Exemple #1
  Retrieves the size of the value for a given PCD token.

  Retrieves the current size of a particular PCD token.  
  If the TokenNumber is invalid, the results are unpredictable.

  @param[in]  Guid          The token space for the token number.
  @param[in]  ExTokenNumber The PCD token number. 

  @return The size of the value for the PCD token.
PeiPcdGetSizeEx (
  IN CONST  EFI_GUID              *Guid,
  IN UINTN                        ExTokenNumber
  return PeiPcdGetSize (GetExPcdTokenNumber (Guid, ExTokenNumber));
Exemple #2
  Retrieve additional information associated with a PCD token.

  This includes information such as the type of value the TokenNumber is associated with as well as possible
  human readable name that is associated with the token.

  @param[in]    Database    PCD database.
  @param[in]    Guid        The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
  @param[in]    TokenNumber The PCD token number.
  @param[out]   PcdInfo     The returned information associated with the requested TokenNumber.
                            The caller is responsible for freeing the buffer that is allocated by callee for PcdInfo->PcdName. 

  @retval  EFI_SUCCESS      The PCD information was returned successfully
  @retval  EFI_NOT_FOUND    The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
ExGetPcdInfo (
  IN        PEI_PCD_DATABASE    *Database,
  IN CONST  EFI_GUID            *Guid,
  IN        UINTN               TokenNumber,
  OUT       EFI_PCD_INFO        *PcdInfo
  UINTN                 GuidTableIdx;
  EFI_GUID              *MatchGuid;
  EFI_GUID              *GuidTable;
  UINTN                 Index;
  UINT32                LocalTokenNumber;

  GuidTable = (EFI_GUID *)((UINT8 *)Database + Database->GuidTableOffset);
  MatchGuid = ScanGuid (GuidTable, Database->GuidTableCount * sizeof(EFI_GUID), Guid);

  if (MatchGuid == NULL) {
    return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

  GuidTableIdx = MatchGuid - GuidTable;

  ExMapTable = (DYNAMICEX_MAPPING *)((UINT8 *)Database + Database->ExMapTableOffset);

  // Find the PCD by GuidTableIdx and ExTokenNumber in ExMapTable.
  for (Index = 0; Index < Database->ExTokenCount; Index++) {
    if (ExMapTable[Index].ExGuidIndex == GuidTableIdx) {
      if (TokenNumber == PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER) {
        // TokenNumber is 0, follow spec to set PcdType to EFI_PCD_TYPE_8,
        // PcdSize to 0 and PcdName to the null-terminated ASCII string
        // associated with the token's namespace Guid.
        PcdInfo->PcdType = EFI_PCD_TYPE_8;
        PcdInfo->PcdSize = 0;
        // Here use one representative in the token space to get the TokenSpaceCName.
        PcdInfo->PcdName = GetPcdName (TRUE, Database, ExMapTable[Index].TokenNumber);
        return EFI_SUCCESS;
      } else if (ExMapTable[Index].ExTokenNumber == TokenNumber) {
        PcdInfo->PcdSize = PeiPcdGetSize (ExMapTable[Index].TokenNumber);
        LocalTokenNumber = GetLocalTokenNumber (Database, ExMapTable[Index].TokenNumber);
        PcdInfo->PcdType = GetPcdType (LocalTokenNumber);
        PcdInfo->PcdName = GetPcdName (FALSE, Database, ExMapTable[Index].TokenNumber);
        return EFI_SUCCESS;

  return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
Exemple #3
  Retrieve additional information associated with a PCD token.

  This includes information such as the type of value the TokenNumber is associated with as well as possible
  human readable name that is associated with the token.

  @param[in]    Guid        The 128-bit unique value that designates the namespace from which to extract the value.
  @param[in]    TokenNumber The PCD token number.
  @param[out]   PcdInfo     The returned information associated with the requested TokenNumber.
                            The caller is responsible for freeing the buffer that is allocated by callee for PcdInfo->PcdName.

  @retval  EFI_SUCCESS      The PCD information was returned successfully.
  @retval  EFI_NOT_FOUND    The PCD service could not find the requested token number.
PeiGetPcdInfo (
  IN CONST  EFI_GUID        *Guid,
  IN        UINTN           TokenNumber,
  OUT       EFI_PCD_INFO    *PcdInfo
  PEI_PCD_DATABASE      *PeiPcdDb;
  BOOLEAN               PeiExMapTableEmpty;
  UINTN                 PeiNexTokenNumber;
  UINT32                LocalTokenNumber;

  ASSERT (PcdInfo != NULL);

  PeiPcdDb          = GetPcdDatabase ();
  PeiNexTokenNumber = PeiPcdDb->LocalTokenCount - PeiPcdDb->ExTokenCount;

  if (PeiPcdDb->ExTokenCount == 0) {
    PeiExMapTableEmpty = TRUE;
  } else {
    PeiExMapTableEmpty = FALSE;

  if (Guid == NULL) {
    if (TokenNumber > PeiNexTokenNumber) {
      return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
    } else if (TokenNumber == PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER) {
      // TokenNumber is 0, follow spec to set PcdType to EFI_PCD_TYPE_8,
      // PcdSize to 0 and PcdName to NULL for default Token Space.
      PcdInfo->PcdType = EFI_PCD_TYPE_8;
      PcdInfo->PcdSize = 0;
      PcdInfo->PcdName = NULL;
    } else {
      PcdInfo->PcdSize = PeiPcdGetSize (TokenNumber);
      LocalTokenNumber = GetLocalTokenNumber (PeiPcdDb, TokenNumber);
      PcdInfo->PcdType = GetPcdType (LocalTokenNumber);
      PcdInfo->PcdName = GetPcdName (FALSE, PeiPcdDb, TokenNumber);
    return EFI_SUCCESS;
  } else {
    if (PeiExMapTableEmpty) {
      return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
    return ExGetPcdInfo (
Exemple #4
  Get the PCD entry pointer in PCD database.
  This routine will visit PCD database to find the PCD entry according to given
  token number. The given token number is autogened by build tools and it will be 
  translated to local token number. Local token number contains PCD's type and 
  offset of PCD entry in PCD database.

  @param TokenNumber     Token's number, it is autogened by build tools
  @param GetSize         The size of token's value

  @return PCD entry pointer in PCD database

GetWorker (
  IN UINTN               TokenNumber,
  IN UINTN               GetSize
  UINT32              Offset;
  EFI_GUID            *Guid;
  UINT16              *Name;
  VARIABLE_HEAD       *VariableHead;
  EFI_STATUS          Status;
  UINTN               DataSize;
  VOID                *Data;
  UINT8               *StringTable;
  UINT16              StringTableIdx;
  UINT32              LocalTokenNumber;
  UINTN               MaxSize;

  // TokenNumber Zero is reserved as PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER.
  // We have to decrement TokenNumber by 1 to make it usable
  // as the array index.

  // EBC compiler is very choosy. It may report warning about comparison
  // between UINTN and 0 . So we add 1 in each size of the 
  // comparison.
  ASSERT (TokenNumber + 1 < PEI_LOCAL_TOKEN_NUMBER + 1);

  ASSERT ((GetSize == PeiPcdGetSize(TokenNumber + 1)) || (GetSize == 0));

  PeiPcdDb        = GetPcdDatabase ();

  LocalTokenNumber = PeiPcdDb->Init.LocalTokenNumberTable[TokenNumber];

  if ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED) == PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED) {
    if (GetSize == 0) {
      MaxSize = GetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, &MaxSize, PeiPcdDb);
    } else {
      MaxSize = GetSize;
    LocalTokenNumber = GetSkuEnabledTokenNumber (LocalTokenNumber & ~PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED, MaxSize);

  Offset      = LocalTokenNumber & PCD_DATABASE_OFFSET_MASK;
  StringTable = PeiPcdDb->Init.StringTable;
  switch (LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_ALL_SET) {
    case PCD_TYPE_VPD:
      VPD_HEAD *VpdHead;
      VpdHead = (VPD_HEAD *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + Offset);
      return (VOID *) (UINTN) (PcdGet32 (PcdVpdBaseAddress) + VpdHead->Offset);
    case PCD_TYPE_HII:
      VariableHead = (VARIABLE_HEAD *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + Offset);
      Guid = &(PeiPcdDb->Init.GuidTable[VariableHead->GuidTableIndex]);
      Name = (UINT16*)&StringTable[VariableHead->StringIndex];

      Status = GetHiiVariable (Guid, Name, &Data, &DataSize);

      if (Status == EFI_SUCCESS) {
        return (VOID *) ((UINT8 *) Data + VariableHead->Offset);
      } else {
        // Return the default value specified by Platform Integrator 
        if ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_ALL_SET) == (PCD_TYPE_HII|PCD_TYPE_STRING)) {
          return (VOID*)&StringTable[*(UINT16*)((UINT8*)PeiPcdDb + VariableHead->DefaultValueOffset)];
        } else {
          return (VOID *) ((UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb + VariableHead->DefaultValueOffset);

    case PCD_TYPE_DATA:
      return (VOID *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + Offset);

      StringTableIdx = * (UINT16*) ((UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb + Offset);
      return (VOID *) (&StringTable[StringTableIdx]);


  return NULL;
Exemple #5
  Set value for an PCD entry

  @param TokenNumber     Pcd token number autogenerated by build tools.
  @param Data            Value want to be set for PCD entry
  @param Size            Size of value.
  @param PtrType         If TRUE, the type of PCD entry's value is Pointer.
                         If False, the type of PCD entry's value is not Pointer.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If this PCD type is VPD, VPD PCD can not be set.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If Size can not be set to size table.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If Size of non-Ptr type PCD does not match the size information in PCD database.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          If value type of PCD entry is intergrate, but not in
                                 range of UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          Can not find the PCD type according to token number.                                
SetWorker (
  IN          UINTN               TokenNumber,
  IN          VOID                *Data,
  IN OUT      UINTN               *Size,
  IN          BOOLEAN             PtrType
  UINT32              LocalTokenNumber;
  UINT16              StringTableIdx;
  UINTN               Offset;
  VOID                *InternalData;
  UINTN               MaxSize;

  if (!FeaturePcdGet(PcdPeiFullPcdDatabaseEnable)) {
  // TokenNumber Zero is reserved as PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER.
  // We have to decrement TokenNumber by 1 to make it usable
  // as the array index.

  // EBC compiler is very choosy. It may report warning about comparison
  // between UINTN and 0 . So we add 1 in each size of the 
  // comparison.
  ASSERT (TokenNumber + 1 < PEI_LOCAL_TOKEN_NUMBER + 1);
  PeiPcdDb = GetPcdDatabase ();

  LocalTokenNumber = PeiPcdDb->Init.LocalTokenNumberTable[TokenNumber];

  if ((!PtrType) && (PeiPcdGetSize(TokenNumber + 1) != *Size)) {

  // We only invoke the callback function for Dynamic Type PCD Entry.
  // For Dynamic EX PCD entry, we have invoked the callback function for Dynamic EX
  // type PCD entry in ExSetWorker.
  if (TokenNumber + 1 < PEI_NEX_TOKEN_NUMBER + 1) {
    InvokeCallbackOnSet (0, NULL, TokenNumber + 1, Data, *Size);

  if ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED) == PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED) {
    if (PtrType) {
      MaxSize = GetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, &MaxSize, PeiPcdDb);
    } else {
      MaxSize = *Size;
    LocalTokenNumber = GetSkuEnabledTokenNumber (LocalTokenNumber & ~PCD_TYPE_SKU_ENABLED, MaxSize);

  Offset          = LocalTokenNumber & PCD_DATABASE_OFFSET_MASK;
  InternalData    = (VOID *) ((UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb + Offset);
  switch (LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_ALL_SET) {
    case PCD_TYPE_VPD:
    case PCD_TYPE_HII:

      if (SetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, Size, PeiPcdDb)) {
        StringTableIdx = *((UINT16 *)InternalData);
        CopyMem (&PeiPcdDb->Init.StringTable[StringTableIdx], Data, *Size);
        return EFI_SUCCESS;
      } else {

    case PCD_TYPE_DATA:
      if (PtrType) {
        if (SetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, Size, PeiPcdDb)) {
          CopyMem (InternalData, Data, *Size);
          return EFI_SUCCESS;
        } else {
          return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;

      switch (*Size) {
        case sizeof(UINT8):
          *((UINT8 *) InternalData) = *((UINT8 *) Data);
          return EFI_SUCCESS;

        case sizeof(UINT16):
          *((UINT16 *) InternalData) = *((UINT16 *) Data);
          return EFI_SUCCESS;

        case sizeof(UINT32):
          *((UINT32 *) InternalData) = *((UINT32 *) Data);
          return EFI_SUCCESS;

        case sizeof(UINT64):
          *((UINT64 *) InternalData) = *((UINT64 *) Data);
          return EFI_SUCCESS;

          ASSERT (FALSE);
          return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

  return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

Exemple #6
  Get the PCD entry pointer in PCD database.
  This routine will visit PCD database to find the PCD entry according to given
  token number. The given token number is autogened by build tools and it will be 
  translated to local token number. Local token number contains PCD's type and 
  offset of PCD entry in PCD database.

  @param TokenNumber     Token's number, it is autogened by build tools
  @param GetSize         The size of token's value

  @return PCD entry pointer in PCD database

GetWorker (
  IN UINTN               TokenNumber,
  IN UINTN               GetSize
  UINT32              Offset;
  EFI_GUID            *Guid;
  UINT16              *Name;
  VARIABLE_HEAD       *VariableHead;
  EFI_STATUS          Status;
  UINTN               DataSize;
  VOID                *Data;
  UINT8               *StringTable;
  STRING_HEAD         StringTableIdx;
  UINT32              LocalTokenNumber;
  UINT32              LocalTokenCount;
  UINT8               *VaraiableDefaultBuffer;

  // TokenNumber Zero is reserved as PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER.
  // We have to decrement TokenNumber by 1 to make it usable
  // as the array index.

  PeiPcdDb        = GetPcdDatabase ();
  LocalTokenCount = PeiPcdDb->LocalTokenCount;

  // EBC compiler is very choosy. It may report warning about comparison
  // between UINTN and 0 . So we add 1 in each size of the 
  // comparison.
  ASSERT (TokenNumber + 1 < (LocalTokenCount + 1));

  ASSERT ((GetSize == PeiPcdGetSize(TokenNumber + 1)) || (GetSize == 0));

  LocalTokenNumber = GetLocalTokenNumber (PeiPcdDb, TokenNumber + 1);

  Offset      = LocalTokenNumber & PCD_DATABASE_OFFSET_MASK;
  StringTable = (UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + PeiPcdDb->StringTableOffset;

  switch (LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_ALL_SET) {
    case PCD_TYPE_VPD:
      VPD_HEAD *VpdHead;
      VpdHead = (VPD_HEAD *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + Offset);
      return (VOID *) (UINTN) (PcdGet32 (PcdVpdBaseAddress) + VpdHead->Offset);
    case PCD_TYPE_HII:
      VariableHead = (VARIABLE_HEAD *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + Offset);
      Guid = (EFI_GUID *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + PeiPcdDb->GuidTableOffset) + VariableHead->GuidTableIndex;
      Name = (UINT16*)&StringTable[VariableHead->StringIndex];

      if ((LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_ALL_SET) == (PCD_TYPE_HII|PCD_TYPE_STRING)) {
        // If a HII type PCD's datum type is VOID*, the DefaultValueOffset is the index of 
        // string array in string table.
        VaraiableDefaultBuffer = (UINT8 *) &StringTable[*(STRING_HEAD*)((UINT8*) PeiPcdDb + VariableHead->DefaultValueOffset)];   
      } else {
        VaraiableDefaultBuffer = (UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb + VariableHead->DefaultValueOffset;
      Status = GetHiiVariable (Guid, Name, &Data, &DataSize);
      if ((Status == EFI_SUCCESS) && (DataSize >= (VariableHead->Offset + GetSize))) {
        if (GetSize == 0) {
          // It is a pointer type. So get the MaxSize reserved for
          // this PCD entry.
          GetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, &GetSize, PeiPcdDb);
          if (GetSize > (DataSize - VariableHead->Offset)) {
            // Use actual valid size.
            GetSize = DataSize - VariableHead->Offset;
        // If the operation is successful, we copy the data
        // to the default value buffer in the PCD Database.
        CopyMem (VaraiableDefaultBuffer, (UINT8 *) Data + VariableHead->Offset, GetSize);
      return (VOID *) VaraiableDefaultBuffer;

    case PCD_TYPE_DATA:
      return (VOID *) ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + Offset);

      StringTableIdx = * (STRING_HEAD*) ((UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb + Offset);
      return (VOID *) (&StringTable[StringTableIdx]);


  return NULL;
Exemple #7
  Set value for an PCD entry

  @param TokenNumber     Pcd token number autogenerated by build tools.
  @param Data            Value want to be set for PCD entry
  @param Size            Size of value.
  @param PtrType         If TRUE, the type of PCD entry's value is Pointer.
                         If False, the type of PCD entry's value is not Pointer.

  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If this PCD type is VPD, VPD PCD can not be set.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If Size can not be set to size table.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  If Size of non-Ptr type PCD does not match the size information in PCD database.
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          If value type of PCD entry is intergrate, but not in
                                 range of UINT8, UINT16, UINT32, UINT64
  @retval EFI_NOT_FOUND          Can not find the PCD type according to token number.                                
SetWorker (
  IN          UINTN               TokenNumber,
  IN          VOID                *Data,
  IN OUT      UINTN               *Size,
  IN          BOOLEAN             PtrType
  UINT32              LocalTokenNumber;
  UINTN               PeiNexTokenNumber;
  STRING_HEAD         StringTableIdx;
  UINTN               Offset;
  VOID                *InternalData;
  UINTN               MaxSize;
  UINT32              LocalTokenCount;

  if (!FeaturePcdGet(PcdPeiFullPcdDatabaseEnable)) {
  // TokenNumber Zero is reserved as PCD_INVALID_TOKEN_NUMBER.
  // We have to decrement TokenNumber by 1 to make it usable
  // as the array index.
  PeiPcdDb        = GetPcdDatabase ();
  LocalTokenCount = PeiPcdDb->LocalTokenCount;

  // EBC compiler is very choosy. It may report warning about comparison
  // between UINTN and 0 . So we add 1 in each size of the 
  // comparison.
  ASSERT (TokenNumber + 1 < (LocalTokenCount + 1));

  if (PtrType) {
    // Get MaxSize first, then check new size with max buffer size.
    GetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, &MaxSize, PeiPcdDb);
    if (*Size > MaxSize) {
      *Size = MaxSize;
  } else {
    if (*Size != PeiPcdGetSize (TokenNumber + 1)) {

  // We only invoke the callback function for Dynamic Type PCD Entry.
  // For Dynamic EX PCD entry, we have invoked the callback function for Dynamic EX
  // type PCD entry in ExSetWorker.
  PeiNexTokenNumber = PeiPcdDb->LocalTokenCount - PeiPcdDb->ExTokenCount;
  if (TokenNumber + 1 < PeiNexTokenNumber + 1) {
    InvokeCallbackOnSet (0, NULL, TokenNumber + 1, Data, *Size);

  LocalTokenNumber = GetLocalTokenNumber (PeiPcdDb, TokenNumber + 1);

  Offset          = LocalTokenNumber & PCD_DATABASE_OFFSET_MASK;
  InternalData    = (VOID *) ((UINT8 *) PeiPcdDb + Offset);
  switch (LocalTokenNumber & PCD_TYPE_ALL_SET) {
    case PCD_TYPE_VPD:
    case PCD_TYPE_HII:

      if (SetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, Size, PeiPcdDb)) {
        StringTableIdx = *((STRING_HEAD *)InternalData);
        CopyMem ((UINT8 *)PeiPcdDb + PeiPcdDb->StringTableOffset + StringTableIdx, Data, *Size);
        return EFI_SUCCESS;
      } else {

    case PCD_TYPE_DATA:
      if (PtrType) {
        if (SetPtrTypeSize (TokenNumber, Size, PeiPcdDb)) {
          CopyMem (InternalData, Data, *Size);
          return EFI_SUCCESS;
        } else {
          return EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER;

      switch (*Size) {
        case sizeof(UINT8):
          *((UINT8 *) InternalData) = *((UINT8 *) Data);
          return EFI_SUCCESS;

        case sizeof(UINT16):
          *((UINT16 *) InternalData) = *((UINT16 *) Data);
          return EFI_SUCCESS;

        case sizeof(UINT32):
          *((UINT32 *) InternalData) = *((UINT32 *) Data);
          return EFI_SUCCESS;

        case sizeof(UINT64):
          *((UINT64 *) InternalData) = *((UINT64 *) Data);
          return EFI_SUCCESS;

          ASSERT (FALSE);
          return EFI_NOT_FOUND;

  return EFI_NOT_FOUND;
