Exemple #1
 * Force the parent process (ppid) to wait for its child process (pid).
static int
reap(char *arg, pid_t *reap_pid, int *exit_status)
	struct ps_prochandle *Pr;
	siginfo_t siginfo;
	psinfo_t psinfo;
	prusage_t usage;
	pid_t pid, ppid;
	time_t elapsed;
	int gret;

	 * get the specified pid and the psinfo struct
	if ((pid = proc_arg_psinfo(arg, PR_ARG_PIDS, &psinfo, &gret)) == -1) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot examine %s: %s\n",
		    command, arg, Pgrab_error(gret));
		return (1);

	if (psinfo.pr_nlwp != 0) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: process not defunct: %d\n",
		    command, (int)pid);
		return (1);

	*exit_status = psinfo.pr_wstat;
	*reap_pid = psinfo.pr_pid;
	ppid = psinfo.pr_ppid;

	if (ppid == 1) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: Failed to reap %d: the only "
		    "non-defunct ancestor is 'init'\n", command,
		return (1);

	if (proc_usage(pid, &usage, &gret) == 0) {
		elapsed = usage.pr_tstamp.tv_sec - usage.pr_term.tv_sec;
	} else {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot examine %d: %s\n",
		    command, (int)pid, Pgrab_error(gret));
		return (1);

	if ((Fflag == 0) && (elapsed < NOREAP_TIME)) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: unsafe to reap %d; it has been "
		    "defunct less than %d seconds\n", command, (int)pid,
		return (1);

	if ((Pr = Pgrab(ppid, Fflag | PGRAB_NOSTOP, &gret)) == NULL) {
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: cannot examine %d: %s\n", command,
		    (int)ppid, Pgrab_error(gret));
		return (1);

	if ((Fflag == 0) && (Pstate(Pr) == PS_STOP)) {
		Prelease(Pr, 0);
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: unsafe to reap %d; parent is "
		    "stopped and may reap status upon restart\n", command,
		return (1);

	 * Pstop() will fail if the process to be stopped has become a zombie.
	 * This means that we can say with certainty that the child of this
	 * process has not changed parents (i.e. been reparented to init) once
	 * the Pstop() succeeds.
	if (Pstop(Pr, 1000) != 0) {
		Prelease(Pr, 0);
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: failed to stop %d: %s", command,
		    (int)ppid, strerror(errno));
		return (1);

	if (pr_waitid(Pr, P_PID, pid, &siginfo, WEXITED|WNOHANG) != 0) {
		Prelease(Pr, 0);
		(void) fprintf(stderr, "%s: waitid() in process %d failed: %s",
		    command, (int)ppid, strerror(errno));
		return (1);

	Prelease(Pr, 0);
	return (0);
Exemple #2
 * Class:     sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_proc_ProcDebuggerLocal
 * Method:    suspend0
 * Signature: ()V
JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_sun_jvm_hotspot_debugger_proc_ProcDebuggerLocal_suspend0
  (JNIEnv *env, jobject this_obj) {
  jlong p_ps_prochandle = env->GetLongField(this_obj, p_ps_prochandle_ID);
  // for now don't check return value. revisit this again.
  Pstop((struct ps_prochandle*) p_ps_prochandle, 1000);