Exemple #1
// returns false if the triangle is not within the frustum
bool TriInFrustum( CVec3 vTri[3], CVec3 Normals[4], CVec3 Points[8] )
 int i;
 // If all 3 points are to one side any frustum plane return false
 for( int x = 0; x < 4; x++ )
	for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
		if ( Normals[x].Dot( vTri[i] - Points[x*2] ) < 0 ) break;
	if ( i >= 3 ) return false;
  // If any point is in the frustum, return true
  for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
	if ( PointInFrustum( vTri[i], Normals, Points ) ) return true;
  // If we didn't get quick result, do a slower but accurate test.
  // If any of the lines of the triangle are in the frustum, the triangle is in the frustum
  if ( LineInFrustum( vTri[0], vTri[1], Points ) ) return true;
  if ( LineInFrustum( vTri[1], vTri[2], Points ) ) return true;
  if ( LineInFrustum( vTri[2], vTri[0], Points ) ) return true;
  // If the frustum is completely inside the triangle, any frustum line into the screen will intersect the triangle
  CVec3 HitP;
  if ( CheckLineTri( Points[0], Points[1], vTri[0], vTri[1], vTri[2], HitP ) ) return true;
return false;
	FORCEINLINE void DrawText(UCanvas* Canvas, UFont* Font, const FString& TextToDraw, const FVector& WorldLocation)
		if (PointInFrustum(Canvas, WorldLocation))
			const FVector ScreenLocation = Canvas->Project(WorldLocation);
			Canvas->DrawText(Font, *TextToDraw, ScreenLocation.X, ScreenLocation.Y);
		void Frustum::Clip(int plane,int vertexCount,TexturesPSPVertex * in,int i,TexturesPSPVertex * out,int &outCount)
			//for each vertex
			outCount = 0;

			bool ins[5];
			float dist[5];
			int index = 0;

			for(int v = i; v < (i + vertexCount);v++)
				ins[index] = PointInFrustum(plane,Vector3(in[v].x,in[v].y,in[v].z),dist[index]);

			index = 0;
			for(int v = i; v < (i + vertexCount) - 1;v++)
						out[outCount++] = in[v+1];
						out[outCount++] = vertexIntersection(in[v],dist[index],in[v+1],dist[index+1]);
						out[outCount++] = vertexIntersection(in[v],dist[index],in[v+1],dist[index+1]);
						out[outCount++] = in[v+1];

			//last and first
					out[outCount++] = in[i];
					out[outCount++] = vertexIntersection(in[(i + vertexCount) - 1],dist[index],in[i],dist[0]);
					out[outCount++] = vertexIntersection(in[(i + vertexCount) - 1],dist[index],in[i],dist[0]);
					out[outCount++] = in[i];
	FORCEINLINE void DrawTextCentered(UCanvas* Canvas, UFont* Font, const FString& TextToDraw, const FVector& WorldLocation)
		if (PointInFrustum(Canvas, WorldLocation))
			const FVector ScreenLocation = Canvas->Project(WorldLocation);
			float TextXL = 0.f;
			float TextYL = 0.f;
			Canvas->StrLen(Font, TextToDraw, TextXL, TextYL);
			Canvas->DrawText(Font, *TextToDraw, ScreenLocation.X - TextXL / 2.0f, ScreenLocation.Y - TextYL / 2.0f);
bool AABBoxInFrustum(const irr::scene::SViewFrustum * Frustum, const irr::core::aabbox3df & Box)
    //loop through each box point.
    if(PointInFrustum(Frustum, irr::core::vector3df(Box.MinEdge.X, Box.MinEdge.Y, Box.MinEdge.Z))) return true;
    if(PointInFrustum(Frustum, irr::core::vector3df(Box.MaxEdge.X, Box.MinEdge.Y, Box.MinEdge.Z))) return true;
    if(PointInFrustum(Frustum, irr::core::vector3df(Box.MinEdge.X, Box.MaxEdge.Y, Box.MinEdge.Z))) return true;
    if(PointInFrustum(Frustum, irr::core::vector3df(Box.MinEdge.X, Box.MinEdge.Y, Box.MaxEdge.Z))) return true;
    if(PointInFrustum(Frustum, irr::core::vector3df(Box.MaxEdge.X, Box.MaxEdge.Y, Box.MinEdge.Z))) return true;
    if(PointInFrustum(Frustum, irr::core::vector3df(Box.MaxEdge.X, Box.MinEdge.Y, Box.MaxEdge.Z))) return true;
    if(PointInFrustum(Frustum, irr::core::vector3df(Box.MinEdge.X, Box.MaxEdge.Y, Box.MaxEdge.Z))) return true;
    if(PointInFrustum(Frustum, irr::core::vector3df(Box.MaxEdge.X, Box.MaxEdge.Y, Box.MaxEdge.Z))) return true;

    return false;
Exemple #6
bool FrustumPlanes::BoxInFrustum(const BOX &Box) const
	// Ka¿dy punkt AABB musi le¿eæ w jego wnêtrzu
	if (!PointInFrustum(Box.v1)) return false;
	if (!PointInFrustum(Box.v2)) return false;
	if (!PointInFrustum(D3DXVECTOR3(Box.v2.x, Box.v1.y, Box.v1.z))) return false;
	if (!PointInFrustum(D3DXVECTOR3(Box.v1.x, Box.v2.y, Box.v1.z))) return false;
	if (!PointInFrustum(D3DXVECTOR3(Box.v2.x, Box.v2.y, Box.v1.z))) return false;
	if (!PointInFrustum(D3DXVECTOR3(Box.v1.x, Box.v1.y, Box.v2.z))) return false;
	if (!PointInFrustum(D3DXVECTOR3(Box.v2.x, Box.v1.y, Box.v2.z))) return false;
	if (!PointInFrustum(D3DXVECTOR3(Box.v1.x, Box.v2.y, Box.v2.z))) return false;

	return true;
Exemple #7
bool CFrustum::ShapeInFrustum( float x, float y, float z, Shape *shape ) {
	float w = ( shape->getWidth() ) * MUL;
	float d = ( shape->getDepth() ) * MUL;
	float h = ( shape->getHeight() ) * MUL;
	return (
	         PointInFrustum( x    , y    , z ) ||
	         PointInFrustum( x + w, y    , z ) ||
	         PointInFrustum( x + w, y + d, z ) ||
	         PointInFrustum( x    , y + d, z ) ||
	         PointInFrustum( x    , y    , z + h ) ||
	         PointInFrustum( x + w, y    , z + h ) ||
	         PointInFrustum( x + w, y + d, z + h ) ||
	         PointInFrustum( x    , y + d, z + h ) );
	FORCEINLINE void DrawTextShadowed(UCanvas* Canvas, UFont* Font, const FString& TextToDraw, const FVector& WorldLocation)
		if (PointInFrustum(Canvas, WorldLocation))
			const FVector ScreenLocation = Canvas->Project(WorldLocation);
			float TextXL = 0.f;
			float TextYL = 0.f;
			Canvas->StrLen(Font, TextToDraw, TextXL, TextYL);
			Canvas->DrawText(Font, *TextToDraw, 1 + ScreenLocation.X - TextXL / 2.0f, 1 + ScreenLocation.Y - TextYL / 2.0f);
			Canvas->DrawText(Font, *TextToDraw, ScreenLocation.X - TextXL / 2.0f, ScreenLocation.Y - TextYL / 2.0f);
void TextureMain::draw2DCalibrationFull() {
    GLuint queries[textureModel->TotalFaces];
    GLuint sampleCount;
    glGenQueriesARB(textureModel->TotalFaces, queries);
    for (int i = 0; i < textureModel->TotalFaces; i++) {
        int index = i * 3;
        if (PointInFrustum(textureModel->Faces_Triangles[index * 3], textureModel->Faces_Triangles[index * 3 + 1], textureModel->Faces_Triangles[index * 3 + 2])) {
            glBeginQueryARB(GL_SAMPLES_PASSED_ARB, queries[i]);

    for (int i = 0; i < textureModel->TotalFaces; i++) {
        int index = i * 3;
        if (PointInFrustum(textureModel->Faces_Triangles[index * 3], textureModel->Faces_Triangles[index * 3 + 1], textureModel->Faces_Triangles[index * 3 + 2])) {
            glGetQueryObjectuivARB(queries[i], GL_QUERY_RESULT_ARB, &sampleCount);
            if (sampleCount > 0) {
                if (textureIndex > 0) {
                    faces[textureIndex][i] = sampleCount;
Exemple #10
CFrustum::PointInFrustum( const Vector3D & point ) const
  return PointInFrustum(point.x, point.y, point.z );
Exemple #11
short BranchInFrustum (float x1, float y1, float z1 ,float x2, float y2, float z2 )
	return PointInFrustum(x1, y1, z1) || PointInFrustum(x2, y2, z2);