static void ProcessCtrlC(void) // print system state to the console { PrintParameters(); size_t FreeHeap = xPortGetFreeHeapSize(); xSemaphoreTake(UART1_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // ask exclusivity on UART1 Format_String(UART1_Write, "Task Pr. Stack, "); Format_UnsDec(UART1_Write, (uint32_t)FreeHeap, 4, 3); Format_String(UART1_Write, "kB free\n"); // xSemaphoreGive(UART1_Mutex); // give back UART1 to other tasks UBaseType_t uxArraySize = uxTaskGetNumberOfTasks(); TaskStatus_t *pxTaskStatusArray = (TaskStatus_t *)pvPortMalloc( uxArraySize * sizeof( TaskStatus_t ) ); if(pxTaskStatusArray==0) goto Exit; uxArraySize = uxTaskGetSystemState( pxTaskStatusArray, uxArraySize, NULL ); for(UBaseType_t T=0; T<uxArraySize; T++) { TaskStatus_t *Task = pxTaskStatusArray+T; // uint8_t Len=strlen(Task->pcTaskName); // memcpy(Line, Task->pcTaskName, Len); uint8_t Len=Format_String(Line, Task->pcTaskName); for( ; Len<=configMAX_TASK_NAME_LEN; ) Line[Len++]=' '; Line[Len++]='0'+Task->uxCurrentPriority; Line[Len++]=' '; Len+=Format_UnsDec(Line+Len, Task->usStackHighWaterMark, 3); Line[Len++]='\n'; Line[Len++]=0; // xSemaphoreTake(UART1_Mutex, portMAX_DELAY); // ask exclusivity on UART1 Format_String(UART1_Write, Line); // xSemaphoreGive(UART1_Mutex); // give back UART1 to other tasks } vPortFree( pxTaskStatusArray ); Exit: xSemaphoreGive(UART1_Mutex); // give back UART1 to other tasks }
int MEPdfPartialB::TryParameters(RooDataSet *ds){ FixAll(); pdf_part->fitTo(*ds,Verbose(),Timer(true)); Draw(ds); PrintParameters(); return 0; }
void TNote::Slide(TNote aNote) { int i, n = 0; int FromFrequency, ToFrequency; if (GetFrequency() < aNote.GetFrequency()) { FromFrequency = GetFrequency(); ToFrequency = aNote.GetFrequency(); } else { FromFrequency = aNote.GetFrequency(); ToFrequency = GetFrequency(); } Duration = Duration / 5; for (i = FromFrequency; i <= ToFrequency; i = i + (ToFrequency - FromFrequency) / 5) { SetFrequency(i); PrintParameters(0, 0, 0); std::cout << n << ' '; n++; Play(); } Duration = Duration * 5; }
int MEPdfPartialB::FitParameters(RooDataSet *ds,const bool etaggflag){ FreeAll(); if(etaggflag) k_s_mbc_part->setConstant(kTRUE); pdf_part->fitTo(*ds,Verbose(),Timer(true)); Draw(ds); PrintParameters(); return 0; }
void PrettyPrinter::PrintFunctionLiteral(FunctionLiteral* function) { Print("function "); PrintLiteral(function->name(), false); PrintParameters(function->scope()); Print(" { "); PrintDeclarations(function->scope()->declarations()); PrintStatements(function->body()); Print(" }"); }
/*-------------------------------------------------*/ void ParameterInit() { printf("\n ParameterInit\n"); masses = new double[4]; ReadConfiguration(); PulseLimitsInit(); ADCInit(); QDCInit(); PrintParameters(); printf("Finished initialising parameters - to the sorting!\n"); }
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { int errno = 0,i=0; //sigset(SIGINT, handler); if(argc<1 && argc>15){ fprintf(stderr, "Error in argumentss/n"); exit(1); } ReadCommandArguments(argc,argv); PrintParameters(); SaveCurTimeOfDay(); fprintf(stdout, "00000000.000ms: emulation begins\n"); if((errno = pthread_create(&thrd[0], 0,Arrival, (void*)0 ))){ fprintf(stderr, "pthread_create[0] %s\n",strerror(errno)); pthread_exit(0); } if((errno = pthread_create(&thrd[1], 0,Token, (void*)1 ))){ fprintf(stderr, "pthread_create[1] %s\n",strerror(errno)); pthread_exit(0); } if((errno = pthread_create(&thrd[2], 0,Service, (void*)2 ))){ fprintf(stderr, "pthread_create[2] %s\n",strerror(errno)); pthread_exit(0); } for (i=0; i<N; i++) { if((errno = pthread_join(thrd[i], 0))){ fprintf(stderr, "pthread_join[i] %s\n",strerror(errno)); pthread_exit(0); } } emulation_ends = GetMTimeOfDay(); fprintf(stdout, "%012.3lfms: emulation ends\n ",emulation_ends); //PrintStatistics(); return 0; }
void SGBM_cpu::SetParamaters() { PrintParameters(parameters); int cn = imgL.channels(); sgbm.numberOfDisparities = parameters->P0*16; sgbm.minDisparity = parameters->P1; sgbm.SADWindowSize = parameters->P2*2+1; sgbm.preFilterCap = parameters->P3; sgbm.uniquenessRatio = parameters->P4; sgbm.speckleWindowSize = parameters->P5; sgbm.speckleRange = parameters->P6; sgbm.disp12MaxDiff = parameters->P7; sgbm.fullDP = parameters->P8; sgbm.P1 = 8*cn*sgbm.SADWindowSize*sgbm.SADWindowSize; sgbm.P2 = 32*cn*sgbm.SADWindowSize*sgbm.SADWindowSize; }
int App::Run() { Load(); if (ParamsInputPath_.size()) { Params_.Load(ParamsInputPath_.c_str()); } Builder_.SetParams(Params_); Builder_.SetInputCloud(Input_); PrintParameters(); Builder_.GenerateTrainingSet(); ExportForLibSVM(); if (AlphaInputPath_.size()) { std::ifstream alphaInput(AlphaInputPath_.c_str()); std::vector<SVMFloat> alphas; std::copy(std::istream_iterator<SVMFloat>(alphaInput), std::istream_iterator<SVMFloat>(), std::back_inserter(alphas)); Builder_.InitSVM(alphas); } else { Builder_.Learn(); TrainedModel_ = true; } if (AlphaOutputPath_.size()) { std::ofstream alphaOutput(AlphaOutputPath_.c_str()); std::copy(Builder_.SVM().Alphas(), Builder_.SVM().Alphas() + Builder_.Objects->size(), std::ostream_iterator<SVMFloat>(alphaOutput, "\n")); } if (ParamsOutputPath_.size()) { Params_.Save(ParamsOutputPath_.c_str()); } ExportAlphaMap(); Builder_.CalcGradients(); PrintStatistics(); Visualize(); return 0; }
static void ReadParameters(void) // read parameters requested by the user in the NMEA sent. { if((!NMEA.hasCheck()) || NMEA.isChecked() ) { const char *Parm; int8_t Val; Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(0); // [0..15] aircraft-type: 1=glider, 2=towa plane, 3=helicopter, ... if(Parm) { Val=Read_Hex1(Parm[0]); if( (Val>=0) && (Val<16) ) Parameters.setAcftType(Val); } Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(1); // [0..3] addr-type: 1=ICAO, 2=FLARM, 3=OGN if(Parm) { Val=Read_Hex1(Parm[0]); if( (Val>=0) && (Val<4) ) Parameters.setAddrType(Val); } Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(2); // [HHHHHH] Address (ID): 6 hex digits, 24-bit uint32_t Addr; int8_t Len=Read_Hex(Addr, Parm); if( (Len==6) && (Addr<0x01000000) ) Parameters.setAddress(Addr); Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(3); // [0..1] RFM69HW (up to +20dBm) or W (up to +13dBm) if(Parm) { Val=Read_Dec1(Parm[0]); if(Val==0) Parameters.clrTxTypeHW(); else if(Val==1) Parameters.setTxTypeHW(); } Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(4); // [dBm] Tx power int32_t TxPower; Len=Read_SignDec(TxPower, Parm); if( (Len>0) && (TxPower>=(-10)) && (TxPower<=20) ) Parameters.setTxPower(TxPower); Parm = (const char *)NMEA.ParmPtr(5); // [Hz] Tx/Rx frequency correction int32_t FreqCorr; Len=Read_SignDec(FreqCorr, Parm); if( (Len>0) && (FreqCorr>=(-100000)) && (FreqCorr<=100000) ) Parameters.RFchipFreqCorr = (FreqCorr<<8)/15625; taskDISABLE_INTERRUPTS(); // disable all interrupts: Flash can not be read while being erased IWDG_ReloadCounter(); // kick the watch-dog Parameters.WriteToFlash(); // erase and write the parameters into the last page of Flash if(Parameters.ReadFromFlash()<0) Parameters.setDefault(); // read the parameters back: if invalid, set defaults taskENABLE_INTERRUPTS(); // bring back interrupts and the system } PrintParameters(); }
int main(void) { printf("A sample on how to use RakVoice together with DirectSound.\n"); printf("You need a microphone for this sample.\n"); printf("RakVoice relies on Speex for voice encoding and decoding.\n"); printf("See DependentExtensions/RakVoice/speex-1.2beta3 for speex projects.\n"); printf("For windows, I had to define HAVE_CONFIG_H, include win32/config.h,\n"); printf("and include the files under libspeex, except those that start with test.\n"); printf("Difficulty: Advanced\n\n"); bool mute=false; bool quit; char ch; char port[256]; rakPeer = RakNetworkFactory::GetRakPeerInterface(); #if defined(INTERACTIVE) printf("Enter local port: "); gets(port); if (port[0]==0) #endif strcpy(port, "60000"); SocketDescriptor socketDescriptor(atoi(port),0); rakPeer->Startup(4, 30, &socketDescriptor, 1); rakPeer->SetMaximumIncomingConnections(4); rakPeer->AttachPlugin(&rakVoice); rakVoice.Init(SAMPLE_RATE, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER*sizeof(SAMPLE)); // Initialize our connection with DirectSound if (!DSoundVoiceAdapter::Instance()->SetupAdapter(&rakVoice, GetConsoleHwnd(), DSSCL_EXCLUSIVE)) { printf("An error occurred while initializing DirectSound.\n"); exit(-1); } Packet *p; quit=false; #if defined(INTERACTIVE) printf("(Q)uit. (C)onnect. (D)isconnect. (M)ute. ' ' for stats.\n"); printf("(+/-)encoder complexity. (N)oise filter on/off. (V)AD on/off. (B)vbr on/off.\n"); #else rakPeer->Connect("", 60000, 0,0); #endif PrintParameters(); while (!quit) { #if defined(INTERACTIVE) if (kbhit()) { ch=getch(); if (ch=='+'){ // Increase encoder complexity int v = rakVoice.GetEncoderComplexity(); if (v<10) rakVoice.SetEncoderComplexity(v+1); PrintParameters(); } else if (ch=='-'){ // Decrease encoder complexity int v = rakVoice.GetEncoderComplexity(); if (v>0) rakVoice.SetEncoderComplexity(v-1); PrintParameters(); } else if (ch=='n'){ // Turn on/off noise filter rakVoice.SetNoiseFilter(!rakVoice.IsNoiseFilterActive()); PrintParameters(); } else if (ch=='v') { // Turn on/off Voice detection rakVoice.SetVAD(!rakVoice.IsVADActive()); PrintParameters(); } else if (ch=='b') { // Turn on/off VBR rakVoice.SetVBR(!rakVoice.IsVBRActive()); PrintParameters(); } else if (ch=='y') { quit=true; } else if (ch=='c') { char ip[256]; printf("\nEnter IP of remote system: "); gets(ip); if (ip[0]==0) strcpy(ip, ""); printf("\nEnter port of remote system: "); gets(port); if (port[0]==0) strcpy(port, "60000"); rakPeer->Connect(ip, atoi(port), 0,0); } else if (ch=='m') { mute=!mute; DSoundVoiceAdapter::Instance()->SetMute(mute); if (mute) printf("\nNow muted.\n"); else printf("\nNo longer muted.\n"); } else if (ch=='d') { rakPeer->Shutdown(100,0); } else if (ch==' ') { char message[2048]; RakNetStatistics *rss=rakPeer->GetStatistics(rakPeer->GetSystemAddressFromIndex(0)); StatisticsToString(rss, message, 2); printf("%s", message); } else if (ch=='q') quit=true; ch=0; } #endif p=rakPeer->Receive(); while (p) { if (p->data[0]==ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED) { printf("\nID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED from %s\n", p->systemAddress.ToString()); rakVoice.RequestVoiceChannel(p->systemAddress); } else if (p->data[0]==ID_RAKVOICE_OPEN_CHANNEL_REQUEST) { printf("\nOpen Channel request from %s\n", p->systemAddress.ToString()); } else if (p->data[0]==ID_RAKVOICE_OPEN_CHANNEL_REPLY) { printf("\nGot new channel from %s\n", p->systemAddress.ToString()); } rakPeer->DeallocatePacket(p); p=rakPeer->Receive(); } // Update our connection with DirectSound DSoundVoiceAdapter::Instance()->Update(); LogStats(); RakSleep(20); } // Release any FMOD resources we used, and shutdown FMOD itself DSoundVoiceAdapter::Instance()->Release(); rakPeer->Shutdown(300); RakNetworkFactory::DestroyRakPeerInterface(rakPeer); return 0; }
void ARBarFormat::print() const { PrintName (std::cout); PrintParameters (std::cout); }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int counter; printf("\n %s compiled %s : %s\n\n",argv[0],__DATE__,__TIME__); if (argc<3) { Usage(); exit(-1); } /* Get the parameters */ for (counter=1; counter<argc; counter++) { if (!strcmp("-rn",argv[counter])) { // remoteNodeId = strtol(argv[counter+1],(char **) NULL,10); continue; } if (!strcmp("-size",argv[counter])) { segmentSize = strtol(argv[counter+1],(char **) NULL,10); continue; } if (!strcmp("-adapterno",argv[counter])) { localAdapterNo = strtol(argv[counter+1],(char **) NULL,10); continue; } if (!strcmp("-client",argv[counter])) { client = 1; continue; } if (!strcmp("-server",argv[counter])) { server = 1; continue; } if (!strcmp("-help",argv[counter])) { Usage(); exit(0); } } // if (remoteNodeId == 0) { // fprintf(stderr,"Remote node-id is not specified. Use -rn <remote node-id>\n"); // exit(-1); //} if (server == 0 && client == 0) { fprintf(stderr,"You must specify a client node or a server node\n"); exit(-1); } if (server == 1 && client == 1) { fprintf(stderr,"Both server node and client node is selected.\n"); fprintf(stderr,"You must specify either a client or a server node\n"); exit(-1); } /* Initialize the SISCI library */ SCIInitialize(NO_FLAGS, &error); if (error != SCI_ERR_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"SCIInitialize failed - Error code: 0x%x\n",error); exit(error); } /* Open a file descriptor */ SCIOpen(&sdOne,NO_FLAGS,&error); if (error != SCI_ERR_OK) { if (error == SCI_ERR_INCONSISTENT_VERSIONS) { fprintf(stderr,"Version mismatch between SISCI user library and SISCI driver\n"); } fprintf(stderr,"SCIOpen failed - Error code 0x%x\n",error); exit(error); } /* Open a file descriptor */ SCIOpen(&sdTwo,NO_FLAGS,&error); if (error != SCI_ERR_OK) { if (error == SCI_ERR_INCONSISTENT_VERSIONS) { fprintf(stderr,"Version mismatch between SISCI user library and SISCI driver\n"); } fprintf(stderr,"SCIOpen failed - Error code 0x%x\n",error); exit(error); } /* Get local node-id */ error = GetLocalNodeId(localAdapterNo, &localNodeId1); error = GetLocalNodeId(standbyAdapterNo, &localNodeId2); if (error != SCI_ERR_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"Could not find the local adapter %d\n", localAdapterNo); SCIClose(sdOne,NO_FLAGS,&error); SCIClose(sdTwo,NO_FLAGS,&error); exit(-1); } /* Print parameters */ PrintParameters(); if (client) { remoteNodeId1=324; remoteNodeId2=328; ShmemClientNode(); } else { remoteNodeId1=452; remoteNodeId2=456; ShmemServerNode(); } /* Close the file descriptor */ SCIClose(sdOne,NO_FLAGS,&error); SCIClose(sdTwo,NO_FLAGS,&error); if (error != SCI_ERR_OK) { fprintf(stderr,"SCIClose failed - Error code: 0x%x\n",error); } /* Free allocated resources */ SCITerminate(); return SCI_ERR_OK; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { struct tms tmsstart, tmsend; clock_t startTime, endTime; static long clktck = 0; time_t iterationStartTime; time_t iterationEndTime; SubList *subList; Substructure *normSub = NULL; Parameters *parameters; FILE *outputFile; ULONG iteration; BOOLEAN done; clktck = sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); startTime = times(&tmsstart); printf("GBAD %s\n\n", GBAD_VERSION); parameters = GetParameters(argc, argv); // compress positive graphs with predefined subs, if given if (parameters->numPreSubs > 0) CompressWithPredefinedSubs(parameters); PrintParameters(parameters); if (parameters->iterations > 1) printf("----- Iteration 1 -----\n\n"); iteration = 1; parameters->currentIteration = iteration; done = FALSE; while ((iteration <= parameters->iterations) && (!done)) { iterationStartTime = time(NULL); if (iteration > 1) printf("----- Iteration %lu -----\n\n", iteration); printf("%lu positive graphs: %lu vertices, %lu edges", parameters->numPosEgs, parameters->posGraph->numVertices, parameters->posGraph->numEdges); if (parameters->evalMethod == EVAL_MDL) printf(", %.0f bits\n", parameters->posGraphDL); else printf("\n"); printf("%lu unique labels\n", parameters->labelList->numLabels); printf("\n"); if ((parameters->prob) && (iteration > 1)) { // // If GBAD-P option chosen, after the first iteration, we no longer // care about minsize of maxsize after the first iteration (if the // user specified these parameters), as we are just dealing with // single extensions from the normative - so set it to where we // just look at substructures that are composed of the normative // pattern (SUB_) and the single vertex extension. // parameters->minVertices = 1; parameters->maxVertices = 2; } // // If the user has specified a normative pattern, on the first iteration // need to save the top-N substructures, where N is what the user // specified with the -norm parameter. // ULONG saveNumBestSubs = parameters->numBestSubs; if ((iteration == 1) && (!parameters->noAnomalyDetection) && (parameters->norm > parameters->numBestSubs)) parameters->numBestSubs = parameters->norm; // // -prune is useful to get to the initial normative pattern, but // possibly detremental to discovering anomalies... so, turn off // pruning (in case it was turned on), so that it is not used in // future iterations. // if ((parameters->prob) && (iteration > 1)) { parameters->prune = FALSE; } subList = DiscoverSubs(parameters, iteration); // // Now that we have the best substructure(s), return the user // specified number of best substructures to its original value. // if (iteration == 1) parameters->numBestSubs = saveNumBestSubs; if (subList->head == NULL) { done = TRUE; printf("No substructures found.\n\n"); } else { // // GBAD-MDL // if (parameters->mdl) GBAD_MDL(subList,parameters); // // GBAD-MPS // if (parameters->mps) { GBAD_MPS(subList,parameters); } // // GBAD-P // if (parameters->prob) { normSub = GBAD_P(subList,iteration,parameters); } // write output to stdout if (parameters->outputLevel > 1) { printf("\nBest %lu substructures:\n\n", CountSubs (subList)); PrintSubList(subList, parameters); } else { printf("\nBest substructure: "); if ((CountSubs(subList) > 0) && (subList->head->sub != NULL)) PrintSub(subList->head->sub, parameters); else printf("None."); printf("\n\n"); } // write machine-readable output to file, if given if (parameters->outputToFile) { outputFile = fopen(parameters->outFileName, "a"); if (outputFile == NULL) { printf("WARNING: unable to write to output file %s,", parameters->outFileName); printf("disabling\n"); parameters->outputToFile = FALSE; } WriteGraphToFile(outputFile, subList->head->sub->definition, parameters->labelList, 0, 0, subList->head->sub->definition->numVertices, TRUE); fclose(outputFile); } if (iteration < parameters->iterations) { // Another iteration? if (parameters->evalMethod == EVAL_SETCOVER) { printf("Removing positive examples covered by"); printf(" best substructure.\n\n"); RemovePosEgsCovered(subList->head->sub, parameters); } else { // // For the GBAD-P algorithm, multiple iterations will need // to be performed, and if it is the first iteration // AND the user has specified a different normative // pattern (other than the best one), we need to // use the substructure that was set above. // if ((iteration == 1) && (parameters->prob)) { printf("Compressing graph by best substructure (%lu):\n", parameters->norm); PrintSub(normSub,parameters); printf("\n"); CompressFinalGraphs(normSub, parameters, iteration, FALSE); } else CompressFinalGraphs(subList->head->sub, parameters, iteration, FALSE); } // check for stopping condition // if set-covering, then no more positive examples // if MDL or size, then positive graph contains no edges if (parameters->evalMethod == EVAL_SETCOVER) { if (parameters->numPosEgs == 0) { done = TRUE; printf("Ending iterations - "); printf("all positive examples covered.\n\n"); } } else { if (parameters->posGraph->numEdges == 0) { done = TRUE; printf("Ending iterations - graph fully compressed.\n\n"); } } } if ((iteration == parameters->iterations) && (parameters->compress)) { if (parameters->evalMethod == EVAL_SETCOVER) WriteUpdatedGraphToFile(subList->head->sub, parameters); else WriteCompressedGraphToFile(subList->head->sub, parameters, iteration); } } // // Need to store information regarding initial best substructure, for use // in future GBAD-P calculations // if ((parameters->prob) && (iteration == 1) && (subList->head != NULL)) { parameters->numPreviousInstances = subList->head->sub->numInstances; } if ((parameters->prob) && (iteration > 1) && (subList->head != NULL)) parameters->numPreviousInstances = subList->head->sub->numInstances; FreeSubList(subList); if (parameters->iterations > 1) { iterationEndTime = time(NULL); printf("Elapsed time for iteration %lu = %lu seconds.\n\n", iteration, (iterationEndTime - iterationStartTime)); } iteration++; parameters->currentIteration = iteration; } FreeParameters(parameters); endTime = times(&tmsend); printf("\nGBAD done (elapsed CPU time = %7.2f seconds).\n", (endTime - startTime) / (double) clktck); return 0; }
void ReadProblem() { int i, K; char *Line, *Keyword; if (!(ProblemFile = fopen(ProblemFileName, "r"))) eprintf("Cannot open PROBLEM_FILE: \"%s\"", ProblemFileName); if (TraceLevel >= 1) printff("Reading PROBLEM_FILE: \"%s\" ... ", ProblemFileName); FreeStructures(); FirstNode = 0; WeightType = WeightFormat = ProblemType = -1; CoordType = NO_COORDS; Name = Copy("Unnamed"); Type = EdgeWeightType = EdgeWeightFormat = 0; EdgeDataFormat = NodeCoordType = DisplayDataType = 0; Distance = 0; C = 0; c = 0; while ((Line = ReadLine(ProblemFile))) { if (!(Keyword = strtok(Line, Delimiters))) continue; for (i = 0; i < (int) strlen(Keyword); i++) Keyword[i] = (char) toupper(Keyword[i]); if (!strcmp(Keyword, "COMMENT")); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "DEMAND_SECTION")) eprintf("Not implemented: %s", Keyword); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "DEPOT_SECTION")) eprintf("Not implemented: %s", Keyword); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "DIMENSION")) Read_DIMENSION(); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "DISPLAY_DATA_SECTION")) Read_DISPLAY_DATA_SECTION(); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "DISPLAY_DATA_TYPE")) Read_DISPLAY_DATA_TYPE(); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "EDGE_DATA_FORMAT")) Read_EDGE_DATA_FORMAT(); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "EDGE_DATA_SECTION")) Read_EDGE_DATA_SECTION(); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "EDGE_WEIGHT_FORMAT")) Read_EDGE_WEIGHT_FORMAT(); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "EDGE_WEIGHT_SECTION")) Read_EDGE_WEIGHT_SECTION(); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE")) Read_EDGE_WEIGHT_TYPE(); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "EOF")) break; else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "FIXED_EDGES_SECTION")) Read_FIXED_EDGES_SECTION(); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "NAME")) Read_NAME(); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "NODE_COORD_SECTION")) Read_NODE_COORD_SECTION(); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "NODE_COORD_TYPE")) Read_NODE_COORD_TYPE(); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "TOUR_SECTION")) Read_TOUR_SECTION(&ProblemFile); else if (!strcmp(Keyword, "TYPE")) Read_TYPE(); else eprintf("Unknown keyword: %s", Keyword); } Swaps = 0; /* Adjust parameters */ if (Seed == 0) Seed = (unsigned) time(0); if (Precision == 0) Precision = 100; if (InitialStepSize == 0) InitialStepSize = 1; if (MaxSwaps < 0) MaxSwaps = Dimension; if (KickType > Dimension / 2) KickType = Dimension / 2; if (Runs == 0) Runs = 10; if (MaxCandidates > Dimension - 1) MaxCandidates = Dimension - 1; if (ExtraCandidates > Dimension - 1) ExtraCandidates = Dimension - 1; if (SubproblemSize >= Dimension) SubproblemSize = Dimension; else if (SubproblemSize == 0) { if (AscentCandidates > Dimension - 1) AscentCandidates = Dimension - 1; if (InitialPeriod < 0) { InitialPeriod = Dimension / 2; if (InitialPeriod < 100) InitialPeriod = 100; } if (Excess < 0) Excess = 1.0 / Dimension; if (MaxTrials == -1) MaxTrials = Dimension; MakeHeap(Dimension); } if (CostMatrix == 0 && Dimension <= MaxMatrixDimension && Distance != 0 && Distance != Distance_1 && Distance != Distance_ATSP && Distance != Distance_SPECIAL) { Node *Ni, *Nj; assert(CostMatrix = (int *) calloc((size_t) Dimension * (Dimension - 1) / 2, sizeof(int))); Ni = FirstNode->Suc; do { Ni->C = &CostMatrix[(size_t) (Ni->Id - 1) * (Ni->Id - 2) / 2] - 1; if (ProblemType != HPP || Ni->Id < Dimension) for (Nj = FirstNode; Nj != Ni; Nj = Nj->Suc) Ni->C[Nj->Id] = Fixed(Ni, Nj) ? 0 : Distance(Ni, Nj); else for (Nj = FirstNode; Nj != Ni; Nj = Nj->Suc) Ni->C[Nj->Id] = 0; } while ((Ni = Ni->Suc) != FirstNode); WeightType = EXPLICIT; c = 0; } if (Precision > 1 && (WeightType == EXPLICIT || ProblemType == ATSP)) { int j, n = ProblemType == ATSP ? Dimension / 2 : Dimension; for (i = 2; i <= n; i++) { Node *N = &NodeSet[i]; for (j = 1; j < i; j++) if (N->C[j] * Precision / Precision != N->C[j]) eprintf("PRECISION (= %d) is too large", Precision); } } C = WeightType == EXPLICIT ? C_EXPLICIT : C_FUNCTION; D = WeightType == EXPLICIT ? D_EXPLICIT : D_FUNCTION; if (SubsequentMoveType == 0) SubsequentMoveType = MoveType; K = MoveType >= SubsequentMoveType || !SubsequentPatching ? MoveType : SubsequentMoveType; if (PatchingC > K) PatchingC = K; if (PatchingA > 1 && PatchingA >= PatchingC) PatchingA = PatchingC > 2 ? PatchingC - 1 : 1; if (NonsequentialMoveType == -1 || NonsequentialMoveType > K + PatchingC + PatchingA - 1) NonsequentialMoveType = K + PatchingC + PatchingA - 1; if (PatchingC >= 1 && NonsequentialMoveType >= 4) { BestMove = BestSubsequentMove = BestKOptMove; if (!SubsequentPatching && SubsequentMoveType <= 5) { MoveFunction BestOptMove[] = { 0, 0, Best2OptMove, Best3OptMove, Best4OptMove, Best5OptMove }; BestSubsequentMove = BestOptMove[SubsequentMoveType]; } } else { MoveFunction BestOptMove[] = { 0, 0, Best2OptMove, Best3OptMove, Best4OptMove, Best5OptMove }; BestMove = MoveType <= 5 ? BestOptMove[MoveType] : BestKOptMove; BestSubsequentMove = SubsequentMoveType <= 5 ? BestOptMove[SubsequentMoveType] : BestKOptMove; } if (ProblemType == HCP || ProblemType == HPP) MaxCandidates = 0; if (TraceLevel >= 1) { printff("done\n"); PrintParameters(); } else printff("PROBLEM_FILE = %s\n", ProblemFileName ? ProblemFileName : ""); fclose(ProblemFile); if (InitialTourFileName) ReadTour(InitialTourFileName, &InitialTourFile); if (InputTourFileName) ReadTour(InputTourFileName, &InputTourFile); if (SubproblemTourFileName && SubproblemSize > 0) ReadTour(SubproblemTourFileName, &SubproblemTourFile); if (MergeTourFiles >= 1) { free(MergeTourFile); assert(MergeTourFile = (FILE **) malloc(MergeTourFiles * sizeof(FILE *))); for (i = 0; i < MergeTourFiles; i++) ReadTour(MergeTourFileName[i], &MergeTourFile[i]); } free(LastLine); LastLine = 0; }
int main(void) { FMOD_RESULT result; unsigned int version; /* Create a System object and initialize. */ result = FMOD::System_Create(&fmodSystem); RakAssert(result>=0); result = fmodSystem->getVersion(&version); RakAssert(result>=0); if (version < FMOD_VERSION) { printf("Error! You are using an old version of FMOD %08x. This program requires %08x\n", version, FMOD_VERSION); return -1; } // result = fmodSystem->init(100, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, (void *)&extradriverdata); result = fmodSystem->init(100, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0); RakAssert(result>=0); // ERRCHECK(result); printf("A sample on how to use RakVoice. You need a microphone for this sample.\n"); printf("RakVoice relies on Speex for voice encoding and decoding.\n"); printf("See DependentExtensions/RakVoice/speex-1.1.12 for speex projects.\n"); printf("For windows, I had to define HAVE_CONFIG_H, include win32/config.h,\n"); printf("and include the files under libspeex, except those that start with test.\n"); printf("Difficulty: Advanced\n\n"); mute=false; bool quit; char ch; char port[256]; rakPeer = RakNet::RakPeerInterface::GetInstance(); #if defined(INTERACTIVE) printf("Enter local port: "); Gets(port, sizeof(port)); if (port[0]==0) #endif strcpy(port, "60000"); RakNet::SocketDescriptor socketDescriptor(atoi(port),0); rakPeer->Startup(4, &socketDescriptor, 1); rakPeer->SetMaximumIncomingConnections(4); rakPeer->AttachPlugin(&rakVoice); rakVoice.Init(SAMPLE_RATE, FRAMES_PER_BUFFER*sizeof(SAMPLE)); // Initialize our connection with FMOD if (!RakNet::FMODVoiceAdapter::Instance()->SetupAdapter(fmodSystem, &rakVoice)){ printf("An error occurred while initializing FMOD sounds.\n"); exit(-1); } RakNet::Packet *p; quit=false; #if defined(INTERACTIVE) printf("(Q)uit. (C)onnect. (D)isconnect. (M)ute. ' ' for stats.\n"); printf("(+/-)encoder complexity. (N)oise filter on/off. (V)AD on/off. (B)vbr on/off.\n"); #else rakPeer->Connect("", 60000, 0,0); #endif PrintParameters(); while (!quit) { #if defined(INTERACTIVE) if (kbhit()) { ch=getch(); if (ch=='+'){ // Increase encoder complexity int v = rakVoice.GetEncoderComplexity(); if (v<10) rakVoice.SetEncoderComplexity(v+1); PrintParameters(); } else if (ch=='-'){ // Decrease encoder complexity int v = rakVoice.GetEncoderComplexity(); if (v>0) rakVoice.SetEncoderComplexity(v-1); PrintParameters(); } else if (ch=='n'){ // Turn on/off noise filter rakVoice.SetNoiseFilter(!rakVoice.IsNoiseFilterActive()); PrintParameters(); } else if (ch=='v') { // Turn on/off Voice detection rakVoice.SetVAD(!rakVoice.IsVADActive()); PrintParameters(); } else if (ch=='b') { // Turn on/off VBR rakVoice.SetVBR(!rakVoice.IsVBRActive()); PrintParameters(); } else if (ch=='y') { quit=true; } else if (ch=='c') { char ip[256]; printf("\nEnter IP of remote system: "); Gets(ip, sizeof(ip)); if (ip[0]==0) strcpy(ip, ""); printf("\nEnter port of remote system: "); Gets(port, sizeof(port)); if (port[0]==0) strcpy(port, "60000"); rakPeer->Connect(ip, atoi(port), 0,0); } else if (ch=='m') { mute=!mute; RakNet::FMODVoiceAdapter::Instance()->SetMute(mute); if (mute) printf("\nNow muted.\n"); else printf("\nNo longer muted.\n"); } else if (ch=='d') { rakPeer->Shutdown(100,0); } else if (ch==' ') { char message[2048]; RakNet::RakNetStatistics *rss=rakPeer->GetStatistics(rakPeer->GetSystemAddressFromIndex(0)); StatisticsToString(rss, message, 2); printf("%s", message); } else if (ch=='q') quit=true; ch=0; } #endif p=rakPeer->Receive(); while (p) { if (p->data[0]==ID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED) { printf("\nID_CONNECTION_REQUEST_ACCEPTED from %s\n", p->systemAddress.ToString()); rakVoice.RequestVoiceChannel(p->guid); } else if (p->data[0]==ID_RAKVOICE_OPEN_CHANNEL_REQUEST) { printf("\nOpen Channel request from %s\n", p->systemAddress.ToString()); } else if (p->data[0]==ID_RAKVOICE_OPEN_CHANNEL_REPLY) { printf("\nGot new channel from %s\n", p->systemAddress.ToString()); } rakPeer->DeallocatePacket(p); p=rakPeer->Receive(); } fmodSystem->update(); // Update or connection with FMOD RakNet::FMODVoiceAdapter::Instance()->Update(); // LogStats(); RakSleep(20); } // Release any FMOD resources we used, and shutdown FMOD itself RakNet::FMODVoiceAdapter::Instance()->Release(); fmodSystem->release(); rakPeer->Shutdown(300); rakPeer->DetachPlugin(&rakVoice); RakNet::RakPeerInterface::DestroyInstance(rakPeer); return 0; }