    -If argument is optional we allocate the structure even if the argument is not present.  If this bothers you, 
    then check within the subfunction for the presense of a return argument before creating the struct array.  We
    allocate space regardeless of whether the argument is present because this is consistant with other "PsychAllocOut*" 
    functions which behave this way because in some situations subfunctions might derive returned results from values
    stored in an optional argument.
    -If position is -1 then don't attempt to return the created structure to the calling environment.  Instead just 
    allocate the structure and return it in pStruct.  This is how to create a structure which is embeded within another 
    structure using PsychSetStructArrayStructArray().  Note that we use -1 as the flag and not NULL because NULL is 0 and
    0 is reserved for future use as a reference to the subfunction name, of if none then the function name. 

boolean PsychAllocOutStructArray(	int position, 
                                        PsychArgRequirementType isRequired, 
                                        int numElements,
                                        int numFields, 
                                        const char **fieldNames,  
                                        PsychGenericScriptType **pStruct)
    mxArray **mxArrayOut;
    int structArrayNumDims=2;
    int structArrayDims[2];
	PsychError matchError;
	Boolean putOut;
    if(position !=kPsychNoArgReturn){  //Return the result to both the C caller and the scripting environment.
        PsychSetReceivedArgDescriptor(position, PsychArgOut);
        PsychSetSpecifiedArgDescriptor(position, PsychArgOut, PsychArgType_structArray, isRequired, 1,1,numElements,numElements,0,0);
        *pStruct = mxCreateStructArray(structArrayNumDims, structArrayDims, numFields, fieldNames);
		putOut=PsychAcceptOutputArgumentDecider(isRequired, matchError);
			mxArrayOut = PsychGetOutArgMxPtr(position);
    }else{ //Return the result only to the C caller.  Ignore "required".    
        *pStruct = mxCreateStructArray(structArrayNumDims, structArrayDims, numFields, fieldNames);
    -If argument is optional we allocate the structure even if the argument is not present.  If this behavior bothers you, 
    then check within your code for the presense of a return argument before creating the struct array.  We
    allocate space regardeless of whether the argument is present because this is consistant with other "PsychAllocOut*" 
    functions which behave this way because in some situations subfunctions might derive returned results from values
    stored in an optional argument.
    -If position is -1 then don't attempt to return the created structure to the calling environment.  Instead just 
    allocate the structure and return it in pStruct.  This is how to create a structure which is embeded within another 
    structure using PsychSetStructArrayStructArray().  Note that we use -1 as the flag and not NULL because NULL is 0 and
    0 is reserved for future use as a reference to the subfunction name, of if none then the function name. 

boolean PsychAllocOutCellVector(	int position, 
									PsychArgRequirementType isRequired, 
									int numElements,  
									PsychGenericScriptType **pCell)
    mxArray **mxArrayOut;
    int cellArrayNumDims=2;
    int cellArrayDims[2];
	PsychError matchError;
	Boolean putOut;

    if(position != kPsychNoArgReturn){  //Return the result to both the C caller and the scripting environment.
        PsychSetReceivedArgDescriptor(position, PsychArgOut);
        PsychSetSpecifiedArgDescriptor(position, PsychArgOut, PsychArgType_cellArray, isRequired, 1,1,numElements,numElements,0,0);
        *pCell = mxCreateCellArray(cellArrayNumDims, cellArrayDims);
        mxArrayOut = PsychGetOutArgMxPtr(position);
		putOut=PsychAcceptOutputArgumentDecider(isRequired, matchError);
    }else{ //Return the result only to the C caller, not to the calling environment.  Ignore "required".    
        *pCell = mxCreateCellArray(cellArrayNumDims, cellArrayDims);

boolean PsychAllocInNativeString(int position, PsychArgRequirementType isRequired, const PsychGenericScriptType **nativeString)
	PsychError  matchError;
	Boolean		acceptArg;
    PsychSetReceivedArgDescriptor(position, PsychArgIn);
    PsychSetSpecifiedArgDescriptor(position, PsychArgIn, PsychArgType_char, isRequired, 1, kPsychUnboundedArraySize,1, kPsychUnboundedArraySize,0, 1);
	acceptArg=PsychAcceptInputArgumentDecider(isRequired, matchError);
            *nativeString= PsychGetInArgMxPtr(position);

psych_bool PsychAllocInNativeCellVector(int position, PsychArgRequirementType isRequired, const PsychGenericScriptType **cellVector)
	PsychError matchError;
	psych_bool acceptArg;

    PsychSetReceivedArgDescriptor(position, FALSE, PsychArgIn);
    PsychSetSpecifiedArgDescriptor(position, PsychArgIn, PsychArgType_cellArray, isRequired, 1, kPsychUnboundedArraySize,1, kPsychUnboundedArraySize,0, 1);
	acceptArg=PsychAcceptInputArgumentDecider(isRequired, matchError);
		*cellVector= PsychGetInArgMxPtr(position);
boolean PsychAssignOutStructArray(	int position, 
                                        PsychArgRequirementType isRequired,   
                                        PsychGenericScriptType *pStruct)
    mxArray **mxArrayOut;
	PsychError matchError;
	Boolean putOut;
    PsychSetReceivedArgDescriptor(position, PsychArgOut);
    PsychSetSpecifiedArgDescriptor(position, PsychArgOut, PsychArgType_structArray, isRequired, 1,1,0,kPsychUnboundedArraySize,0,0);
	putOut=PsychAcceptOutputArgumentDecider(isRequired, matchError);
		mxArrayOut = PsychGetOutArgMxPtr(position);