Exemple #1
 * Creates a menu item.
 * \param Flags A combination of the following:
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_DISABLED The menu item is greyed and cannot be selected.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_CHECKED A check mark is displayed.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_HIGHLIGHT The menu item is highlighted.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_MENUBARBREAK Places the menu item in a new column, separated
 * by a vertical line.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_MENUBREAK Places the menu item in a new column, with no
 * vertical line.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_DEFAULT The menu item is displayed as the default item. This
 * causes the text to be bolded.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_RADIOCHECK Uses a radio-button mark instead of a check mark.
 * \param Id A unique identifier for the menu item.
 * \param Text The text displayed for the menu item.
 * \param Bitmap Reserved.
 * \param Context A user-defined value.
    __in ULONG Flags,
    __in ULONG Id,
    __in PWSTR Text,
    __in_opt PWSTR Bitmap,
    __in_opt PVOID Context
    PPH_EMENU_ITEM item;

    item = PhAllocateEMenuItem();

    item->Flags = Flags;
    item->Id = Id;
    item->Text = Text;

    if (Bitmap)
        // TODO

    item->Context = Context;

    return item;
Exemple #2
 * Creates a menu item.
 * \param Flags A combination of the following:
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_DISABLED The menu item is greyed and cannot be selected.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_CHECKED A check mark is displayed.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_HIGHLIGHT The menu item is highlighted.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_MENUBARBREAK Places the menu item in a new column, separated by a vertical line.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_MENUBREAK Places the menu item in a new column, with no vertical line.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_DEFAULT The menu item is displayed as the default item. This causes the text to
 * be bolded.
 * \li \c PH_EMENU_RADIOCHECK Uses a radio-button mark instead of a check mark.
 * \param Id A unique identifier for the menu item.
 * \param Text The text displayed for the menu item.
 * \param Bitmap A bitmap image for the menu item.
 * \param Context A user-defined value.
    _In_ ULONG Flags,
    _In_ ULONG Id,
    _In_ PWSTR Text,
    _In_opt_ HBITMAP Bitmap,
    _In_opt_ PVOID Context
    PPH_EMENU_ITEM item;

    item = PhAllocateEMenuItem();

    item->Flags = Flags;
    item->Id = Id;
    item->Text = Text;
    item->Bitmap = Bitmap;

    item->Context = Context;

    return item;