bool UploadDump(const char* file, const char* user, int build, int branch, DelegateI<Prog_s>* progress) { Logger log; log.write("---------------------------------------\r\n"); time_t ltime; /* calendar time */ ltime=time(NULL); /* get current cal time */ #ifdef WIN32 char buff[255] = {0}; struct tm t; localtime_s(&t, <ime); asctime_s(buff, 255, &t); #else struct tm *t = localtime(<ime); char* buff = asctime(t); #endif log.write("%s\r\n", buff); log.write("---------------------------------------\r\n"); log.write("Uploaded crash dump: [%s]\r\n", file); gcString dump(file); if (PrepDumpForUpload(dump) == false) { log.write("Failed to prepare crash dump.\r\n"); return false; } else { log.write("Prepared crash dump to: [%s]\r\n", dump.c_str()); } std::string os = UTIL::OS::getOSString(); HttpHandle hh(DUMP_UPLOAD_URL); if (progress) hh->getProgressEvent() += progress; hh->setUserAgent(DUMP_UPLOAD_AGENT); hh->cleanUp(); hh->addPostText("os", os.c_str()); hh->addPostText("build", build); hh->addPostText("appid", branch); if (user) hh->addPostText("user", user); hh->addPostFile("crashfile", dump.c_str()); try { hh->postWeb(); } catch (gcException &except) { log.write("Failed to upload crash: %s [%d.%d].\r\n", except.getErrMsg(), except.getErrId(), except.getSecErrId()); return false; } TiXmlDocument doc; doc.LoadBuffer(const_cast<char*>(hh->getData()), hh->getDataSize()); try { XML::processStatus(doc, "crashupload"); log.write("Uploaded dump\r\n"); UTIL::FS::delFile(UTIL::FS::Path(dump, "", true)); } catch (gcException &) { log.write("Bad status returned from upload crash dump.\r\n"); gcString res; res.assign(hh->getData(), hh->getDataSize()); log.write("Result: \r\n\r\n%s\r\n\r\n", res.c_str()); return false; } return true; }
bool UploadDump(const char* file, const char* user, int build, int branch, DelegateI<Prog_s&>* progress, const char* szTracer) { if (build == 0) build = 9999; if (branch == 0) branch = BUILDID_PUBLIC; g_Logger.write("---------------------------------------\r\n"); time_t ltime; /* calendar time */ ltime=time(nullptr); /* get current cal time */ #if defined(WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) char buff[255] = {0}; struct tm t; localtime_s(&t, <ime); asctime_s(buff, 255, &t); #else struct tm *t = localtime(<ime); char* buff = asctime(t); #endif g_Logger.write("%s\r\n", buff); g_Logger.write("---------------------------------------\r\n"); g_Logger.write("Uploaded crash dump: [%s]\r\n", file); gcString dump(file); gcString tracer(szTracer); gcString log(dump + ".log"); if (PrepDumpForUpload(dump) == false) { g_Logger.write("Failed to prepare crash dump.\r\n"); return false; } else { g_Logger.write("Prepared crash dump to: [%s]\r\n", dump.c_str()); } if (!tracer.empty()) { try { auto valid = false; UTIL::FS::FileHandle fh; std::function<void(const char*, uint32)> write = [&fh, &valid, log](const char* szData, uint32 nSize) { if (!valid), UTIL::FS::FILE_WRITE); valid = true; fh.write(szData, nSize); }; DumpTracerToFile(tracer, write); if (!valid) log = ""; } catch (...) { log = ""; } if (!log.empty()) PrepDumpForUpload(log); #ifdef WIN32 //Let desura exit now. gcString tracerEventName("Global\\{0}Event", tracer); auto hHandle = OpenEvent(EVENT_MODIFY_STATE, FALSE, tracerEventName.c_str()); if (hHandle) { SetEvent(hHandle); CloseHandle(hHandle); } #endif } std::string os = UTIL::OS::getOSString(); HttpHandle hh(DUMP_UPLOAD_URL); if (progress) hh->getProgressEvent() += progress; hh->setUserAgent(DUMP_UPLOAD_AGENT); hh->cleanUp(); hh->addPostText("os", os.c_str()); hh->addPostText("build", build); hh->addPostText("appid", branch); if (user) hh->addPostText("user", user); hh->addPostFile("crashfile", dump.c_str()); if (!log.empty()) hh->addPostFile("crashlog", log.c_str()); try { hh->postWeb(); } catch (gcException &except) { g_Logger.write("Failed to upload crash: %s [%d.%d].\r\n", except.getErrMsg(), except.getErrId(), except.getSecErrId()); return false; } XML::gcXMLDocument doc(const_cast<char*>(hh->getData()), hh->getDataSize()); try { doc.ProcessStatus("crashupload"); g_Logger.write("Uploaded dump\r\n"); UTIL::FS::delFile(UTIL::FS::Path(dump, "", true)); } catch (gcException &) { g_Logger.write("Bad status returned from upload crash dump.\r\n"); gcString res; res.assign(hh->getData(), hh->getDataSize()); g_Logger.write("Result: \r\n\r\n%s\r\n\r\n", res.c_str()); return false; } return true; }