Exemple #1
void Laser_Touch(  )
	vec3_t  org;

	if ( other == PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner ) )
		return;		// don't explode on owner

	if ( trap_pointcontents( PASSVEC3( self->s.v.origin ) ) == CONTENT_SKY )
		ent_remove( self );

	sound( self, CHAN_WEAPON, "enforcer/enfstop.wav", 1, ATTN_STATIC );

	normalize( self->s.v.velocity, org );
	VectorScale( org, 8, org );
	VectorSubtract( self->s.v.origin, org, org );
	//org = self->s.v.origin - 8*normalize(self->s.v.velocity);

	if ( other->s.v.health )
		SpawnBlood( org, 15 );
		TF_T_Damage( other, self, PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner ), 15, 0, TF_TD_ELECTRICITY );
	} else
        TempEffectCount( org, TE_GUNSHOT, 5);

	dremove( self );
Exemple #2

T_Damage calls this when a monster is hurt
void GetMadAtAttacker( gedict_t *attacker )
	if ( !attacker || attacker == world )
		return; // ignore world attacks

	if ( k_bloodfest && attacker->ct != ctPlayer)
		return; // in bloodfest mode get mad only on players.

	if ( attacker == self )
		return; // do not mad on self.
	if ( attacker == PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy ))
		return; // alredy mad on this.

	// get mad unless of the same class (except for soldiers)
	if (   streq( self->s.v.classname, attacker->s.v.classname )
		&& strneq( self->s.v.classname, "monster_army" ) 

	// OK, we are MAD!

	// remember current enemy if it was "player enemy", later we restore it
	if ( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy )->ct == ctPlayer )
		self->oldenemy = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy );

	// set new enemy
	self->s.v.enemy = EDICT_TO_PROG( attacker );

	FoundTarget ();
Exemple #3
// Update_Chain - Repositions the chain links each frame. This single function
//                maintains the positions of all of the links. Only one link
//                is thinking every frame.
void UpdateChain()
    vec3_t t1, t2, t3;
    vec3_t temp;
    gedict_t *owner = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner ), *goal, *goal2;

    if (!owner->hook_out)
        self->s.v.think     = (func_t) RemoveChain;
        self->s.v.nextthink = g_globalvars.time;

    VectorSubtract(owner->hook->s.v.origin, owner->s.v.origin, temp);
    VectorScale(temp, 0.25, t1);
    VectorAdd(t1, owner->s.v.origin, t1);
    VectorScale(temp, 0.50, t2);
    VectorAdd(t2, owner->s.v.origin, t2);
    VectorScale(temp, 0.75, t3);
    VectorAdd(t3, owner->s.v.origin, t3);

    goal = PROG_TO_EDICT(self->s.v.goalentity);
    goal2 = PROG_TO_EDICT(goal->s.v.goalentity);
    // These numbers are correct assuming 3 links.
    // 4 links would be *20 *40 *60 and *80
    setorigin (self,  PASSVEC3(t1));
    setorigin (goal,  PASSVEC3(t2));
    setorigin (goal2, PASSVEC3(t3));

    self->s.v.nextthink = g_globalvars.time + 0.1;
Exemple #4
// Think function for the timer which checks the distance between the 
// Engineer and the building he's using
void CheckDistance(  )
    vec3_t dist;
    gedict_t *owner, *enemy;

    owner = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner );
    enemy = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy );
    // Check to see if the Engineer's spanner'ed a different building 
    // without leaving the area of this one.
    if ( owner->building != enemy )
	dremove( self );

    VectorSubtract( enemy->s.v.origin, owner->s.v.origin, dist );
    if ( vlen( dist ) > 64 )
	CenterPrint( owner, "\n" );
	owner->menu_count = MENU_REFRESH_RATE;
	owner->current_menu = MENU_DEFAULT;
	owner->building = world;
	dremove( self );
    self->s.v.nextthink = g_globalvars.time + 0.3;
Exemple #5
void tdeath_touch(  )
//      gedict_t *spot;

	if ( other == PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner ) )

	if ( streq( other->s.v.classname, "player" ) )
		if ( other->invincible_finished > g_globalvars.time )
			self->s.v.classname = "teledeath2";
		if ( strneq( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.classname, "player" ) )
			T_Damage( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner ), self, self, 5000 );
	if ( other->s.v.health )
		T_Damage( other, self, self, 5000 );

	if ( other->s.v.think == ( func_t ) TeamFortress_DetpackExplode )
		other->s.v.solid = SOLID_NOT;
		other->s.v.nextthink = g_globalvars.time + 1 + g_random(  ) * 2;
		dremove( other->oldenemy );
		G_bprint( 1, "%s's detpack was telefragged by %s\n",
			  other->real_owner->s.v.netname, PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.netname );
Exemple #6

void SV_MoveToGoal (void)
	edict_t		*ent, *goal;
	float		dist;
#ifdef QUAKE2
	edict_t		*enemy;

	ent = PROG_TO_EDICT(pr_global_struct->self);
	goal = PROG_TO_EDICT(ent->v.goalentity);
	dist = G_FLOAT(OFS_PARM0);

	if ( !( (int)ent->v.flags & (FL_ONGROUND|FL_FLY|FL_SWIM) ) )

// if the next step hits the enemy, return immediately
#ifdef QUAKE2
	enemy = PROG_TO_EDICT(ent->v.enemy);
	if (enemy != sv.edicts &&  SV_CloseEnough (ent, enemy, dist) )
	if ( PROG_TO_EDICT(ent->v.enemy) != sv.edicts &&  SV_CloseEnough (ent, goal, dist) )

// bump around...
	if ( (rand()&3)==1 ||
	!SV_StepDirection (ent, ent->v.ideal_yaw, dist))
		SV_NewChaseDir (ent, goal, dist);
Exemple #7
void DeathBubblesSpawn()
	gedict_t       *bubble;

	if ( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.waterlevel != 3 )
	bubble = spawn();
	setmodel( bubble, "progs/s_bubble.spr" );
	setorigin( bubble, PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.origin[0],
			PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.origin[1],
			PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.origin[2] + 24 );

	bubble->s.v.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP;
	bubble->s.v.solid = SOLID_NOT;

	SetVector( bubble->s.v.velocity, 0, 0, 15 );

	bubble->s.v.nextthink = g_globalvars.time + 0.5;
	bubble->think = ( func_t ) bubble_bob;
	bubble->classname = "bubble";
	bubble->s.v.frame = 0;
	bubble->cnt = 0;
	setsize( bubble, -8, -8, -8, 8, 8, 8 );

	self->s.v.nextthink = g_globalvars.time + 0.1;
	self->think = ( func_t ) DeathBubblesSpawn;
	self->air_finished = self->air_finished + 1;

	if ( self->air_finished >= self->bubble_count )
		ent_remove( self );
Exemple #8
int Sentry_FindTarget(  )
    gedict_t *client;
    float   r;
    float   gotone;
    float   loopc;

    r = 0;
    loopc = 0;
    gotone = 0;
    while ( loopc < 6 && !gotone )
        client = checkclient(  );
        gotone = CheckTarget( client );
        loopc = loopc + 1;
    if ( !gotone )
        return 0;
    self->s.v.enemy = EDICT_TO_PROG( client );
    if ( strneq( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy )->s.v.classname, "player" ) )
        self->s.v.enemy = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy )->s.v.enemy;
        if ( strneq( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy )->s.v.classname, "player" ) )
            self->s.v.enemy = EDICT_TO_PROG( world );
            return 0;
    Sentry_FoundTarget(  );
    return 1;
Exemple #9
void TraceAttack( float damage, vec3_t dir )

	vec3_t          vel, org, tmp;

	VectorScale( g_globalvars.v_up, crandom(), tmp );
	VectorAdd( dir, tmp, vel );
	VectorScale( g_globalvars.v_right, crandom(), tmp );
	VectorAdd( vel, tmp, vel );
	VectorNormalize( vel );
	VectorScale( g_globalvars.trace_plane_normal, 2, tmp );
	VectorAdd( vel, tmp, vel );
	VectorScale( vel, 200, vel );
	/*vel = normalize(dir + v_up*crandom() + v_right*crandom());
	   vel = vel + 2*trace_plane_normal;
	   vel = vel * 200; */
	VectorScale( dir, 4, tmp );
	VectorSubtract( g_globalvars.trace_endpos, tmp, org );
// org = trace_endpos - dir*4;

	if ( PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.trace_ent )->s.v.takedamage )
		blood_count = blood_count + 1;
		VectorCopy( org, blood_org );	//  blood_org = org;
		AddMultiDamage( PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.trace_ent ), damage );
	} else
		puff_count = puff_count + 1;
Exemple #10
// Called from client.c
void GrappleService()
    vec3_t hookVector, hookVelocity;
    gedict_t *enemy;

    // drop the hook if player lets go of fire
    if ( !self->s.v.button0 )
        if ( self->s.v.weapon == IT_HOOK )
            GrappleReset( self->hook );

    enemy = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->hook->s.v.enemy );

    // If hooked to a player, track them directly!
    if ( enemy->ct == ctPlayer )
        VectorSubtract( enemy->s.v.origin, self->s.v.origin, hookVector );
        VectorSubtract( self->hook->s.v.origin, self->s.v.origin, hookVector );

    // No longer going to factor maxspeed into grapple velocity
    // Using standard grapple velocity of 800 set from original 3wave
    // purectf velocity = 2.35 * 320 or 360 * 1 = 750 or 846

    VectorCopy( hookVector, hookVelocity );
    VectorNormalize( hookVelocity );

    if ( self->ctf_flag & CTF_RUNE_HST )
        VectorScale( hookVelocity, 1000, self->s.v.velocity );
        VectorScale( hookVelocity, 800, self->s.v.velocity );

    if ( vlen(hookVector) <= 100 ) // cancel chain sound
        FreezeGravity( self );
        if ( self->ctf_sound )
            // If there is a chain, ditch it now. We're
            // close enough. Having extra entities lying around
            // is never a good idea.
            if ( self->hook->s.v.goalentity )
                PROG_TO_EDICT(self->hook->s.v.goalentity)->s.v.think     = (func_t) RemoveChain;
                PROG_TO_EDICT(self->hook->s.v.goalentity)->s.v.nextthink = g_globalvars.time;

            sound( self, CHAN_NO_PHS_ADD + CHAN_WEAPON, "weapons/chain3.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );
            self->ctf_sound = false; // reset the sound channel.
Exemple #11

Mins and maxs enclose the entire area swept by the move
void SV_ClipToLinks ( areanode_t *node, moveclip_t *clip )
	int			i, numtouch;
	edict_t		*touchlist[MAX_EDICTS], *touch;
	trace_t		trace;

	numtouch = SV_AreaEdicts (clip->boxmins, clip->boxmaxs, touchlist, MAX_EDICTS, AREA_SOLID);

// touch linked edicts
	for (i = 0; i < numtouch; i++)
		touch = touchlist[i];
		if (touch == clip->passedict)
		if (touch->v.solid == SOLID_TRIGGER)
			Host_Error ("Trigger in clipping list");

		if (clip->type == MOVE_NOMONSTERS && touch->v.solid != SOLID_BSP)

		if (clip->passedict && clip->passedict->v.size[0] && !touch->v.size[0])
			continue;	// points never interact

	// might intersect, so do an exact clip
		if (clip->trace.allsolid)
		if (clip->passedict)
		 	if (PROG_TO_EDICT(touch->v.owner) == clip->passedict)
				continue;	// don't clip against own missiles
			if (PROG_TO_EDICT(clip->passedict->v.owner) == touch)
				continue;	// don't clip against owner

		if ((int)touch->v.flags & FL_MONSTER)
			trace = SV_ClipMoveToEntity (touch, clip->start, clip->mins2, clip->maxs2, clip->end);
			trace = SV_ClipMoveToEntity (touch, clip->start, clip->mins, clip->maxs, clip->end);
		if (trace.allsolid || trace.startsolid ||
		trace.fraction < clip->trace.fraction)
			trace.e.ent = touch;
		 	if (clip->trace.startsolid)
				clip->trace = trace;
				clip->trace.startsolid = true;
				clip->trace = trace;
		else if (trace.startsolid)
			clip->trace.startsolid = true;
Exemple #12
// GlobalParams:
// time
// self
// other=world
void G_EdictThink()
    self = PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.self );
    other = PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.other );
    if ( self->s.v.think )
        ( ( void ( * )() ) ( self->s.v.think ) ) ();
    } else
        G_dprintf( "Null think func" );

Exemple #13
void door_use()
	gedict_t       *oself;

	self->s.v.message = "";	// door message are for touch only
	PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.message = "";
	PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy )->s.v.message = "";

	oself = self;
	self = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner );
	self = oself;
Exemple #14
// GlobalParams:
// time
// self=pusher
// other=check
// if the pusher has a "blocked" function, call it
// otherwise, just stay in place until the obstacle is gone
void G_EdictBlocked()
	self = PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.self );
	other = PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.other );

	if ( self->s.v.blocked )
		( ( void ( * )() ) ( self->s.v.blocked ) ) ();
	} else
		//G_Printf("Null blocked func");

Exemple #15
// Ammo/Weapon exploded by the EMP grenade
void EMPExplode(  )
    float expsize;

    expsize = 10;
    if ( self->s.v.touch == ( func_t ) weapon_touch )
	expsize = 60;
	if ( streq( self->s.v.classname, "item_shells" ) )
	    expsize = 50 + self->aflag;
	    if ( streq( self->s.v.classname, "item_spikes" ) )
		expsize = 40;
		if ( streq( self->s.v.classname, "item_rockets" ) )
		    expsize = 100 + self->aflag * 4;
		    if ( streq( self->s.v.classname, "item_cells" ) )
			expsize = 100 + self->aflag * 3;
			if ( streq( self->s.v.classname, "item_weapon" ) )
			    expsize = 60;
			    G_dprintf( "EMPExplode: Attempting to explode a %s\n", self->s.v.classname );
    tf_data.deathmsg = DMSG_GREN_EMP_AMMO;
    T_RadiusDamage( self, PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy ), expsize, world );
    trap_WriteByte( MSG_MULTICAST, TE_EXPLOSION );
    trap_WriteCoord( MSG_MULTICAST, self->s.v.origin[0] );
    trap_WriteCoord( MSG_MULTICAST, self->s.v.origin[1] );
    trap_WriteCoord( MSG_MULTICAST, self->s.v.origin[2] );
    trap_multicast( PASSVEC3( self->s.v.origin ), 1 );

    // Respawn
    Respawn_Item( self, PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy ) );
Exemple #16
void BigAssCarry ( )
	vec3_t vtemp;

	makevectors ( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.v_angle );
	vtemp[0] = ( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.origin[0] + ( g_globalvars.v_forward[0] * 12 ) + 0 ) + ( g_globalvars.v_right[0] * 5 );
	vtemp[1] = ( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.origin[1] + ( g_globalvars.v_forward[1] * 12 ) + 0 ) + ( g_globalvars.v_right[1] * 5 );
	vtemp[2] = ( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.origin[2] + ( g_globalvars.v_forward[2] * 12 ) + 20 ) + ( g_globalvars.v_right[2] * 5 );

	setorigin (self, PASSVEC3( vtemp ) );
	VectorCopy( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.angles, self->s.v.angles );
	//self->s.v.angles = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner )->s.v.angles;
	self->s.v.think = ( func_t ) BigAssCarry;
	self->s.v.nextthink = g_globalvars.time + 0.02;
Exemple #17
int Sentry_FindTarget_Angel(  )
    gedict_t *client;
    gedict_t *enemy = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy );

    if ( enemy != world )
        if ( CheckTarget( enemy ) )
            if ( g_globalvars.time > self->height )
                Sentry_FoundTarget(  );
                return 1;
            } else
                return 0;
    for ( client = world; (client = trap_find( client, FOFS( s.v.classname ), "player" )); )
        if ( CheckTarget( client ) )
            self->s.v.enemy = EDICT_TO_PROG( client );
            self->height = g_globalvars.time + 0.1 * ( int ) ( g_random(  ) * tfset_sgppl );
            //     self.height = g_globalvars.time + 0.1 * Q_rint(sgppl);
            if ( self->height == g_globalvars.time )
                Sentry_FoundTarget(  );
                return 1;
            return 0;
    self->s.v.enemy = EDICT_TO_PROG( world );
    return 0;
Exemple #18

Called by SpectatorThink if the spectator entered an impulse
void SpectatorImpulseCommand()
	gedict_t       *goal;

	if ( self->s.v.impulse == 1 )
		// teleport the spectator to the next spawn point
		// note that if the spectator is tracking, this doesn't do
		// much
		goal = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.goalentity );
		goal = find( goal, FOFS( s.v.classname ), "info_player_deathmatch" );
		if ( !goal )
			goal =
			    find( world, FOFS( s.v.classname ),
				  "info_player_deathmatch" );
		if ( goal )
			setorigin( self, PASSVEC3( goal->s.v.origin ) );
			VectorCopy( goal->s.v.angles, self->s.v.angles );
			self->s.v.fixangle = true;	// turn this way immediately
		} else
			goal = world;
		self->s.v.goalentity = EDICT_TO_PROG( goal );

	self->s.v.impulse = 0;
Exemple #19
void ReadyThink ()
    float i1;
	char *txt, *gr;
    gedict_t *p=NULL, *p2=NULL;

    p2 = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner );
    if(    ( p2->ct == ctPlayer && !( p2->ready ) ) // forcestart breaked via break command
		|| ( p2->ct == ctSpec && !k_force )	// forcestart breaked via forcebreak command (spectator admin)
        k_force = 0;

        G_bprint(2, "%s interrupts countdown\n", p2->netname );

        ent_remove ( self );


	k_attendees = CountPlayers();

	if ( !isCanStart(NULL, true) ) {
        k_force = 0;

        G_bprint(2, "Forcestart canceled\n");

        ent_remove ( self );



    i1 = self->attack_finished;

    if( i1 <= 0 )
        k_force = 0;


        ent_remove ( self );


	txt = va( "%s second%s left before game starts", dig3( i1 ), ( i1 == 1 ? "" : "s") );
	gr  = va( "\n%s!", redtext("Get ready") );

    for( p = world; (p = find_client( p )); )
		if ( p->ct == ctPlayer )
			G_centerprint(p, "%s%s", txt, (p->ready ? "" : gr));
			G_centerprint(p, "%s", txt);

    self->s.v.nextthink = g_globalvars.time + 1;
Exemple #20
// Electrocute whoever's in the water
void ToasterElec ( )
	gedict_t *te;

	self->s.v.effects = 4;
	sound(self, 1, "weapons/lhit.wav", 1, 1);
	if ( self->s.v.waterlevel > 0 )
		te = findradius( world, self->s.v.origin, 950 );
		while ( te )
			if ( streq( te->s.v.classname, "player" ) && te->s.v.waterlevel > 1 ) {
				if ( te->radsuit_finished < g_globalvars.time ) {
					mtf_deathmsg( 7 );
					TF_T_Damage( te, self, PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.owner ), 250, 2, 0 );
			te = findradius( te, self->s.v.origin, 950 );
		dremove( self );
	else {
		dremove( self );
Exemple #21

Entities that are "stuck" to another entity
void SV_Physics_Follow (edict_t *ent)
// regular thinking
	SV_RunThink (ent);
	VectorAdd (PROG_TO_EDICT(ent->v.aiment)->v.origin, ent->v.v_angle, ent->v.origin);
	SV_LinkEdict (ent, true);
Exemple #22
void shooter_think(  )
	spikeshooter_use(  );
	self->s.v.nextthink = g_globalvars.time + self->wait;
	VectorScale( self->s.v.movedir, 500, PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.newmis )->s.v.velocity );
// newmis->s.v.velocity = self->s.v.movedir * 500;
Exemple #23

Entities that are "stuck" to another entity
void SV_Physics_Follow (edict_t *ent)
	vec3_t  vf, vr, vu, angles, v;
	edict_t *e;

	// regular thinking
	if (!SV_RunThink (ent))

	e = PROG_TO_EDICT(ent->v.aiment);
	if (e->v.angles[0] == ent->v.punchangle[0] && e->v.angles[1] == ent->v.punchangle[1] && e->v.angles[2] == ent->v.punchangle[2])
		// quick case for no rotation
		VectorAdd(e->v.origin, ent->v.view_ofs, ent->v.origin);
		angles[0] = -ent->v.punchangle[0];
		angles[1] =  ent->v.punchangle[1];
		angles[2] =  ent->v.punchangle[2];
		AngleVectors (angles, vf, vr, vu);
		v[0] = ent->v.view_ofs[0] * vf[0] + ent->v.view_ofs[1] * vr[0] + ent->v.view_ofs[2] * vu[0];
		v[1] = ent->v.view_ofs[0] * vf[1] + ent->v.view_ofs[1] * vr[1] + ent->v.view_ofs[2] * vu[1];
		v[2] = ent->v.view_ofs[0] * vf[2] + ent->v.view_ofs[1] * vr[2] + ent->v.view_ofs[2] * vu[2];
		angles[0] = -e->v.angles[0];
		angles[1] =  e->v.angles[1];
		angles[2] =  e->v.angles[2];
		AngleVectors (angles, vf, vr, vu);
		ent->v.origin[0] = v[0] * vf[0] + v[1] * vf[1] + v[2] * vf[2] + e->v.origin[0];
		ent->v.origin[1] = v[0] * vr[0] + v[1] * vr[1] + v[2] * vr[2] + e->v.origin[1];
		ent->v.origin[2] = v[0] * vu[0] + v[1] * vu[1] + v[2] * vu[2] + e->v.origin[2];
	VectorAdd (e->v.angles, ent->v.v_angle, ent->v.angles);
	SV_LinkEdict (ent, true);
Exemple #24
// GlobalParams:
// time
// self=pusher
// other=check
// if the pusher has a "blocked" function, call it
// otherwise, just stay in place until the obstacle is gone
void G_EdictBlocked()
    self = PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.self );
    other = PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.other );

    if ( self->s.v.blocked )
        ( ( void ( * )() ) ( self->s.v.blocked ) ) ();
    } else
        G_dprintf("Null blocked func");

Exemple #25
void spikeshooter_use(  )
	if ( ( int ) ( self->s.v.spawnflags ) & SPAWNFLAG_LASER )
		sound( self, CHAN_VOICE, "enforcer/enfire.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );
		LaunchLaser( self->s.v.origin, self->s.v.movedir );
	} else
		sound( self, CHAN_VOICE, "weapons/spike2.wav", 1, ATTN_NORM );
		launch_spike( self->s.v.origin, self->s.v.movedir );
		VectorScale( self->s.v.movedir, 500, PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.newmis )->s.v.velocity );
//  newmis->s.v.velocity = self->s.v.movedir * 500;
		if ( ( int ) ( self->s.v.spawnflags ) & SPAWNFLAG_SUPERSPIKE )
			PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.newmis )->s.v.touch = ( func_t ) superspike_touch;
Exemple #26

Called by SpectatorThink if the spectator entered an impulse
void SpectatorImpulseCommand()
	gedict_t       *goal;

	if ( self->ct != ctSpec ) {
		self->s.v.impulse = 0;

	goal = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.goalentity );

	if( self->k_adminc && self->s.v.impulse >= 1 && self->s.v.impulse <= 9 ) {


	else if( self->s.v.impulse == 1 ) {
		// teleport the spectator to the next spawn point
		// note that if the spectator is tracking, this doesn't do much
		goal = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.goalentity );

		// if track someone - return
		if ( (int)(goal - world) >= 1 && (int)(goal - world) <= MAX_CLIENTS ) {
// qqshka - heh, not all guys like this warning
//			G_sprint(self, 2, "stop %s first\n", redtext("tracking"));
			self->s.v.impulse = 0;

		goal = find( goal, FOFS( s.v.classname ), "info_player_deathmatch" );

		if ( !goal )
			goal = find( world, FOFS( s.v.classname ), "info_player_deathmatch" );

		if ( goal )
			setorigin( self, PASSVEC3( goal->s.v.origin ) );
			VectorCopy( goal->s.v.angles, self->s.v.angles );
			self->s.v.fixangle = true;	// turn this way immediately
		} else
			goal = world;

		self->s.v.goalentity = EDICT_TO_PROG( goal );

	self->s.v.impulse = 0;
Exemple #27

void ai_melee()
	vec3_t	delta;
	float	ldmg;

	if ( !self->s.v.enemy )
		return;		// removed before stroke

	VectorSubtract( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy )->s.v.origin, self->s.v.origin, delta );

	if ( vlen( delta ) > 60 )

	ldmg = ( g_random() + g_random() + g_random() ) * 3;
	PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy )->deathtype = dtSQUISH; // FIXME
	T_Damage( PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy ), self, self, ldmg );
Exemple #28
void DelayThink()

	activator = PROG_TO_EDICT( self->s.v.enemy );

	ent_remove( self );
Exemple #29
// Physics
// GlobalParams:
// time
// self
// other
void G_EdictTouch()
    self = PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.self );
    other = PROG_TO_EDICT( g_globalvars.other );
    if ( self->s.v.touch )
        /*#ifdef DEBUG
        	        if(self->s.v.classname && other->s.v.classname)
        	         G_dprintf( "touch %s <-> %s\n", self->s.v.classname,other->s.v.classname);
        ( ( void ( * )() ) ( self->s.v.touch ) ) ();
    } else
        G_dprintf( "Null touch func" );
Exemple #30
struct edict_s *ProgsToEdict (progfuncs_t *progfuncs, int progs)
	if ((unsigned)progs >= (unsigned)maxedicts)
		printf("Bad entity index %i\n", progs);
		progs = 0;
	return (struct edict_s *)PROG_TO_EDICT(progfuncs, progs);