Exemple #1
/*	parse stations returned by pandora
 *	@param piano handle
 *	@param xml returned by pandora
 *	@return _RET_OK or error
PianoReturn_t PianoXmlParseStations (PianoHandle_t *ph, char *xml) {
	ezxml_t xmlDoc, dataNode;
	PianoReturn_t ret;
	char **quickMixIds = NULL, **curQuickMixId = NULL;

	if ((ret = PianoXmlInitDoc (xml, &xmlDoc)) != PIANO_RET_OK) {
		return ret;

	dataNode = ezxml_get (xmlDoc, "params", 0, "param", 0, "value", 0, "array",
			0, "data", -1);

	for (dataNode = ezxml_child (dataNode, "value"); dataNode;
			dataNode = dataNode->next) {
		PianoStation_t *tmpStation;

		if ((tmpStation = calloc (1, sizeof (*tmpStation))) == NULL) {
			ezxml_free (xmlDoc);

		PianoXmlStructParser (ezxml_child (dataNode, "struct"),
				PianoXmlParseStationsCb, tmpStation);

		/* get stations selected for quickmix */
		if (tmpStation->isQuickMix) {
			PianoXmlStructParser (ezxml_child (dataNode, "struct"),
					PianoXmlParseQuickMixStationsCb, &quickMixIds);
		/* start new linked list or append */
		if (ph->stations == NULL) {
			ph->stations = tmpStation;
		} else {
			PianoStation_t *curStation = ph->stations;
			while (curStation->next != NULL) {
				curStation = curStation->next;
			curStation->next = tmpStation;
	/* set quickmix flags after all stations are read */
	if (quickMixIds != NULL) {
		curQuickMixId = quickMixIds;
		while (*curQuickMixId != NULL) {
			PianoStation_t *curStation = PianoFindStationById (ph->stations,
			if (curStation != NULL) {
				curStation->useQuickMix = 1;
			free (*curQuickMixId);
		free (quickMixIds);

	ezxml_free (xmlDoc);

	return PIANO_RET_OK;
Exemple #2
/*	get initial station from autostart setting or user input
static void BarMainGetInitialStation (BarApp_t *app) {
	/* try to get autostart station */
	if (app->settings.autostartStation != NULL) {
		app->nextStation = PianoFindStationById (app->ph.stations,
		if (app->nextStation == NULL) {
			BarUiMsg (&app->settings, MSG_ERR,
					"Error: Autostart station not found.\n");
	/* no autostart? ask the user */
	if (app->nextStation == NULL) {
		app->nextStation = BarUiSelectStation (app, app->ph.stations,
				"Select station: ", NULL, app->settings.autoselect);
Exemple #3
/*	start new player thread
static void BarMainStartPlayback (BarApp_t *app, pthread_t *playerThread) {
	BarUiPrintSong (&app->settings, app->playlist, app->curStation->isQuickMix ?
			PianoFindStationById (app->ph.stations,
			app->playlist->stationId) : NULL);

	if (app->playlist->audioUrl == NULL) {
		BarUiMsg (&app->settings, MSG_ERR, "Invalid song url.\n");
	} else {
		/* setup player */
		memset (&app->player, 0, sizeof (app->player));

		WaitressInit (&app->player.waith);
		WaitressSetUrl (&app->player.waith, app->playlist->audioUrl);

		/* set up global proxy, player is NULLed on songfinish */
		if (app->settings.proxy != NULL) {
			WaitressSetProxy (&app->player.waith, app->settings.proxy);

		app->player.gain = app->playlist->fileGain;
		if ( !app->mute ) {
			app->player.scale = BarPlayerCalcScale (app->player.gain + app->settings.volume);
		app->player.audioFormat = app->playlist->audioFormat;
		app->player.settings = &app->settings;
		pthread_mutex_init (&app->player.pauseMutex, NULL);
		pthread_cond_init (&app->player.pauseCond, NULL);

		/* throw event */
		BarUiStartEventCmd (&app->settings, "songstart",
				app->curStation, app->playlist, &app->player, app->ph.stations,


		/* prevent race condition, mode must _not_ be FREED if
		 * thread has been started */
		app->player.mode = PLAYER_STARTING;
		/* start player */
		pthread_create (playerThread, NULL, BarPlayerThread,
Exemple #4
/*	start new player thread
static void BarMainStartPlayback (BarApp_t *app, pthread_t *playerThread) {
	assert (app != NULL);
	assert (playerThread != NULL);

	const PianoSong_t * const curSong = app->playlist;
	assert (curSong != NULL);

	BarUiPrintSong (&app->settings, curSong, app->curStation->isQuickMix ?
			PianoFindStationById (app->ph.stations,
			curSong->stationId) : NULL);

	static const char httpPrefix[] = "http://";
	/* avoid playing local files */
	if (curSong->audioUrl == NULL ||
			strncmp (curSong->audioUrl, httpPrefix, strlen (httpPrefix)) != 0) {
		BarUiMsg (&app->settings, MSG_ERR, "Invalid song url.\n");
	} else {
		/* setup player */
		memset (&app->player, 0, sizeof (app->player));

		app->player.url = curSong->audioUrl;
		app->player.gain = curSong->fileGain;
		app->player.settings = &app->settings;
		app->player.songDuration = curSong->length;
		pthread_mutex_init (&app->player.pauseMutex, NULL);
		pthread_cond_init (&app->player.pauseCond, NULL);

		assert (interrupted == &app->doQuit);
		interrupted = &app->player.interrupted;

		/* throw event */
		BarUiStartEventCmd (&app->settings, "songstart",
				app->curStation, curSong, &app->player, app->ph.stations,

		/* prevent race condition, mode must _not_ be DEAD if
		 * thread has been started */
		app->player.mode = PLAYER_WAITING;
		/* start player */
		pthread_create (playerThread, NULL, BarPlayerThread,
Exemple #5
/*	Excute external event handler
 *	@param settings containing the cmdline
 *	@param event type
 *	@param current station
 *	@param current song
 *	@param piano error-code (PIANO_RET_OK if not applicable)
 *	@param waitress error-code (WAITRESS_RET_OK if not applicable)
void BarUiStartEventCmd (const BarSettings_t *settings, const char *type,
		const PianoStation_t *curStation, const PianoSong_t *curSong,
		const struct audioPlayer *player, PianoStation_t *stations,
                PianoReturn_t pRet, WaitressReturn_t wRet) {
	pid_t chld;
	int pipeFd[2];

	if (settings->eventCmd == NULL) {
		/* nothing to do... */

	if (pipe (pipeFd) == -1) {
		BarUiMsg (settings, MSG_ERR, "Cannot create eventcmd pipe. (%s)\n", strerror (errno));

	chld = fork ();
	if (chld == 0) {
		/* child */
		close (pipeFd[1]);
		dup2 (pipeFd[0], fileno (stdin));
		execl (settings->eventCmd, settings->eventCmd, type, (char *) NULL);
		BarUiMsg (settings, MSG_ERR, "Cannot start eventcmd. (%s)\n", strerror (errno));
		close (pipeFd[0]);
		exit (1);
	} else if (chld == -1) {
		BarUiMsg (settings, MSG_ERR, "Cannot fork eventcmd. (%s)\n", strerror (errno));
	} else {
		/* parent */
		int status;
		PianoStation_t *songStation = NULL;
		FILE *pipeWriteFd;

		close (pipeFd[0]);

		pipeWriteFd = fdopen (pipeFd[1], "w");

		if (curSong != NULL && stations != NULL && curStation->isQuickMix) {
			songStation = PianoFindStationById (stations, curSong->stationId);

		fprintf (pipeWriteFd,
				curSong == NULL ? "" : curSong->artist,
				curSong == NULL ? "" : curSong->title,
				curSong == NULL ? "" : curSong->album,
				curSong == NULL ? "" : curSong->coverArt,
				curStation == NULL ? "" : curStation->name,
				songStation == NULL ? "" : songStation->name,
				PianoErrorToStr (pRet),
				WaitressErrorToStr (wRet),
				curSong == NULL ? PIANO_RATE_NONE : curSong->rating,
				curSong == NULL ? "" : curSong->detailUrl

		if (stations != NULL) {
			/* send station list */
			PianoStation_t **sortedStations = NULL;
			size_t stationCount;
			sortedStations = BarSortedStations (stations, &stationCount,
			assert (sortedStations != NULL);

			fprintf (pipeWriteFd, "stationCount=%zd\n", stationCount);

			for (size_t i = 0; i < stationCount; i++) {
				const PianoStation_t *currStation = sortedStations[i];
				fprintf (pipeWriteFd, "station%zd=%s\n", i,
			free (sortedStations);
		} else {
			const char * const msg = "stationCount=0\n";
			fwrite (msg, sizeof (*msg), strlen (msg), pipeWriteFd);
		/* closes pipeFd[1] as well */
		fclose (pipeWriteFd);
		/* wait to get rid of the zombie */
		waitpid (chld, &status, 0);
Exemple #6
/*	Excute external event handler
 *	@param settings containing the cmdline
 *	@param event type
 *	@param current station
 *	@param current song
 *	@param piano error-code (PIANO_RET_OK if not applicable)
 *	@param waitress error-code (WAITRESS_RET_OK if not applicable)
void BarUiStartEventCmd (const BarSettings_t *settings, const char *type,
		const PianoStation_t *curStation, const PianoSong_t *curSong,
		const struct audioPlayer *player, PianoStation_t *stations,
                PianoReturn_t pRet, WaitressReturn_t wRet) {

	int status;
	PianoStation_t *songStation = NULL;

	if (curSong != NULL && stations != NULL && curStation->isQuickMix) {
		songStation = PianoFindStationById (stations, curSong->stationId);

	printf ("current\tartist=%s\n"
			curSong == NULL ? "" : curSong->artist,
			curSong == NULL ? "" : curSong->title,
			curSong == NULL ? "" : curSong->album,
			curSong == NULL ? "" : curSong->coverArt,
			curStation == NULL ? "" : curStation->name,
			songStation == NULL ? "" : songStation->name,
			PianoErrorToStr (pRet),
			WaitressErrorToStr (wRet),
			curSong == NULL ? PIANO_RATE_NONE : curSong->rating,
			curSong == NULL ? "" : curSong->detailUrl

	if (stations != NULL) {
		/* send station list */
		PianoStation_t **sortedStations = NULL;
		size_t stationCount;
		sortedStations = BarSortedStations (stations, &stationCount,
		assert (sortedStations != NULL);

		printf ("station\tstationCount=%zd\n", stationCount);

		for (size_t i = 0; i < stationCount; i++) {
			const PianoStation_t *currStation = sortedStations[i];
			printf ("station\tstation%zd=%s\n", i,

		free (sortedStations);
Exemple #7
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
	static BarApp_t app;
	pthread_t playerThread;
	/* FIXME: max path length? */
	char ctlPath[1024];
	FILE *ctlFd = NULL;
	struct timeval selectTimeout;
	int maxFd, selectFds[2];
	fd_set readSet, readSetCopy;
	char buf = '\0';
	/* terminal attributes _before_ we started messing around with ~ECHO */
	struct termios termOrig;

	memset (&app, 0, sizeof (app));

	/* save terminal attributes, before disabling echoing */
	BarTermSave (&termOrig);

	BarTermSetEcho (0);
	BarTermSetBuffer (0);
	/* init some things */
	ao_initialize ();
	PianoInit (&app.ph);

	WaitressInit (&app.waith);
	strncpy (app.waith.host, PIANO_RPC_HOST, sizeof (app.waith.host)-1);
	strncpy (app.waith.port, PIANO_RPC_PORT, sizeof (app.waith.port)-1);

	BarSettingsInit (&app.settings);
	BarSettingsRead (&app.settings);

	BarUiMsg (MSG_NONE, "Welcome to " PACKAGE "! Press %c for a list of commands.\n",

	/* init fds */
	selectFds[0] = fileno (stdin);
	FD_SET(selectFds[0], &readSet);
	maxFd = selectFds[0] + 1;

	BarGetXdgConfigDir (PACKAGE "/ctl", ctlPath, sizeof (ctlPath));
	/* FIXME: why is r_+_ required? */
	ctlFd = fopen (ctlPath, "r+");
	if (ctlFd != NULL) {
		selectFds[1] = fileno (ctlFd);
		FD_SET(selectFds[1], &readSet);
		/* assuming ctlFd is always > stdin */
		maxFd = selectFds[1] + 1;
		BarUiMsg (MSG_INFO, "Control fifo at %s opened\n", ctlPath);

	if (app.settings.username == NULL) {
		char nameBuf[100];
		BarUiMsg (MSG_QUESTION, "Username: "******"Password: "******"Login... ");
		if (!BarUiPianoCall (&app.ph, PIANO_REQUEST_LOGIN, &app.waith,
				&reqData, &pRet, &wRet)) {
			BarTermRestore (&termOrig);
			return 0;

		PianoReturn_t pRet;
		WaitressReturn_t wRet;

		BarUiMsg (MSG_INFO, "Get stations... ");
		if (!BarUiPianoCall (&app.ph, PIANO_REQUEST_GET_STATIONS, &app.waith,
				NULL, &pRet, &wRet)) {
			BarTermRestore (&termOrig);
			return 0;

	/* try to get autostart station */
	if (app.settings.autostartStation != NULL) {
		app.curStation = PianoFindStationById (app.ph.stations,
		if (app.curStation == NULL) {
			BarUiMsg (MSG_ERR, "Error: Autostart station not found.\n");
	/* no autostart? ask the user */
	if (app.curStation == NULL) {
		app.curStation = BarUiSelectStation (&app.ph, "Select station: ",
				app.settings.sortOrder, stdin);
	if (app.curStation != NULL) {
		BarUiPrintStation (app.curStation);

	/* little hack, needed to signal: hey! we need a playlist, but don't
	 * free anything (there is nothing to be freed yet) */
	memset (&app.player, 0, sizeof (app.player));

	while (!app.doQuit) {
		/* song finished playing, clean up things/scrobble song */
		if (app.player.mode == PLAYER_FINISHED_PLAYBACK) {
			BarUiStartEventCmd (&app.settings, "songfinish", app.curStation,
					app.playlist, &app.player, PIANO_RET_OK, WAITRESS_RET_OK);
			/* FIXME: pthread_join blocks everything if network connection
			 * is hung up e.g. */
			void *threadRet;
			pthread_join (playerThread, &threadRet);
			/* don't continue playback if thread reports error */
			if (threadRet != (void *) PLAYER_RET_OK) {
				app.curStation = NULL;
			memset (&app.player, 0, sizeof (app.player));

		/* check whether player finished playing and start playing new
		 * song */
		if (app.player.mode >= PLAYER_FINISHED_PLAYBACK ||
				app.player.mode == PLAYER_FREED) {
			if (app.curStation != NULL) {
				/* what's next? */
				if (app.playlist != NULL) {
					if (app.settings.history != 0) {
						/* prepend song to history list */
						PianoSong_t *tmpSong = app.songHistory;
						app.songHistory = app.playlist;
						/* select next song */
						app.playlist = app.playlist->next;
						app.songHistory->next = tmpSong;

						/* limit history's length */
						/* start with 1, so we're stopping at n-1 and have the
						 * chance to set ->next = NULL */
						unsigned int i = 1;
						tmpSong = app.songHistory;
						while (i < app.settings.history && tmpSong != NULL) {
							tmpSong = tmpSong->next;
						/* if too many songs in history... */
						if (tmpSong != NULL) {
							PianoSong_t *delSong = tmpSong->next;
							tmpSong->next = NULL;
							if (delSong != NULL) {
								PianoDestroyPlaylist (delSong);
					} else {
						/* don't keep history */
						app.playlist = app.playlist->next;
				if (app.playlist == NULL) {
					PianoReturn_t pRet;
					WaitressReturn_t wRet;
					PianoRequestDataGetPlaylist_t reqData;
					reqData.station = app.curStation;
					reqData.format = app.settings.audioFormat;

					BarUiMsg (MSG_INFO, "Receiving new playlist... ");
					if (!BarUiPianoCall (&app.ph, PIANO_REQUEST_GET_PLAYLIST,
							&app.waith, &reqData, &pRet, &wRet)) {
						app.curStation = NULL;
					} else {
						app.playlist = reqData.retPlaylist;
						if (app.playlist == NULL) {
							BarUiMsg (MSG_INFO, "No tracks left.\n");
							app.curStation = NULL;
					BarUiStartEventCmd (&app.settings, "stationfetchplaylist",
							app.curStation, app.playlist, &app.player, pRet,
				/* song ready to play */
				if (app.playlist != NULL) {
					BarUiPrintSong (app.playlist, app.curStation->isQuickMix ?
							PianoFindStationById (app.ph.stations,
							app.playlist->stationId) : NULL);

					if (app.playlist->audioUrl == NULL) {
						BarUiMsg (MSG_ERR, "Invalid song url.\n");
					} else {
						/* setup player */
						memset (&app.player, 0, sizeof (app.player));

						WaitressInit (&app.player.waith);
						WaitressSetUrl (&app.player.waith, app.playlist->audioUrl);

						/* set up global proxy, player is NULLed on songfinish */
						if (app.settings.proxy != NULL) {
							char tmpPath[2];
							WaitressSplitUrl (app.settings.proxy,
									sizeof (app.player.waith.proxyHost),
									sizeof (app.player.waith.proxyPort), tmpPath,
									sizeof (tmpPath));

						app.player.gain = app.playlist->fileGain;
						app.player.audioFormat = app.playlist->audioFormat;
						/* throw event */
						BarUiStartEventCmd (&app.settings, "songstart",
								app.curStation, app.playlist, &app.player,

						/* prevent race condition, mode must _not_ be FREED if
						 * thread has been started */
						app.player.mode = PLAYER_STARTING;
						/* start player */
						pthread_create (&playerThread, NULL, BarPlayerThread,
					} /* end if audioUrl == NULL */
				} /* end if playlist != NULL */
			} /* end if curStation != NULL */

		/* select modifies its arguments => copy the set */
		memcpy (&readSetCopy, &readSet, sizeof (readSet));
		selectTimeout.tv_sec = 1;
		selectTimeout.tv_usec = 0;

		/* in the meantime: wait for user actions */
		if (select (maxFd, &readSetCopy, NULL, NULL, &selectTimeout) > 0) {
			FILE *curFd = NULL;

			if (FD_ISSET(selectFds[0], &readSetCopy)) {
				curFd = stdin;
			} else if (FD_ISSET(selectFds[1], &readSetCopy)) {
				curFd = ctlFd;
			buf = fgetc (curFd);

			size_t i;
			for (i = 0; i < BAR_KS_COUNT; i++) {
				if (app.settings.keys[i] == buf) {
					static const BarKeyShortcutFunc_t idToF[] = {BarUiActHelp,
							BarUiActLoveSong, BarUiActBanSong,
							BarUiActAddMusic, BarUiActCreateStation,
							BarUiActDeleteStation, BarUiActExplain,
							BarUiActStationFromGenre, BarUiActHistory,
							BarUiActSongInfo, BarUiActAddSharedStation,
							BarUiActMoveSong, BarUiActSkipSong, BarUiActPause,
							BarUiActQuit, BarUiActRenameStation,
							BarUiActSelectStation, BarUiActTempBanSong,
							BarUiActPrintUpcoming, BarUiActSelectQuickMix,
							BarUiActDebug, BarUiActBookmark};
					idToF[i] (&app, curFd);

		/* show time */
		if (app.player.mode >= PLAYER_SAMPLESIZE_INITIALIZED &&
				app.player.mode < PLAYER_FINISHED_PLAYBACK) {
			/* Ugly: songDuration is unsigned _long_ int! Lets hope this won't
			 * overflow */
			int songRemaining = (signed long int) (app.player.songDuration -
					app.player.songPlayed) / BAR_PLAYER_MS_TO_S_FACTOR;
			char pos = 0;
			if (songRemaining < 0) {
				/* Use plus sign if song is longer than expected */
				pos = 1;
				songRemaining = -songRemaining;
			BarUiMsg (MSG_TIME, "%c%02i:%02i/%02i:%02i\r", (pos ? '+' : '-'),
					songRemaining / 60, songRemaining % 60,
					app.player.songDuration / BAR_PLAYER_MS_TO_S_FACTOR / 60,
					app.player.songDuration / BAR_PLAYER_MS_TO_S_FACTOR % 60);

	/* destroy everything (including the world...) */
	if (app.player.mode != PLAYER_FREED) {
		pthread_join (playerThread, NULL);
	if (ctlFd != NULL) {
		fclose (ctlFd);
	PianoDestroy (&app.ph);
	PianoDestroyPlaylist (app.songHistory);
	PianoDestroyPlaylist (app.playlist);
	BarSettingsDestroy (&app.settings);

	/* restore terminal attributes, zsh doesn't need this, bash does... */
	BarTermRestore (&termOrig);

	return 0;
Exemple #8
/*	start new player thread
static void BarMainStartPlayback (BarApp_t *app, pthread_t *playerThread) {
	PianoReturn_t pRet;
	WaitressReturn_t wRet;

	/* is this an advertising track? */
	if (app->playlist->adToken != NULL) {
		PianoRequestDataGetAdMetadata_t adReqData;

		adReqData.token = app->playlist->adToken;
		adReqData.quality = app->settings.audioQuality;

		BarUiMsg (&app->settings, MSG_INFO, "Fetching ads with token %s... ",
				&adReqData, &pRet, &wRet);

		/* got token? */
		if (adReqData.retTokenCount > 0) {
			PianoRequestDataRegisterAd_t regReqData;

			regReqData.token = adReqData.retToken;
			regReqData.tokenCount = adReqData.retTokenCount;
			regReqData.station = app->curStation;

			BarUiMsg (&app->settings, MSG_INFO, "Registering ad... ");
			BarUiPianoCall (app, PIANO_REQUEST_REGISTER_AD, &regReqData, &pRet,

			// change the current song to the actual audio ad url
			app->playlist->audioUrl = adReqData.audioUrl;
			// you can configure to get silence instead of ads or you can choose
			// to hear the ads. The default is silence
			if (app->settings.silenceAds) {
				app->playlist->fileGain = -999;
				app->playlist->title = strdup("Audio Ad (Silenced)");
			} else {
				app->playlist->fileGain = adReqData.fileGain;
				app->playlist->title = strdup("Audio Ad");
			app->playlist->audioFormat = adReqData.audioFormat;
			app->playlist->artist = strdup("advertiser");
			app->playlist->album = strdup("pianobar");

			/* delete */
			for (size_t i = 0; i < adReqData.retTokenCount; i++) {
				free (adReqData.retToken[i]);
			free (adReqData.retToken);

	BarUiPrintSong (&app->settings, app->playlist, app->curStation->isQuickMix ?
			PianoFindStationById (app->ph.stations,
			app->playlist->stationId) : NULL);

	if (app->playlist->audioUrl == NULL) {
		BarUiMsg (&app->settings, MSG_ERR, "Invalid song url.\n");
	} else {
		/* setup player */
		memset (&app->player, 0, sizeof (app->player));

		WaitressInit (&app->player.waith);
		WaitressSetUrl (&app->player.waith, app->playlist->audioUrl);

		/* set up global proxy, player is NULLed on songfinish */
		if (app->settings.proxy != NULL) {
			WaitressSetProxy (&app->player.waith, app->settings.proxy);

		app->player.gain = app->playlist->fileGain;
		app->player.scale = BarPlayerCalcScale (app->player.gain + app->settings.volume);
		app->player.audioFormat = app->playlist->audioFormat;
		app->player.settings = &app->settings;
		pthread_mutex_init (&app->player.pauseMutex, NULL);
		pthread_cond_init (&app->player.pauseCond, NULL);

		/* throw event */
		BarUiStartEventCmd (&app->settings, "songstart",
				app->curStation, app->playlist, &app->player, app->ph.stations,

		/* prevent race condition, mode must _not_ be FREED if
		 * thread has been started */
		app->player.mode = PLAYER_STARTING;
		/* start player */
		pthread_create (playerThread, NULL, BarPlayerThread,
Exemple #9
int main (int argc, char **argv) {
	/* handles */
	PianoHandle_t ph;
	static struct audioPlayer player;
	BarSettings_t settings;
	pthread_t playerThread;
	/* playlist; first item is current song */
	PianoSong_t *playlist = NULL;
	PianoSong_t *songHistory = NULL;
	PianoStation_t *curStation = NULL;
	char doQuit = 0;
	/* FIXME: max path length? */
	char ctlPath[1024];
	FILE *ctlFd = NULL;
	struct timeval selectTimeout;
	int maxFd, selectFds[2];
	fd_set readSet, readSetCopy;
	char buf = '\0';
	/* terminal attributes _before_ we started messing around with ~ECHO */
	struct termios termOrig;

	BarUiMsg (MSG_NONE, "Welcome to " PACKAGE "!\n");

	/* save terminal attributes, before disabling echoing */
	BarTermSave (&termOrig);

	BarTermSetEcho (0);
	BarTermSetBuffer (0);
	/* init some things */
	ao_initialize ();
	PianoInit (&ph);
	BarSettingsInit (&settings);
	BarSettingsRead (&settings);

	/* init fds */
	selectFds[0] = fileno (stdin);
	FD_SET(selectFds[0], &readSet);
	maxFd = selectFds[0] + 1;

	BarGetXdgConfigDir (PACKAGE "/ctl", ctlPath, sizeof (ctlPath));
	/* FIXME: why is r_+_ required? */
	ctlFd = fopen (ctlPath, "r+");
	if (ctlFd != NULL) {
		selectFds[1] = fileno (ctlFd);
		FD_SET(selectFds[1], &readSet);
		/* assuming ctlFd is always > stdin */
		maxFd = selectFds[1] + 1;
		BarUiMsg (MSG_INFO, "Control fifo at %s opened\n", ctlPath);

	if (settings.username == NULL) {
		char nameBuf[100];
		BarUiMsg (MSG_QUESTION, "Username: "******"Password: "******"Login... ");
	if (BarUiPrintPianoStatus (PianoConnect (&ph, settings.username,
			settings.password)) !=
		BarTermRestore (&termOrig);
		return 0;
	BarUiMsg (MSG_INFO, "Get stations... ");
	if (BarUiPrintPianoStatus (PianoGetStations (&ph)) != PIANO_RET_OK) {
		BarTermRestore (&termOrig);
		return 0;

	/* try to get autostart station */
	if (settings.autostartStation != NULL) {
		curStation = PianoFindStationById (ph.stations,
		if (curStation == NULL) {
			BarUiMsg (MSG_ERR, "Error: Autostart station not found.\n");
	/* no autostart? ask the user */
	if (curStation == NULL) {
		curStation = BarUiSelectStation (&ph, "Select station: ", stdin);
	if (curStation != NULL) {
		BarUiPrintStation (curStation);

	/* little hack, needed to signal: hey! we need a playlist, but don't
	 * free anything (there is nothing to be freed yet) */
	memset (&player, 0, sizeof (player));

	while (!doQuit) {
		/* song finished playing, clean up things/scrobble song */
		if (player.mode == PLAYER_FINISHED_PLAYBACK) {
			BarUiStartEventCmd (&settings, "songfinish", curStation, playlist,
					&player, PIANO_RET_OK);
			/* FIXME: pthread_join blocks everything if network connection
			 * is hung up e.g. */
			void *threadRet;
			pthread_join (playerThread, &threadRet);
			/* don't continue playback if thread reports error */
			if (threadRet != NULL) {
				curStation = NULL;
			memset (&player, 0, sizeof (player));

		/* check whether player finished playing and start playing new
		 * song */
		if (player.mode >= PLAYER_FINISHED_PLAYBACK ||
				player.mode == PLAYER_FREED) {
			if (curStation != NULL) {
				/* what's next? */
				if (playlist != NULL) {
					if (settings.history != 0) {
						/* prepend song to history list */
						PianoSong_t *tmpSong = songHistory;
						songHistory = playlist;
						/* select next song */
						playlist = playlist->next;
						songHistory->next = tmpSong;

						/* limit history's length */
						/* start with 1, so we're stopping at n-1 and have the
						 * chance to set ->next = NULL */
						unsigned int i = 1;
						tmpSong = songHistory;
						while (i < settings.history && tmpSong != NULL) {
							tmpSong = tmpSong->next;
						/* if too many songs in history... */
						if (tmpSong != NULL) {
							PianoSong_t *delSong = tmpSong->next;
							tmpSong->next = NULL;
							if (delSong != NULL) {
								PianoDestroyPlaylist (delSong);
					} else {
						/* don't keep history */
						playlist = playlist->next;
				if (playlist == NULL) {
					PianoReturn_t pRet = PIANO_RET_ERR;

					BarUiMsg (MSG_INFO, "Receiving new playlist... ");
					if ((pRet = BarUiPrintPianoStatus (PianoGetPlaylist (&ph,
							curStation->id, settings.audioFormat,
							&playlist))) != PIANO_RET_OK) {
						curStation = NULL;
					} else {
						if (playlist == NULL) {
							BarUiMsg (MSG_INFO, "No tracks left.\n");
							curStation = NULL;
					BarUiStartEventCmd (&settings, "stationfetchplaylist",
							curStation, playlist, &player, pRet);
				/* song ready to play */
				if (playlist != NULL) {
					BarUiPrintSong (playlist, curStation->isQuickMix ?
							PianoFindStationById (ph.stations,
							playlist->stationId) : NULL);

					if (playlist->audioUrl == NULL) {
						BarUiMsg (MSG_ERR, "Invalid song url.\n");
					} else {
						/* setup player */
						memset (&player, 0, sizeof (player));

						WaitressInit (&player.waith);
						WaitressSetUrl (&player.waith, playlist->audioUrl);

						player.gain = playlist->fileGain;
						player.audioFormat = playlist->audioFormat;

						/* Setup dump directories. */
						prepare_dump_name(player.dump_filename, playlist);

						/* Setup dump handle. If we can read the file,
						 * then it already exists so don't re-write. */
						if (access(player.dump_filename, R_OK) != 0) {
							player.dump_handle = fopen(player.dump_filename, "w");
							BarUiMsg(MSG_INFO, "Will dump song...\n");
						} else {
							player.dump_handle = NULL;
							BarUiMsg(MSG_INFO, "Dump file found, will not dump!\n");
						/* throw event */
						BarUiStartEventCmd (&settings, "songstart", curStation,
								playlist, &player, PIANO_RET_OK);

						/* start player */
						pthread_create (&playerThread, NULL, BarPlayerThread,
					} /* end if audioUrl == NULL */
				} /* end if playlist != NULL */
			} /* end if curStation != NULL */

		/* select modifies its arguments => copy the set */
		memcpy (&readSetCopy, &readSet, sizeof (readSet));
		selectTimeout.tv_sec = 1;
		selectTimeout.tv_usec = 0;

		/* in the meantime: wait for user actions */
		if (select (maxFd, &readSetCopy, NULL, NULL, &selectTimeout) > 0) {
			FILE *curFd = NULL;

			if (FD_ISSET(selectFds[0], &readSetCopy)) {
				curFd = stdin;
			} else if (FD_ISSET(selectFds[1], &readSetCopy)) {
				curFd = ctlFd;
			buf = fgetc (curFd);

			size_t i;
			for (i = 0; i < BAR_KS_COUNT; i++) {
				if (settings.keys[i] == buf) {
					BarKeyShortcutFunc_t idToF[] = {BarUiActHelp,
							BarUiActLoveSong, BarUiActBanSong,
							BarUiActAddMusic, BarUiActCreateStation,
							BarUiActDeleteStation, BarUiActExplain,
							BarUiActStationFromGenre, BarUiActHistory,
							BarUiActSongInfo, BarUiActAddSharedStation,
							BarUiActMoveSong, BarUiActSkipSong, BarUiActPause,
							BarUiActQuit, BarUiActRenameStation,
							BarUiActSelectStation, BarUiActTempBanSong,
							BarUiActPrintUpcoming, BarUiActSelectQuickMix,
							BarUiActDebug, BarUiActBookmark};
					idToF[i] (&ph, &player, &settings, &playlist,
							&curStation, &songHistory, &doQuit, curFd);

		/* show time */
				player.mode < PLAYER_FINISHED_PLAYBACK) {
			/* Ugly: songDuration is unsigned _long_ int! Lets hope this won't
			 * overflow */
			int songRemaining = (signed long int) (player.songDuration - player.songPlayed)
			char pos = 0;
			if (songRemaining < 0) {
				/* Use plus sign if song is longer than expected */
				pos = 1;
				songRemaining = -songRemaining;
			BarUiMsg (MSG_TIME, "%c%02i:%02i/%02i:%02i\r", (pos ? '+' : '-'),
					songRemaining / 60, songRemaining % 60,
					player.songDuration / BAR_PLAYER_MS_TO_S_FACTOR / 60,
					player.songDuration / BAR_PLAYER_MS_TO_S_FACTOR % 60);

	/* destroy everything (including the world...) */
	if (player.mode != PLAYER_FREED) {
		pthread_join (playerThread, NULL);
	if (ctlFd != NULL) {
		fclose (ctlFd);
	PianoDestroy (&ph);
	PianoDestroyPlaylist (songHistory);
	PianoDestroyPlaylist (playlist);
	BarSettingsDestroy (&settings);

	/* restore terminal attributes, zsh doesn't need this, bash does... */
	BarTermRestore (&termOrig);

	return 0;