// Purpose: 
// Input  : &follow - 
//			*pBoneName - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBoneFollowerManager::CreatePhysicsFollower( physfollower_t &follow, const char *pBoneName )
	studiohdr_t *pStudioHdr = m_hOuter->GetModelPtr();
	matrix3x4_t boneToWorld;
	solid_t solid;

	Vector bonePosition;
	QAngle boneAngles;

	int boneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( pStudioHdr, pBoneName );

	if ( boneIndex >= 0 )
		mstudiobone_t *pBone = pStudioHdr->pBone( boneIndex );

		int physicsBone = pBone->physicsbone;
		if ( !PhysModelParseSolidByIndex( solid, m_hOuter, m_hOuter->GetModelIndex(), physicsBone ) )
			return false;

		// fixup in case ragdoll is assigned to a parent of the requested follower bone
		follow.boneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( pStudioHdr, solid.name );

		m_hOuter->GetBoneTransform( follow.boneIndex, boneToWorld );
		MatrixAngles( boneToWorld, boneAngles, bonePosition );
		follow.hFollower = CBoneFollower::Create( m_hOuter, STRING(m_hOuter->GetModelName()), solid, bonePosition, boneAngles );

	return false;
Exemple #2
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pEntity - 
//			modelIndex - 
//			&origin - 
//			&angles - 
//			*pSolid - 
// Output : IPhysicsObject
IPhysicsObject *PhysModelCreate( CBaseEntity *pEntity, int modelIndex, const Vector &origin, const QAngle &angles, solid_t *pSolid )
	vcollide_t *pCollide = modelinfo->GetVCollide( modelIndex );
	if ( !pCollide || !pCollide->solidCount )
		return NULL;
	solid_t tmpSolid;
	if ( !pSolid )
		pSolid = &tmpSolid;
		if ( !PhysModelParseSolidByIndex( tmpSolid, pEntity, pCollide, -1 ) )
			return NULL;

	int surfaceProp = -1;
	if ( pSolid->surfaceprop[0] )
		surfaceProp = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( pSolid->surfaceprop );
	IPhysicsObject *pObject = physenv->CreatePolyObject( pCollide->solids[pSolid->index], surfaceProp, origin, angles, &pSolid->params );
	//PhysCheckAdd( pObject, STRING(pEntity->m_iClassname) );

	if ( pObject )
		if ( modelinfo->GetModelType(modelinfo->GetModel(modelIndex)) == mod_brush )
			unsigned int contents = modelinfo->GetModelContents( modelIndex );
			// HACKHACK: contents is used to filter collisions
			// HACKHACK: So keep solid on for water brushes since they should pass collision rules (as triggers)
			if ( contents & MASK_WATER )
				contents |= CONTENTS_SOLID;
			if ( contents != pObject->GetContents() && contents != 0 )
				pObject->SetContents( contents );

		g_pPhysSaveRestoreManager->AssociateModel( pObject, modelIndex);

	return pObject;
// Purpose: 
// Input  : &follow - 
//			*pBoneName - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool CBoneFollowerManager::CreatePhysicsFollower( CBaseAnimating *pParentEntity, physfollower_t &follow, const char *pBoneName, solid_t *pSolid )
	CStudioHdr *pStudioHdr = pParentEntity->GetModelPtr();
	matrix3x4_t boneToWorld;
	solid_t solidTmp;

	Vector bonePosition;
	QAngle boneAngles;

	int boneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( pStudioHdr, pBoneName );

	if ( boneIndex >= 0 )
		mstudiobone_t *pBone = pStudioHdr->pBone( boneIndex );

		int physicsBone = pBone->physicsbone;
		if ( !pSolid )
			if ( !PhysModelParseSolidByIndex( solidTmp, pParentEntity, pParentEntity->GetModelIndex(), physicsBone ) )
				return false;
			pSolid = &solidTmp;

		// fixup in case ragdoll is assigned to a parent of the requested follower bone
		follow.boneIndex = Studio_BoneIndexByName( pStudioHdr, pSolid->name );
		if ( follow.boneIndex < 0 )
			follow.boneIndex = boneIndex;

		pParentEntity->GetBoneTransform( follow.boneIndex, boneToWorld );
		MatrixAngles( boneToWorld, boneAngles, bonePosition );

		follow.hFollower = CBoneFollower::Create( pParentEntity, STRING(pParentEntity->GetModelName()), *pSolid, bonePosition, boneAngles );
		follow.hFollower->SetTraceData( physicsBone, HitGroupFromPhysicsBone( pParentEntity, physicsBone ) );
		follow.hFollower->SetBlocksLOS( pParentEntity->BlocksLOS() );
		return true;
		Warning( "ERROR: Tried to create bone follower on invalid bone %s\n", pBoneName );

	return false;
Exemple #4
// Purpose: 
// Input  : *pEntity - 
//			modelIndex - 
//			&origin - 
//			&angles - 
// Output : IPhysicsObject
IPhysicsObject *PhysModelCreateUnmoveable( CBaseEntity *pEntity, int modelIndex, const Vector &origin, const QAngle &angles )
	vcollide_t *pCollide = modelinfo->GetVCollide( modelIndex );
	if ( !pCollide || !pCollide->solidCount )
		return NULL;

	solid_t solid;

	if ( !PhysModelParseSolidByIndex( solid, pEntity, pCollide, -1 ) )
		return NULL;

	// collisions are off by default
	solid.params.enableCollisions = true;
	//solid.params.mass = 1.0;
	int surfaceProp = -1;
	if ( solid.surfaceprop[0] )
		surfaceProp = physprops->GetSurfaceIndex( solid.surfaceprop );
	solid.params.pGameData = static_cast<void *>(pEntity);
	solid.params.pName = STRING(pEntity->GetModelName());
	IPhysicsObject *pObject = physenv->CreatePolyObjectStatic( pCollide->solids[0], surfaceProp, origin, angles, &solid.params );

	//PhysCheckAdd( pObject, STRING(pEntity->m_iClassname) );
	if ( pObject )
		if ( modelinfo->GetModelType(modelinfo->GetModel(modelIndex)) == mod_brush )
			unsigned int contents = modelinfo->GetModelContents( modelIndex );
			if ( contents != pObject->GetContents() && contents != 0 )
				pObject->SetContents( contents );
		g_pPhysSaveRestoreManager->AssociateModel( pObject, modelIndex);

	return pObject;
Exemple #5
// Purpose: 
// Input  : &solid - 
//			*pEntity - 
//			modelIndex - 
// Output : Returns true on success, false on failure.
bool PhysModelParseSolid( solid_t &solid, CBaseEntity *pEntity, int modelIndex )
	return PhysModelParseSolidByIndex( solid, pEntity, modelIndex, -1 );