Exemple #1
** Draw a rectangular frame from iSX,iSY to iDX,iDY. The type specifies 
** whether to draw the lines as single or double line characters from the
** extended character set. The style is applied to all characters.
VOID FAR PASCAL __export PlotFrame(int iSX, int iSY, int iDX, int iDY, char cType, char cStyle)
     LPSTR     lpExtChars;
#ifdef PROTECT
     if (lpMonoMem == NULL)

#ifdef CLIP
     if ((iSX < 0) || (iSX > 79)
     || (iDX < 0) || (iDX > 79)
     || (iSY < 0) || (iSY > 24)
     || (iDY < 0) || (iDY > 24))

     if (cType == DUAL)
          lpExtChars = szDual;
          lpExtChars = szSingle;

     HorizLine(iSX, iDX, iSY, lpExtChars[HORBAR], cStyle);
     HorizLine(iSX, iDX, iDY, lpExtChars[HORBAR], cStyle);
     VertLine(iSX, iSY, iDY, lpExtChars[VERBAR], cStyle);
     VertLine(iDX, iSY, iDY, lpExtChars[VERBAR], cStyle);
     PlotChar(iSX, iSY, lpExtChars[TOPLEFT], cStyle);
     PlotChar(iDX, iSY, lpExtChars[TOPRIGHT], cStyle);
     PlotChar(iDX, iDY, lpExtChars[BOTRIGHT], cStyle);
     PlotChar(iSX, iDY, lpExtChars[BOTLEFT], cStyle);
Exemple #2
void CPlotPoints::Plot(FILE *pO,const char *pTitle,int AutoScale)
	/// Plot
	///		This function plots all of the axis.  The first
	///	axis in the list is the x axis, and all of the
	///	following lists of points are the various functions
	/// of the x axis.  The scale for each Y axis is
	/// printed reight below the title line.
	///	parameters:
	///		pO.........pointer to the file to write data to
	///		pTitle....pointer to the tile of plot
	///     AutoScale.Auto Scale Plots if true
	int TotalPoints;
	int j,k;
	char *lab = new char[256];
	FPoints *pP = m_pH;	///fget pointer to X axis points
	TotalPoints = pP->GetTotalPoints();
	///print title
		int len = strlen(pTitle);
		int spaces = (m_Hieght - len)/2;
		int extra = (m_Hieght - len)%2;
			lab[j] = '*';
		for(;j<spaces;++j) lab[j] = ' ';
		j += len;
		for(k=0;k<3;++j,++k) lab[j] = ' ';
		for(k=0;k<(spaces-3 + extra);++k,++j) lab[j] = '*';
		lab[j] = 0;
	///Scale Data
	int i=0;
	pP = pP->GetNext();	//get first Y axis
	/// If no hight has been specified use 80
	/// as the default
	if(this->m_Hieght==0) m_Hieght = 80;
	/// Even if we are not going to auto scale
	/// we still do this loop because this is
	/// where we also count the number of axis
	/// to plot.
		if(AutoScale) pP->Scale(m_Hieght);
		pP = pP->GetNext();
		++i;	///count the number of axis
	int TotalAxis = i;
	///Axis lableling
   double *pAxisInc = new double[TotalAxis];
   pP = m_pH;
   pP = pP->GetNext();	///first Y axis
   i = 0;
   /// Calculate the increment for
   /// each Y axis
		pAxisInc[i++] = (pP->GetMax() - pP->GetMin())/(double(m_Hieght-1)/10.0);
		pP = pP->GetNext();
   pP = m_pH;
   pP = pP->GetNext();	///first Y axis
   i = 0;
   int axis = 0;
   /// Calculate the total number of
   /// Y axis labels.
    int YaxisLabels = (m_Hieght/10) + 1;
    /// Actually do the labeling for
    /// the Y axis

		int j,k;
			i += sprintf(&lab[i],"%6.2lf",pP->GetMin() + pAxisInc[axis] * double(j));
					lab[i++] = ' ';
		pP = pP->GetNext();
	/// Draw X Axis and plot points
	/// Create an array of pointer to the Point Pointers
	FPoints** axOrder = new FPoints*[TotalAxis];
	pP = m_pH;  ///get the head of the points list
	pP = pP->GetNext(); /// Get first Y axis
	for(i=0;i<TotalAxis;++i,pP=pP->GetNext() )
		axOrder[i] = pP;    ///fill up the array
	for(k=0;k<TotalPoints;++k)	///plot all points
		SortPoints(axOrder,TotalAxis,k);	///sort points
		///draw plot for this X point
		int flag = 1;
		for(i=0,j=0;(i<TotalAxis) && flag;++i)
			for(;(j<int(axOrder[i]->GetScaledVal(k))) && (j<m_Hieght);++j)
				lab[j] = PlotChar(k,j);
			///if we haven't run out of plot room
			///plot the plot character for that point
			if(j<m_Hieght) lab[j++] = axOrder[i]->GetDispChar();
			///and if j is equal to the plot height
			///we are done.
            if(j>= m_Hieght) flag = 0;
		///if there is still room, finish up for this
		/// x axis point
			lab[j] = PlotChar(k,j);
		///add X axis value
		sprintf(&lab[j],"  %8.6e",m_pH->GetVal(k));
		///output to the print device
	delete[] axOrder;   ///delete allocated variables
	delete[] lab;