Exemple #1
 @Function Name		PVRTMatrixRotationZF
 @Output			mOut	Rotation matrix
 @Input				fAngle	Angle of the rotation
 @Description		Create an Z rotation matrix mOut.
void PVRTMatrixRotationZF(
	const float fAngle)
	float		fCosine, fSine;

	/* Precompute cos and sin */
#if defined(BUILD_DX9) || defined(BUILD_D3DM) || defined(BUILD_DX10)
	fCosine =	(float)PVRTFCOS(-fAngle);
    fSine =		(float)PVRTFSIN(-fAngle);
	fCosine =	(float)PVRTFCOS(fAngle);
    fSine =		(float)PVRTFSIN(fAngle);

	/* Create the trigonometric matrix corresponding to Z Rotation */
	mOut.f[ 0]=fCosine;		mOut.f[ 4]=fSine;	mOut.f[ 8]=0.0f;	mOut.f[12]=0.0f;
	mOut.f[ 1]=-fSine;		mOut.f[ 5]=fCosine;	mOut.f[ 9]=0.0f;	mOut.f[13]=0.0f;
	mOut.f[ 2]=0.0f;		mOut.f[ 6]=0.0f;	mOut.f[10]=1.0f;	mOut.f[14]=0.0f;
	mOut.f[ 3]=0.0f;		mOut.f[ 7]=0.0f;	mOut.f[11]=0.0f;	mOut.f[15]=1.0f;
 @Function			PVRTMatrixQuaternionRotationAxisF
 @Output			qOut	Rotation quaternion
 @Input				vAxis	Axis to rotate around
 @Input				fAngle	Angle to rotate
 @Description		Create quaternion corresponding to a rotation of fAngle
					radians around submitted vector.
void PVRTMatrixQuaternionRotationAxisF(
	const PVRTVECTOR3f	&vAxis,
	const float			fAngle)
	float	fSin, fCos;

	fSin = (float)PVRTFSIN(fAngle * 0.5f);
	fCos = (float)PVRTFCOS(fAngle * 0.5f);

	/* Create quaternion */
	qOut.x = vAxis.x * fSin;
	qOut.y = vAxis.y * fSin;
	qOut.z = vAxis.z * fSin;
	qOut.w = fCos;

	/* Normalise it */