Exemple #1
SPELLwsFrame::SPELLwsFrame( const SPELLwsStartupInfo& info, unsigned int depth, PyFrameObject* frame )
	// If mode is recover and depth > 0, 'frame' contains the f_back frame.
	// If depth is zero and mode is recover, we just need to fix the dynamics.
	// If mode is other, 'frame' contains the frame associated to this structure.
	if (info.performRecovery)
		DEBUG("[FRM] Recovering " + ISTR(depth) + " level frame");
		m_static = new SPELLwsStaticData(info,depth,frame);
		// Recover this frame
		m_frame = m_static->restore();
		// In recovery mode, the given frame is the previous one in the stack
		m_frame->f_back = frame;
		// Use the recovered frame to restore dynamic data
		m_dynamic = new SPELLwsDynamicData(info,depth,m_frame);
		DEBUG("[FRM] Recovering " + ISTR(depth) + " level frame done: " + PYCREPR(m_frame));
		m_frame = frame;
		m_static = new SPELLwsStaticData(info,depth,m_frame);
		m_dynamic = new SPELLwsDynamicData(info,depth,m_frame);
	DEBUG("[FRM] Created manager for frame " + PYCREPR(m_frame));
	m_lastInstruction = m_frame->f_lasti;
	m_lastLine = m_frame->f_lineno;
Exemple #2
// METHOD    : SPELLwsFrame::fixState()
void SPELLwsFrame::fixState( PyThreadState* newState, bool isHead )
	DEBUG("[FRM] Fix state on frame " + PYCREPR(m_frame) + ", head=" + BSTR(isHead));
	// This is required due to how the Python evaluation loop works. The
	// instruction interesting for us is the one after the function call, if
	// the frame is no the head of the tree.
	if (isHead)
		DEBUG("[FRM] Set instruction as head");
		DEBUG("[FRM] Set instruction as intermediate");
		DEBUG("[FRM] Original instruction was " + ISTR(m_lastInstruction));
		DEBUG("[FRM] Last line was " + ISTR(m_lastLine));

		std::string filename = PYSTR(m_frame->f_code->co_filename);
		std::string codename = PYSTR(m_frame->f_code->co_name);
		std::string code_id = filename + "-" + codename;
		int nextLine = SPELLexecutor::instance().getFrame().getModel(code_id).lineAfter(m_lastLine);
		DEBUG("[FRM] Next line is " + ISTR(nextLine));
		int nextInstruction = SPELLexecutor::instance().getFrame().getModel(code_id).offset(nextLine);
		m_lastInstruction = nextInstruction -1; // Will position it in the lastLine but POP_TOP instr.
		DEBUG("[FRM] Set instruction to: " + ISTR(m_lastInstruction));

	DEBUG("[FRM] Applying: INS(" + ISTR(m_lastInstruction) + "), LIN(" + ISTR(m_lastLine) + ") on frame " + PYCREPR(m_frame));

	// Reset the frame values
	m_frame->f_lasti = m_lastInstruction;
	m_frame->f_lineno = m_lastLine;
	m_frame->f_tstate = newState;
	m_frame->f_stacktop = m_frame->f_valuestack;

	// Recover the dynamic data and update the frame
	DEBUG("[FRM] Recovering dynamic data");

	// Connect the head with the thread state (the head is the frame going to
	// be executed after recovery)
	if (isHead)
		newState->frame = m_frame;

	//DumpFrameInfo( m_frame );
	DEBUG("[FRM] State fixed on frame " + PYCREPR(m_frame));
Exemple #3
// FUNCTION:    SPELLutils::dumpFrameInfo()
void SPELLutils::dumpFrameInfo( const std::string& id, PyFrameObject* frame, int iStateId, int TStateId, int FrameId )
	LOG_INFO("Dump information for frame " + ISTR(iStateId) + "." + ISTR(TStateId) + "." + ISTR(FrameId));

	std::string dataDir = getSPELL_DATA() + PATH_SEPARATOR + "Runtime" + PATH_SEPARATOR;
	std::string filename = dataDir + id + "_frame_state_" + ISTR(iStateId) + "." + ISTR(TStateId) + "." + ISTR(FrameId) + ".dump";
	std::ofstream dumpFile;
	dumpFile.open( filename.c_str() , std::ios::out );

	dumpFile << "FRAME STATE " << TStateId << " DATA" << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "--------------------------------------" << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Address              : " << PSTR(frame) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Next address         : " << PSTR(frame->f_back) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Thread state address : " << PSTR(frame->f_tstate) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Last instruction     : " << frame->f_lasti << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Last line            : " << frame->f_lineno << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Try blocks count     : " << frame->f_iblock << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Try blocks           : " << PSTR(frame->f_blockstack) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Value stack          : " << PSTR(frame->f_valuestack) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Stack top            : " << PSTR(frame->f_stacktop) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Stack count          : " << (frame->f_stacktop - frame->f_valuestack) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Fast locals          : " << (frame->f_code->co_nlocals-1) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Exception type       : " << PYREPR(frame->f_exc_type) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Exception value      : " << PYREPR(frame->f_exc_value) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Exception traceback  : " << PYREPR(frame->f_exc_traceback) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Trace function       : " << PYREPR(frame->f_trace) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Builtins             : " << PYSIZE(frame->f_builtins) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Globals              : " << PYSIZE(frame->f_globals) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Locals               : " << PYSIZE(frame->f_locals) << std::endl;
	dumpFile << "Code                 : " << PYCREPR(frame->f_code) << std::endl;

	// Close the frame state dump, no more to add
Exemple #4
SPELLwsFrame::SPELLwsFrame( const std::string& persisFile, unsigned int depth, PyFrameObject* frame, const SPELLwsWorkingMode& mode )
: m_frame(frame),
	DEBUG("[FRM] Created manager for frame " + PYCREPR(m_frame));
	m_lastInstruction = frame->f_lasti;
	m_lastLine = frame->f_lineno;
// METHOD    : SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::notifyLine()
void SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::notifyLine()
	DEBUG("[WS] Notify line, top frame " + PYCREPR(m_topFrame->getFrameObject()));
	// Notify the top frame to keep updated the recovery information
	// Perform state save if working mode is ON_LINE
	if (getWorkingMode()==MODE_ON_LINE)
// METHOD    : SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::addFrame()
void SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::addFrame( const std::string& id, PyFrameObject* frame )
	DEBUG("[WS] Adding new frame");
	// Dont actually add it if it is the head (this happens after fixing the state)
	if ( m_topFrame == NULL || frame != m_topFrame->getFrameObject() )
		DEBUG("[WS] Adding frame manager for " + PYCREPR(frame));
		m_topFrame = new SPELLwsFrame( id, m_startup, m_frames.size(), frame );
// METHOD: SPELLvariableMonitor::retrieveLocalVariables()
void SPELLvariableMonitor::retrieveLocalVariables(std::vector<SPELLvarInfo>& vars)
	DEBUG("[VM] Retrieve Locals");

	 * Bottom stack frame is discarded,
	 * as globals and locals are the same dictionary
	if (m_frame->f_back == NULL) return;

	 * Get the names defined in the current code, including arguments
	std::vector<std::string> varNames = retrieveNames();

	 * Iterate over the locals dictionary, retrieving the names contained in
	 * varNames
	PyObject* dict = m_frame->f_locals;
	DEBUG("[VM] Frame: " + PYCREPR(m_frame));
	for( unsigned int index = 0; index< varNames.size(); index++)
		std::string varName = varNames[index];
		PyObject* pyVarName = SSTRPY(varName);
		if (PyDict_Contains( dict, pyVarName ))
			PyObject* object = PyDict_GetItem( dict, pyVarName );

			if (!SPELLpythonHelper::instance().isInstance(object, "Database", "spell.lib.adapter.databases.database"))
				if (PyCallable_Check(object)) continue;
				if (PyClass_Check(object)) continue;
				if (PyModule_Check(object)) continue;
				if (PyInstance_Check(object)) continue;
			DEBUG("[VM] Processing " + varName);
			std::string type = PYSSTR( PyObject_Type(object) );
			DEBUG("[VM] Type      : " + type);
			std::string value = PYREPR( object );
			DEBUG("[VM] Value     : " + value);
			DEBUG("[VM] Global    : " + BSTR(false));
			DEBUG("[VM] Registered: " + BSTR(isRegistered(varName)));

			// Mark empty values (empty strings) as "<empty>"
			if (value == "") value = EMPTY_STRING;

			vars.push_back( SPELLvarInfo(varName, type, value, false, isRegistered(varName)) );
Exemple #8
// METHOD    : SPELLwsFrame::eventLine()
void SPELLwsFrame::eventLine()
	// On a line event we need to keep the latest instruction and line number used
	// so that we can reapply them after a recovery.
	m_lastInstruction = m_frame->f_lasti;
	m_lastLine = m_frame->f_lineno;

	DEBUG("[FRM] Frame " + PYCREPR(m_frame) + ": INS(" + ISTR(m_lastInstruction) + "), LIN(" + ISTR(m_lastLine) + ")");

	// Update the tracked dynamic data of the frame

	DEBUG("[FRM] Update on line event finished");
Exemple #9
/** For debugging purposes only */
void DumpFrameInfo( PyFrameObject* frame )
	std::cerr << "=============================================" << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "Last instruction   " << frame->f_lasti << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "Last line          " << frame->f_lineno << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "Previous frame     " << PYCREPR(frame->f_back) << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "Thread state       " << PSTR(frame->f_tstate) << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "Try blocks count   " << frame->f_iblock << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "Try blocks         " << PSTR(frame->f_blockstack) << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "Value stack        " << PSTR(frame->f_valuestack) << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "Stack top          " << PSTR(frame->f_stacktop) << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "Stack count        " << (frame->f_stacktop - frame->f_valuestack) << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "Fast locals        " << (frame->f_code->co_nlocals-1) << std::endl;
	std::cerr << "=============================================" << std::endl;
// METHOD    : SPELLwsStorage::loadObject
PyObject* SPELLwsStorage::loadObject()
	if (!m_file.is_open()) return NULL;
    if (m_mode == MODE_WRITE)
        THROW_EXCEPTION("Unable to load object", "Initialized in write mode", SPELL_ERROR_WSTART);

    // MARSHAL

    std::string line = "";
    // Get first the line with the info
    while(!m_file.eof() && (line == ""))
        DEBUG("Obtained line [" + line + "]");

    DEBUG("Load object from line [" + line + "]");

    std::vector<std::string> elements = SPELLutils::tokenize(line,"\1");

    PyObject* obj = NULL;
    std::string ptype = elements[1];
	int marshal_len = STRI(elements[2]);
	DEBUG("Decoding object of type " + elements[1] + ", marshal length " + elements[2]);
	// Get the line with the marshal
	char buffer[4512];
	obj = (PyObject*) PyMarshal_ReadObjectFromString( buffer, marshal_len );
	DEBUG("Decoded: " + PYCREPR(obj));
	// Check that the unmarshal was ok

    m_trace << "[" << m_opCounter << "] LOAD (" << m_filename << ") " << PYREPR(obj) << " [ Type=" << PYREPR(PyObject_Type(obj)) << ", Marshal length=" + ISTR(marshal_len) + " ]" << std::endl;

    if (obj != NULL) Py_INCREF(obj);

    return obj;
// METHOD    : SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::fixState()
PyFrameObject* SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::fixState()
	DEBUG("[WS] Fixing state ==============================================");

	// Synchronize so that nothing can be done while saving
	SPELLmonitor m(m_lock);

	// Get the head interpreter state
	PyInterpreterState* istate = PyInterpreterState_Head();

	// Get the current thread state
	PyThreadState* oldState = PyThreadState_GET();
	DEBUG("[WS] Old state: " + PSTR(oldState));
	DEBUG("[WS] Interpreter head: " + PSTR(istate->tstate_head));
	DEBUG("[WS] Interpreter next: " + PSTR(istate->next));
	DEBUG("[WS] State recursion depth: " + ISTR(oldState->recursion_depth));
	DEBUG("[WS] State next: " + PSTR(oldState->next));

	// Create a fresh thread state
	PyThreadState* newState = PyThreadState_New(istate);
	istate->tstate_head = newState;

	newState->recursion_depth = oldState->recursion_depth;
	newState->tracing = oldState->tracing;
	newState->use_tracing = oldState->use_tracing;
	newState->tick_counter = oldState->tick_counter;
	newState->gilstate_counter = oldState->gilstate_counter;
	newState->dict = PyDict_Copy(oldState->dict);

	FrameList::iterator it;
	unsigned int frameCount = m_frames.size();
	DEBUG("[WS] Total frames to fix " + ISTR(frameCount));
	m_topFrame = NULL;
	for( unsigned int index = 0; index < frameCount; index++)
		bool isHead = (index == (frameCount-1));
		DEBUG("[WS] Fix state on frame index " + ISTR(index) + " frame=" + PYCREPR(m_frames[index]));
		m_topFrame = m_frames[index];
		m_topFrame->fixState(newState, isHead);
	DEBUG("[WS] State fixed ===============================================");
	return m_topFrame->getFrameObject();
// STATIC : SPELLwsDataHandlerFactory::createDataHandler()
SPELLwsDataHandler* SPELLwsDataHandlerFactory::createDataHandler( PyObject* object )
	assert(object != NULL);

	SPELLwsDataHandler* handler = NULL;

	DEBUG("[DHF] Creating handler for object of type " + PYREPR( PyObject_Type(object) ));

	if (PyDict_Check(object))
		DEBUG("[DHF] Object is a dictionary");
		handler = new SPELLwsDictDataHandler(object);
	else if (PyList_Check(object))
		DEBUG("[DHF] Object is a list");
		handler = new SPELLwsListDataHandler(object);
	else if ( Py_None == object )
		DEBUG("[DHF] Object is None");
		handler = new SPELLwsNoneDataHandler();
	else if (SPELLpythonHelper::instance().isDatabase(object))
		DEBUG("[DHF] Object is database");
		handler = new SPELLwsDbDataHandler(object);
	else if (SPELLpythonHelper::instance().isTime(object))
		DEBUG("[DHF] Object is TIME");
		handler = new SPELLwsTimeDataHandler(object);
	else if (PyClass_Check(object))
		DEBUG("[DHF] Object is a class: " + PYCREPR(object));
		handler = new SPELLwsClassDataHandler(object);
	else if (PyInstance_Check(object))
		DEBUG("[DHF] Object is a instance: " + PYCREPR(object));
		handler = new SPELLwsInstanceDataHandler(object);
	else if (SPELLpythonHelper::instance().isSubclassInstance(object, "TmItemClass", "spell.lib.adapter.tm_item"))
		DEBUG("[DHF] Object is a TM item: " + PYCREPR(object));
		handler = new SPELLwsTmItemDataHandler(object);
	// Look discussion at mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2004-July/046074.html
	else if ((object->ob_type->tp_flags & Py_TPFLAGS_HEAPTYPE)>0)
		DEBUG("[DHF] Object is a custom type: " + PYCREPR(object));
		handler = new SPELLwsCustomTypeDataHandler(object);
		DEBUG("[DHF] Default to object handler: " + PYCREPR(object));
		handler = new SPELLwsObjectDataHandler(object);
	return handler;
Exemple #13
	DEBUG("[FRM] Destroyed manager for frame " + PYCREPR(m_frame));
	delete m_dynamic;
	delete m_static;
// METHOD    : SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::notifyCall()
void SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::notifyCall( const std::string& id, PyFrameObject* newFrame )
	DEBUG("[WS] Notify call on " + PYCREPR(newFrame) + ", recursion depth " + ISTR(m_recursionDepth) +", id=" + id);
	// Add the frame to the list of frames
	addFrame( id, newFrame );
// METHOD    : SPELLwsDictDataHandler::write()
void SPELLwsDictDataHandler::write()
	if (getObject() == NULL)
		getStorage()->storeLong( -1 );

	assert( PyDict_Check(getObject()));

	SPELLpyHandle keys = PyDict_Keys( getObject() );
	unsigned int numItems = PyList_Size( keys.get() );

	DEBUG("[DDH] Storing dictionary items (total " + ISTR(numItems) + ") address " + PSTR(getObject()));

	PyObject* key = NULL;
	PyObject* item = NULL;

	long toStore = 0;
	// Calculate the number of items to store
	// Store each list item
	DEBUG("[DDH] Keys of the dictionary:");
	for( unsigned int index = 0; index < numItems; index++)
		key = PyList_GetItem( keys.get(), index );
		item = PyDict_GetItem( getObject(), key );
		if (SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::shouldFilter(key,item))
			DEBUG("     - " + PYSSTR(key));

	DEBUG("[DDH] Will store " + ISTR(toStore) + " keys");
	// Store the number of items
	getStorage()->storeLong( (long) toStore );

	DEBUG("[DDH] Start checking items");
	if (toStore>0)
		// Store each list item
		for( unsigned int index = 0; index < numItems; index++)
			key = PyList_GetItem( keys.get(), index );
			item = PyDict_GetItem( getObject(), key );

			DEBUG("[DDH] Checking item " + PYCREPR(key));

			// Do not consider filtered values
			if (SPELLwsWarmStartImpl::shouldFilter(key,item)) continue;


			DEBUG("		[DDH] Key index " + ISTR(index));
			DEBUG("		[DDH] Key to use" + PYREPR(key));
			DEBUG("		[DDH] Item type:" + PYREPR(PyObject_Type(item)));

			// Handler for the key
			SPELLwsObjectDataHandler keyHandler(key);

			DEBUG("		[DDH] Creating handler");

			// Create a handler for the item
			SPELLwsDataHandler* handler = SPELLwsDataHandlerFactory::createDataHandler(item);

			// Store the key
			DEBUG("		[DDH] Storing key: " + PYREPR(key));

			// Store the item data code in order to recognise it later
			DEBUG("		[DDH] Storing data code: " + SPELLwsData::codeStr(handler->getCode()));

			// IMPORTANT in the case of lists and dictionaries, we want to be able to continue
			// the storage even if there is a problem in the handler processing at this point.
			// If that is the case, a fake empty object will be replaced by the object being
			// processed by the handler, and the dumping of this collection will continue.
				if (handler->getCode() == SPELLwsData::DATA_CUSTOM_TYPE )
					std::string msg = "WARNING! warm start not supported for custom Python types (" + PYREPR(key) + "=" + PYREPR(item) + ")";
					storeFakeObject( SPELLwsData::DATA_NONE );
					// Store the value
					DEBUG("		[DDH] Storing value: " + PYREPR(item));
					DEBUG("		[DDH] Storing value done");
			catch(SPELLcoreException& ex)
				std::string msg = "WARNING! WS storage of element " + ISTR(index) + " failed: " + ex.what();
				storeFakeObject( handler->getCode() );
			delete handler;

	DEBUG("[DDH] Storing dictionary done");
Exemple #16
	DEBUG("[FRM] Destroyed manager for frame " + PYCREPR(m_frame));
	// IMPORTANT if this frame manager is destroyed we do not need the persistent data
	// anymore, destroy the files