void GwtCallback::prepareForSatelliteWindow(QString name,
        int width,
        int height)
        PendingSatelliteWindow(name, pMainWindow_, width, height));
QWebPage* WebPage::createWindow(QWebPage::WebWindowType)
    // check if this is a satellite window
    if (!pendingSatelliteWindow_.isEmpty())
        // capture pending window params then clear them (one time only)
        QString name = pendingSatelliteWindow_.name;
        MainWindow* pMainWindow = pendingSatelliteWindow_.pMainWindow;

        // get width and height, and adjust for high DPI
        double dpiZoomScaling = getDpiZoomScaling();
        int width = pendingSatelliteWindow_.width * dpiZoomScaling;
        int height = pendingSatelliteWindow_.height * dpiZoomScaling;

        pendingSatelliteWindow_ = PendingSatelliteWindow();

        // check for an existing window of this name
        BrowserWindow* pSatellite = s_windowTracker.getWindow(name);
        if (pSatellite)
            // activate the browser then return NULL to indicate
            // we didn't create a new WebView
            return NULL;
        // create a new window if we didn't find one
            // create and size
            pSatellite = new SatelliteWindow(pMainWindow);
            pSatellite->resize(width, height);

            // try to tile the window (but leave pdf window alone
            // since it is so large)
            if (name != QString::fromAscii("pdf"))
                // calculate location to move to

                // y always attempts to be 25 pixels above then faults back
                // to 25 pixels below if that would be offscreen
                const int OVERLAP = 25;
                int moveY = pMainWindow->y() - OVERLAP;
                if (moveY < 0)
                    moveY = pMainWindow->y() + OVERLAP;

                // x is based on centering over main window
                int moveX = pMainWindow->x() +
                            (pMainWindow->width() / 2) -
                            (width / 2);

                // perform movve
                pSatellite->move(moveX, moveY);

            // add to tracker
            s_windowTracker.addWindow(name, pSatellite);

            // show and return the browser
            return pSatellite->webView()->webPage();
        SecondaryWindow* pWindow = new SecondaryWindow(baseUrl_);
        return pWindow->webView()->webPage();