int PsychHIDAddEventToEventBuffer(int deviceIndex, PsychHIDEventRecord* evt)
	unsigned int navail;
	if (deviceIndex < 0) deviceIndex = PsychHIDGetDefaultKbQueueDevice();	

	if (!hidEventBuffer[deviceIndex]) return(0);

	navail = hidEventBufferWritePos[deviceIndex] - hidEventBufferReadPos[deviceIndex];	
	if (navail < hidEventBufferCapacity[deviceIndex]) {
		memcpy(&(hidEventBuffer[deviceIndex][hidEventBufferWritePos[deviceIndex] % hidEventBufferCapacity[deviceIndex]]), evt, sizeof(PsychHIDEventRecord));

		// Announce new event to potential waiters:
	else {
		printf("PsychHID: WARNING: KbQueue event buffer is full! Maximum capacity of %i elements reached, will discard future events.\n", hidEventBufferCapacity[deviceIndex]);


	return(navail - 1);
/* Send abort request to thread: */
int PsychAbortThread(psych_thread* threadhandle)
	// This is an emergency abort call! Maybe should think about a "softer" solution for Windows?
	// This is more like an option for a future PsychKillThread(): return( TerminateThread((*threadhandle)->handle, 0) );
	// Signal the terminateReq condition variable/signal to politely ask the thread to terminate:
/* Not used by us, but needs to be defined as no-op anyway: */
static GstFlowReturn PsychNewBufferListCallback(GstAppSink *sink, gpointer user_data)
	PsychMovieRecordType* movie = (PsychMovieRecordType*) user_data;

	//printf("PTB-DEBUG: New Bufferlist received.\n");

/* Called at each end-of-stream event at end of playback: */
static void PsychEOSCallback(GstAppSink *sink, gpointer user_data)
	PsychMovieRecordType* movie = (PsychMovieRecordType*) user_data;

	//printf("PTB-DEBUG: Videosink reached EOS.\n");

/* Video data arrived callback: Purely for documentation, because only used if oldstyle == true, that is *never*. */
static gboolean PsychHaveVideoDataCallback(GstPad *pad, GstBuffer *buffer, gpointer dataptr)
	unsigned int alloc_size;
	PsychMovieRecordType* movie = (PsychMovieRecordType*) dataptr;

	if (movie->rate == 0) {

	/* Perform onetime-init for the buffer */
	if (NULL == movie->imageBuffer) {
		// Allocate the buffer:
		alloc_size = buffer->size;
		if ((int) buffer->size < movie->width * movie->height * 4) {
			alloc_size = movie->width * movie->height * 4;
			printf("PTB-DEBUG: Overriding unsafe buffer size of %d bytes with %d bytes.\n", buffer->size, alloc_size);
		// printf("PTB-DEBUG: Allocating image buffer of %d bytes.\n", alloc_size);
		movie->imageBuffer = calloc(1, alloc_size);

	// Copy new image data to our buffer:
	memcpy(movie->imageBuffer, buffer->data, buffer->size);
        // printf("PTB-DEBUG: New frame %d [size %d] %lf.\n", movie->frameAvail, buffer->size, (double) buffer->timestamp / (double) 1e9);
	// Fetch presentation timestamp and convert to seconds:
	movie->pts = (double) buffer->timestamp / (double) 1e9;


// This is the event dequeue & process function which updates
// Keyboard queue state. It can be called with 'blockingSinglepass'
// set to TRUE to process exactly one event, if called from the
// background keyboard queue processing thread. Alternatively it
// can be called synchronously from KbQueueCheck with a setting of FALSE
// to iterate over all available events and process them instantaneously:
void KbQueueProcessEvents(psych_bool blockingSinglepass)
    HRESULT rc;
    DWORD dwItems;
    double tnow;
    unsigned int i, keycode, keystate;
    PsychHIDEventRecord evt;
    WORD asciiValue[2];
    UCHAR keyboardState[256];

    while (1) {
        // Single pass or multi-pass?
        if (blockingSinglepass) {
            // Wait until at least one event available and dequeue it:
            // We use a timeout of 100 msecs.
            WaitForSingleObject(hEvent, 100);
        } else {
            // Check if event available, dequeue it, if so. Abort
            // processing if no new event available, aka queue empty:
            // TODO if (!XCheckTypedEvent(thread_dpy, GenericEvent, &KbQueue_xevent)) break;

        // Take timestamp:

        // Need the lock from here on:

        // Do a sweep over all keyboard devices whose queues are active:
        for (i = 0; i < (unsigned int) ndevices; i++) {
            // Skip this one if inactive:
            if (!psychHIDKbQueueActive[i]) continue;

            // Check this device:
            kb = GetXDevice(i);

            // Fetch one item from the buffer:
            // event.dwTimeStamp = Timestamp in msecs of timeGetTime() timebase.
            // event.dwSequence = Sequence number.

            // Fetch from this device, item-by-item, until nothing more to fetch:
            while (TRUE) {
                // Try one fetch from this device:
                dwItems = 1;
                rc = kb->GetDeviceData(sizeof(DIDEVICEOBJECTDATA), &event, &dwItems, 0);

                // If failed or nothing more to fetch, break out of fetch loop:
                if (!SUCCEEDED(rc) || (0 == dwItems)) break;

                // Clear ringbuffer event:
                memset(&evt, 0 , sizeof(evt));

                // Init character code to "unmapped": It will stay like that for anything but real keyboards:
                evt.cookedEventCode = -1;

                // Map to key code and key state:
                keycode = event.dwOfs & 0xff;
                keystate = event.dwData & 0x80;

                // Remap keycode into target slot in our arrays, depending on input device:
                switch (info[i].dwDevType & 0xff) {
                case DI8DEVTYPE_KEYBOARD:
                    // Try to map scancode to ascii character:
                    memset(keyboardState, 0, sizeof(keyboardState));
                    if (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT)) keyboardState[VK_SHIFT] = 0xff;

                    if ((1 == ToAsciiEx(MapVirtualKeyEx(keycode, 1, GetKeyboardLayout(0)), keycode, keyboardState, (LPWORD) &(asciiValue[0]), 0, GetKeyboardLayout(0)))) {
                        // Mapped to single char: Return it as cooked keycode:
                        evt.cookedEventCode = (int) (asciiValue[0] & 0xff);
                    else {
                        // Could not map key to valid ascii character: Mark as "not mapped" aka zero:
                        evt.cookedEventCode = 0;

                    // Map scancode 'keycode' to virtual key code 'keycode':
                    keycode = PsychHIDOSMapKey(keycode);

                case DI8DEVTYPE_MOUSE:
                case DI8DEVTYPE_SCREENPOINTER:
                    // Button event? Otherwise skip it.
                    if (keycode < 3 * sizeof(LONG)) continue;
                    // Correct for buttons offset in data structure DIMOUSESTATE2:
                    keycode -= 3 * sizeof(LONG);

                case DI8DEVTYPE_JOYSTICK:
                    // Button event? Otherwise skip it.
                    if (keycode < (8 * sizeof(LONG) + 4 * sizeof(DWORD))) continue;
                    // Correct for buttons offset in data structure DIJOYSTATE2:
                    keycode -= (8 * sizeof(LONG) + 4 * sizeof(DWORD));
                    // Also skip if beyond button array:
                    if (keycode >= 128) continue;

                default: // Unkown device -- Skip it.

                // This keyboard queue interested in this keycode?
                if (psychHIDKbQueueScanKeys[i][keycode] != 0) {
                    // Yes: The queue wants to receive info about this key event.

                    // Press or release?
                    if (keystate) {
                        // Enqueue key press. Always in the "last press" array, because any
                        // press at this time is the best candidate for the last press.
                        // Only enqeue in "first press" if there wasn't any registered before,
                        // ie., the slot is so far empty:
                        if (psychHIDKbQueueFirstPress[i][keycode] == 0) psychHIDKbQueueFirstPress[i][keycode] = tnow;
                        psychHIDKbQueueLastPress[i][keycode] = tnow;
                        evt.status |= (1 << 0);
                    } else {
                        // Enqueue key release. See logic above:
                        if (psychHIDKbQueueFirstRelease[i][keycode] == 0) psychHIDKbQueueFirstRelease[i][keycode] = tnow;
                        psychHIDKbQueueLastRelease[i][keycode] = tnow;
                        evt.status &= ~(1 << 0);
                        // Clear cooked keycode - We don't record key releases this way:
                        if (evt.cookedEventCode > 0) evt.cookedEventCode = 0;

                    // Update event buffer:
                    evt.timestamp = tnow;
                    evt.rawEventCode = keycode + 1;
                    PsychHIDAddEventToEventBuffer(i, &evt);

                    // Tell waiting userspace (under KbQueueMutex protection for better scheduling) something interesting has changed:
                // Next fetch iteration for this device...
            // Check next device...

        // Done with shared data access:

        // Done if we were only supposed to handle one sweep, which we did:
        if (blockingSinglepass) break;

static void PsychHIDKbQueueCallbackFunction(void *target, IOReturn result, void *sender)
    // This routine is executed each time the queue transitions from empty to non-empty
    // The CFRunLoop of the thread in KbQueueWorkerThreadMain() is the one that executes here:
    IOHIDQueueRef queue = (IOHIDQueueRef) sender;
    IOHIDValueRef valueRef = NULL;
    int deviceIndex = (int) target;
    double timestamp;
    int eventValue;
    long keysUsage = -1;
    PsychHIDEventRecord evt;
    if (!queue) return; // Nothing we can do because we can't access queue, (shouldn't happen)
    while (1) {
        // This function only gets called when queue transitions from empty to non-empty
        // Therefore, we must process all available events in this while loop before
        // it will be possible for this function to be notified again.
        if (valueRef) {
            valueRef = NULL;
        // Dequeue next event from queue in a polling non-blocking fashion:
        valueRef = IOHIDQueueCopyNextValueWithTimeout(queue, 0.0);
        // Done? Exit, if so:
        if (!valueRef) break;
        // Get event value, e.g., the key state of a key or button 1 = pressed, 0 = released:
        eventValue = IOHIDValueGetIntegerValue(valueRef);
        // Get usage value, ie., the identity of the key:
        IOHIDElementRef element = IOHIDValueGetElement(valueRef);
        keysUsage = IOHIDElementGetUsage(element);
        // Get double GetSecs timestamp, computed from returned uint64 nanoseconds timestamp:
        timestamp = convertTime(IOHIDValueGetTimeStamp(valueRef));
        // Don't bother with keysUsage of 0 (meaningless) or 1 (ErrorRollOver) for keyboards:
        if ((queueIsAKeyboard[deviceIndex]) && (keysUsage <= 1)) continue;
        // Clear ringbuffer event:
        memset(&evt, 0 , sizeof(evt));
        // Cooked key code defaults to "unhandled", and stays that way for anything but keyboards:
        evt.cookedEventCode = -1;
        // For real keyboards we can compute cooked key codes: Requires OSX 10.5 or later.
        if (queueIsAKeyboard[deviceIndex]) {
            // Keyboard(ish) device. We can handle this under some conditions.
            // Init to a default of handled, but unmappable/ignored keycode:
            evt.cookedEventCode = 0;
            // Keypress event code available in mapping table?
            if (keysUsage < kHID2VKCSize) {
                // Yes: We try to map this to a character code:
                // Step 1: Map HID usage value to virtual keycode via LUT:
                uint16_t vcKey = kHID2VKC[keysUsage];
                // Keep track of SHIFT keys as modifier keys: Bits 0 == Command, 1 == Shift, 2 == CapsLock, 3 == Alt/Option, 4 == CTRL
                if ((vcKey == kVKC_Shift || vcKey == kVKC_rShift) && (eventValue != 0)) modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] |=  (1 << 1);
                if ((vcKey == kVKC_Shift || vcKey == kVKC_rShift) && (eventValue == 0)) modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] &= ~(1 << 1);
                // Keep track of ALT keys as modifier keys:
                if ((vcKey == kVKC_Option || vcKey == kVKC_rOption) && (eventValue != 0)) modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] |=  (1 << 3);
                if ((vcKey == kVKC_Option || vcKey == kVKC_rOption) && (eventValue == 0)) modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] &= ~(1 << 3);
                // Keep track of CTRL keys as modifier keys:
                if ((vcKey == kVKC_Control || vcKey == kVKC_rControl) && (eventValue != 0)) modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] |=  (1 << 4);
                if ((vcKey == kVKC_Control || vcKey == kVKC_rControl) && (eventValue == 0)) modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] &= ~(1 << 4);
                // Was this a CTRL + C interrupt request?
                if ((eventValue != 0) && (vcKey == 0x08) && (modifierKeyState[deviceIndex] & (1 << 4))) {
                    // Yes: Tell the console input helper about it, so it can send interrupt
                    // signals to the runtime and reenable keyboard input if appropriate:
                    // Note: Not sure if the mutex exclusion is needed here, but better safe than sorry.
                // Key press?
                if (eventValue != 0) {
                    // Step 2: Translate virtual key code into unicode char:
                    // Ok, this is the usual horrifying complexity of Apple's system. We use code
                    // snippets found on StackOverflow, modified to suit our needs, e.g., we track
                    // modifier keys manually, at least left and right ALT and SHIFT keys. We don't
                    // care about other modifiers.
                    TISInputSourceRef currentKeyboard = TISCopyCurrentKeyboardInputSource();
                    CFDataRef uchr = (CFDataRef) ((currentKeyboard) ? TISGetInputSourceProperty(currentKeyboard, kTISPropertyUnicodeKeyLayoutData) : NULL);
                    const UCKeyboardLayout *keyboardLayout = (const UCKeyboardLayout*) ((uchr) ? CFDataGetBytePtr(uchr) : NULL);
                    if (keyboardLayout) {
                        UInt32 deadKeyState = 0;
                        UniCharCount maxStringLength = 255;
                        UniCharCount actualStringLength = 0;
                        UniChar unicodeString[maxStringLength];
                        OSStatus status = UCKeyTranslate(keyboardLayout,
                                                         vcKey, kUCKeyActionDown, modifierKeyState[deviceIndex],
                                                         LMGetKbdType(), 0,
                                                         &actualStringLength, unicodeString);
                        if ((actualStringLength == 0) && deadKeyState) {
                            status = UCKeyTranslate(keyboardLayout,
                                                    kVK_Space, kUCKeyActionDown, 0,
                                                    LMGetKbdType(), 0,
                                                    &actualStringLength, unicodeString);
                        if((actualStringLength > 0) && (status == noErr)) {
                            // Assign final cooked / mapped keycode:
                            evt.cookedEventCode = (int) unicodeString[0];
                            // Send same keystroke character to console input helper.
                            // In kbqueue-based ListenChar(1) mode, the helper will
                            // inject/forward the character into the runtime:
                            // Note: ConsoleInputHelper() should be safe to call without
                            // mutex protection for >= 0 event codes.

        // Update records of first and latest key presses and releases
        if (eventValue != 0) {
            if (psychHIDKbQueueFirstPress[deviceIndex]) {
                // First key press timestamp:
                if (psychHIDKbQueueFirstPress[deviceIndex][keysUsage-1] == 0) {
                    psychHIDKbQueueFirstPress[deviceIndex][keysUsage-1] = timestamp;

            if (psychHIDKbQueueLastPress[deviceIndex]) {
                // Last key press timestamp:
                psychHIDKbQueueLastPress[deviceIndex][keysUsage-1] = timestamp;
            evt.status |= (1 << 0);
        else {
            if (psychHIDKbQueueFirstRelease[deviceIndex]) {
                // First key release timestamp:
                if (psychHIDKbQueueFirstRelease[deviceIndex][keysUsage-1] == 0) psychHIDKbQueueFirstRelease[deviceIndex][keysUsage-1] = timestamp;

            if (psychHIDKbQueueLastRelease[deviceIndex]) {
                // Last key release timestamp:
                psychHIDKbQueueLastRelease[deviceIndex][keysUsage-1] = timestamp;
            evt.status &= ~(1 << 0);

        // Update event buffer:
        evt.timestamp = timestamp;
        evt.rawEventCode = keysUsage;
        PsychHIDAddEventToEventBuffer(deviceIndex, &evt);

        // Tell waiting userspace (under KbQueueMutxex protection for better scheduling) something interesting has changed:


        // Next while loop iteration to dequeue potentially more events:
    // Done for this queue transition. Return to runloop.