Exemple #1
Predicate Predicate::fromString(const QString &string, U2OpStatus &os) {
    QStringList token = string.split("."); // var.value
    if (2 != token.size()) {
        os.setError(QObject::tr("Can not parse predicate from the string: %1").arg(string));
        return Predicate();
    return Predicate(Variable(token[0]), token[1]);
Exemple #2
 * SeqScanPlan is serialized as:
 * [(int) total size]
 * [(int8_t) plan type]
 * [(int) database_id]
 * [(int) table_id]
 * [(int) num column_id]
 * [(int) column id...]
 * [(int8_t) expr type]     : if invalid, predicate is null
 * [(bytes) predicate]      : predicate is Expression
 * [(int8_t) plan type]     : if invalid, parent is null
 * [(bytes) parent]         : parent is also a plan
 * So, the fixed size part is:
 *      [(int) total size]   4 +
 *      [(int8_t) plan type] 1 +
 *      [(int) database_id]  4 +
 *      [(int) table_id]     4 +
 *      [(int) num column_id]4 +
 *      [(int8_t) expr type] 1 +
 *      [(int8_t) plan type] 1 =
 *     the variant part is :
 *      [(int) column id...]: num column_id * 4
 *      [(bytes) predicate] : predicate->GetSerializeSize()
 *      [(bytes) parent]    : parent->GetSerializeSize()
int SeqScanPlan::SerializeSize() {
  // Fixed size. see the detail above
  int size_fix = sizeof(int) * 4 + 3;
  int size_columnids = ColumnIds().size() * sizeof(int);
  int size = size_fix + size_columnids;

  if (Predicate()) {
    size = size + Predicate()->SerializeSize();
  if (Parent()) {
    size = size + Parent()->SerializeSize();

  return size;
Exemple #3
Predicate EDBLayer::getDBPredicate(int idPredicate) {
    if (!dbPredicates.count(idPredicate)) {
        throw 10; //cannot happen
    EDBInfoTable &info = dbPredicates.find(idPredicate)->second;
    return Predicate(idPredicate, 0, EDB, info.arity);
  if (PeekToken() == nsXFormsXPathScanner::LBRACK) {
Exemple #5
void fill_if(I First, I Last, const T& Value, P Predicate)
	while (First != Last)
		if (Predicate(*First))
			*First = Value;
 xml_element_node_iterator (xml_node node, Predicate p = Predicate ())
     : node (node), p (p)
     xml_node end(0);
     if(node != end
        && (node.node->type != XML_ELEMENT_NODE
            || !p (node)))
Exemple #7
I fill_n_if(I First, N Size, const T& Value, P Predicate)
	while (Size > 0)
		if (Predicate(*First))
			*First = Value;
	return First;
void CBiologicalDescription::setPredicate(const std::string & predicate)
  CRDFPredicate Predicate(CRDFPredicate::getPredicateFromDisplayName(predicate));

  if (Predicate == mTriplet.Predicate)

  // Add the edge with the new predicate without any object creation.
  mTriplet.pSubject->addEdge(Predicate, mTriplet.pObject);

  // Remove the edge with the predicate without destroying any objects.
  mTriplet.pSubject->removeEdge(mTriplet.Predicate, mTriplet.pObject);

  // Set the new predicate
  mTriplet.Predicate = Predicate;
  nsXFormsXPathScanner::XPATHTOKEN t = PeekToken();
  switch (t) {
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::ANCESTOR:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::ANCESTOR_OR_SELF:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::ATTRIBUTE:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::CHILD:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::DESCENDANT:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::DESCENDANT_OR_SELF:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::FOLLOWING:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::FOLLOWING_SIBLING:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::NAMESPACE:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::PARENT:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::PRECEDING:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::PRECEDING_SIBLING:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::SELF:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::AT:

  t = PeekToken();
  switch (t) {
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::STAR:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::NCNAME:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::QNAME:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::COMMENT:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::TEXT:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::PI:
  case nsXFormsXPathScanner::NODE:
    XPathCompilerException("Expected a NodeTest expression", mScanner.Expression(), mScanner.Offset(), mScanner.Length());
  t = PeekToken();
  if (t == nsXFormsXPathScanner::LBRACK) {
    Predicate(); // set the predicates
Exemple #10
void Task::Run()
	Container found;
	for(Container::iterator i = scan_.begin(); i != scan_.end(); ++i)
		try { FileSystem::ScanDirectory(*i, std::inserter(found, found.begin()), Predicate(), FileSystem::FOLLOW); }
		catch(std::exception& e)
			result_.errors.push_back(Error(PATH_ERROR, *i, e.what()));

	Container inter;
	std::set_intersection(found.begin(), found.end(), validate_.begin(), validate_.end(), std::inserter(inter, inter.begin()));
	std::set_symmetric_difference(inter.begin(), inter.end(), validate_.begin(), validate_.end(), std::inserter(result_.removed, result_.removed.begin()));
	std::set_symmetric_difference(inter.begin(), inter.end(), found.begin(), found.end(), std::inserter(result_.created, result_.created.begin()));
	result_.found = found;
Exemple #11
Solid::Predicate Solid::Predicate::fromString(const QString &predicate)
    Solid::PredicateParse::ParsingData *data = new Solid::PredicateParse::ParsingData();
    #if QT_VERSION < 0x050000
    data->buffer = predicate.toAscii();
    data->buffer = predicate.toLatin1();
    Predicate result;
    if (data->result)
        result = Predicate(*data->result);
        delete data->result;
    return result;
Exemple #12
 void draw_entities(sf::RenderWindow & win, position tl_pos, level const & lvl)
     auto should_draw_pred = 
     [&](entity const & e)
     { return in_window(tl_pos, e); };
     for (auto & e : Predicate(should_draw_pred).filter(lvl.entity_list))
         if (e.has<draw_list>()) {
             for (std::pair<tile_id, position> const & drawp : *e.get<draw_list>()) 
                 if (not in_window(tl_pos, drawp.second)) continue;
                     win, drawp.first
                   , position_in_window(tl_pos, drawp.second)
         } else {
             draw_entity_at(win, e, position_in_window(tl_pos, e));
Exemple #13
 bool add(const std::string& name, const PredicateFunction& function)
     return m_lst.insert(Predicate(name, function)).second;
		bool operator()(value_type const& value) const {
			return Predicate()(value);
Exemple #15
int main()
   // check that it'll find nodes exactly MAX away
      tree_type exact_dist(std::ptr_fun(tac));
        triplet c0(5, 4, 0);
        triplet target(7,4,0);

      std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> found = exact_dist.find_nearest(target,2);
      assert(found.first != exact_dist.end());
      assert(found.second == 2);
      std::cout << "Test find_nearest(), found at exact distance away from " << target << ", found " << *found.first << std::endl;

   // do the same test, except use alternate_triplet as the search key
      // NOTE: stores triplet, but we search with alternate_triplet
      typedef KDTree::KDTree<3, triplet, alternate_tac> alt_tree;

      triplet actual_target(7,0,0);

      alt_tree tree;
      tree.insert( triplet(0, 0, 7) );
      tree.insert( triplet(0, 0, 7) );
      tree.insert( triplet(0, 0, 7) );
      tree.insert( triplet(3, 0, 0) );
      tree.insert( actual_target );

      alternate_triplet target( actual_target );

      std::pair<alt_tree::const_iterator,double> found = tree.find_nearest(target);
      assert(found.first != tree.end());
      std::cout << "Test with alternate search type, found: " << *found.first << ", wanted " << actual_target << std::endl;
      assert(found.second == 0);
      assert(*found.first == actual_target);

      tree_type exact_dist(std::ptr_fun(tac));
        triplet c0(5, 2, 0);
        triplet target(7,4,0);

        // call find_nearest without a range value - it found a compile error earlier.
      std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> found = exact_dist.find_nearest(target);
      assert(found.first != exact_dist.end());
      std::cout << "Test find_nearest(), found at exact distance away from " << target << ", found " << *found.first << " @ " << found.second << " should be " << std::sqrt(8) << std::endl;
      assert(found.second == std::sqrt(8));

      tree_type exact_dist(std::ptr_fun(tac));
        triplet c0(5, 2, 0);
        triplet target(7,4,0);

      std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> found = exact_dist.find_nearest(target,std::sqrt(8));
      assert(found.first != exact_dist.end());
      std::cout << "Test find_nearest(), found at exact distance away from " << target << ", found " << *found.first << " @ " << found.second << " should be " << std::sqrt(8) << std::endl;
      assert(found.second == std::sqrt(8));

  tree_type src(std::ptr_fun(tac));

  triplet c0(5, 4, 0); src.insert(c0);
  triplet c1(4, 2, 1); src.insert(c1);
  triplet c2(7, 6, 9); src.insert(c2);
  triplet c3(2, 2, 1); src.insert(c3);
  triplet c4(8, 0, 5); src.insert(c4);
  triplet c5(5, 7, 0); src.insert(c5);
  triplet c6(3, 3, 8); src.insert(c6);
  triplet c7(9, 7, 3); src.insert(c7);
  triplet c8(2, 2, 6); src.insert(c8);
  triplet c9(2, 0, 6); src.insert(c9);

  std::cout << src << std::endl;



  // test the efficient_replace_and_optimise()
  tree_type eff_repl = src;
     std::vector<triplet> vec;
     // erased above as part of test vec.push_back(triplet(5, 4, 0));
     // erased above as part of test vec.push_back(triplet(4, 2, 1));
     vec.push_back(triplet(7, 6, 9));
     // erased above as part of test vec.push_back(triplet(2, 2, 1));
     vec.push_back(triplet(8, 0, 5));
     // erased above as part of test vec.push_back(triplet(5, 7, 0));
     vec.push_back(triplet(3, 3, 8));
     vec.push_back(triplet(9, 7, 3));
     vec.push_back(triplet(2, 2, 6));
     vec.push_back(triplet(2, 0, 6));


  std::cout << std::endl << src << std::endl;

  tree_type copied(src);
  std::cout << copied << std::endl;
  tree_type assigned;
  assigned = src;
  std::cout << assigned << std::endl;

  for (int loop = 0; loop != 4; ++loop)
      tree_type * target;
      switch (loop)
	case 0: std::cout << "Testing plain construction" << std::endl;
	  target = &src;

	case 1: std::cout << "Testing copy-construction" << std::endl;
	  target = &copied;

	case 2: std::cout << "Testing assign-construction" << std::endl;
	  target = &assigned;

	case 4: std::cout << "Testing efficient-replace-and-optimise" << std::endl;
	  target = &eff_repl;
      tree_type & t = *target;

      int i=0;
      for (tree_type::const_iterator iter=t.begin(); iter!=t.end(); ++iter, ++i);
      std::cout << "iterator walked through " << i << " nodes in total" << std::endl;
      if (i!=6)
	  std::cerr << "Error: does not tally with the expected number of nodes (6)" << std::endl;
	  return 1;
      for (tree_type::const_reverse_iterator iter=t.rbegin(); iter!=t.rend(); ++iter, ++i);
      std::cout << "reverse_iterator walked through " << i << " nodes in total" << std::endl;
      if (i!=6)
	  std::cerr << "Error: does not tally with the expected number of nodes (6)" << std::endl;
	  return 1;

      triplet s(5, 4, 3);
      std::vector<triplet> v;
      unsigned int const RANGE = 3;

      size_t count = t.count_within_range(s, RANGE);
      std::cout << "counted " << count
		<< " nodes within range " << RANGE << " of " << s << ".\n";
      t.find_within_range(s, RANGE, std::back_inserter(v));

      std::cout << "found   " << v.size() << " nodes within range " << RANGE
		<< " of " << s << ":\n";
      std::vector<triplet>::const_iterator ci = v.begin();
      for (; ci != v.end(); ++ci)
	std::cout << *ci << " ";
      std::cout << "\n" << std::endl;

      std::cout << std::endl << t << std::endl;

      // search for all the nodes at exactly 0 dist away
      for (tree_type::const_iterator target = t.begin(); target != t.end(); ++target)
         std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> found = t.find_nearest(*target,0);
         assert(found.first != t.end());
         assert(*found.first == *target);
         std::cout << "Test find_nearest(), found at exact distance away from " << *target << ", found " << *found.first << std::endl;

         const double small_dist = 0.0001;
         std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> notfound = t.find_nearest(s,small_dist);
         std::cout << "Test find_nearest(), nearest to " << s << " within " << small_dist << " should not be found" << std::endl;

         if (notfound.first != t.end())
            std::cout << "ERROR found a node at dist " << notfound.second << " : " << *notfound.first << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Actual distance = " << s.distance_to(*notfound.first) << std::endl;

         assert(notfound.first == t.end());

         std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> nif = t.find_nearest_if(s,std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),Predicate());
         std::cout << "Test find_nearest_if(), nearest to " << s << " @ " << nif.second << ": " << *nif.first << std::endl;

         std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> cantfind = t.find_nearest_if(s,std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),FalsePredicate());
         std::cout << "Test find_nearest_if(), nearest to " << s << " should never be found (predicate too strong)" << std::endl;
         assert(cantfind.first == t.end());

      std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> found = t.find_nearest(s,std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
      std::cout << "Nearest to " << s << " @ " << found.second << " " << *found.first << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Should be " << found.first->distance_to(s) << std::endl;
      // NOTE: the assert does not check for an exact match, as it is not exact when -O2 or -O3 is
      // switched on.  Some sort of optimisation makes the math inexact.
      assert( fabs(found.second - found.first->distance_to(s)) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() );

      triplet s2(10, 10, 2);
      std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> found = t.find_nearest(s2,std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
      std::cout << "Nearest to " << s2 << " @ " << found.second << " " << *found.first << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Should be " << found.first->distance_to(s2) << std::endl;
      // NOTE: the assert does not check for an exact match, as it is not exact when -O2 or -O3 is
      // switched on.  Some sort of optimisation makes the math inexact.
      assert( fabs(found.second - found.first->distance_to(s2)) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() );

      std::cout << std::endl;

      std::cout << t << std::endl;

      // Testing iterators
	std::cout << "Testing iterators" << std::endl;

	//    t.erase(c9);

	std::cout << std::endl << t << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Forward iterator test..." << std::endl;
	std::vector<triplet> forwards;
	for (tree_type::iterator i = t.begin(); i != t.end(); ++i)
	  { std::cout << *i << " " << std::flush; forwards.push_back(*i); }
	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Reverse iterator test..." << std::endl;
	std::vector<triplet> backwards;
	for (tree_type::reverse_iterator i = t.rbegin(); i != t.rend(); ++i)
	  { std::cout << *i << " " << std::flush; backwards.push_back(*i); }
	std::cout << std::endl;
	assert(backwards == forwards);

  // Walter reported that the find_within_range() wasn't giving results that were within
  // the specified range... this is the test.
     tree_type tree(std::ptr_fun(tac));
     tree.insert( triplet(28.771200,16.921600,-2.665970) );
     tree.insert( triplet(28.553101,18.649700,-2.155560) );
     tree.insert( triplet(28.107500,20.341400,-1.188940) );

     std::deque< triplet > vectors;
     triplet sv(18.892500,20.341400,-1.188940);
     tree.find_within_range(sv, 10.0f, std::back_inserter(vectors));

     std::cout << std::endl << "Test find_with_range( " << sv << ", 10.0f) found " << vectors.size() << " candidates." << std::endl;

     // double-check the ranges
     for (std::deque<triplet>::iterator v = vectors.begin(); v != vectors.end(); ++v)
        double dist = sv.distance_to(*v);
        std::cout << "  " << *v << " dist=" << dist << std::endl;
        if (dist > 10.0f)
           std::cout << "    This point is too far! But that is by design, its within a 'box' with a 'radius' of 10, not a sphere with a radius of 10" << std::endl;
        // Not a valid test, it can be greater than 10 if the point is in the corners of the box.
        // assert(dist <= 10.0f);

  return 0;
int main(int, char**) {
    std::not1(Predicate()); // expected-error{{'not1<Predicate>' is deprecated}}

  return 0;
Exemple #17
		Predicate Predicate::False() {
			return Predicate(FALSE);
Exemple #18
		Predicate Predicate::SelfConst() {
			return Predicate(SELFCONST);
Exemple #19
inline ValueType<Cont> maximum(Cont&& cont, Predicate&& pred = Predicate()) {
    return *(std::max_element(std::begin(std::forward<Cont>(cont)),
Exemple #20
		Predicate Predicate::True() {
			return Predicate(TRUE);
Exemple #21
 inline void pair1_symmpred_nonself_find_if(const MultiPassInputIterator begin, const MultiPassInputIterator end) {
   for (MultiPassInputIterator i = begin; i != end; ++i)
     for (MultiPassInputIterator j = ++MultiPassInputIterator(i); j != end; ++j)
       Predicate(*i, *j);
Exemple #22
 inline void pair2_find_if(InputIterator begin1, const InputIterator end1, const MultiPassInputIterator begin2, const MultiPassInputIterator end2) {
   for (; begin1 != end1; ++begin1)
     for (MultiPassInputIterator i = begin2; i != end2; ++i)
       Predicate(*begin1, *i);
int main() {
    std::unary_negate<Predicate> f((Predicate())); // expected-error{{'unary_negate<Predicate>' is deprecated}}
Exemple #24
 bool add(const std::string& name, const PredicateFunction& function,
          const PredicateParameters& params)
     return m_lst.insert(Predicate(name, function, params)).second;
Exemple #25
int main()
   // check that it'll find nodes exactly MAX away
      tree_type exact_dist(std::ptr_fun(tac));
        triplet c0(5, 4, 0);
        triplet target(7,4,0);

      std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> found = exact_dist.find_nearest(target,2);
      assert(found.first != exact_dist.end());
      assert(found.second == 2);
      std::cout << "Test find_nearest(), found at exact distance away from " << target << ", found " << *found.first << std::endl;

      tree_type exact_dist(std::ptr_fun(tac));
        triplet c0(5, 2, 0);
        triplet target(7,4,0);

        // call find_nearest without a range value - it found a compile error earlier.
      std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> found = exact_dist.find_nearest(target);
      assert(found.first != exact_dist.end());
      std::cout << "Test find_nearest(), found at exact distance away from " << target << ", found " << *found.first << " @ " << found.second << " should be " << sqrt(8) << std::endl;
      assert(found.second == sqrt(8));

      tree_type exact_dist(std::ptr_fun(tac));
        triplet c0(5, 2, 0);
        triplet target(7,4,0);

      std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> found = exact_dist.find_nearest(target,sqrt(8));
      assert(found.first != exact_dist.end());
      std::cout << "Test find_nearest(), found at exact distance away from " << target << ", found " << *found.first << " @ " << found.second << " should be " << sqrt(8) << std::endl;
      assert(found.second == sqrt(8));

  tree_type src(std::ptr_fun(tac));

  triplet c0(5, 4, 0); src.insert(c0);
  triplet c1(4, 2, 1); src.insert(c1);
  triplet c2(7, 6, 9); src.insert(c2);
  triplet c3(2, 2, 1); src.insert(c3);
  triplet c4(8, 0, 5); src.insert(c4);
  triplet c5(5, 7, 0); src.insert(c5);
  triplet c6(3, 3, 8); src.insert(c6);
  triplet c7(9, 7, 3); src.insert(c7);
  triplet c8(2, 2, 6); src.insert(c8);
  triplet c9(2, 0, 6); src.insert(c9);

  std::cout << src << std::endl;



  // test the efficient_replace_and_optimise()
  tree_type eff_repl = src;
     std::vector<triplet> vec;
     // erased above as part of test vec.push_back(triplet(5, 4, 0));
     // erased above as part of test vec.push_back(triplet(4, 2, 1));
     vec.push_back(triplet(7, 6, 9));
     // erased above as part of test vec.push_back(triplet(2, 2, 1));
     vec.push_back(triplet(8, 0, 5));
     // erased above as part of test vec.push_back(triplet(5, 7, 0));
     vec.push_back(triplet(3, 3, 8));
     vec.push_back(triplet(9, 7, 3));
     vec.push_back(triplet(2, 2, 6));
     vec.push_back(triplet(2, 0, 6));


  std::cout << std::endl << src << std::endl;

  tree_type copied(src);
  std::cout << copied << std::endl;
  tree_type assigned;
  assigned = src;
  std::cout << assigned << std::endl;

  for (int loop = 0; loop != 4; ++loop)
      tree_type * target;
      switch (loop)
	case 0: std::cout << "Testing plain construction" << std::endl;
	  target = &src;

	case 1: std::cout << "Testing copy-construction" << std::endl;
	  target = &copied;

	case 2: std::cout << "Testing assign-construction" << std::endl;
	  target = &assigned;

	case 4: std::cout << "Testing efficient-replace-and-optimise" << std::endl;
	  target = &eff_repl;
      tree_type & t = *target;

      int i=0;
      for (tree_type::const_iterator iter=t.begin(); iter!=t.end(); ++iter, ++i);
      std::cout << "iterator walked through " << i << " nodes in total" << std::endl;
      if (i!=6)
	  std::cerr << "Error: does not tally with the expected number of nodes (6)" << std::endl;
	  return 1;
      for (tree_type::const_reverse_iterator iter=t.rbegin(); iter!=t.rend(); ++iter, ++i);
      std::cout << "reverse_iterator walked through " << i << " nodes in total" << std::endl;
      if (i!=6)
	  std::cerr << "Error: does not tally with the expected number of nodes (6)" << std::endl;
	  return 1;

      triplet s(5, 4, 3);
      std::vector<triplet> v;
      unsigned int const RANGE = 3;

      size_t count = t.count_within_range(s, RANGE);
      std::cout << "counted " << count
		<< " nodes within range " << RANGE << " of " << s << ".\n";
      t.find_within_range(s, RANGE, std::back_inserter(v));

      std::cout << "found   " << v.size() << " nodes within range " << RANGE
		<< " of " << s << ":\n";
      std::vector<triplet>::const_iterator ci = v.begin();
      for (; ci != v.end(); ++ci)
	std::cout << *ci << " ";
      std::cout << "\n" << std::endl;

      std::cout << std::endl << t << std::endl;

      // search for all the nodes at exactly 0 dist away
      for (tree_type::const_iterator target = t.begin(); target != t.end(); ++target)
         std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> found = t.find_nearest(*target,0);
         assert(found.first != t.end());
         assert(*found.first == *target);
         std::cout << "Test find_nearest(), found at exact distance away from " << *target << ", found " << *found.first << std::endl;

         const double small_dist = 0.0001;
         std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> notfound = t.find_nearest(s,small_dist);
         std::cout << "Test find_nearest(), nearest to " << s << " within " << small_dist << " should not be found" << std::endl;

         if (notfound.first != t.end())
            std::cout << "ERROR found a node at dist " << notfound.second << " : " << *notfound.first << std::endl;
            std::cout << "Actual distance = " << s.distance_to(*notfound.first) << std::endl;

         assert(notfound.first == t.end());

         std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> nif = t.find_nearest_if(s,std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),Predicate());
         std::cout << "Test find_nearest_if(), nearest to " << s << " @ " << nif.second << ": " << *nif.first << std::endl;

         std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> cantfind = t.find_nearest_if(s,std::numeric_limits<double>::max(),FalsePredicate());
         std::cout << "Test find_nearest_if(), nearest to " << s << " should never be found (predicate too strong)" << std::endl;
         assert(cantfind.first == t.end());

      std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> found = t.find_nearest(s,std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
      std::cout << "Nearest to " << s << " @ " << found.second << " " << *found.first << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Should be " << found.first->distance_to(s) << std::endl;
      // NOTE: the assert does not check for an exact match, as it is not exact when -O2 or -O3 is
      // switched on.  Some sort of optimisation makes the math inexact.
      assert( fabs(found.second - found.first->distance_to(s)) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() );

      triplet s2(10, 10, 2);
      std::pair<tree_type::const_iterator,double> found = t.find_nearest(s2,std::numeric_limits<double>::max());
      std::cout << "Nearest to " << s2 << " @ " << found.second << " " << *found.first << std::endl;
      std::cout << "Should be " << found.first->distance_to(s2) << std::endl;
      // NOTE: the assert does not check for an exact match, as it is not exact when -O2 or -O3 is
      // switched on.  Some sort of optimisation makes the math inexact.
      assert( fabs(found.second - found.first->distance_to(s2)) < std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon() );

      std::cout << std::endl;

      std::cout << t << std::endl;

      // Testing iterators
	std::cout << "Testing iterators" << std::endl;

	//    t.erase(c9);

	std::cout << std::endl << t << std::endl;

	std::cout << "Forward iterator test..." << std::endl;
	std::vector<triplet> forwards;
	for (tree_type::iterator i = t.begin(); i != t.end(); ++i)
	  { std::cout << *i << " " << std::flush; forwards.push_back(*i); }
	std::cout << std::endl;
	std::cout << "Reverse iterator test..." << std::endl;
	std::vector<triplet> backwards;
	for (tree_type::reverse_iterator i = t.rbegin(); i != t.rend(); ++i)
	  { std::cout << *i << " " << std::flush; backwards.push_back(*i); }
	std::cout << std::endl;
	assert(backwards == forwards);

  return 0;