Exemple #1
void G_MissileImpact( gentity_t *ent, trace_t *trace ) {
	gentity_t		*other;
	qboolean		hitClient = qfalse;
	vec3_t			forward, impactpoint, bouncedir;
	int				eFlags;
	other = &g_entities[trace->entityNum];

	// check for bounce
	if ( !other->takedamage &&
		( ent->s.eFlags & ( EF_BOUNCE | EF_BOUNCE_HALF ) ) ) {
		G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE, 0 );

	if ( other->takedamage ) {
		if ( ent->s.weapon != WP_PROX_LAUNCHER ) {
			if ( other->client && other->client->invulnerabilityTime > level.time ) {
				VectorCopy( ent->s.pos.trDelta, forward );
				VectorNormalize( forward );
				if (G_InvulnerabilityEffect( other, forward, ent->s.pos.trBase, impactpoint, bouncedir )) {
					VectorCopy( bouncedir, trace->plane.normal );
					eFlags = ent->s.eFlags & EF_BOUNCE_HALF;
					ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_BOUNCE_HALF;
					G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );
					ent->s.eFlags |= eFlags;
				ent->target_ent = other;
	// impact damage
	if (other->takedamage) {
		// FIXME: wrong damage direction?
		if ( ent->damage ) {
			vec3_t	velocity;

			if( LogAccuracyHit( other, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum] ) ) {
				hitClient = qtrue;
			BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &ent->s.pos, level.time, velocity );
			if ( VectorLength( velocity ) == 0 ) {
				velocity[2] = 1;	// stepped on a grenade
			G_Damage (other, ent, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum], velocity,
				ent->s.origin, ent->damage, 
				0, ent->methodOfDeath);

	if( ent->s.weapon == WP_PROX_LAUNCHER ) {
		if( ent->s.pos.trType != TR_GRAVITY ) {

		// if it's a player, stick it on to them (flag them and remove this entity)
		if( other->s.eType == ET_PLAYER && other->health > 0 ) {
			ProximityMine_Player( ent, other );

		SnapVectorTowards( trace->endpos, ent->s.pos.trBase );
		G_SetOrigin( ent, trace->endpos );
		ent->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
		VectorClear( ent->s.pos.trDelta );

		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_PROXIMITY_MINE_STICK, trace->surfaceFlags );

		ent->think = ProximityMine_Activate;
		ent->nextthink = level.time + 2000;

		vectoangles( trace->plane.normal, ent->s.angles );
		ent->s.angles[0] += 90;

		// link the prox mine to the other entity
		ent->enemy = other;
		ent->die = ProximityMine_Die;
		VectorCopy(trace->plane.normal, ent->movedir);
		VectorSet(ent->r.mins, -4, -4, -4);
		VectorSet(ent->r.maxs, 4, 4, 4);


	if (!strcmp(ent->classname, "hook")) {
		gentity_t *nent;
		vec3_t v;

		nent = G_Spawn();
		if ( other->takedamage && other->client ) {

			G_AddEvent( nent, EV_MISSILE_HIT, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
			nent->s.otherEntityNum = other->s.number;

			ent->enemy = other;

			v[0] = other->r.currentOrigin[0] + (other->r.mins[0] + other->r.maxs[0]) * 0.5;
			v[1] = other->r.currentOrigin[1] + (other->r.mins[1] + other->r.maxs[1]) * 0.5;
			v[2] = other->r.currentOrigin[2] + (other->r.mins[2] + other->r.maxs[2]) * 0.5;

			SnapVectorTowards( v, ent->s.pos.trBase );	// save net bandwidth
		} else {
			VectorCopy(trace->endpos, v);
			G_AddEvent( nent, EV_MISSILE_MISS, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
			ent->enemy = NULL;

		SnapVectorTowards( v, ent->s.pos.trBase );	// save net bandwidth

		nent->freeAfterEvent = qtrue;
		// change over to a normal entity right at the point of impact
		nent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;
		ent->s.eType = ET_GRAPPLE;

		G_SetOrigin( ent, v );
		G_SetOrigin( nent, v );

		ent->think = Weapon_HookThink;
		ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;

		ent->parent->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_GRAPPLE_PULL;
		VectorCopy( ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->parent->client->ps.grapplePoint);

		trap_LinkEntity( ent );
		trap_LinkEntity( nent );


	// is it cheaper in bandwidth to just remove this ent and create a new
	// one, rather than changing the missile into the explosion?

	if ( other->takedamage && other->client ) {
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_HIT, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
		ent->s.otherEntityNum = other->s.number;
	} else if( trace->surfaceFlags & SURF_METALSTEPS ) {
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_MISS_METAL, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
	} else {
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_MISS, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );

	ent->freeAfterEvent = qtrue;

	// change over to a normal entity right at the point of impact
	ent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;

	SnapVectorTowards( trace->endpos, ent->s.pos.trBase );	// save net bandwidth

	G_SetOrigin( ent, trace->endpos );

	// splash damage (doesn't apply to person directly hit)
	if ( ent->splashDamage ) {
		if( G_RadiusDamage( trace->endpos, ent->parent, ent->splashDamage, ent->splashRadius, 
			other, ent->splashMethodOfDeath ) ) {
			if( !hitClient ) {

	trap_LinkEntity( ent );
Exemple #2
void G_MissileImpact( gentity_t *ent, trace_t *trace ) {
void G_MissileImpact( gentity_t *ent, trace_t *trace, int shaderNum ) {
	gentity_t		*other;
	qboolean		hitClient = qfalse;
	vec3_t			forward, impactpoint, bouncedir;
	int				eFlags;
	qboolean		hitKnife  = qfalse;
	vec3_t			bottledirs[ALC_COUNT];
	other = &g_entities[trace->entityNum];

	// check for bounce
	if ( !other->takedamage &&
		( ent->s.eFlags & ( EF_BOUNCE | EF_BOUNCE_HALF ) ) ) {
		G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE, 0 );

	if ( other->takedamage ) {
		if ( ent->s.weapon != WP_PROX_LAUNCHER ) {
			if ( other->client && other->client->invulnerabilityTime > level.time ) {
				VectorCopy( ent->s.pos.trDelta, forward );
				VectorNormalize( forward );
				if (G_InvulnerabilityEffect( other, forward, ent->s.pos.trBase, impactpoint, bouncedir )) {
					VectorCopy( bouncedir, trace->plane.normal );
					eFlags = ent->s.eFlags & EF_BOUNCE_HALF;
					ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_BOUNCE_HALF;
					G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );
					ent->s.eFlags |= eFlags;
				ent->target_ent = other;
	// impact damage
	if (other->takedamage) {
		hitKnife = qtrue;

	// check for bounce
	if ( ( ent->s.eFlags & ( EF_BOUNCE | EF_BOUNCE_HALF ) ) ) {
		G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );

	if (other->takedamage && ent->s.weapon != WP_DYNAMITE) {
		// FIXME: wrong damage direction?
		if ( ent->damage ) {
			vec3_t	velocity;

			if( LogAccuracyHit( other, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum] ) ) {
				hitClient = qtrue;
			BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &ent->s.pos, level.time, velocity );
			if ( VectorLength( velocity ) == 0 ) {
				velocity[2] = 1;	// stepped on a grenade
			G_Damage (other, ent, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum], velocity,
				ent->s.origin, ent->damage,
				0, ent->methodOfDeath);

			// you can't make dynamite exploding by using a knife
			if(!(ent->s.weapon == WP_KNIFE && other->s.weapon == WP_DYNAMITE &&
				other->s.eType == ET_ITEM)){

				// prepare breakable, if not already initialized
				if(!(other->flags & FL_BREAKABLE_INIT))
					G_BreakablePrepare(other, shaderNum);

				G_Damage (other, ent, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum], velocity,
					ent->s.origin, ent->damage,
					0, ent->methodOfDeath);

	if( ent->s.weapon == WP_PROX_LAUNCHER ) {
		if( ent->s.pos.trType != TR_GRAVITY ) {

		// if it's a player, stick it on to them (flag them and remove this entity)
		if( other->s.eType == ET_PLAYER && other->health > 0 ) {
			ProximityMine_Player( ent, other );

		SnapVectorTowards( trace->endpos, ent->s.pos.trBase );
		G_SetOrigin( ent, trace->endpos );
		ent->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
		VectorClear( ent->s.pos.trDelta );

		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_PROXIMITY_MINE_STICK, trace->surfaceFlags );

		ent->think = ProximityMine_Activate;
		ent->nextthink = level.time + 2000;

		vectoangles( trace->plane.normal, ent->s.angles );
		ent->s.angles[0] += 90;

		// link the prox mine to the other entity
		ent->enemy = other;
		ent->die = ProximityMine_Die;
		VectorCopy(trace->plane.normal, ent->movedir);
		VectorSet(ent->r.mins, -4, -4, -4);
		VectorSet(ent->r.maxs, 4, 4, 4);


	if (!strcmp(ent->classname, "hook")) {
		gentity_t *nent;
		vec3_t v;

		nent = G_Spawn();
		if ( other->takedamage && other->client ) {

			G_AddEvent( nent, EV_MISSILE_HIT, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
			nent->s.otherEntityNum = other->s.number;

			ent->enemy = other;

			v[0] = other->r.currentOrigin[0] + (other->r.mins[0] + other->r.maxs[0]) * 0.5;
			v[1] = other->r.currentOrigin[1] + (other->r.mins[1] + other->r.maxs[1]) * 0.5;
			v[2] = other->r.currentOrigin[2] + (other->r.mins[2] + other->r.maxs[2]) * 0.5;

			SnapVectorTowards( v, ent->s.pos.trBase );	// save net bandwidth
		} else {
			VectorCopy(trace->endpos, v);
			G_AddEvent( nent, EV_MISSILE_MISS, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
			ent->enemy = NULL;

		SnapVectorTowards( v, ent->s.pos.trBase );	// save net bandwidth

		nent->freeAfterEvent = qtrue;
		// change over to a normal entity right at the point of impact
		nent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;
		ent->s.eType = ET_GRAPPLE;

		G_SetOrigin( ent, v );
		G_SetOrigin( nent, v );

		ent->think = Weapon_HookThink;
		ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;

		ent->parent->client->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_GRAPPLE_PULL;
		VectorCopy( ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->parent->client->ps.grapplePoint);

		trap_LinkEntity( ent );
		trap_LinkEntity( nent );


	// is it cheaper in bandwidth to just remove this ent and create a new
	// one, rather than changing the missile into the explosion?

	if ( other->takedamage && other->client ) {
	// alcoohol impact
	if( !Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "alcohol")){
		// no event
		//G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_ALCOHOL, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal));
	} else if( !Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "molotov")){
		// we have to launch the whiskey drops
		int i;

		// set the directions
		for(i = 0; i < ALC_COUNT; i++){
			int temp;

			VectorSet(bottledirs[i], (rand()%10)-5, (rand()%10)-5, (rand()%10)-3);

			// direction has to be exactly the same (client and server)
			temp = DirToByte(bottledirs[i]);
			ByteToDir(temp, bottledirs[i]);

		// dirs
		BG_DirsToEntityState(&ent->s, bottledirs);

		// burning
			G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_FIRE, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal));
		// not burning
			G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_MISS, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal));
	} else if ( other->takedamage && other->client ) {
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_HIT, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
		ent->s.otherEntityNum = other->s.number;
	} else if( trace->surfaceFlags & SURF_METALSTEPS ) {
	} else if( trace->surfaceFlags & SURF_METAL ) {
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_MISS_METAL, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
	} else {
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_MISS, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );

	ent->freeAfterEvent = qtrue;

	// change over to a normal entity right at the point of impact
	ent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;
	if(Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "knife")){
		ent->freeAfterEvent = qtrue;
		// change over to a normal entity right at the point of impact
		ent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;
	} else {
		vec3_t dir;
		gitem_t			*item;

		item = BG_FindItemForWeapon(WP_KNIFE);

		ent->s.modelindex = item-bg_itemlist;
		ent->s.modelindex2 = 1;

		ent->item = item;

		ent->s.eType = ET_ITEM;
		ent->s.pos.trType = TR_GRAVITY;
		ent->physicsBounce = 0.01f;
		ent->r.contents = CONTENTS_TRIGGER;

		ent->touch = Touch_Item;
		ent->nextthink = level.time + 100;
		ent->think = G_KnifeThink;
		ent->wait = level.time + 30000;
		ent->flags |= FL_THROWN_ITEM;

		vectoangles(ent->s.pos.trDelta, dir);

		VectorCopy(dir, ent->s.apos.trBase);
		VectorCopy(dir, ent->r.currentAngles);
	//modified by Spoon END

	SnapVectorTowards( trace->endpos, ent->s.pos.trBase );	// save net bandwidth

	G_SetOrigin( ent, trace->endpos );

	// splash damage (doesn't apply to person directly hit)
	if ( ent->splashDamage ) {
		if( G_RadiusDamage( trace->endpos, ent->parent, ent->splashDamage, ent->splashRadius,
			other, ent->splashMethodOfDeath ) ) {
			if( !hitClient ) {

	// spawn alcohol missiles
	if(!Q_stricmp(ent->classname, "molotov")){
		BottleBreak( ent, trace->endpos, trace->plane.normal, bottledirs);

	trap_LinkEntity( ent );

void G_RunMissile( gentity_t *ent ) {
	vec3_t		origin;
	trace_t		tr;
	int			passent;
	int			shaderNum;
	gentity_t	*traceEnt;

	// get current position
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &ent->s.pos, level.time, origin );

	// if this missile bounced off an invulnerability sphere
	if ( ent->target_ent ) {
		passent = ent->target_ent->s.number;
	// prox mines that left the owner bbox will attach to anything, even the owner
	else if (ent->s.weapon == WP_PROX_LAUNCHER && ent->count) {
		passent = ENTITYNUM_NONE;
	else {
		// ignore interactions with the missile owner
		passent = ent->r.ownerNum;
	// trace a line from the previous position to the current position
	trap_Trace( &tr, ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, origin, passent, ent->clipmask );
	shaderNum = trap_Trace_New2( &tr, ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, origin, passent, ent->clipmask );
	traceEnt = &g_entities[tr.entityNum];

	if ( tr.startsolid || tr.allsolid ) {
		// make sure the tr.entityNum is set to the entity we're stuck in
		trap_Trace( &tr, ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, ent->r.currentOrigin, passent, ent->clipmask );
		trap_Trace_New( &tr, ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, ent->r.currentOrigin, passent, ent->clipmask );
		tr.fraction = 0;
	else {
		VectorCopy( tr.endpos, ent->r.currentOrigin );

	trap_LinkEntity( ent );

	if ( tr.fraction != 1 ) {

		VectorCopy(origin, ent->s.origin2);

		// never explode or bounce on sky
		if ( tr.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT ) {
			// If grapple, reset owner
			if (ent->parent && ent->parent->client && ent->parent->client->hook == ent) {
				ent->parent->client->hook = NULL;

			// if its a dynamite or molotov let it move 10 seconds before deleting it
			if(ent->s.weapon == WP_DYNAMITE || ent->s.weapon == WP_MOLOTOV
				|| ent->s.weapon == WP_KNIFE){

				if(ent->mappart >= level.time && ent->mappart){
					goto think;
				} else if(ent->mappart){
					ent->mappart = 0;
				} else {
					ent->mappart = level.time + 5000;
					goto think;
			G_FreeEntity( ent );
		G_MissileImpact( ent, &tr );
		if ( ent->s.eType != ET_MISSILE ) {
		G_MissileImpact( ent, &tr, shaderNum );
		if ( ent->s.eType != ET_MISSILE && ent->s.eType != ET_ITEM) {
			return;		// exploded
	// if the prox mine wasn't yet outside the player body
	if (ent->s.weapon == WP_PROX_LAUNCHER && !ent->count) {
		// check if the prox mine is outside the owner bbox
		trap_Trace( &tr, ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->r.mins, ent->r.maxs, ent->r.currentOrigin, ENTITYNUM_NONE, ent->clipmask );
		if (!tr.startsolid || tr.entityNum != ent->r.ownerNum) {
			ent->count = 1;

	// check think function after bouncing
	G_RunThink( ent );



gentity_t *fire_plasma (gentity_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir) {
	gentity_t	*bolt;

	VectorNormalize (dir);

	bolt = G_Spawn();
	bolt->classname = "plasma";
	bolt->nextthink = level.time + 10000;
	bolt->think = G_ExplodeMissile;
	bolt->s.eType = ET_MISSILE;
	bolt->r.svFlags = SVF_USE_CURRENT_ORIGIN;
	bolt->s.weapon = WP_PLASMAGUN;
	bolt->r.ownerNum = self->s.number;
	bolt->parent = self;
	bolt->damage = 20;
	bolt->splashDamage = 15;
	bolt->splashRadius = 20;
	bolt->methodOfDeath = MOD_PLASMA;
	bolt->splashMethodOfDeath = MOD_PLASMA_SPLASH;
	bolt->clipmask = MASK_SHOT;
	bolt->target_ent = NULL;

	bolt->s.pos.trType = TR_LINEAR;
	bolt->s.pos.trTime = level.time - MISSILE_PRESTEP_TIME;		// move a bit on the very first frame
	VectorCopy( start, bolt->s.pos.trBase );
	VectorScale( dir, 2000, bolt->s.pos.trDelta );
	SnapVector( bolt->s.pos.trDelta );			// save net bandwidth

	VectorCopy (start, bolt->r.currentOrigin);

	return bolt;


gentity_t *fire_grenade (gentity_t *self, vec3_t start, vec3_t dir) {
	gentity_t	*bolt;

	VectorNormalize (dir);

	bolt = G_Spawn();
	bolt->classname = "grenade";
	bolt->nextthink = level.time + 2500;
	bolt->think = G_ExplodeMissile;
	bolt->s.eType = ET_MISSILE;
	bolt->r.svFlags = SVF_USE_CURRENT_ORIGIN;
	bolt->s.weapon = WP_GRENADE_LAUNCHER;
	bolt->s.eFlags = EF_BOUNCE_HALF;
	bolt->r.ownerNum = self->s.number;
	bolt->parent = self;
	bolt->damage = 100;
	bolt->splashDamage = 100;
	bolt->splashRadius = 150;
	bolt->methodOfDeath = MOD_GRENADE;
	bolt->splashMethodOfDeath = MOD_GRENADE_SPLASH;
	bolt->clipmask = MASK_SHOT;
	bolt->target_ent = NULL;

	bolt->s.pos.trType = TR_GRAVITY;
	bolt->s.pos.trTime = level.time - MISSILE_PRESTEP_TIME;		// move a bit on the very first frame
	VectorCopy( start, bolt->s.pos.trBase );
	VectorScale( dir, 700, bolt->s.pos.trDelta );
	SnapVector( bolt->s.pos.trDelta );			// save net bandwidth

	VectorCopy (start, bolt->r.currentOrigin);

	return bolt;
void G_MissileImpact( gentity_t *ent, trace_t *trace ) {
	gentity_t		*other;
	qboolean		hitPlayer = qfalse;
#if defined MISSIONPACK && !defined TURTLEARENA // POWERS
	vec3_t			forward, impactpoint, bouncedir;
	int				eFlags;
	qboolean damagedOther = qfalse;
	other = &g_entities[trace->entityNum];

#if defined MISSIONPACK && !defined TURTLEARENA // POWERS
	if ( other->takedamage ) {
		if ( !bg_projectileinfo[ent->s.weapon].stickOnImpact )
		if ( ent->s.weapon != WP_PROX_LAUNCHER )
			if ( other->player && other->player->invulnerabilityTime > level.time ) {
				VectorCopy( ent->s.pos.trDelta, forward );
				VectorNormalize( forward );
				if (G_InvulnerabilityEffect( other, forward, ent->s.pos.trBase, impactpoint, bouncedir )) {
					VectorCopy( bouncedir, trace->plane.normal );
					eFlags = ent->s.eFlags & EF_BOUNCE_HALF;
					ent->s.eFlags &= ~EF_BOUNCE_HALF;
					G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );
					ent->s.eFlags |= eFlags;
				ent->target_ent = other;
	// impact damage
	if (other->takedamage
#ifdef TA_WEAPSYS // stickOnImpact only damages once
		&& !(ent->count & 2)
		// FIXME: wrong damage direction?
		if ( ent->damage ) {
			vec3_t	velocity;

			if( LogAccuracyHit( other, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum] ) ) {
				hitPlayer = qtrue;
			BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &ent->s.pos, level.time, velocity );
			if ( VectorLength( velocity ) == 0 ) {
#ifdef IOQ3ZTM
				VectorCopy(trace->plane.normal, velocity);
				velocity[2] = 1;	// stepped on a grenade
			damagedOther = G_Damage (other, ent, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum], velocity,
				ent->s.origin, ent->damage,
				0, ent->methodOfDeath);
			G_Damage (other, ent, &g_entities[ent->r.ownerNum], velocity,
				ent->s.origin, ent->damage, 
				0, ent->methodOfDeath);

	// check for bounce
	if (
		!damagedOther &&
		!other->takedamage &&
		( ent->s.eFlags & ( EF_BOUNCE | EF_BOUNCE_HALF ) ) ) {
		G_BounceMissile( ent, trace );
#ifdef TA_WEAPSYS // Bounce missiles
		// Die on Nth bounce
		if (ent->s.modelindex2 > 0)
			if (ent->s.modelindex2 == 0)
				// Kill missile
				G_ExplodeMissile( ent );
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_PROJECTILE_BOUNCE, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
		ent->s.time2 = trace->surfaceFlags; // surface
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_GRENADE_BOUNCE, 0 );

	if (bg_projectileinfo[ent->s.weapon].stickOnImpact != PSOI_NONE) {
		vec3_t dir;

		// if it's a player, stick it on to them (flag them and remove this entity)
		if( bg_projectileinfo[ent->s.weapon].explosionType == PE_PROX &&
			other->s.eType == ET_PLAYER && other->health > 0 )
			ProximityMine_Player( ent, other );

		if (ent->count & 2) {
			// Already stuck to wall
		ent->count |= 2;

		// Don't stick to players or obelisk
		if (other->s.eType == ET_PLAYER
			|| (other->pain == ObeliskPain)
			goto missileExplode;

		// Don't stick to the entity that this missile just killed or other missiles
		if ((damagedOther && other->health <= 0) || other->s.eType == ET_MISSILE)
			// Don't remove projectile if it doesn't explode.
			if (bg_projectileinfo[ent->s.weapon].explosionType == PE_NONE)
				ent->s.pos.trType = TR_GRAVITY;
				ent->count &= ~2;
				goto missileExplode;

		if (bg_projectileinfo[ent->s.weapon].shootable)
			VectorMA(trace->endpos, -8, trace->plane.normal, trace->endpos);

		SnapVectorTowards( trace->endpos, ent->s.pos.trBase );
		G_SetOrigin( ent, trace->endpos );

		if (bg_projectileinfo[ent->s.weapon].stickOnImpact == PSOI_KEEP_ANGLES) {
#if 0
			// convert direction of travel into axis
			if ( VectorNormalize2( ent->s.pos.trDelta, dir ) == 0 ) {
				dir[2] = 1;

			// Set the angles
			vectoangles( dir, ent->s.angles );
			VectorCopy(trace->plane.normal, dir);
		} else {
			VectorCopy(trace->plane.normal, dir);
			vectoangles( dir, ent->s.angles );

			switch (bg_projectileinfo[ent->s.weapon].stickOnImpact)
				case PSOI_ANGLE_270:
					ent->s.angles[0] += 270;
				case PSOI_ANGLE_180:
					ent->s.angles[0] += 180;
				case PSOI_ANGLE_90:
					// Maybe this is good for prox mines, but doesn't look good on my
					//   rocket or shuirkens...
					ent->s.angles[0] += 90;
				case PSOI_ANGLE_0:

		// Save direction
		VectorCopy(dir, ent->s.angles2);

		ent->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
		VectorClear( ent->s.pos.trDelta );

		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_PROJECTILE_STICK, DirToByte(trace->plane.normal) );
		ent->s.time2 = trace->surfaceFlags; // surface

		if (bg_projectileinfo[ent->s.weapon].explosionType == PE_PROX)
			// When a BREAKABLE ET_MOVER is killed it drops the projectiles stuck to it,
			//   so don't setup the prox mine when it impact a surface if it already hit been setup.
			if (ent->die != ProximityMine_Die)
				ent->think = ProximityMine_Activate;
				ent->nextthink = level.time + 2000;
				ent->die = ProximityMine_Die;
			ent->die = G_Missile_Die;

		// link the prox mine to the other entity
		ent->enemy = other;
		VectorCopy(dir, ent->movedir);
		VectorSet(ent->s.mins, -4, -4, -4);
		VectorSet(ent->s.maxs, 4, 4, 4);

#elif defined MISSIONPACK
	if( ent->s.weapon == WP_PROX_LAUNCHER ) {
		if( ent->s.pos.trType != TR_GRAVITY ) {

		// if it's a player, stick it on to them (flag them and remove this entity)
		if( other->s.eType == ET_PLAYER && other->health > 0 ) {
			ProximityMine_Player( ent, other );

		SnapVectorTowards( trace->endpos, ent->s.pos.trBase );
		G_SetOrigin( ent, trace->endpos );
		ent->s.pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;
		VectorClear( ent->s.pos.trDelta );

		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_PROXIMITY_MINE_STICK, trace->surfaceFlags );

		ent->think = ProximityMine_Activate;
		ent->nextthink = level.time + 2000;

		vectoangles( trace->plane.normal, ent->s.angles );
		ent->s.angles[0] += 90;

		// link the prox mine to the other entity
		ent->enemy = other;
		ent->die = ProximityMine_Die;
		VectorCopy(trace->plane.normal, ent->movedir);
		VectorSet(ent->s.mins, -4, -4, -4);
		VectorSet(ent->s.maxs, 4, 4, 4);


	if (bg_projectileinfo[ent->s.weapon].grappling)
	if (!strcmp(ent->classname, "hook"))
		gentity_t *nent;
		vec3_t v;

		nent = G_Spawn();
		if ( other->takedamage && other->player ) {

			G_AddEvent( nent, EV_MISSILE_HIT, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
			nent->s.otherEntityNum = other->s.number;

			v[0] = other->r.currentOrigin[0] + (other->s.mins[0] + other->s.maxs[0]) * 0.5;
			v[1] = other->r.currentOrigin[1] + (other->s.mins[1] + other->s.maxs[1]) * 0.5;
			v[2] = other->r.currentOrigin[2] + (other->s.mins[2] + other->s.maxs[2]) * 0.5;
		} else {
			VectorCopy(trace->endpos, v);
			G_AddEvent( nent, EV_MISSILE_MISS, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
#ifdef IOQ3ZTM // IOQ3BUGFIX: Fix grapple wallmark/death-effect/debris (only tested with TA_WEAPSYS...)
		nent->s.weapon = ent->s.weapon;
		if (ent->parent)
			nent->s.playerNum = ent->parent->s.number;
			nent->s.playerNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;

		nent->s.weapon = ent->s.weapon;

		ent->enemy = other;
		ent->s.groundEntityNum = other->s.number;

		SnapVectorTowards( v, ent->s.pos.trBase );	// save net bandwidth

		nent->freeAfterEvent = qtrue;
		// change over to a normal entity right at the point of impact
		nent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;
		ent->s.eType = ET_GRAPPLE;

		G_SetOrigin( ent, v );
		G_SetOrigin( nent, v );

		ent->think = Weapon_HookThink;
		ent->nextthink = level.time + FRAMETIME;

		ent->parent->player->ps.pm_flags |= PMF_GRAPPLE_PULL;
		VectorCopy( ent->r.currentOrigin, ent->parent->player->ps.grapplePoint);

		trap_LinkEntity( ent );
		trap_LinkEntity( nent );

		// Don't grapple to the entity if you just killed it.
		if (damagedOther && other->health <= 0)



	// is it cheaper in bandwidth to just remove this ent and create a new
	// one, rather than changing the missile into the explosion?

	if ( other->takedamage && other->player ) {
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_HIT, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
		ent->s.otherEntityNum = other->s.number;
	} else if( trace->surfaceFlags & SURF_METALSTEPS ) {
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_MISS_METAL, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
	} else {
		G_AddEvent( ent, EV_MISSILE_MISS, DirToByte( trace->plane.normal ) );
	if (ent->parent)
		ent->s.playerNum = ent->parent->s.number;
		ent->s.playerNum = ENTITYNUM_NONE;

	ent->freeAfterEvent = qtrue;

	// change over to a normal entity right at the point of impact
#ifndef TA_WEAPSYS // Must be after G_RadiusDamage
	ent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;

	SnapVectorTowards( trace->endpos, ent->s.pos.trBase );	// save net bandwidth

	G_SetOrigin( ent, trace->endpos );

	// splash damage (doesn't apply to person directly hit)
	if ( ent->splashDamage ) {
		if( G_RadiusDamage( trace->endpos, ent, ent->parent, ent->splashDamage, ent->splashRadius, 
			other, ent->splashMethodOfDeath ) )
		if( G_RadiusDamage( trace->endpos, ent->parent, ent->splashDamage, ent->splashRadius, 
			other, ent->splashMethodOfDeath ) )
			if( !hitPlayer ) {

	ent->s.eType = ET_GENERAL;

	trap_LinkEntity( ent );