Exemple #1
static void
io_display(char *name, vopstats_t *oldvsp, vopstats_t *newvsp, int dispflag)
	int		niceflag = ((dispflag & DISP_RAW) == 0);
	char		buf[LBUFSZ];

	if (dispflag & DISP_HEADER) {
		(void) printf(
" read read  write write rddir rddir rwlock rwulock\n"
"  ops bytes   ops bytes   ops bytes    ops     ops\n");

	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nread), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(read_bytes), buf);

	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nwrite), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(write_bytes), buf);

	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nreaddir), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(readdir_bytes), buf);

	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, " %5s   ", "%lld:", DELTA(nrwlock), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nrwunlock), buf);

	(void) printf("%s\n", name);
Exemple #2
static void
attr_display(char *name, vopstats_t *oldvsp, vopstats_t *newvsp, int dispflag)
	int		niceflag = ((dispflag & DISP_RAW) == 0);
	char		buf[LBUFSZ];

	if (dispflag & DISP_HEADER) {
		(void) printf("getattr setattr getsec  setsec\n");

	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, " %5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(ngetattr), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "  %5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nsetattr), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "  %5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(ngetsecattr), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "  %5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nsetsecattr), buf);

	(void) printf("%s\n", name);
Exemple #3
static void
naming_display(char *name, vopstats_t *oldvsp, vopstats_t *newvsp, int dispflag)
	int		niceflag = ((dispflag & DISP_RAW) == 0);
	char		buf[LBUFSZ];

	if (dispflag & DISP_HEADER) {
		(void) printf(
	"lookup creat remov  link renam mkdir rmdir rddir symlnk rdlnk\n");

	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s  ", "%lld:", DELTA(nlookup), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(ncreate), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nremove), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nlink), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nrename), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nmkdir), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nrmdir), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nreaddir), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, " %5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nsymlink), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nreadlink), buf);
	(void) printf("%s\n", name);
Exemple #4
static void
vm_display(char *name, vopstats_t *oldvsp, vopstats_t *newvsp, int dispflag)
	int		niceflag = ((dispflag & DISP_RAW) == 0);
	char		buf[LBUFSZ];

	if (dispflag & DISP_HEADER) {
		(void) printf("  map addmap delmap getpag putpag pagio\n");

	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nmap), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, " %5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(naddmap), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, " %5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(ndelmap), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, " %5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(ngetpage), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, " %5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(nputpage), buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", DELTA(npageio), buf);
	(void) printf("%s\n", name);
Exemple #5
static void
dflt_display(char *name, vopstats_t *oldvsp, vopstats_t *newvsp, int dispflag)
	int		niceflag = ((dispflag & DISP_RAW) == 0);
	longlong_t	nnewfile;
	longlong_t	nnamerm;
	longlong_t	nnamechg;
	longlong_t	nattrret;
	longlong_t	nattrchg;
	longlong_t	nlookup;
	longlong_t	nreaddir;
	longlong_t	ndataread;
	longlong_t	ndatawrite;
	longlong_t	readthruput;
	longlong_t	writethruput;
	char		buf[LBUFSZ];

	nnewfile = DELTA(ncreate) + DELTA(nmkdir) + DELTA(nsymlink);
	nnamerm = DELTA(nremove) + DELTA(nrmdir);
	nnamechg = DELTA(nrename) + DELTA(nlink) + DELTA(nsymlink);
	nattrret = DELTA(ngetattr) + DELTA(naccess) +
	    DELTA(ngetsecattr) + DELTA(nfid);
	nattrchg = DELTA(nsetattr) + DELTA(nsetsecattr) + DELTA(nspace);
	nlookup = DELTA(nlookup);
	nreaddir = DELTA(nreaddir);
	ndataread = DELTA(nread);
	ndatawrite = DELTA(nwrite);
	readthruput = DELTA(read_bytes);
	writethruput = DELTA(write_bytes);

	if (dispflag & DISP_HEADER) {
		(void) printf(
" new  name   name  attr  attr lookup rddir  read read  write write\n"
" file remov  chng   get   set    ops   ops   ops bytes   ops bytes\n");

	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", nnewfile, buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", nnamerm, buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", nnamechg, buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", nattrret, buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", nattrchg, buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, " %5s ", "%lld:", nlookup, buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", nreaddir, buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", ndataread, buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", readthruput, buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", ndatawrite, buf);
	PRINTSTAT(niceflag, "%5s ", "%lld:", writethruput, buf);
	(void) printf("%s\n", name);
Exemple #6
w_ifstat(Ether* ether, void* a, long n, ulong offset)
	Ctlr *ctlr = (Ctlr*) ether->ctlr;
	char *k, *p;
	int i, l, txid;

	ether->oerrs = ctlr->ntxerr;
	ether->crcs = ctlr->nrxfcserr;
	ether->frames = 0;
	ether->buffs = ctlr->nrxdropnobuf;
	ether->overflows = 0;

	// Offset must be zero or there's a possibility the
	// new data won't match the previous read.
	if(n == 0 || offset != 0)
		return 0;

	p = smalloc(READSTR);
	l = 0;

	PRINTSTAT("Signal: %d\n", ctlr->signal-149);
	PRINTSTAT("Noise: %d\n", ctlr->noise-149);
	PRINTSTAT("SNR: %ud\n", ctlr->signal-ctlr->noise);
	PRINTSTAT("Interrupts: %lud\n", ctlr->nints);
	PRINTSTAT("Double Interrupts: %lud\n", ctlr->ndoubleint);
	PRINTSTAT("TxPackets: %lud\n", ctlr->ntx);
	PRINTSTAT("RxPackets: %lud\n", ctlr->nrx);
	PRINTSTAT("TxErrors: %lud\n", ctlr->ntxerr);
	PRINTSTAT("RxErrors: %lud\n", ctlr->nrxerr);
	PRINTSTAT("TxRequests: %lud\n", ctlr->ntxrq);
	PRINTSTAT("AllocEvs: %lud\n", ctlr->nalloc);
	PRINTSTAT("InfoEvs: %lud\n", ctlr->ninfo);
	PRINTSTAT("InfoDrop: %lud\n", ctlr->nidrop);
	PRINTSTAT("WatchDogs: %lud\n", ctlr->nwatchdogs);
	PRINTSTAT("Ticks: %ud\n", ctlr->ticks);
	PRINTSTAT("TickIntr: %ud\n", ctlr->tickintr);
	k = ((ctlr->state & Attached) ? "attached" : "not attached");
	PRINTSTAT("Card %s", k);
	k = ((ctlr->state & Power) ? "on" : "off");
	PRINTSTAT(", power %s", k);
	k = ((ctlr->txbusy)? ", txbusy" : "");
	PRINTSTAT("%s\n", k);

		PRINTSTR("Keys: ");
		for (i = 0; i < WNKeys; i++){
			if(ctlr->keys.keys[i].len == 0)
				PRINTSTR("none ");
			else if(SEEKEYS == 0)
				PRINTSTR("set ");
				PRINTSTAT("%s ", ctlr->keys.keys[i].dat);

	// real card stats
	PRINTSTR("\nCard stats: \n");
	PRINTSTAT("Status: %ux\n", csr_ins(ctlr, WR_Sts));
	PRINTSTAT("Event status: %ux\n", csr_ins(ctlr, WR_EvSts));
	i = ltv_ins(ctlr, WTyp_Ptype);
	PRINTSTAT("Port type: %d\n", i);
	PRINTSTAT("Transmit rate: %d\n", ltv_ins(ctlr, WTyp_TxRate));
	PRINTSTAT("Current Transmit rate: %d\n",
		ltv_ins(ctlr, WTyp_CurTxRate));
	PRINTSTAT("Channel: %d\n", ltv_ins(ctlr, WTyp_Chan));
	PRINTSTAT("AP density: %d\n", ltv_ins(ctlr, WTyp_ApDens));
	PRINTSTAT("Promiscuous mode: %d\n", ltv_ins(ctlr, WTyp_Prom));
	if(i == WPTypeAdHoc)
		PRINTSTAT("SSID name: %s\n", ltv_inname(ctlr, WTyp_NetName));
	else {
		Wltv ltv;
		PRINTSTAT("Current name: %s\n", ltv_inname(ctlr, WTyp_CurName));
		ltv.type = WTyp_BaseID;
		ltv.len = 4;
		if(w_inltv(ctlr, &ltv))
			print("#l%d: unable to read base station mac addr\n", ether->ctlrno);
		l += snprint(p+l, READSTR-l, "Base station: %2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x%2.2x\n",
			ltv.addr[0], ltv.addr[1], ltv.addr[2], ltv.addr[3], ltv.addr[4], ltv.addr[5]);
	PRINTSTAT("Net name: %s\n", ltv_inname(ctlr, WTyp_WantName));
	PRINTSTAT("Node name: %s\n", ltv_inname(ctlr, WTyp_NodeName));
	if(ltv_ins(ctlr, WTyp_HasCrypt) == 0)
		PRINTSTR("WEP: not supported\n");
	else {
		if(ltv_ins(ctlr, WTyp_Crypt) == 0)
			PRINTSTR("WEP: disabled\n");
			PRINTSTR("WEP: enabled\n");
			k = ((ctlr->xclear)? "excluded": "included");
			PRINTSTAT("Clear packets: %s\n", k);
			txid = ltv_ins(ctlr, WTyp_TxKey);
			PRINTSTAT("Transmit key id: %d\n", txid);

	PRINTSTAT("ntxuframes: %lud\n", ctlr->ntxuframes);
	PRINTSTAT("ntxmframes: %lud\n", ctlr->ntxmframes);
	PRINTSTAT("ntxfrags: %lud\n", ctlr->ntxfrags);
	PRINTSTAT("ntxubytes: %lud\n", ctlr->ntxubytes);
	PRINTSTAT("ntxmbytes: %lud\n", ctlr->ntxmbytes);
	PRINTSTAT("ntxdeferred: %lud\n", ctlr->ntxdeferred);
	PRINTSTAT("ntxsretries: %lud\n", ctlr->ntxsretries);
	PRINTSTAT("ntxmultiretries: %lud\n", ctlr->ntxmultiretries);
	PRINTSTAT("ntxretrylimit: %lud\n", ctlr->ntxretrylimit);
	PRINTSTAT("ntxdiscards: %lud\n", ctlr->ntxdiscards);
	PRINTSTAT("nrxuframes: %lud\n", ctlr->nrxuframes);
	PRINTSTAT("nrxmframes: %lud\n", ctlr->nrxmframes);
	PRINTSTAT("nrxfrags: %lud\n", ctlr->nrxfrags);
	PRINTSTAT("nrxubytes: %lud\n", ctlr->nrxubytes);
	PRINTSTAT("nrxmbytes: %lud\n", ctlr->nrxmbytes);
	PRINTSTAT("nrxfcserr: %lud\n", ctlr->nrxfcserr);
	PRINTSTAT("nrxdropnobuf: %lud\n", ctlr->nrxdropnobuf);
	PRINTSTAT("nrxdropnosa: %lud\n", ctlr->nrxdropnosa);
	PRINTSTAT("nrxcantdecrypt: %lud\n", ctlr->nrxcantdecrypt);
	PRINTSTAT("nrxmsgfrag: %lud\n", ctlr->nrxmsgfrag);
	PRINTSTAT("nrxmsgbadfrag: %lud\n", ctlr->nrxmsgbadfrag);
	n = readstr(offset, a, n, p);
	return n;