Exemple #1
// Doc ID 13902 Rev 11 p 714/1072
// Transfer Sequence Diagram for Master Receiver for N=1
static inline enum STMI2CSubTransactionStatus stmi2c_read1(uint32_t i2c, struct i2c_periph *periph, struct i2c_transaction *trans)
  uint16_t SR1 = I2C_SR1(i2c);

  // Start Condition Was Just Generated
  if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG( I2C_SR1_SB, SR1 ) )
    i2c_disable_interrupt(i2c, I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN);
    i2c_send_data(i2c, trans->slave_addr | 0x01);

    // Document the current Status
    periph->status = I2CAddrRdSent;
  // Address Was Sent
  else if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG(I2C_SR1_ADDR, SR1) )
    // First Clear the ACK bit: after the next byte we do not want new bytes

    // --- next to steps MUST be executed together to avoid missing the stop

    // Only after setting ACK, read SR2 to clear the ADDR (next byte will start arriving)
    uint16_t SR2 __attribute__ ((unused)) = I2C_SR2(i2c);

    // Schedule a Stop

    // --- end of critical zone -----------

    // Enable the RXNE: it will trigger as soon as the 1 byte is received to get the result
    i2c_enable_interrupt(i2c, I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN);

    // Document the current Status
    periph->status = I2CReadingLastByte;
  // As soon as there is 1 byte ready to read, we have our byte
  else if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG(I2C_SR1_RxNE, SR1) )
    i2c_disable_interrupt(i2c, I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN);
    trans->buf[0] = I2C_DR(i2c);

    // We got all the results (stop condition might still be in progress but this is the last interrupt)
    trans->status = I2CTransSuccess;

    // Document the current Status:
    // -the stop was actually already requested in the previous step
    periph->status = I2CStopRequested;

    return STMI2C_SubTra_Ready_StopRequested;
  else // Event Logic Error
    return STMI2C_SubTra_Error;

  return STMI2C_SubTra_Busy;
static inline enum STMI2CSubTransactionStatus stmi2c_read2(I2C_TypeDef *regs, struct i2c_transaction *trans)
  uint16_t SR1 = regs->SR1;

  // Start Condition Was Just Generated
  if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG( I2C_SR1_BIT_SB, SR1 ) )
    regs->CR2 &= ~ I2C_CR2_BIT_ITBUFEN;
    regs->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_BIT_ACK;
    regs->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_BIT_POS;
    regs->DR = trans->slave_addr | 0x01;
  // Address Was Sent
  else if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG(I2C_SR1_BIT_ADDR, SR1) )
    // BEFORE clearing ACK, read SR2 to clear the ADDR (next byte will start arriving)
    // clearing ACK after the byte transfer has already started will NACK the next (2nd)
    uint16_t SR2 __attribute__ ((unused)) = regs->SR2;

    // --- make absolutely sure this command is not delayed too much after the previous:
    //       if transfer of DR was finished already then we will get too many bytes
    // NOT First Clear the ACK bit but only AFTER clearing ADDR
    regs->CR1 &= ~ I2C_CR1_BIT_ACK;

    // Disable the RXNE and wait for BTF
    regs->CR2 &= ~ I2C_CR2_BIT_ITBUFEN;

    // --- end of critical zone -----------
  // Receive buffer if full, master is halted: BTF
  else if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG(I2C_SR1_BIT_BTF, SR1) )
    // Stop condition MUST be set BEFORE reading the DR
    // otherwise since there is new buffer space a new byte will be read

    trans->buf[0] = regs->DR;
    trans->buf[1] = regs->DR;

    // We got all the results
    trans->status = I2CTransSuccess;

    return STMI2C_SubTra_Ready_StopRequested;
  else // Hardware error
    return STMI2C_SubTra_Error;

  return STMI2C_SubTra_Busy;
static inline enum STMI2CSubTransactionStatus stmi2c_read1(I2C_TypeDef *regs, struct i2c_transaction *trans)
  uint16_t SR1 = regs->SR1;

  // Start Condition Was Just Generated
  if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG( I2C_SR1_BIT_SB, SR1 ) )
    regs->CR2 &= ~ I2C_CR2_BIT_ITBUFEN;
    regs->DR = trans->slave_addr | 0x01;
  // Address Was Sent
  else if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG(I2C_SR1_BIT_ADDR, SR1) )
    // First Clear the ACK bit: after the next byte we do not want new bytes
    regs->CR1 &= ~ I2C_CR1_BIT_POS;
    regs->CR1 &= ~ I2C_CR1_BIT_ACK;

    // --- next to steps MUST be executed together to avoid missing the stop

    // Only after setting ACK, read SR2 to clear the ADDR (next byte will start arriving)
    uint16_t SR2 __attribute__ ((unused)) = regs->SR2;

    // Schedule a Stop

    // --- end of critical zone -----------

    // Enable the RXNE to get the result
    regs->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_BIT_ITBUFEN;
  else if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG(I2C_SR1_BIT_RXNE, SR1) )
    regs->CR2 &= ~ I2C_CR2_BIT_ITBUFEN;
    trans->buf[0] = regs->DR;

    // We got all the results (stop condition might still be in progress but this is the last interrupt)
    trans->status = I2CTransSuccess;

    return STMI2C_SubTra_Ready_StopRequested;
  else // Hardware error
    return STMI2C_SubTra_Error;

  return STMI2C_SubTra_Busy;
static inline void i2c_irq(struct i2c_periph *periph)

	There are 7 possible reasons to get here:


	We are always interested in all IT_EV_FEV: all are required.

	1) SB		// Start Condition Success in Master mode
	2) ADDR		// Address sent received Acknoledge
	[3 ADDR10]	// -- 10bit address stuff
	[4 STOPF]	// -- only for slaves: master has no stop interrupt
	5) BTF		// I2C has stopped working (it is waiting for new data, all buffers are tx_empty/rx_full)

	// Beware: using the buffered I2C has some interesting properties:
	  -in master receive mode: BTF only occurs after the 2nd received byte: after the first byte is received it is
           in RD but the I2C can still receive a second byte. Only when the 2nd byte is received while the RxNE is 1
	   then a BTF occurs (I2C can not continue receiving bytes or they will get lost). During BTF I2C is halted (SCL held low)
	  -in master transmitmode: when writing a byte to WD, you instantly get a new TxE interrupt while the first is not
	   transmitted yet. The byte was pushed to the I2C shift register and the buffer is ready for more. You can already
	   fill new data in the buffer while the first is still being transmitted for max performance transmission.

        // Beware: besides data buffering you can/must plan several consecutive actions. You can send 2 bytes to the buffer, ask for a stop and
           a new start in one go.

          -thanks to / because of this buffering and event sheduling there is not 1 interrupt per start / byte / stop
           This also means you must think more in advance and a transaction could be popped from the stack even before it is
           actually completely transmitted. But then you would not know the result yet so you have to keep it until the result
           is known.

	// Beware: the order in which Status is read determines how flags are cleared. You should not just read SR1 & SR2 every time


	Buffer event are not always wanted and are tipically switched on during longer data transfers. Make sure to turn off in time.

	6) RxNE
	7) TxE

	// This driver uses only a subset of the pprz_i2c_states for several reasons:
	// -we have less interrupts than the I2CStatus states (for efficiency)
	// -STM32 has such a powerfull I2C engine with plenty of status register flags that
            only little extra status information needs to be stored.

       // Status is re-used (abused) to remember the last COMMAND THAT WAS SENT to the STM I2C hardware.

// TODO: check which are used
	enum I2CStatus {
	  I2CIdle,			// No more last command

	  I2CStartRequested,		// Last command was start
	  I2CRestartRequested,		// Last command was restart
	  I2CStopRequested,		// Very important to not send double stop conditions

	  I2CSendingByte,		// Some address/data operation

	  // Following are not used


	The STM waits indefinately (holding SCL low) for user interaction:
	a) after a master-start (waiting for address)
	b) after an address (waiting for data)
	   not during data sending when using buffered
	c) after the last byte is transmitted (waiting for either stop or restart)
	   not during data receiving when using buffered
	   not after the last byte is received

	-The STM I2C stalls indefinately when a stop condition was attempted that
	did not succeed. The BUSY flag remains on.
        -There is no STOP interrupt: use needs another way to finish.


  // Reading the status:
  // - Caution: this clears several flags and can start transmissions etc...
  // - Certain flags like STOP / (N)ACK need to be guaranteed to be set before
  //   the transmission of the byte is finished. At higher clock rates that can be
  //   quite fast: so we allow no other interrupt to be triggered in between
  //   reading the status and setting all needed flags

  // Direct Access to the I2C Registers
  // Do not read SR2 as it might start the reading while an (n)ack bit might be needed first
  I2C_TypeDef *regs = (I2C_TypeDef *) periph->reg_addr;

#ifdef I2C_DEBUG_LED


  enum STMI2CSubTransactionStatus ret = 0;

  // Nothing Left To Do
  if (periph->trans_extract_idx == periph->trans_insert_idx)
#ifdef I2C_DEBUG_LED

    // no transaction and also an error?

    // If we still get an interrupt but there are no more things to do
    // (which can happen if an event was sheduled just before a bus error occurs)
    // then its easy: just stop: clear all interrupt generating bits

    // Count The Errors

    // Clear Running Events

    // Mark this as a special error

    periph->status = I2CIdle;

    // There are no transactions anymore:
    // furtheron we need a transaction pointer: so we are not allowed to continue

  struct i2c_transaction* trans = periph->trans[periph->trans_extract_idx];

  // If there was an error:
  if (( regs->SR1 & I2C_SR1_BITS_ERR ) != 0x0000)

#ifdef I2C_DEBUG_LED


    // Set result in transaction
    trans->status = I2CTransFailed;

    // Prepare for next
    ret = STMI2C_SubTra_Ready;

    // Make sure a TxRx does not Restart
    trans->type = I2CTransRx;

    // There are 2 types of errors: some need a STOP, some better do without: Following will not get an extra stop
    if (
           // Lost Arbitration
           (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG( I2C_SR1_BIT_ERR_ARLO, regs->SR1 ) )
           // Buss Error When Master Only
        || ((BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG( I2C_SR1_BIT_ERR_BUS,  regs->SR1 ) )  &&  (!BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG( I2C_SR2_BIT_MSL,  regs->SR2 ) ))
        || (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG( I2C_SR1_BIT_ERR_OVR,  regs->SR1 ) )
      ret = STMI2C_SubTra_Error;

    // Count The Errors

    // Clear Running Events


  // Normal Event:

    if (trans->type == I2CTransRx) // TxRx are converted to Rx after the Tx Part
      switch (trans->len_r)
        case 1:
          ret = stmi2c_read1(regs,trans);
        case 2:
          ret = stmi2c_read2(regs,trans);
          ret = stmi2c_readmany(regs,periph, trans);
    else // TxRx or Tx
      ret = stmi2c_send(regs,periph,trans);

  // Sub-transaction has finished
  if (ret != STMI2C_SubTra_Busy)
    // If a restart is not needed
    if (trans->type != I2CTransTxRx)
      // Ready, no stop condition set yet
      if (ret == STMI2C_SubTra_Ready)

        // Program a stop

        // Silent any BTF that would occur before STOP is executed
        regs->DR = 0x00;

      // In case of unexpected condition: e.g. not slave, no event
      if (ret == STMI2C_SubTra_Error)

        trans->status = I2CTransFailed;

    // Error
#ifdef I2C_DEBUG_LED


        // Clear Running Events


      // Jump to the next transaction
      if (periph->trans_extract_idx >= I2C_TRANSACTION_QUEUE_LEN)
        periph->trans_extract_idx = 0;

      // Tell everyone we are ready
      periph->status = I2CIdle;

      // if we have no more transaction to process, stop here
      if (periph->trans_extract_idx == periph->trans_insert_idx)

#ifdef I2C_DEBUG_LED
      // if not, start next transaction
        // Restart transaction doing the Rx part now
// --- moved to idle function
// ------

    // RxTx -> Restart and do Rx part
      trans->type = I2CTransRx;
      periph->status = I2CStartRequested;
      regs->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_BIT_START;

      // Silent any BTF that would occur before SB
      regs->DR = 0x00;

static inline enum STMI2CSubTransactionStatus stmi2c_readmany(I2C_TypeDef *regs, struct i2c_periph *periph, struct i2c_transaction *trans)
  uint16_t SR1 = regs->SR1;

  // Start Condition Was Just Generated
  if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG( I2C_SR1_BIT_SB, SR1 ) )
    regs->CR2 &= ~ I2C_CR2_BIT_ITBUFEN;
    // The first data byte will be acked in read many so the slave knows it should send more
    regs->CR1 &= ~ I2C_CR1_BIT_POS;
    regs->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_BIT_ACK;
    // Clear the SB flag
    regs->DR = trans->slave_addr | 0x01;
  // Address Was Sent
  else if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG(I2C_SR1_BIT_ADDR, SR1) )
    periph->idx_buf = 0;

    // Enable RXNE: receive an interrupt any time a byte is available
    // only enable if MORE than 3 bytes need to be read
    if (periph->idx_buf < (trans->len_r - 3))
      regs->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_BIT_ITBUFEN;

    // ACK is still on to get more DATA
    // Read SR2 to clear the ADDR (next byte will start arriving)
    uint16_t SR2 __attribute__ ((unused)) = regs->SR2;
  // one or more bytes are available AND we were interested in Buffer interrupts
  else if ( (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG(I2C_SR1_BIT_RXNE, SR1) ) && (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG(I2C_CR2_BIT_ITBUFEN, regs->CR2))  )
    // read byte until 3 bytes remain to be read (e.g. len_r = 6, -> idx=3 means idx 3,4,5 = 3 remain to be read
    if (periph->idx_buf < (trans->len_r - 3))
      trans->buf[periph->idx_buf] = regs->DR;
      periph->idx_buf ++;
    // from : 3bytes -> last byte: do nothing
    // finally: this was the last byte
    else if (periph->idx_buf >= (trans->len_r - 1))
      regs->CR2 &= ~ I2C_CR2_BIT_ITBUFEN;

      // Last Value
      trans->buf[periph->idx_buf] = regs->DR;
      periph->idx_buf ++;

      // We got all the results
      trans->status = I2CTransSuccess;

      return STMI2C_SubTra_Ready_StopRequested;

    // Check for end of transaction: start waiting for BTF instead of RXNE
    if (periph->idx_buf < (trans->len_r - 3))
      regs->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_BIT_ITBUFEN;
    else // idx >= len-3: there are 3 bytes to be read
      // We want to halt I2C to have sufficient time to clear ACK, so:
      // Stop listening to RXNE as it will be triggered infinitely since we did not empty the buffer
      // on the next (second in buffer) received byte BTF will be set (buffer full and I2C halted)
      regs->CR2 &= ~ I2C_CR2_BIT_ITBUFEN;
  // Buffer is full while this was not a RXNE interrupt
  else if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG(I2C_SR1_BIT_BTF, SR1) )
    // Now the shift register and data register contain data(n-2) and data(n-1)
    // And I2C is halted so we have time

    // --- Make absolutely sure the next 2 I2C actions are performed with no delay

    // First we clear the ACK while the SCL is held low by BTF
    regs->CR1 &= ~ I2C_CR1_BIT_ACK;

    // Now that ACK is cleared we read one byte: instantly the last byte is being clocked in...
    trans->buf[periph->idx_buf] = regs->DR;
    periph->idx_buf ++;

    // Now the last byte is being clocked. Stop in MUST be set BEFORE the transfer of the last byte is complete

    // --- end of critical zone -----------

    // read the byte2 we had in the buffer (BTF means 2 bytes available)
    trans->buf[periph->idx_buf] = regs->DR;
    periph->idx_buf ++;

    // Ask for an interrupt to read the last byte (which is normally still busy now)
    // The last byte will be received with RXNE
    regs->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_BIT_ITBUFEN;
  else // Hardware error
    // Error
#ifdef I2C_DEBUG_LED
    return STMI2C_SubTra_Error;

  return STMI2C_SubTra_Busy;
Exemple #6
static inline void i2c_irq(struct i2c_periph *periph)

    There are 7 possible event reasons to get here + all errors

    If IT_EV_FEN

    We are always interested in all IT_EV_FEV: all are required.

    1) SB		// Start Condition Success in Master mode
    2) ADDR		// Address sent received Acknoledge
    [ADDR10]	// -- 10bit address stuff: not used
    [STOPF]		// -- only for slaves: master has no stop interrupt: not used
    3) BTF		// I2C has stopped working (it is waiting for new data, all buffers are tx_empty/rx_full)

    // Beware: using the buffered I2C has some interesting properties:
    - in master receive mode: BTF only occurs after the 2nd received byte: after the first byte is received it is
      in RD but the I2C can still receive a second byte. Only when the 2nd byte is received while the RxNE is 1
      then a BTF occurs (I2C can not continue receiving bytes or they will get lost). During BTF I2C is halted (SCL held low)
    - in master transmit mode: when writing a byte to WD, you instantly get a new TxE interrupt while the first is not
      transmitted yet. The byte was pushed to the I2C shift register and the buffer is ready for more. You can already
      fill new data in the buffer while the first is still being transmitted for max performance transmission.

    // Beware: besides data buffering you can/must plan several consecutive actions. You can send 2 bytes to the buffer, ask for a stop and
    a new start in one go.

    - thanks to / because of this buffering and event sheduling there is not 1 interrupt per start / byte / stop
      This also means you must think more in advance and a transaction could be popped from the transaction stack even before it's
      stop condition is actually generated.

    // Beware: the order in which Status (and other register) is read determines how flags are cleared.
    You should NOT simply read SR1 & SR2 every time


    Buffer event are not always wanted and are typically switched on during longer data transfers. Make sure to turn off in time.

    4) RxNE
    5) TxE


    The STM waits indefinately (holding SCL low) for user interaction:
    a) after a master-start (waiting for address)
    b) after an address (waiting for data)
       not during data sending when using buffered
    c) after the last byte is transmitted (waiting for either stop or restart)
       not during data receiving when using buffered
       not after the last byte is received

    - The STM I2C stalls indefinately when a stop condition was attempted that
      did not succeed. The BUSY flag remains on.
    - There is no STOP interrupt.

    Caution Reading the status:
    - Caution: this clears several flags and can start transmissions etc...
    - Certain flags like STOP / (N)ACK need to be guaranteed to be set before
      the transmission of the byte is finished. At higher clock rates that can be
      quite fast: so we allow no other interrupt to be triggered in between
      reading the status and setting all needed flags


  // Here we go ...

  // Apparently we got an I2C interrupt: EVT BUF or ERR

#ifdef I2C_DEBUG_LED
  // Notify ISR is triggered

  // Save Some Direct Access to the I2C Registers ...
  uint32_t i2c = (uint32_t) periph->reg_addr;

  // Check if we were ready ...
  if (periph->trans_extract_idx == periph->trans_insert_idx)
    // Nothing Left To Do

#ifdef I2C_DEBUG_LED

    // no transaction and also an error?

    // If we still get an interrupt but there are no more things to do
    // (which can happen if an event was sheduled just before a bus error occurs)
    // (or can happen if both error and event interrupts were called together [the 2nd will then get this error])

    // since there is nothing more to do: its easy: just stop: clear all interrupt generating bits

    // Count The Errors

    // Clear Running Events

    // Mark this as a special error

    // Document the current Status
    periph->status = I2CIdle;

    // There are no transactions anymore: return
    // further-on in this routine we need a transaction pointer: so we are not allowed to continue

  // get the I2C transaction we were working on ...

  enum STMI2CSubTransactionStatus ret = 0;
  struct i2c_transaction* trans = periph->trans[periph->trans_extract_idx];

  // If there was an error:
  if (( I2C_SR1(i2c) & I2C_SR1_ERR_MASK ) != 0x0000)

#ifdef I2C_DEBUG_LED


    // Notify everyone about the error ...

    // Set result in transaction
    trans->status = I2CTransFailed;

    // Document the current Status
    periph->status = I2CFailed;

    // Make sure a TxRx does not Restart
    trans->type = I2CTransRx;

    // Count The Errors

    // Clear Running Events

    // Now continue as if everything was normal from now on
    ret = STMI2C_SubTra_Ready;


  // Normal Event:


    if (trans->type == I2CTransRx) // TxRx are converted to Rx after the Tx Part
      switch (trans->len_r)
      case 1:
        ret = stmi2c_read1(i2c,periph,trans);
      case 2:
        ret = stmi2c_read2(i2c,periph,trans);
        ret = stmi2c_readmany(i2c,periph,trans);
    else // TxRx or Tx
      ret = stmi2c_send(i2c,periph,trans);

  // Sub-transaction has finished
  if (ret != STMI2C_SubTra_Busy)
    // Ready or SubTraError
    // -ready: with or without stop already asked

    // In case of unexpected event condition during subtransaction handling:
    if (ret == STMI2C_SubTra_Error)
      // Tell everyone about the subtransaction error:
      // this is the previously called SPURRIOUS INTERRUPT
      periph->status = I2CFailed;
      trans->type = I2CTransRx;		// Avoid possible restart
      trans->status = I2CTransFailed;	// Notify Ready

      // Error
#ifdef I2C_DEBUG_LED


      // Clear Running Events

    // RxTx -> Restart and do Rx part
    if (trans->type == I2CTransTxRx)
      trans->type = I2CTransRx;
      periph->status = I2CStartRequested;

      // Silent any BTF that would occur before SB
      i2c_send_data(i2c, 0x00);
    // If a restart is not needed: Rx part or Tx-only
      // Ready, no stop condition set yet
      if (ret == STMI2C_SubTra_Ready)

        // Program a stop

        // Silent any BTF that would occur before STOP is executed
        i2c_send_data(i2c, 0x00);

      // Jump to the next transaction
      if (periph->trans_extract_idx >= I2C_TRANSACTION_QUEUE_LEN)
        periph->trans_extract_idx = 0;

      // Tell everyone we are ready
      periph->status = I2CIdle;

      // if we have no more transaction to process, stop here
      if (periph->trans_extract_idx == periph->trans_insert_idx)

        periph->watchdog = -1; // stop watchdog
#ifdef I2C_DEBUG_LED
      // if not, start next transaction
        // Restart transaction doing the Rx part now
        // --- moved to idle function
        // ------

Exemple #7
// Doc ID 13902 Rev 11 p 713/1072
// Transfer Sequence Diagram for Master Receiver for N=2
static inline enum STMI2CSubTransactionStatus stmi2c_read2(uint32_t i2c, struct i2c_periph *periph, struct i2c_transaction *trans)
  uint16_t SR1 = I2C_SR1(i2c);

  // Start Condition Was Just Generated
  if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG( I2C_SR1_SB, SR1 ) )
    // according to the datasheet: instantly shedule a NAK on the second received byte:
    i2c_disable_interrupt(i2c, I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN);
    i2c_send_data(i2c, trans->slave_addr | 0x01);

    // Document the current Status
    periph->status = I2CAddrRdSent;
  // Address Was Sent
  else if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG(I2C_SR1_ADDR, SR1) )
    // --- make absolutely sure this command is not delayed too much after the previous:
    // --- the NAK bits must be set before the first byte arrived: allow other interrupts here

    //       if transfer of DR was finished already then we will get too many bytes
    // BEFORE clearing ACK, read SR2 to clear the ADDR (next byte will start arriving)
    // clearing ACK after the byte transfer has already started will NACK the next (2nd)
    uint16_t SR2 __attribute__ ((unused)) = I2C_SR2(i2c);

    // NOT First Clear the ACK bit but only AFTER clearing ADDR

    // Disable the RXNE and wait for BTF
    i2c_disable_interrupt(i2c, I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN);

    // --- end of critical zone -----------

    // We do not set the RxE but wait for both bytes to arrive using BTF

    // Document the current Status
    periph->status = I2CReadingByte;
  // Receive buffer if full, master is halted: BTF
  else if (BIT_X_IS_SET_IN_REG(I2C_SR1_BTF, SR1) )
    // Stop condition MUST be set BEFORE reading the DR
    // otherwise since there is new buffer space a new byte will be read

    // Document the current Status
    periph->status = I2CStopRequested;

    trans->buf[0] = I2C_DR(i2c);
    trans->buf[1] = I2C_DR(i2c);

    // We got all the results
    trans->status = I2CTransSuccess;

    return STMI2C_SubTra_Ready_StopRequested;
  else // Event Logic Error
    return STMI2C_SubTra_Error;

  return STMI2C_SubTra_Busy;