Exemple #1
int main(void){ uint32_t status;
  PortF_Init();              // initialize PF0 and PF4 and make them inputs
                             // make PF3-1 out (PF3-1 built-in LEDs)
    status = PortF_Input();
    switch(status){                    // switches are negative logic on PF0 and PF4
      case 0x01: PortF_Output(BLUE); break;   // SW1 pressed
      case 0x10: PortF_Output(RED); break;    // SW2 pressed
      case 0x00: PortF_Output(GREEN); break;  // both switches pressed
      case 0x11: PortF_Output(0); break;      // neither switch pressed
Exemple #2
    if SW1 is pressed light Blue led
    if SW2 is pressed light Green led
    if both switches are pressed light Red led
void switches_leds(void){ 

    /*Read buttons*/
    status = PortF_Input((SW2 | SW1));//this can accept 1 or more parameters
    switch (status){
      /*Note logic inversed  0 = switch pressed*/
      case 0x00: PORTF_PORT = LED_RED;break;
      case 0x01: PORTF_PORT = LED_BLUE;break;
      case 0x10: PORTF_PORT = LED_GREEN;break;
      case 0x11: PORTF_PORT = 0x00;break;