// OllyDbg calls this optional function when user wants to terminate OllyDbg.
extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Pluginclose() 

	if (ollylang->hwndinput != 0) {
		EndDialog(ollylang->hwndinput, 0);


	Pluginwriteinttoini(hinstModule(),"Restore Script window",(ollylang->wndProg.hw!=NULL));
	Pluginwriteinttoini(hinstModule(),"Restore Script Log",(ollylang->wndLog.hw!=NULL));
	return 0;
Exemple #2
// OllyDbg calls this optional function when user wants to terminate OllyDbg.
// All MDI windows created by plugins still exist. Function must return 0 if
// it is safe to terminate. Any non-zero return will stop closing sequence. Do
// not misuse this possibility! Always inform user about the reasons why
// termination is not good and ask for his decision!
extc int _export cdecl ODBG_Pluginclose(void)
	// For automatical restoring of open windows, mark in .ini file whether
	// Bookmarks window is still open.
	Pluginwriteinttoini(hinst, "Restore bookmarks window", bookmark.hw != NULL);
	return 0;
Exemple #3
int CConfig::set_int( TCHAR* key, int value )
    return Pluginwriteinttoini(plugin_mod, key, value);
    return Writetoini(NULL, PLUGIN_NAME, key, L"%i", value);