Exemple #1
static SEXP _top_prenv(SEXP promise, SEXP env) {
  while(TYPEOF(promise) == PROMSXP) {
    env = PRENV(promise);
    promise = PREXPR(promise);
  return env;
Exemple #2
SEXP _dots_expressions(SEXP dots) {
  SEXP names, s, expressions;
  int i, length;

  if ((TYPEOF(dots) == VECSXP) && (LENGTH(dots) == 0))
    return R_NilValue;
  else if ((TYPEOF(dots) != DOTSXP) && (TYPEOF(dots) != LISTSXP))
    error("Expected dotlist or pairlist, got %d", TYPEOF(dots));
  names = PROTECT(_dots_names(dots));
  length = _dots_length(dots);
  PROTECT(expressions = allocVector(VECSXP, length));

  for (s = dots, i = 0; i < length; s = CDR(s), i++) {
    SEXP item = CAR(s);
    // if we have an unevluated promise whose code is another promise, descend
    while ((PRENV(item) != R_NilValue) && (TYPEOF(PRCODE(item)) == PROMSXP)) {
      item = PRCODE(item);
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(expressions, i, PREXPR(item));    

  if (names != R_NilValue)
    setAttrib(expressions, R_NamesSymbol, names);

Exemple #3
// [[Rcpp::export]]
SEXP make_lazy(SEXP name, SEXP env, SEXP follow_symbols_) {
  SEXP promise = findVar(name, env);
  int follow_symbols = asLogical(follow_symbols_);

  // recurse until we find the real promise, not a promise of a promise
  while(TYPEOF(promise) == PROMSXP) {
    env = PRENV(promise);
    promise = PREXPR(promise);

    // If the promise is threaded through multiple functions, we'll
    // get some symbols along the way. If the symbol is bound to a promise
    // keep going on up
    if (follow_symbols && TYPEOF(promise) == SYMSXP) {
      SEXP obj = findVar(promise, env);
      if (TYPEOF(obj) == PROMSXP) {
        promise = obj;

  // Make named list for output
  SEXP lazy = PROTECT(allocVector(VECSXP, 2));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(lazy, 0, promise);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(lazy, 1, env);

  SEXP names = PROTECT(allocVector(STRSXP, 2));
  SET_STRING_ELT(names, 0, mkChar("expr"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(names, 1, mkChar("env"));

  setAttrib(lazy, install("names"), names);
  setAttrib(lazy, install("class"), PROTECT(mkString("lazy")));


  return lazy;
Exemple #4
SEXP _dots_unpack(SEXP dots) {
  int i;
  SEXP s;
  int length = 0;
  SEXP names, environments, expressions, values;
  //SEXP evaluated, codeptr, missing, wraplist;
  //SEXP seen;

  SEXP dataFrame;
  SEXP colNames;

  //check inputs and measure length
  length = _dots_length(dots);

  // unpack information for each item:
  // names, environemnts, expressions, values, evaluated, seen
  PROTECT(names = allocVector(STRSXP, length));
  PROTECT(environments = allocVector(VECSXP, length));
  PROTECT(expressions = allocVector(VECSXP, length));
  PROTECT(values = allocVector(VECSXP, length));

  for (s = dots, i = 0; i < length; s = CDR(s), i++) {
    if (TYPEOF(s) != DOTSXP && TYPEOF(s) != LISTSXP)
      error("Expected dotlist or pairlist, got %s at index %d", type2char(TYPEOF(s)), i);

    SEXP item = CAR(s);
    if (item == R_MissingArg) item = emptypromise();

    if (TYPEOF(item) != PROMSXP)
      error("Expected PROMSXP as CAR of DOTSXP, got %s", type2char(TYPEOF(item)));

    // if we have an unevluated promise whose code is another promise, descend
    while ((PRENV(item) != R_NilValue) && (TYPEOF(PRCODE(item)) == PROMSXP)) {
      item = PRCODE(item);

    if ((TYPEOF(PRENV(item)) != ENVSXP) && (PRENV(item) != R_NilValue))
      error("Expected ENVSXP or NULL in environment slot of DOTSXP, got %s",

    SET_VECTOR_ELT(environments, i, PRENV(item));
    SET_VECTOR_ELT(expressions, i, PREXPR(item));
    SET_STRING_ELT(names, i, isNull(TAG(s)) ? R_BlankString : PRINTNAME(TAG(s)));

    if (PRVALUE(item) != R_UnboundValue) {
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(values, i, PRVALUE(item));
    } else {
      SET_VECTOR_ELT(values, i, R_NilValue);
  PROTECT(dataFrame = allocVector(VECSXP, 4));
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(dataFrame, 0, names);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(dataFrame, 1, environments);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(dataFrame, 2, expressions);
  SET_VECTOR_ELT(dataFrame, 3, values);

  PROTECT(colNames = allocVector(STRSXP, 4));
  SET_STRING_ELT(colNames, 0, mkChar("name"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(colNames, 1, mkChar("envir"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(colNames, 2, mkChar("expr"));
  SET_STRING_ELT(colNames, 3, mkChar("value"));

  setAttrib(dataFrame, R_NamesSymbol, colNames);
  setAttrib(dataFrame, R_RowNamesSymbol, names);
  setAttrib(dataFrame, R_ClassSymbol, ScalarString(mkChar("data.frame")));

Exemple #5
SEXP attribute_hidden matchPositionalArgsCreateEnv(SEXP formals, SEXP *supplied, int nsupplied, SEXP call, SEXP rho, SEXP* outActuals)
    SEXP *s;
    SEXP f, a;    
    SEXP actuals = R_NilValue;
    SEXP newrho = PROTECT(NewEnvironmentNR(rho));    
    SEXP *endSupplied = supplied + nsupplied;
    for (f = formals, s = supplied, a = actuals ; f != R_NilValue ; f = CDR(f), s++) {
        if (TAG(f) == R_DotsSymbol) {
            /* pack all remaining arguments into ... */
            SEXP *rs = endSupplied - 1;
            SEXP dotsContent = R_NilValue;
            for(; rs >= s; rs--) {
                dotsContent = CONS(*rs, dotsContent); /* FIXME: enabling refcnt? */
            SEXP dots = CONS_NR(dotsContent, R_NilValue);
            SET_TAG(dots, R_DotsSymbol);
            if (dotsContent != R_NilValue) {
                SET_TYPEOF(dotsContent, DOTSXP);
            } else {
                SET_MISSING(dots, 1);
            if (a == R_NilValue) {
                PROTECT(actuals = dots);
            } else {
                SETCDR(a, dots);
                ENABLE_REFCNT(a); /* dots are part of a protected list */
            a = dots;
            f = CDR(f);
            s = endSupplied;
            /* falls through into noMoreSupplied branch below */
        if (s == endSupplied) {
            /* possibly fewer supplied arguments than formals */
            SEXP ds;
            for(; f != R_NilValue ; f = CDR(f), a = ds) { 
                ds = CONS_NR(R_MissingArg, R_NilValue);
                SET_TAG(ds, TAG(f));
                if (a == R_NilValue) {
                    PROTECT(actuals = ds);
                } else {
                    SETCDR(a, ds);
                    ENABLE_REFCNT(a); /* ds is part of a protected list */
                SEXP fdefault = CAR(f);
                if (fdefault != R_MissingArg) {
                    SET_MISSING(ds, 2);
                    SETCAR(ds, mkPROMISEorConst(fdefault, newrho));
                } else {
                    SET_MISSING(ds, 1);
        /* normal case, the next supplied arg is available */
        SEXP arg = CONS_NR(*s, R_NilValue);
        SET_TAG(arg, TAG(f));

        if (a == R_NilValue) {
            PROTECT(actuals = arg);
        } else {
            SETCDR(a, arg);
        a = arg;

    if (s < endSupplied) {
        /* some arguments are not used */

        SEXP *rs = endSupplied - 1;
        SEXP unusedForError = R_NilValue;
        for(; rs >= s; rs--) {
            SEXP rsValue = *rs;
            if (TYPEOF(rsValue) == PROMSXP) {
                rsValue = PREXPR(rsValue);
            unusedForError = CONS(rsValue, unusedForError);
        PROTECT(unusedForError); /* needed? */
        errorcall(call /* R_GlobalContext->call */,
	   ngettext("unused argument %s",
	     "unused arguments %s",
	     (unsigned long) length(unusedForError)),
	     CHAR(STRING_ELT(deparse1line(unusedForError, 0), 0)) + 4);
                  /* '+ 4' is to remove 'list' from 'list(badTag1,...)' */
    if (a != R_NilValue) {
    SET_FRAME(newrho, actuals);
    UNPROTECT(1);  /* newrho */
    if (actuals != R_NilValue) {
        UNPROTECT(1); /* actuals */
    *outActuals = actuals;
Exemple #6
SEXP attribute_hidden matchUnnamedArgsCreateEnv(SEXP formals, SEXP supplied, SEXP call, SEXP rho, SEXP* outActuals)
    SEXP f, s;    
    SEXP actuals = PROTECT(supplied);
    SEXP newrho = PROTECT(NewEnvironmentNR(rho));
    SEXP prevS = R_NilValue;
    for (f = formals, s = supplied ; f != R_NilValue ; f = CDR(f), prevS = s, s = CDR(s)) {
        if (TAG(f) == R_DotsSymbol) {
            /* pack all arguments into ... */
            SEXP dots = CONS_NR(R_MissingArg, R_NilValue);
            SET_TAG(dots, R_DotsSymbol);
            if (prevS == R_NilValue) {
                UNPROTECT(1); /* old actuals */
                PROTECT(actuals = dots);
            } else {
                SETCDR(prevS, dots);
                ENABLE_REFCNT(prevS); /* dots are part of a protected list */
            if (s != R_NilValue) {
                SET_TYPEOF(s, DOTSXP);
                SETCAR(dots, s);
                s = R_NilValue;
            } else {
                SET_MISSING(dots, 1);
            prevS = dots;
            f = CDR(f);
            /* falls through into s == R_NilValue case */
        if (s == R_NilValue) {
            /* fewer supplied arguments than formals */
            SEXP ds;
            for(; f != R_NilValue ; f = CDR(f), prevS = ds) { 
                ds = CONS_NR(R_MissingArg, R_NilValue);
                SET_TAG(ds, TAG(f));
                if (prevS == R_NilValue) {
                    UNPROTECT(1); /* old actuals */
                    PROTECT(actuals = ds);
                } else {
                    SETCDR(prevS, ds);
                    ENABLE_REFCNT(prevS); /* ds is part of a protected list */
                SEXP fdefault = CAR(f);
                if (fdefault != R_MissingArg) {
                    SET_MISSING(ds, 2);
                    SETCAR(ds, mkPROMISEorConst(fdefault, newrho));
                } else {
                    SET_MISSING(ds, 1);
        /* normal case, the next supplied arg is available */
        SET_TAG(s, TAG(f));
        if (CAR(s) == R_MissingArg) {
            SEXP fdefault = CAR(f);
            if (fdefault != R_MissingArg) {
                SET_MISSING(s, 2);
                SETCAR(s, mkPROMISEorConst(fdefault, newrho));
            } else {
                SET_MISSING(s, 1);
        if (prevS != R_NilValue) {

    if (s != R_NilValue) {
        /* some arguments are not used */
        SEXP unusedForError = PROTECT(s);
        SETCDR(prevS, R_NilValue); /* make sure they're not in the new environment */
        /* show bad arguments in call without evaluating them */
        for (; s != R_NilValue; s = CDR(s)) {
            SEXP carS = CAR(s);
            if (TYPEOF(carS) == PROMSXP) {
                SETCAR(s, PREXPR(carS));
        errorcall(call /* R_GlobalContext->call */,
	   ngettext("unused argument %s",
	     "unused arguments %s",
	     (unsigned long) length(unusedForError)),
	     CHAR(STRING_ELT(deparse1line(unusedForError, 0), 0)) + 4);
                  /* '+ 4' is to remove 'list' from 'list(badTag1,...)' */
    if (prevS != R_NilValue) {
    SET_FRAME(newrho, actuals);
    UNPROTECT(2); /* newrho, actuals */
    *outActuals = actuals;
Exemple #7
SEXP attribute_hidden matchArgs(SEXP formals, SEXP supplied, SEXP call)
    int i, seendots, arg_i = 0;
    SEXP f, a, b, dots, actuals;

    actuals = R_NilValue;
    for (f = formals ; f != R_NilValue ; f = CDR(f), arg_i++) {
	/* CONS_NR is used since argument lists created here are only
	   used internally and so should not increment reference
	   counts */
	actuals = CONS_NR(R_MissingArg, actuals);
	SET_MISSING(actuals, 1);
    /* We use fargused instead of ARGUSED/SET_ARGUSED on elements of
       formals to avoid modification of the formals SEXPs.  A gc can
       cause matchArgs to be called from finalizer code, resulting in
       another matchArgs call with the same formals.  In R-2.10.x, this
       corrupted the ARGUSED data of the formals and resulted in an
       incorrect "formal argument 'foo' matched by multiple actual
       arguments" error.
    int fargused[arg_i ? arg_i : 1]; // avoid undefined behaviour
    memset(fargused, 0, sizeof(fargused));

    for(b = supplied; b != R_NilValue; b = CDR(b)) SET_ARGUSED(b, 0);


    /* First pass: exact matches by tag */
    /* Grab matched arguments and check */
    /* for multiple exact matches. */

    f = formals;
    a = actuals;
    arg_i = 0;
    while (f != R_NilValue) {
	if (TAG(f) != R_DotsSymbol) {
	    i = 1;
	    for (b = supplied; b != R_NilValue; b = CDR(b)) {
		if (TAG(b) != R_NilValue && pmatch(TAG(f), TAG(b), 1)) {
		    if (fargused[arg_i] == 2)
			error(_("formal argument \"%s\" matched by multiple actual arguments"),
		    if (ARGUSED(b) == 2)
			error(_("argument %d matches multiple formal arguments"), i);
		    SETCAR(a, CAR(b));
		    if(CAR(b) != R_MissingArg) SET_MISSING(a, 0);
		    SET_ARGUSED(b, 2);
		    fargused[arg_i] = 2;
	f = CDR(f);
	a = CDR(a);

    /* Second pass: partial matches based on tags */
    /* An exact match is required after first ... */
    /* The location of the first ... is saved in "dots" */

    dots = R_NilValue;
    seendots = 0;
    f = formals;
    a = actuals;
    arg_i = 0;
    while (f != R_NilValue) {
	if (fargused[arg_i] == 0) {
	    if (TAG(f) == R_DotsSymbol && !seendots) {
		/* Record where ... value goes */
		dots = a;
		seendots = 1;
	    } else {
		i = 1;
		for (b = supplied; b != R_NilValue; b = CDR(b)) {
		    if (ARGUSED(b) != 2 && TAG(b) != R_NilValue &&
			pmatch(TAG(f), TAG(b), seendots)) {
			if (ARGUSED(b))
			    error(_("argument %d matches multiple formal arguments"), i);
			if (fargused[arg_i] == 1)
			    error(_("formal argument \"%s\" matched by multiple actual arguments"),
			if (R_warn_partial_match_args) {
					_("partial argument match of '%s' to '%s'"),
			SETCAR(a, CAR(b));
			if (CAR(b) != R_MissingArg) SET_MISSING(a, 0);
			SET_ARGUSED(b, 1);
			fargused[arg_i] = 1;
	f = CDR(f);
	a = CDR(a);

    /* Third pass: matches based on order */
    /* All args specified in tag=value form */
    /* have now been matched.  If we find ... */
    /* we gobble up all the remaining args. */
    /* Otherwise we bind untagged values in */
    /* order to any unmatched formals. */

    f = formals;
    a = actuals;
    b = supplied;
    seendots = 0;

    while (f != R_NilValue && b != R_NilValue && !seendots) {
	if (TAG(f) == R_DotsSymbol) {
	    /* Skip ... matching until all tags done */
	    seendots = 1;
	    f = CDR(f);
	    a = CDR(a);
	} else if (CAR(a) != R_MissingArg) {
	    /* Already matched by tag */
	    /* skip to next formal */
	    f = CDR(f);
	    a = CDR(a);
	} else if (ARGUSED(b) || TAG(b) != R_NilValue) {
	    /* This value used or tagged , skip to next value */
	    /* The second test above is needed because we */
	    /* shouldn't consider tagged values for positional */
	    /* matches. */
	    /* The formal being considered remains the same */
	    b = CDR(b);
	} else {
	    /* We have a positional match */
	    SETCAR(a, CAR(b));
	    if(CAR(b) != R_MissingArg) SET_MISSING(a, 0);
	    SET_ARGUSED(b, 1);
	    b = CDR(b);
	    f = CDR(f);
	    a = CDR(a);

    if (dots != R_NilValue) {
	/* Gobble up all unused actuals */
	SET_MISSING(dots, 0);
	i = 0;
	for(a = supplied; a != R_NilValue ; a = CDR(a)) if(!ARGUSED(a)) i++;

	if (i) {
	    a = allocList(i);
	    f = a;
	    for(b = supplied; b != R_NilValue; b = CDR(b))
		if(!ARGUSED(b)) {
		    SETCAR(f, CAR(b));
		    SET_TAG(f, TAG(b));
		    f = CDR(f);
	    SETCAR(dots, a);
    } else {
	/* Check that all arguments are used */
	SEXP unused = R_NilValue, last = R_NilValue;
	for (b = supplied; b != R_NilValue; b = CDR(b))
	    if (!ARGUSED(b)) {
		if(last == R_NilValue) {
		    PROTECT(unused = CONS(CAR(b), R_NilValue));
		    SET_TAG(unused, TAG(b));
		    last = unused;
		} else {
		    SETCDR(last, CONS(CAR(b), R_NilValue));
		    last = CDR(last);
		    SET_TAG(last, TAG(b));

	if(last != R_NilValue) {
            /* show bad arguments in call without evaluating them */
            SEXP unusedForError = R_NilValue, last = R_NilValue;

            for(b = unused ; b != R_NilValue ; b = CDR(b)) {
                SEXP tagB = TAG(b), carB = CAR(b) ;
                if (TYPEOF(carB) == PROMSXP) carB = PREXPR(carB) ;
                if (last == R_NilValue) {
                    PROTECT(last = CONS(carB, R_NilValue));
                    SET_TAG(last, tagB);
                    unusedForError = last;
                } else {
                    SETCDR(last, CONS(carB, R_NilValue));
                    last = CDR(last);
                    SET_TAG(last, tagB);
	    errorcall(call /* R_GlobalContext->call */,
		      ngettext("unused argument %s",
			       "unused arguments %s",
			       (unsigned long) length(unusedForError)),
		      CHAR(STRING_ELT(deparse1line(unusedForError, 0), 0)) + 4);
                      /* '+ 4' is to remove 'list' from 'list(badTag1,...)' */