Exemple #1
void Tessel::PolygonVertex(Vector V)
	int index = Mesh::AddVertex(V);
bool PhysicsInterface::convertImageAlphaTo2DPolygons(const Image& image, Vector<Vector<Vec2>>& outPolygons,
                                                     bool flipHorizontally, bool flipVertically)
    // Check image is valid
    if (!image.isValid2DImage())
        LOG_ERROR << "The passed image is not a valid 2D image: " << image;
        return false;

    auto bitmap = Bitmap(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight());

    // Setup bitmap contents
    auto width = int(image.getWidth());
    for (auto i = 0U; i < bitmap.data.size(); i++)
        bitmap.set(i % width, i / width, image.getPixelColor(i % width, i / width).a > 0.5f);

    // Find all the edge pixels
    auto edgePixels = Vector<PolygonVertex>();
    for (auto y = 0; y < bitmap.height; y++)
        for (auto x = 0; x < bitmap.width; x++)
            if (bitmap.get(x, y) && (!bitmap.get(x - 1, y - 1) || !bitmap.get(x - 1, y) || !bitmap.get(x - 1, y + 1) ||
                                     !bitmap.get(x, y - 1) || !bitmap.get(x, y + 1) || !bitmap.get(x + 1, y - 1) ||
                                     !bitmap.get(x + 1, y) || !bitmap.get(x + 1, y + 1)))
                edgePixels.emplace(x, y);

    while (!edgePixels.empty())
        // Start the next polygon at an unused edge pixel
        auto polygon = Vector<PolygonVertex>(1, edgePixels.popBack());

        // Each pixel that is put onto polygon can be backtracked if it leads to a dead end, this fixes problems with
        // pointy angles that can cause the edge walking to get stuck.
        auto hasBacktracked = false;

        while (true)
            // Continue building this polygon by finding the next adjacent edge pixel
            auto adjacentPixel = 0U;
            for (; adjacentPixel < edgePixels.size(); adjacentPixel++)
                if (bitmap.isAdjacent(polygon.back(), edgePixels[adjacentPixel]))

            // If there was no adjacent edge pixel then this polygon is malformed, so skip it and keep trying to build
            // more
            if (adjacentPixel == edgePixels.size())
                if (!hasBacktracked)
                    hasBacktracked = true;

                    if (polygon.empty())


            // Add the adjacent edge pixel to this polygon
            hasBacktracked = false;

            // Check whether this polygon is now complete, at least 4 points are required for a valid polygon
            if (polygon.size() < 4 || !bitmap.isAdjacent(polygon[0], polygon.back()))

            // Now that a complete polygon has been constructed it needs to be simplified down as much as possible while
            // retaining key features such as large straight edges and right angles

            // Simplify perfectly horizontal and vertical edges as much as possible
            for (auto i = 0; i < int(polygon.size()); i++)
                const auto& a = polygon[i];
                const auto& b = polygon[(i + 1) % polygon.size()];
                const auto& c = polygon[(i + 2) % polygon.size()];

                if ((a.x == b.x && a.x == c.x) || (a.y == b.y && a.y == c.y))
                    polygon.erase((i-- + 1) % polygon.size());

            // Identify horizontal and vertical edges that are on the outside edge of the bitmap and mark their vertices
            // as important
            for (auto i = 0U; i < polygon.size(); i++)
                auto& a = polygon[i];
                auto& b = polygon[(i + 1) % polygon.size()];
                if ((a.x == 0 || a.x == int(image.getWidth() - 1) || a.y == 0 || a.y == int(image.getHeight() - 1)) &&
                    a.keep = true;
                    b.keep = true;

            // Identify axial right angles and flag the relevant vertices as important
            for (auto i = 0U; i < polygon.size(); i++)
                const auto& a = polygon[i];
                const auto& c = polygon[(i + 2) % polygon.size()];
                auto& b = polygon[(i + 1) % polygon.size()];

                if (a.isAxialEdge(b) && b.isAxialEdge(c) && (a - b).isRightAngle(c - b))
                    b.keep = true;

            // The ends of straight edges that are not part of a right angle shape are pulled inwards by inserting new
            // vertices one pixel apart, this allows the ends of straight edges to undergo subsequent simplification.
            // The 'body' of the straight edge is then flagged as important to avoid any further simplification, which
            // will preserve the straight edge in the final result.
            const auto straightEdgePullBackSize = straightEdgeLength / 3;
            for (auto i = 0U; i < polygon.size(); i++)
                auto a = polygon[i];
                auto b = polygon[(i + 1) % polygon.size()];

                if (a.isAxialEdge(b))
                    auto xSign = Math::getSign(b.x - a.x);
                    auto ySign = Math::getSign(b.y - a.y);

                    if (!a.keep)
                        for (auto j = 0U; j < straightEdgePullBackSize; j++)
                            polygon.insert(i++, PolygonVertex(a.x + xSign * (j + 1), a.y + (j + 1) * ySign));

                        polygon[i].keep = true;

                    if (!b.keep)
                        for (auto j = 0U; j < straightEdgePullBackSize; j++)
                            polygon.insert(i++, PolygonVertex(b.x - (straightEdgePullBackSize - j) * xSign,
                                                              b.y - (straightEdgePullBackSize - j) * ySign));
                        polygon[i - straightEdgePullBackSize + 1].keep = true;

            // This is the main simplification loop, it works by trying to do progressively larger and larger
            // simplifcations on the polygon
            auto simplificationThreshold = 1.5f;
            while (polygon.size() > 3)
                for (auto i = 0U; i < polygon.size(); i++)
                    const auto& a = polygon[i];
                    const auto& b = polygon[(i + 1) % polygon.size()];
                    const auto& c = polygon[(i + 2) % polygon.size()];

                    // If b is important then don't try to get rid of it
                    if (b.keep)

                    // Get rid of point b if the line a-c is connected by an edge in the bitmap
                    if (a.distance(c) < simplificationThreshold && bitmap.arePixelsConnectedByEdge(a, c))
                        polygon.erase((i + 1) % polygon.size());

                simplificationThreshold += 1.0f;
                if (simplificationThreshold >= std::max(image.getWidth(), image.getHeight()))

            if (polygon.size() < 3)

            auto& outPolygon = outPolygons.back();

            // Scale to the range 0-1
            for (const auto& vertex : polygon)
                outPolygon.append(vertex.toVec2() / Vec2(float(image.getWidth() - 1), float(image.getHeight() - 1)));

            // Apply horizontal and vertical flips if requested
            if (flipHorizontally)
                for (auto& vertex : outPolygon)
                    vertex.setXY(1.0f - vertex.x, vertex.y);
            if (flipVertically)
                for (auto& vertex : outPolygon)
                    vertex.setXY(vertex.x, 1.0f - vertex.y);

            // Order vertices clockwise
            auto center = outPolygon.getAverage();
            if ((Vec3(outPolygon[0]) - center).cross(Vec3(outPolygon[1]) - center).z > 0.0f)


    return !outPolygons.empty();