scalar P_alpha(scalar x,sasfit_param * param)
	ALPHA = x;
	if (EPSILON == 1.0) {
		return P_theta(1.0,param)*sin(ALPHA);
	} else {
		return sasfit_integrate(0.0,M_PI/2.0,&P_theta,param)*2.0/M_PI*sin(ALPHA);
void umat_plasticity_kin_iso_CCP(const vec &Etot, const vec &DEtot, vec &sigma, mat &Lt, mat &L, vec &sigma_in, const mat &DR, const int &nprops, const vec &props, const int &nstatev, vec &statev, const double &T, const double &DT, const double &Time, const double &DTime, double &Wm, double &Wm_r, double &Wm_ir, double &Wm_d, const int &ndi, const int &nshr, const bool &start, const int &solver_type, double &tnew_dt)                               
    //From the props to the material properties
    double E = props(0);
    double nu= props(1);
    double alpha_iso = props(2);
    double sigmaY = props(3);
    double k=props(4);
    double m=props(5);
    double kX = props(6);
    //definition of the CTE tensor
    vec alpha = alpha_iso*Ith();
    ///@brief Temperature initialization
    double T_init = statev(0);
    //From the statev to the internal variables
    double p = statev(1);
    vec EP(6);
    EP(0) = statev(2);
    EP(1) = statev(3);
    EP(2) = statev(4);
    EP(3) = statev(5);
    EP(4) = statev(6);
    EP(5) = statev(7);
    ///@brief a is the internal variable associated with kinematical hardening
    vec a = zeros(6);
    a(0) = statev(8);
    a(1) = statev(9);
    a(2) = statev(10);
    a(3) = statev(11);
    a(4) = statev(12);
    a(5) = statev(13);
    //Rotation of internal variables (tensors)
    EP = rotate_strain(EP, DR);
    a = rotate_strain(a, DR);
    ///@brief Initialization
        //Elstic stiffness tensor
        L = L_iso(E, nu, "Enu");
        T_init = T;
        vec vide = zeros(6);
        sigma = vide;
        EP = vide;
        a = vide;
        p = 0.;
        Wm = 0.;
        Wm_r = 0.;
        Wm_ir = 0.;
        Wm_d = 0.;
    //Additional parameters and variables
    vec X = kX*(a%Ir05());
    double Hp=0.;
    double dHpdp=0.;
    if (p > iota)	{
        dHpdp = m*k*pow(p, m-1);
        Hp = k*pow(p, m);
    else {
        dHpdp = 0.;
        Hp = 0.;
    //Variables values at the start of the increment
    vec sigma_start = sigma;
    vec EP_start = EP;
    vec a_start = a;
    vec X_start = X;
    double A_p_start = -Hp;
    vec A_a_start = -X_start;
    //Variables required for the loop
    vec s_j = zeros(1);
    s_j(0) = p;
    vec Ds_j = zeros(1);
    vec ds_j = zeros(1);
    ///Elastic prediction - Accounting for the thermal prediction
    vec Eel = Etot + DEtot - alpha*(T+DT-T_init) - EP;
    sigma = el_pred(L, Eel, ndi);
    //Define the plastic function and the stress
    vec Phi = zeros(1);
    mat B = zeros(1,1);
    vec Y_crit = zeros(1);
    double dPhidp=0.;
    vec dPhida = zeros(6);
    vec dPhidsigma = zeros(6);
    double dPhidtheta = 0.;
    //Compute the explicit flow direction
    vec Lambdap = eta_stress(sigma-X);
    vec Lambdaa = eta_stress(sigma-X);
    std::vector<vec> kappa_j(1);
    kappa_j[0] = L*Lambdap;
    mat K = zeros(1,1);
    //Loop parameters
    int compteur = 0;
    double error = 1.;
    for (compteur = 0; ((compteur < maxiter_umat) && (error > precision_umat)); compteur++) {
        p = s_j(0);
        if (p > iota)	{
            dHpdp = m*k*pow(p, m-1);
            Hp = k*pow(p, m);
        else {
            dHpdp = 0.;
            Hp = 0.;
        dPhidsigma = eta_stress(sigma-X);
        dPhidp = -1.*dHpdp;
        dPhida = -1.*kX*(eta_stress(sigma - X)%Ir05());
        //compute Phi and the derivatives
        Phi(0) = Mises_stress(sigma-X) - Hp - sigmaY;
        Lambdap = eta_stress(sigma-X);
        Lambdaa = eta_stress(sigma-X);
        kappa_j[0] = L*Lambdap;
        K(0,0) = dPhidp + sum(dPhida%Lambdaa);
        B(0, 0) = -1.*sum(dPhidsigma%kappa_j[0]) + K(0,0);
        Y_crit(0) = sigmaY;
        Fischer_Burmeister_m(Phi, Y_crit, B, Ds_j, ds_j, error);
        s_j(0) += ds_j(0);
        EP = EP + ds_j(0)*Lambdap;
        a = a + ds_j(0)*Lambdaa;
        X = kX*(a%Ir05());
        //the stress is now computed using the relationship sigma = L(E-Ep)
        Eel = Etot + DEtot - alpha*(T + DT - T_init) - EP;
        sigma = el_pred(L, Eel, ndi);
    //Computation of the increments of variables
    vec Dsigma = sigma - sigma_start;
    vec DEP = EP - EP_start;
    double Dp = Ds_j[0];
    vec Da = a - a_start;
    if (solver_type == 0) {
		//Computation of the tangent modulus
		mat Bhat = zeros(1, 1);
		Bhat(0, 0) = sum(dPhidsigma%kappa_j[0]) - K(0,0);
		vec op = zeros(1);
		mat delta = eye(1,1);
		for (int i=0; i<1; i++) {
			if(Ds_j[i] > iota)
				op(i) = 1.;
		mat Bbar = zeros(1,1);
		for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
				Bbar(i, j) = op(i)*op(j)*Bhat(i, j) + delta(i,j)*(1-op(i)*op(j));
		mat invBbar = zeros(1, 1);
		mat invBhat = zeros(1, 1);
		invBbar = inv(Bbar);
		for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < 1; j++) {
				invBhat(i, j) = op(i)*op(j)*invBbar(i, j);
		std::vector<vec> P_epsilon(1);
		P_epsilon[0] = invBhat(0, 0)*(L*dPhidsigma);
		std::vector<double> P_theta(1);
		P_theta[0] = dPhidtheta - sum(dPhidsigma%(L*alpha));
		Lt = L - (kappa_j[0]*P_epsilon[0].t());
    else if(solver_type == 1) {
        sigma_in = -L*EP;
    double A_p = -Hp;
    vec A_a = -X;
    double Dgamma_loc = 0.5*sum((sigma_start+sigma)%DEP) + 0.5*(A_p_start + A_p)*Dp + 0.5*sum((A_a_start + A_a)%Da);
    //Computation of the mechanical and thermal work quantities
    Wm += 0.5*sum((sigma_start+sigma)%DEtot);
    Wm_r += 0.5*sum((sigma_start+sigma)%(DEtot-DEP)) - 0.5*sum((A_a_start + A_a)%Da);
    Wm_ir += -0.5*(A_p_start + A_p)*Dp;
    Wm_d += Dgamma_loc;
    ///@brief statev evolving variables
    statev(0) = T_init;
    statev(1) = p;
    statev(2) = EP(0);
    statev(3) = EP(1);
    statev(4) = EP(2);
    statev(5) = EP(3);
    statev(6) = EP(4);
    statev(7) = EP(5);
    statev(8) = a(0);
    statev(9) = a(1);
    statev(10) = a(2);
    statev(11) = a(3);
    statev(12) = a(4);
    statev(13) = a(5);