPaper.left ) * pt2mm + 0.5 ) , (int)(( rPaper.bottom - rPaper.top ) * pt2mm + 0.5 ) ) ); } return true ; }
void wxOSXPrintData::TransferPaperInfoTo( wxPrintData &data ) { PMGetPageFormatPaper(m_macPageFormat, &m_macPaper); PMPrinter printer ; PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter( m_macPrintSession, &printer ); OSStatus err = noErr ; UInt32 copies ; err = PMGetCopies( m_macPrintSettings , &copies ) ; if ( err == noErr ) data.SetNoCopies( copies ) ; PMOrientation orientation ; err = PMGetOrientation( m_macPageFormat , &orientation ) ; if ( err == noErr ) { if ( orientation == kPMPortrait || orientation == kPMReversePortrait ) { data.SetOrientation( wxPORTRAIT ); data.SetOrientationReversed( orientation == kPMReversePortrait ); } else { data.SetOrientation( wxLANDSCAPE ); data.SetOrientationReversed( orientation == kPMReverseLandscape ); } } Boolean collate; if (PMGetCollate(m_macPrintSettings, &collate) == noErr) data.SetCollate(collate); PMDuplexMode mode = 0 ; PMGetDuplex( m_macPrintSettings, &mode ) ; switch( mode ) { case kPMDuplexNoTumble : data.SetDuplex(wxDUPLEX_HORIZONTAL); break ; case kPMDuplexTumble : data.SetDuplex(wxDUPLEX_VERTICAL); break ; case kPMDuplexNone : default : data.SetDuplex(wxDUPLEX_SIMPLEX); break ; } double height, width; PMPaperGetHeight(m_macPaper, &height); PMPaperGetWidth(m_macPaper, &width); wxSize sz((int)(width * pt2mm + 0.5 ) , (int)(height * pt2mm + 0.5 )); data.SetPaperSize(sz); wxPaperSize id = wxThePrintPaperDatabase->GetSize(wxSize(sz.x* 10, sz.y * 10)); if (id != wxPAPER_NONE) { data.SetPaperId(id); } }
int QPrinter::metric(int m) const { int val = 1; switch (m) { case QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmWidth: { bool orientInSync = true; PMOrientation o; QPrinter::Orientation tmpOrient = orientation(); if (PMGetOrientation(pformat, &o) == noErr) { orientInSync = ((o == kPMPortrait && tmpOrient == Portrait) || o == kPMLandscape && tmpOrient == Landscape); } PageSize s = pageSize(); if (s >= QPrinter::Custom) { val = tmpOrient == Portrait ? customPaperSize_.width() : customPaperSize_.height(); } else { if (state == PST_ACTIVE || (tmpOrient == Portrait || orientInSync)) { val = qt_get_PDMWidth(pformat, fullPage()); } else { val = qt_get_PDMHeight(pformat, fullPage()); } } break; } case QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmHeight: { bool orientInSync = true; PMOrientation o; QPrinter::Orientation tmpOrient = orientation(); if (PMGetOrientation(pformat, &o) == noErr) { orientInSync = ((o == kPMPortrait && tmpOrient == Portrait) || o == kPMLandscape && tmpOrient == Landscape); } PageSize s = pageSize(); if (s >= QPrinter::Custom) { val = tmpOrient == Portrait ? customPaperSize_.height() : customPaperSize_.width(); } else { if (state == PST_ACTIVE || (tmpOrient == Portrait || orientInSync)) { val = qt_get_PDMHeight(pformat, fullPage()); } else { val = qt_get_PDMWidth(pformat, fullPage()); } } break; } // We don't have to worry about the printer state here as metric() does that for us. case QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmWidthMM: val = metric(QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmWidth); val = (val * 254 + 5 * res) / (10 * res); break; case QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmHeightMM: val = metric(QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmHeight); val = (val * 254 + 5 * res) / (10 * res); break; case QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmPhysicalDpiX: case QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmPhysicalDpiY: { PMPrinter printer; if (PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter(psession, &printer) == noErr) { PMResolution resolution; PMPrinterGetPrinterResolution(printer, kPMCurrentValue, &resolution); val = (int)resolution.vRes; break; } //otherwise fall through } case QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmDpiY: case QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmDpiX: val = res; break; case QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmNumColors: val = (1 << metric(QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmDepth)); break; case QPaintDeviceMetrics::PdmDepth: val = 24; break; default: val = 0; #if defined(QT_CHECK_RANGE) qWarning("Qt: QPixmap::metric: Invalid metric command"); #endif } return val; }
bool wxMacCarbonPrintData::TransferTo( wxPrintData &data ) { OSStatus err = noErr ; UInt32 copies ; err = PMGetCopies( m_macPrintSettings , &copies ) ; if ( err == noErr ) data.SetNoCopies( copies ) ; PMOrientation orientation ; err = PMGetOrientation( m_macPageFormat , &orientation ) ; if ( err == noErr ) { if ( orientation == kPMPortrait || orientation == kPMReversePortrait ) { data.SetOrientation( wxPORTRAIT ); data.SetOrientationReversed( orientation == kPMReversePortrait ); } else { data.SetOrientation( wxLANDSCAPE ); data.SetOrientationReversed( orientation == kPMReverseLandscape ); } } // collate cannot be set #if 0 { wxMacCFStringHolder name ; PMPrinter printer ; PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter( m_macPrintSession , &printer ) ; m_printerName = name.AsString() ; } #endif #ifndef __LP64__ PMColorMode color ; err = PMGetColorMode( m_macPrintSettings, &color ) ; if ( err == noErr ) data.SetColour( !(color == kPMBlackAndWhite) ) ; #endif #if MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MAX_ALLOWED >= MAC_OS_X_VERSION_10_4 if ( &PMGetDuplex!=NULL ) { PMDuplexMode mode = 0 ; PMGetDuplex( (PMPrintSettings) m_macPrintSettings, &mode ) ; switch( mode ) { case kPMDuplexNoTumble : data.SetDuplex(wxDUPLEX_HORIZONTAL); break ; case kPMDuplexTumble : data.SetDuplex(wxDUPLEX_VERTICAL); break ; case kPMDuplexNone : default : data.SetDuplex(wxDUPLEX_SIMPLEX); break ; } } #endif // PMQualityMode not yet accessible via API PMPaper paper ; PMGetPageFormatPaper( m_macPageFormat, &paper ); PMRect rPaper; err = PMGetUnadjustedPaperRect( m_macPageFormat, &rPaper); if ( err == noErr ) { wxSize sz((int)(( rPaper.right - rPaper.left ) * pt2mm + 0.5 ) , (int)(( rPaper.bottom - rPaper.top ) * pt2mm + 0.5 )); data.SetPaperSize(sz); wxPaperSize id = wxThePrintPaperDatabase->GetSize(wxSize(sz.x* 10, sz.y * 10)); if (id != wxPAPER_NONE) { data.SetPaperId(id); } } return true ; }
bool wxOSXPrintData::TransferTo( wxPrintData &data ) { OSStatus err = noErr ; #if wxOSX_USE_COCOA UpdateToPMState(); #endif UInt32 copies ; err = PMGetCopies( m_macPrintSettings , &copies ) ; if ( err == noErr ) data.SetNoCopies( copies ) ; PMOrientation orientation ; err = PMGetOrientation( m_macPageFormat , &orientation ) ; if ( err == noErr ) { if ( orientation == kPMPortrait || orientation == kPMReversePortrait ) { data.SetOrientation( wxPORTRAIT ); data.SetOrientationReversed( orientation == kPMReversePortrait ); } else { data.SetOrientation( wxLANDSCAPE ); data.SetOrientationReversed( orientation == kPMReverseLandscape ); } } Boolean collate; if (PMGetCollate(m_macPrintSettings, &collate) == noErr) data.SetCollate(collate); CFStringRef name; PMPrinter printer ; PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter( m_macPrintSession, &printer ); if (PMPrinterIsDefault(printer)) data.SetPrinterName(wxEmptyString); else { name = PMPrinterGetName(printer); CFRetain(name); data.SetPrinterName(wxCFStringRef(name).AsString()); } PMDuplexMode mode = 0 ; PMGetDuplex( m_macPrintSettings, &mode ) ; switch( mode ) { case kPMDuplexNoTumble : data.SetDuplex(wxDUPLEX_HORIZONTAL); break ; case kPMDuplexTumble : data.SetDuplex(wxDUPLEX_VERTICAL); break ; case kPMDuplexNone : default : data.SetDuplex(wxDUPLEX_SIMPLEX); break ; } // PMQualityMode not yet accessible via API double height, width; PMPaperGetHeight(m_macPaper, &height); PMPaperGetWidth(m_macPaper, &width); wxSize sz((int)(width * pt2mm + 0.5 ) , (int)(height * pt2mm + 0.5 )); data.SetPaperSize(sz); wxPaperSize id = wxThePrintPaperDatabase->GetSize(wxSize(sz.x* 10, sz.y * 10)); if (id != wxPAPER_NONE) { data.SetPaperId(id); } return true ; }
QVariant QMacPrintEngine::property(PrintEnginePropertyKey key) const { Q_D(const QMacPrintEngine); QVariant ret; if (!d->session && d->valueCache.contains(key)) return *d->valueCache.find(key); switch (key) { case PPK_CollateCopies: ret = false; break; case PPK_ColorMode: ret = QPrinter::Color; break; case PPK_Creator: break; case PPK_DocumentName: break; case PPK_FullPage: ret = d->fullPage; break; case PPK_NumberOfCopies: ret = 1; break; case PPK_Orientation: PMOrientation orientation; PMGetOrientation(d->format, &orientation); ret = orientation == kPMPortrait ? QPrinter::Portrait : QPrinter::Landscape; break; case PPK_OutputFileName: ret = d->outputFilename; break; case PPK_PageOrder: break; case PPK_PaperSource: break; case PPK_PageRect: { // PageRect is returned in device pixels QRect r; PMRect macrect, macpaper; qreal hRatio = d->resolution.hRes / 72; qreal vRatio = d->resolution.vRes / 72; if (d->hasCustomPaperSize) { r = QRect(0, 0, qRound(d->customSize.width() * hRatio), qRound(d->customSize.height() * vRatio)); if (d->hasCustomPageMargins) { r.adjust(qRound(d->leftMargin * hRatio), qRound(d->topMargin * vRatio), -qRound(d->rightMargin * hRatio), -qRound(d->bottomMargin * vRatio)); } else { QList<QVariant> margins = property(QPrintEngine::PPK_PageMargins).toList(); r.adjust(qRound(margins.at(0).toDouble() * hRatio), qRound(margins.at(1).toDouble() * vRatio), -qRound(margins.at(2).toDouble() * hRatio), -qRound(margins.at(3).toDouble()) * vRatio); } } else if (PMGetAdjustedPageRect(d->format, ¯ect) == noErr && PMGetAdjustedPaperRect(d->format, &macpaper) == noErr) { if (d->fullPage || d->hasCustomPageMargins) { r.setCoords(int(macpaper.left * hRatio), int(macpaper.top * vRatio), int(macpaper.right * hRatio), int(macpaper.bottom * vRatio)); r.translate(-r.x(), -r.y()); if (d->hasCustomPageMargins) { r.adjust(qRound(d->leftMargin * hRatio), qRound(d->topMargin * vRatio), -qRound(d->rightMargin * hRatio), -qRound(d->bottomMargin * vRatio)); } } else { r.setCoords(int(macrect.left * hRatio), int(macrect.top * vRatio), int(macrect.right * hRatio), int(macrect.bottom * vRatio)); r.translate(int(-macpaper.left * hRatio), int(-macpaper.top * vRatio)); } } ret = r; break; } case PPK_PaperSize: ret = d->paperSize(); break; case PPK_PaperRect: { QRect r; PMRect macrect; if (d->hasCustomPaperSize) { r = QRect(0, 0, qRound(d->customSize.width()), qRound(d->customSize.height())); } else if (PMGetAdjustedPaperRect(d->format, ¯ect) == noErr) { qreal hRatio = d->resolution.hRes / 72; qreal vRatio = d->resolution.vRes / 72; r.setCoords(int(macrect.left * hRatio), int(macrect.top * vRatio), int(macrect.right * hRatio), int(macrect.bottom * vRatio)); r.translate(-r.x(), -r.y()); } ret = r; break; } case PPK_PrinterName: { CFIndex currIndex; PMPrinter unused; QCFType<CFArrayRef> printerList; OSStatus status = PMSessionCreatePrinterList(d->session, &printerList, &currIndex, &unused); if (status != noErr) qWarning("QMacPrintEngine::printerName: Problem getting list of printers: %ld", long(status)); if (currIndex != -1 && printerList && currIndex < CFArrayGetCount(printerList)) { const CFStringRef name = static_cast<CFStringRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(printerList, currIndex)); if (name) ret = QCFString::toQString(name); } break; } case PPK_Resolution: { ret = d->resolution.hRes; break; } case PPK_SupportedResolutions: ret = d->supportedResolutions(); break; case PPK_CustomPaperSize: ret = d->customSize; break; case PPK_PageMargins: { QList<QVariant> margins; if (d->hasCustomPageMargins) { margins << d->leftMargin << d->topMargin << d->rightMargin << d->bottomMargin; } else { PMPaperMargins paperMargins; PMPaper paper; PMGetPageFormatPaper(d->format, &paper); PMPaperGetMargins(paper, &paperMargins); margins << paperMargins.left << paperMargins.top << paperMargins.right << paperMargins.bottom; } ret = margins; break; } default: break; } return ret; }
void QMacPrintEngine::setProperty(PrintEnginePropertyKey key, const QVariant &value) { Q_D(QMacPrintEngine); d->valueCache.insert(key, value); if (!d->session) return; switch (key) { case PPK_CollateCopies: break; case PPK_ColorMode: break; case PPK_Creator: break; case PPK_DocumentName: break; case PPK_PageOrder: break; case PPK_PaperSource: break; case PPK_SelectionOption: break; case PPK_Resolution: { PMPrinter printer; UInt32 count; if (PMSessionGetCurrentPrinter(d->session, &printer) != noErr) break; if (PMPrinterGetPrinterResolutionCount(printer, &count) != noErr) break; PMResolution resolution = { 0.0, 0.0 }; PMResolution bestResolution = { 0.0, 0.0 }; int dpi = value.toInt(); int bestDistance = INT_MAX; for (UInt32 i = 1; i <= count; ++i) { // Yes, it starts at 1 if (PMPrinterGetIndexedPrinterResolution(printer, i, &resolution) == noErr) { if (dpi == int(resolution.hRes)) { bestResolution = resolution; break; } else { int distance = qAbs(dpi - int(resolution.hRes)); if (distance < bestDistance) { bestDistance = distance; bestResolution = resolution; } } } } PMSessionValidatePageFormat(d->session, d->format, kPMDontWantBoolean); break; } case PPK_FullPage: d->fullPage = value.toBool(); break; case PPK_NumberOfCopies: PMSetCopies(d->settings, value.toInt(), false); break; case PPK_Orientation: { if (d->state == QPrinter::Active) { qWarning("QMacPrintEngine::setOrientation: Orientation cannot be changed during a print job, ignoring change"); } else { QPrinter::Orientation newOrientation = QPrinter::Orientation(value.toInt()); if (d->hasCustomPaperSize && (d->orient != newOrientation)) d->customSize = QSizeF(d->customSize.height(), d->customSize.width()); d->orient = newOrientation; PMOrientation o = d->orient == QPrinter::Portrait ? kPMPortrait : kPMLandscape; PMSetOrientation(d->format, o, false); PMSessionValidatePageFormat(d->session, d->format, kPMDontWantBoolean); } break; } case PPK_OutputFileName: d->outputFilename = value.toString(); break; case PPK_PaperSize: d->setPaperSize(QPrinter::PaperSize(value.toInt())); break; case PPK_PrinterName: { OSStatus status = noErr; QCFType<CFArrayRef> printerList; status = PMServerCreatePrinterList(kPMServerLocal, &printerList); if (status == noErr) { CFIndex count = CFArrayGetCount(printerList); for (CFIndex i=0; i<count; ++i) { PMPrinter printer = static_cast<PMPrinter>(const_cast<void *>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(printerList, i))); QString name = QCFString::toQString(PMPrinterGetName(printer)); if (name == value.toString()) { status = PMSessionSetCurrentPMPrinter(d->session, printer); break; } } } if (status != noErr) qWarning("QMacPrintEngine::setPrinterName: Error setting printer: %ld", long(status)); break; } case PPK_SuppressSystemPrintStatus: d->suppressStatus = value.toBool(); break; case PPK_CustomPaperSize: { PMOrientation orientation; PMGetOrientation(d->format, &orientation); d->hasCustomPaperSize = true; d->customSize = value.toSizeF(); if (orientation != kPMPortrait) d->customSize = QSizeF(d->customSize.height(), d->customSize.width()); break; } case PPK_PageMargins: { QList<QVariant> margins(value.toList()); Q_ASSERT(margins.size() == 4); d->leftMargin = margins.at(0).toDouble(); d->topMargin = margins.at(1).toDouble(); d->rightMargin = margins.at(2).toDouble(); d->bottomMargin = margins.at(3).toDouble(); d->hasCustomPageMargins = true; break; } default: break; } }
int Printer_print (void (*draw) (void *boss, Graphics g), void *boss) { #if defined (UNIX) structMelderFile tempFile = { 0 }; char tempPath_utf8 [] = "/tmp/picXXXXXX"; close (mkstemp (tempPath_utf8)); Melder_pathToFile (Melder_peekUtf8ToWcs (tempPath_utf8), & tempFile); thePrinter. graphics = Graphics_create_postscriptjob (& tempFile, thePrinter. resolution, thePrinter. spots, thePrinter. paperSize, thePrinter. orientation, thePrinter. magnification); if (! thePrinter. graphics) return Melder_error1 (L"Cannot create temporary PostScript file for printing."); draw (boss, thePrinter. graphics); forget (thePrinter. graphics); char command [500]; sprintf (command, Melder_peekWcsToUtf8 (Site_getPrintCommand ()), tempPath_utf8); system (command); MelderFile_delete (& tempFile); #elif defined (_WIN32) int postScriptCode = POSTSCRIPT_PASSTHROUGH; DOCINFO docInfo; DEVMODE *devMode; initPrinter (); if (! theWinPrint. hDevMode) { memset (& theWinPrint, 0, sizeof (PRINTDLG)); theWinPrint. lStructSize = sizeof (PRINTDLG); theWinPrint. Flags = PD_RETURNDEFAULT; if (! PrintDlg (& theWinPrint)) return Melder_error1 (L"Cannot initialize printer."); } if (Melder_backgrounding) { theWinPrint. Flags = PD_RETURNDEFAULT | PD_RETURNDC; if (! PrintDlg (& theWinPrint) || theWinPrint. hDC == NULL) { return Melder_error1 (L"Cannot print from a script on this computer."); } } else { theWinPrint. Flags &= ~ PD_RETURNDEFAULT; theWinPrint. Flags |= PD_RETURNDC; if (! PrintDlg (& theWinPrint)) return 1; } theWinDC = theWinPrint. hDC; thePrinter. postScript = thePrinter. allowDirectPostScript && Escape (theWinDC, QUERYESCSUPPORT, sizeof (int), (LPSTR) & postScriptCode, NULL); /* * The HP colour inkjet printer returns in dmFields: * 0, 1, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 23, 24, 25, 26 = DM_ORIENTATION | * DM_PAPERSIZE | DM_COPIES | DM_DEFAULTSOURCE | DM_PRINTQUALITY | * DM_COLOR | DM_DUPLEX | DM_YRESOLUTION | DM_TTOPTION | DM_COLLATE | * DM_ICMMETHOD | DM_ICMINTENT | DM_MEDIATYPE | DM_DITHERTYPE */ devMode = * (DEVMODE **) theWinPrint. hDevMode; thePrinter. resolution = devMode -> dmFields & DM_YRESOLUTION ? devMode -> dmYResolution : devMode -> dmFields & DM_PRINTQUALITY ? ( devMode -> dmPrintQuality > 0 ? devMode -> dmPrintQuality : 300 ) : 300; if (devMode -> dmFields & DM_PAPERWIDTH) { thePrinter. paperWidth = devMode -> dmPaperWidth * thePrinter. resolution / 254; thePrinter. paperHeight = devMode -> dmPaperLength * thePrinter. resolution / 254; } else if (devMode -> dmFields & DM_PAPERSIZE) { static struct { float width, height; } sizes [] = { { 0, 0 }, { 8.5, 11 }, { 8.5, 11 }, { 11, 17 }, { 17, 11 }, { 8.5, 14 }, { 5.5, 8.5 }, { 7.25, 10.5 }, { 297/25.4, 420/25.4 }, { 210/25.4, 297/25.4 }, { 210/25.4, 297/25.4 }, { 148.5/25.4, 210/25.4 }, { 250/25.4, 354/25.4 }, { 182/25.4, 257/25.4 }, { 8.5, 13 }, { 215/25.4, 275/25.4 }, { 10, 14 }, { 11, 17 }, { 8.5, 11 }, { 3.875, 8.875 }, { 4.125, 9.5 }, { 4.5, 10.375 } }; int paperSize = devMode -> dmPaperSize; if (paperSize <= 0 || paperSize > 21) paperSize = 1; thePrinter. paperWidth = sizes [paperSize]. width * thePrinter. resolution; thePrinter. paperHeight = sizes [paperSize]. height * thePrinter. resolution; if (devMode -> dmOrientation == DMORIENT_LANDSCAPE) { long dummy = thePrinter. paperWidth; thePrinter. paperWidth = thePrinter. paperHeight; thePrinter. paperHeight = dummy; } } else { thePrinter. paperWidth = 1000; thePrinter. paperHeight = 1000; } EnableWindow ((HWND) XtWindow (theCurrentPraatApplication -> topShell), FALSE); SetAbortProc (theWinDC, AbortFunc); memset (& docInfo, 0, sizeof (DOCINFO)); docInfo. cbSize = sizeof (DOCINFO); docInfo. lpszDocName = L"Praatjes"; docInfo. lpszOutput = NULL; if (thePrinter. postScript) { StartDoc (theWinDC, & docInfo); StartPage (theWinDC); initPostScriptPage (); thePrinter. graphics = Graphics_create_postscriptprinter (); if (! thePrinter. graphics) return Melder_error1 (L"Cannot open printer."); draw (boss, thePrinter. graphics); forget (thePrinter. graphics); exitPostScriptPage (); EndPage (theWinDC); EndDoc (theWinDC); } else { StartDoc (theWinDC, & docInfo); StartPage (theWinDC); thePrinter. graphics = Graphics_create_screenPrinter (NULL, (unsigned long) theWinDC); if (! thePrinter. graphics) return Melder_error1 (L"Cannot open printer."); draw (boss, thePrinter. graphics); forget (thePrinter. graphics); if (EndPage (theWinDC) < 0) { Melder_error1 (L"Cannot print page."); } else { EndDoc (theWinDC); } } EnableWindow ((HWND) XtWindow (theCurrentPraatApplication -> topShell), TRUE); DeleteDC (theWinDC), theWinDC = NULL; #elif defined (macintosh) Boolean result; initPrinter (); if (Melder_backgrounding) { PMSessionValidatePageFormat (theMacPrintSession, theMacPageFormat, & result); PMSessionValidatePrintSettings (theMacPrintSession, theMacPrintSettings, & result); } else { Boolean accepted; PMSessionPrintDialog (theMacPrintSession, theMacPrintSettings, theMacPageFormat, & accepted); if (! accepted) return 1; /* Normal cancelled return. */ } PMSessionValidatePageFormat (theMacPrintSession, theMacPageFormat, & result); PMSessionValidatePrintSettings (theMacPrintSession, theMacPrintSettings, & result); PMResolution res; PMGetResolution (theMacPageFormat, & res); thePrinter. resolution = res. hRes; PMGetAdjustedPaperRect (theMacPageFormat, & paperSize); thePrinter. paperWidth = paperSize. right - paperSize. left; thePrinter. paperHeight = paperSize. bottom - paperSize. top; Boolean isPostScriptDriver = FALSE; //PMSessionIsDocumentFormatSupported (theMacPrintSession, // kPMDocumentFormatPICTPS, & isPostScriptDriver); CFArrayRef supportedFormats; PMSessionGetDocumentFormatGeneration (theMacPrintSession, & supportedFormats); CFIndex numberOfSupportedFormats = CFArrayGetCount (supportedFormats); if (Melder_debug == 21) { MelderInfo_open (); MelderInfo_writeLine1 (L"Supported document formats:"); } for (CFIndex i = 0; i < numberOfSupportedFormats; i ++) { CFStringRef supportedFormat = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (supportedFormats, i); if (CFStringCompare (supportedFormat, kPMDocumentFormatPICTPS, 0) == 0) { isPostScriptDriver = TRUE; } if (Melder_debug == 21) { MelderInfo_writeLine3 (Melder_integer (i), L": ", Melder_peekUtf8ToWcs (CFStringGetCStringPtr (supportedFormat, kCFStringEncodingUTF8))); } } if (Melder_debug == 21) { MelderInfo_close (); } CFRelease (supportedFormats); isPostScriptDriver = FALSE; // OVERRIDE, because from 10.4 on we have something better: we'll be sending PDF thePrinter. postScript = thePrinter. allowDirectPostScript && isPostScriptDriver; if (thePrinter. postScript) { CFStringRef strings [1]; strings [0] = kPMGraphicsContextQuickdraw; CFArrayRef array = CFArrayCreate (kCFAllocatorDefault, (const void **) strings, 1, & kCFTypeArrayCallBacks); OSStatus err = PMSessionSetDocumentFormatGeneration (theMacPrintSession, kPMDocumentFormatPICTPS, array, NULL); CFRelease (array); if (err != 0) { return Melder_error2 (L"PMSessionSetDocumentFormatGeneration: error ", Melder_integer (err)); } } PMOrientation orientation; PMGetOrientation (theMacPageFormat, & orientation); thePrinter. orientation = orientation == kPMLandscape || orientation == kPMReverseLandscape ? kGraphicsPostscript_orientation_LANDSCAPE : kGraphicsPostscript_orientation_PORTRAIT; PMSessionBeginDocument (theMacPrintSession, theMacPrintSettings, theMacPageFormat); PMSessionBeginPage (theMacPrintSession, theMacPageFormat, NULL); PMSessionGetGraphicsContext (theMacPrintSession, kPMGraphicsContextQuickdraw, (void **) & theMacPort); /* * On PostScript, the point (0, 0) is the bottom left corner of the paper, which is fine. * On the screen, however, the point (0, 0) is the top left corner of the writable page. * Since we want paper-related margins, not writable-page-related margins, * we require that this point gets the coordinates (250, 258) or so, * so that the top left corner of the paper gets coordinates (0, 0). * The "left" and "top" attributes of rPaper are negative values (e.g. -250 and -258), * so multiply them by -1. * * Under Carbon, the port has to be set inside the page. */ SetPort (theMacPort); if (! thePrinter. postScript) SetOrigin (- paperSize. left, - paperSize. top); if (thePrinter. postScript) { if (! openPostScript ()) error1 (L"Cannot print PostScript.") thePrinter. graphics = Graphics_create_postscriptprinter (); if (! thePrinter. graphics) goto end; draw (boss, thePrinter. graphics); forget (thePrinter. graphics); closePostScript (); } else { thePrinter. graphics = Graphics_create_screenPrinter (NULL, (unsigned long) theMacPort); draw (boss, thePrinter. graphics); forget (thePrinter. graphics); } end: if (theMacPort) { PMSessionEndPage (theMacPrintSession); PMSessionEndDocument (theMacPrintSession); theMacPort = NULL; } #endif iferror return 0; return 1; }