Exemple #1
/* HELP */
void tool_help(int argc, char *argv[])
    if (argc > 1) {
        Parser_help(argc, argv);

    printf("i <id/name>\t\t\tget info from database about ID/name\n");
    printf("nu <username>\t\t\tcreate a new user\n");
    printf("nui <username> <userid>\t\tcreate a new user with id\n");
    printf("ng <groupname> <ownerid/name>\tcreate a new group\n");
    printf("l <name>\t\t\tlook up an ID by name\n");
    printf("list\t\t\t\tlist all entries\n");
    printf("cu <newusername> <userid>\tclone a user\n");
    printf("ag <groupid/name> <id/name>\tadd a group or user to a group\n");
        "rg <groupid/name> <id/name>\tremove a group or user from a group\n");
    printf("d <id/name>\t\t\tdelete a user or a group\n");
    printf("cm\t\t\t\tcompact the database (RARE)\n");
    printf("ci <name> <newid>\t\tchange the Id of a user or group\n");
    printf("cn <id> <newname>\t\tchange the Name of a user or group\n");
    printf("u <id/name>\t\t\tupdate an id/name\n");
    printf("ids\t\t\t\tget the database maxids\n");
    printf("maxids <userid> <groupid>\tset the database maxids\n");
        "ldif_export <ldiffile> <basedn>\tdump the contents of the pdb database in LDIF format\n");
        "export <userfile> <groupfile>\tdump the contents of the pdb database\n");
    printf("import <userfile> <groupfile>\tread a dumped pdb database\n");
    printf("source <file>\t\t\tread commands from file\n");
    printf("exit\t\t\t\texit the pdbtool\n");
Exemple #2
static int loadgen_usage(int argc, char **argv)
        if (argc == 1) {
        "This is a test program used to simulate large numbers of\n"
        "clients.  The echo obds are used, so the obdecho module must\n"
        "be loaded.\n"
        "Typical usage would be:\n"
        "  loadgen> dev lustre-OST0000       set the target device\n"
        "  loadgen> start 20                 start 20 echo clients\n"
        "  loadgen> wr 10 5                  have 10 clients do the brw_write\n"
        "                                      test 5 times each\n"
        return (Parser_help(argc, argv));
Exemple #3
void Parser_printhelp(char *cmd)
        char *argv[] = { "help", cmd };
        Parser_help(2, argv);