// open camera, allocate memory
// return value: true == success, false == fail
bool CameraSetup()
    tPvErr errCode;
	unsigned long FrameSize = 0;

	//open camera
	if ((errCode = PvCameraOpen(GCamera.UID,ePvAccessMaster,&(GCamera.Handle))) != ePvErrSuccess)
		if (errCode == ePvErrAccessDenied)
			printf("PvCameraOpen returned ePvErrAccessDenied:\nCamera already open as Master, or camera wasn't properly closed and still waiting to HeartbeatTimeout.");
			printf("PvCameraOpen err: %u\n", errCode);
		return false;

	// Calculate frame buffer size
    if((errCode = PvAttrUint32Get(GCamera.Handle,"TotalBytesPerFrame",&FrameSize)) != ePvErrSuccess)
		printf("CameraSetup: Get TotalBytesPerFrame err: %u\n", errCode);
		return false;

    // allocate image buffer
    GCamera.Frame.ImageBuffer = new char[FrameSize];
		printf("CameraSetup: Failed to allocate buffers.\n");
		return false;
	GCamera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = FrameSize;

	return true;
Exemple #2
// open the camera
void cameraSetup(tCamera* camera) {
  tPvErr err = PvCameraOpen(camera->UID, ePvAccessMaster, &(camera->Handle));
  if (err != ePvErrSuccess){
    stringstream buf;
    buf << "failed to setup the camera : " << cameraGetError(err) << endl;
    throw buf.str();
// open the camera
bool CameraOpen()
        printf("Camera open : %s\n",GCamera.Info.SerialString);
        return true;
        return false;
Exemple #4
	bool OmniCamera::connect(void) {
			return true;

		tPvCameraInfoEx info[1];
		 unsigned long frameSize = 0;


		if(!PvInitialize()) {


			unsigned long numCameras = PvCameraListEx(info, 1, NULL, sizeof(tPvCameraInfoEx));;
			if ((numCameras == 1) && (info[0].PermittedAccess & ePvAccessMaster)) {
				_camera.UID = info[0].UniqueId;

				if(!PvCameraOpen(_camera.UID, ePvAccessMaster, &(_camera.handle))) {

					if(!PvAttrUint32Get(_camera.handle,"TotalBytesPerFrame",&frameSize)) {

						_camera.frame.ImageBuffer = new char[frameSize];
						unsigned long format=0;
						char text[100];
						printf("format %d %s\n",format,text);
						if(_camera.frame.ImageBuffer) {
							_camera.frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
							PvAttrEnumSet(_camera.handle, "AcquisitionMode", "Continuous");
							PvCommandRun(_camera.handle, "AcquisitionStart");

							_connected = true;
							return true;
		_connected = false;
		return false;
Exemple #5
 * Method:    OpenCamera()
 * Purpose:   open a given camera
 * Comments:  none
tPvHandle CMainWindow::OpenCamera(unsigned long aUID,bool& aMaster)
    tPvHandle lHandle = NULL;

            aMaster = false;
        tPvUint32 lMaxSize = 8228;

        // get the last packet size set on the camera
        // adjust the packet size according to the current network capacity

        aMaster = true;

    return lHandle;
Exemple #6
// idlPvCameraOpen
// Open a camera
// command line arguments
// argv[0]: IN/FLAG debug
// argv[1]: IN index of camera to be opened
// argv[2]: IN accessflag: 0 for listen-only, 1 for master
int idlPvCameraOpen (int argc, char *argv[])
  unsigned long n;
  unsigned long accessflag;
  unsigned long err;

  debug = *(IDL_INT *) argv[0];
  n = *(unsigned long *) argv[1];
  accessflag = *(unsigned long *) argv[2];


  err = PvCameraOpen(info[n].UniqueId,
		     (accessflag) ? ePvAccessMaster : ePvAccessMonitor,

  return idlPvErrCode(err);
// open camera, allocate memory
// return value: true == success, false == fail
bool CameraSetup()
    tPvErr errCode;
	bool failed = false;
	unsigned long FrameSize = 0;

	// open camera
	if ((errCode = PvCameraOpen(GCamera.UID,ePvAccessMaster,&(GCamera.Handle))) != ePvErrSuccess)
		if (errCode == ePvErrAccessDenied)
			printf("PvCameraOpen returned ePvErrAccessDenied:\nCamera already open, or not properly closed.\n");
			printf("PvCameraOpen err: %u\n", errCode);
		return false;

	// Calculate frame buffer size
    if((errCode = PvAttrUint32Get(GCamera.Handle,"TotalBytesPerFrame",&FrameSize)) != ePvErrSuccess)
		printf("CameraSetup: Get TotalBytesPerFrame err: %u\n", errCode);
		return false;

	// allocate the frame buffers
    for(int i=0;i<FRAMESCOUNT && !failed;i++)
        GCamera.Frames[i].ImageBuffer = new char[FrameSize];
			GCamera.Frames[i].ImageBufferSize = FrameSize;
			printf("CameraSetup: Failed to allocate buffers.\n");
			failed = true;

	return !failed;
Exemple #8
// open the camera
bool CameraSetup(tCamera* Camera)
    return !PvCameraOpen(Camera->UID,ePvAccessMaster,&(Camera->Handle));
// Initialize camera input
bool CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::open( int index )
    tPvCameraInfo cameraList[MAX_CAMERAS];
    tPvCameraInfo  camInfo;
    tPvIpSettings ipSettings;

    if (PvInitialize()) {
        //return false;

    int numCameras=PvCameraList(cameraList, MAX_CAMERAS, NULL);

    if (numCameras <= 0 || index >= numCameras)
        return false;

    Camera.UID = cameraList[index].UniqueId;    

    if (!PvCameraInfo(Camera.UID,&camInfo) && !PvCameraIpSettingsGet(Camera.UID,&ipSettings)) {
		struct in_addr addr;
		addr.s_addr = ipSettings.CurrentIpAddress;
		printf("Current address:\t%s\n",inet_ntoa(addr));
		addr.s_addr = ipSettings.CurrentIpSubnet;
		printf("Current subnet:\t\t%s\n",inet_ntoa(addr));
		addr.s_addr = ipSettings.CurrentIpGateway;
		printf("Current gateway:\t%s\n",inet_ntoa(addr));
	else {
		fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not retrieve camera IP settings.\n");
		return false;

    if (PvCameraOpen(Camera.UID, ePvAccessMaster, &(Camera.Handle))==ePvErrSuccess)
        //Set Pixel Format to BRG24 to follow conventions 
        /*Errcode = PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "PixelFormat", "Bgr24");
        if (Errcode != ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr, "PvAPI: couldn't set PixelFormat to Bgr24\n");
            return NULL;
        tPvUint32 frameWidth, frameHeight, frameSize;
        unsigned long maxSize;
		char pixelFormat[256];
        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "TotalBytesPerFrame", &frameSize);
        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Width", &frameWidth);
        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Height", &frameHeight);
        PvAttrEnumGet(Camera.Handle, "PixelFormat", pixelFormat,256,NULL);
        maxSize = 8228;
        if (PvCaptureAdjustPacketSize(Camera.Handle,maxSize)!=ePvErrSuccess)
			return false;
        if (strcmp(pixelFormat, "Mono8")==0) {
				grayframe = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
				grayframe->widthStep = (int)frameWidth;
				frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
				frame->widthStep = (int)frameWidth*3;		 
				Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
				Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer = grayframe->imageData;   
		else if (strcmp(pixelFormat, "Mono16")==0) {
				grayframe = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_16U, 1);
				grayframe->widthStep = (int)frameWidth;	
				frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_16U, 3);
				frame->widthStep = (int)frameWidth*3;
				Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
				Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer = grayframe->imageData;
		else if	(strcmp(pixelFormat, "Bgr24")==0) {
				frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize((int)frameWidth, (int)frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
				frame->widthStep = (int)frameWidth*3;
				Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
				Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer = frame->imageData;
				return false;
        // Start the camera

        // Set the camera to capture continuously
        if(PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionMode", "Continuous")!= ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr,"Could not set Prosilica Acquisition Mode\n");
            return false;
        if(PvCommandRun(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionStart")!= ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr,"Could not start Prosilica acquisition\n");
            return false;
        if(PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "FrameStartTriggerMode", "Freerun")!= ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr,"Error setting Prosilica trigger to \"Freerun\"");
            return false;
        return true;
    fprintf(stderr,"Error cannot open camera\n");
    return false;

Exemple #10
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    int err = 0;

    // initialise the Prosilica API
        int c;
        unsigned long uid = 0;
        unsigned long addr = 0;
        bool bLoad = false;
        bool bSave = false;
        while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "u:i:ls:h?")) != -1)
                case 'u':
                        uid = atol(optarg);
                case 'i':
                        addr = inet_addr(optarg);
                case 'l':
                    bLoad = true;
                case 's':
                    bSave = true;
                case '?':
                case 'h':

        if((uid || addr) && (bSave || bLoad))
            tPvHandle       Camera;
            tPvAccessFlags  Flags = (bLoad ? ePvAccessMaster : ePvAccessMonitor);
            tPvErr          Err;
            bool            Done = false;

                // wait a bit to leave some time to the API to detect any camera
                // and open the camera
                Err = PvCameraOpen(uid,Flags,&Camera);
                Err = PvCameraOpenByAddr(addr,Flags,&Camera);
                if(bLoad) // load the camera setup
                    Done = SetupLoad(Camera,argv[argc-1]);
                if(bSave) // save the camera setup
                    Done = SetupSave(Camera,argv[argc-1]);          

                    fprintf(stderr,"sorry, an error occured\n");

                err = 1;

                // close the camera
                if(Err == ePvErrNotFound || Err == ePvErrUnplugged)
                    fprintf(stderr,"sorry, couldn't found the camera\n");
                if(Err == ePvErrAccessDenied)
                    fprintf(stderr,"sorry, this camera is already in use\n");
                    fprintf(stderr,"sorry, couldn't open the camera for some reason\n");

                err = 1;    
            err = 1;  

        // uninitialise the API
        err = 1;
        fprintf(stderr,"failed to initialise the API\n");
	return err;
Exemple #11
// open the camera
bool CameraSetup()
    return !PvCameraOpen(GCamera.UID,ePvAccessMaster,&(GCamera.Handle));   
Exemple #12
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
    tPvErr errCode;
    int err = 0;

    // initialize the PvAPI
    if((errCode = PvInitialize()) != ePvErrSuccess)
        printf("PvInitialize err: %u\n", errCode);
        int c;
        unsigned long uid = 0;
        unsigned long addr = 0;
        bool bGet = false;
        bool bSet = false;

        while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "u:i:gs:h?")) != -1)
            case 'u':
                    uid = atol(optarg);

            case 'i':
                    addr = inet_addr(optarg);

            case 'g':
                bGet = true;
            case 's':
                bSet = true;
            case '?':
            case 'h':

        if(uid || ((addr != INADDR_NONE) && (addr != INADDR_ANY)))
            tPvHandle       Camera;
            tPvAccessFlags  Flags = (bSet ? ePvAccessMaster : ePvAccessMonitor);

                // wait a bit to leave some time to the API to detect any camera
                // and open the camera
                errCode = PvCameraOpen(uid,Flags,&Camera);
                errCode = PvCameraOpenByAddr(addr,Flags,&Camera);

            if(errCode == ePvErrSuccess)
                if(bGet) // get value
                    errCode = MemRead(Camera);
                else if(bSet) // set value
                    errCode = MemWrite(Camera,argv[argc-1]);

                if(errCode != ePvErrSuccess)
                    fprintf(stderr,"Error: %u\n",errCode);

                err = 1;

                // close the camera
                if(errCode == ePvErrNotFound || errCode == ePvErrUnplugged)
                    fprintf(stderr,"No camera detected.\n");
                else if(errCode == ePvErrAccessDenied)
                    fprintf(stderr,"Camera already in use.\n");
                    fprintf(stderr,"PvCameraOpen fail: %u\n", errCode);

                err = 1;
            err = 1;


    return err;
bool CameraGigE::onInit() {
	LOG(LTRACE) << "CameraGigE::initialize\n";

	h_onTrigger.setup(this, &CameraGigE::onTrigger);
	registerHandler("onTrigger", &h_onTrigger);

	newImage = registerEvent("newImage");
	endOfSequence = registerEvent("endOfSequence");

	registerStream("out_img", &out_img);

	if (!props.address.empty()) {
		unsigned long ip = inet_addr(props.address.c_str());

		if (PvCameraOpenByAddr(ip, ePvAccessMaster, &cHandle) != ePvErrSuccess) {
			LOG(LERROR) << "Unable to open camera on adress "
					<< props.address << " \n";
			return false;

	} else if (props.uid != 0) {
		if (PvCameraOpen(props.uid, ePvAccessMaster, &cHandle) != ePvErrSuccess) {
			LOG(LERROR) << "Unable to open camera with uid " << props.uid
					<< " \n";
			return false;
	} else {
		return false;

	// Set parameters
	tPvErr err;
	///	 Exposure
	if (!props.exposureMode.empty()) {
		if ((err = PvAttrEnumSet(cHandle, "ExposureMode",
				props.exposureMode.c_str())) == ePvErrSuccess) {
			if (props.exposureMode == "Manual") {
				if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "ExposureValue",
						props.exposureValue / 1000000.0)) != ePvErrSuccess) {
					if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
						tPvUint32 min, max;
						PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "ExposureValue", &min, &max);
						LOG(LWARNING) << "ExposureValue : "
								<< props.exposureValue
								<< " is out of range, valid range [ "
								<< (double) min / 1000000.0 << " , "
								<< (double) max / 1000000.0 << " ]\n";
		} else {
			LOG(LWARNING) << "Unable to set ExposureMode \n";
	/// Gain
	if (!props.gainMode.empty()) {
		if ((err = PvAttrEnumSet(cHandle, "GainMode", props.gainMode.c_str()))
				== ePvErrSuccess) {
			if (props.gainMode == "Manual") {
				if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "gainValue",
						props.gainValue)) != ePvErrSuccess) {
					if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
						tPvUint32 min, max;
						PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "GainValue", &min, &max);
						LOG(LWARNING) << "GainValue : " << props.gainValue
								<< " is out of range, valid range [ "
								<< (double) min << " , " << (double) max
								<< " ]\n";
		} else {
			LOG(LWARNING) << "Unable to set GainMode \n";
	///	White Balance
	if (!props.whitebalMode.empty()) {
		if ((err = PvAttrEnumSet(cHandle, "WhitebalMode",
				props.gainMode.c_str())) == ePvErrSuccess) {
			if (props.whitebalMode == "Manual") {
				if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "WhitebalValueRed",
						props.whitebalValueRed)) != ePvErrSuccess) {
					if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
						tPvUint32 min, max;
						PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "WhitebalValueRed", &min,
						LOG(LWARNING) << "WhitebalValueRed : "
								<< props.whitebalValueRed
								<< " is out of range, valid range [ "
								<< (double) min << " , " << (double) max
								<< " ]\n";

				if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "WhitebalValueBlue",
						props.whitebalValueBlue)) != ePvErrSuccess) {
					if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
						tPvUint32 min, max;
						PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "WhitebalValueBlue", &min,
						LOG(LWARNING) << "WhitebalValueBlue : "
								<< props.whitebalValueBlue
								<< " is out of range, valid range [ "
								<< (double) min << " , " << (double) max
								<< " ]\n";
		} else {
			LOG(LWARNING) << "Unable to set WhitebalMode" << err << "\n";

	if ((err = PvAttrEnumSet(cHandle, "MirrorX", props.mirrorX ? "On" : "Off"))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {


	if ((err = PvAttrEnumSet(cHandle, "PixelFormat", props.pixelFormat.c_str()))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		LOG(LERROR) << "Unable to set pixelformat " << err;

	if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "Height", props.height))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
			tPvUint32 min, max;
			PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "Height", &min, &max);
			LOG(LWARNING) << "Height : " << props.height
					<< " is out of range, valid range [ " << (double) min
					<< " , " << (double) max << " ]";

	if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "Width", props.width)) != ePvErrSuccess) {
		if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
			tPvUint32 min, max;
			PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "Width", &min, &max);
			LOG(LWARNING) << "Width : " << props.width
					<< " is out of range, valid range [ " << (double) min
					<< " , " << (double) max << " ]\n";

	if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "RegionX", props.regionX))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
			tPvUint32 min, max;
			PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "RegionX", &min, &max);
			LOG(LWARNING) << "RegionX : " << props.regionX
					<< " is out of range, valid range [ " << (double) min
					<< " , " << (double) max << " ]\n";

	if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "RegionY", props.regionY))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
			tPvUint32 min, max;
			PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "RegionY", &min, &max);
			LOG(LWARNING) << "RegionY : " << props.regionY
					<< " is out of range, valid range [ " << (double) min
					<< " , " << (double) max << " ]\n";

	if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "BinningX", props.binningX))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
			tPvUint32 min, max;
			PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "BinningX", &min, &max);
			LOG(LWARNING) << "BinningX : " << props.binningX
					<< " is out of range, valid range [ " << (double) min
					<< " , " << (double) max << " ]\n";

	if ((err = PvAttrUint32Set(cHandle, "BinningY", props.binningY))
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		if (err == ePvErrOutOfRange) {
			tPvUint32 min, max;
			PvAttrRangeUint32(cHandle, "BinningY", &min, &max);
			LOG(LWARNING) << "BinningY : " << props.binningY
					<< " is out of range, valid range [ " << (double) min
					<< " , " << (double) max << " ]\n";
	// ----------------

	PvAttrEnumSet(cHandle, "FrameStartTriggerMode", "Freerun");

	unsigned long frameSize = 0;

	if (PvAttrUint32Get(cHandle, "TotalBytesPerFrame", &frameSize)
			!= ePvErrSuccess) {
		return false;

	frame.ImageBuffer = new char[frameSize];
	frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;

	return true;
Exemple #14
// Initialize camera input
bool CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::open( int index )
    tPvCameraInfo cameraList[MAX_CAMERAS];

    tPvCameraInfo  camInfo;
    tPvIpSettings ipSettings;

    if (PvInitialize()) {
    //return false;



    int numCameras=PvCameraList(cameraList, MAX_CAMERAS, NULL);

    if (numCameras <= 0 || index >= numCameras)
        return false;

    Camera.UID = cameraList[index].UniqueId;

    if (!PvCameraInfo(Camera.UID,&camInfo) && !PvCameraIpSettingsGet(Camera.UID,&ipSettings))
        struct in_addr addr;
        addr.s_addr = ipSettings.CurrentIpAddress;
        printf("Current address:\t%s\n",inet_ntoa(addr));
        addr.s_addr = ipSettings.CurrentIpSubnet;
        printf("Current subnet:\t\t%s\n",inet_ntoa(addr));
        addr.s_addr = ipSettings.CurrentIpGateway;
        printf("Current gateway:\t%s\n",inet_ntoa(addr));
        fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: could not retrieve camera IP settings.\n");
        return false;

    if (PvCameraOpen(Camera.UID, ePvAccessMaster, &(Camera.Handle))==ePvErrSuccess)
        tPvUint32 frameWidth, frameHeight;
        unsigned long maxSize;

        // By Default, try to set the pixel format to Mono8.  This can be changed later
        // via calls to setProperty. Some colour cameras (i.e. the Manta line) have a default
        // image mode of Bayer8, which is currently unsupported, so Mono8 is a safe bet for
        // startup.

        monocrome = (PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "PixelFormat", "Mono8") == ePvErrSuccess);

        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Width", &frameWidth);
        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Height", &frameHeight);

        // Determine the maximum packet size supported by the system (ethernet adapter)
        // and then configure the camera to use this value.  If the system's NIC only supports
        // an MTU of 1500 or lower, this will automatically configure an MTU of 1500.
        // 8228 is the optimal size described by the API in order to enable jumbo frames

        maxSize = 8228;
        if (PvCaptureAdjustPacketSize(Camera.Handle,maxSize)!=ePvErrSuccess)
            return false;

        resizeCaptureFrame(frameWidth, frameHeight);

        return startCapture();

    fprintf(stderr,"Error cannot open camera\n");
    return false;

// Initialize camera input
bool CvCaptureCAM_PvAPI::open( int index )

    tPvCameraInfo cameraInfo[MAX_CAMERAS];
    if (PvInitialize())
        return false;
    int numCameras = PvCameraList(cameraInfo, MAX_CAMERAS, NULL);
    if (numCameras <= 0 || index >= numCameras)
        return false;

    Camera.UID = cameraInfo[index].UniqueId;
    if (PvCameraOpen(Camera.UID, ePvAccessMaster, &(Camera.Handle))==ePvErrSuccess)

        //Set Pixel Format to BRG24 to follow conventions 
        Errcode = PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "PixelFormat", "Bgr24");
        if (Errcode != ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr, "PvAPI: couldn't set PixelFormat to Bgr24\n");
            return NULL;

        tPvUint32 frameWidth, frameHeight, frameSize;

        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "TotalBytesPerFrame", &frameSize);
        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Width", &frameWidth);
        PvAttrUint32Get(Camera.Handle, "Height", &frameHeight);

        // Create an image (24 bits RGB Color image)
        frame = cvCreateImage(cvSize(frameWidth, frameHeight), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 3);
        frame->widthStep = frameWidth*3;

        Camera.Frame.ImageBufferSize = frameSize;
        Camera.Frame.ImageBuffer = frame->imageData;

        // Start the camera

        // Set the camera to capture continuously
        if(PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionMode", "Continuous")!= ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr,"Could not set Prosilica Acquisition Mode\n");
            return false;
        if(PvCommandRun(Camera.Handle, "AcquisitionStart")!= ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr,"Could not start Prosilica acquisition\n");
            return false;
        if(PvAttrEnumSet(Camera.Handle, "FrameStartTriggerMode", "Freerun")!= ePvErrSuccess)
            fprintf(stderr,"Error setting Prosilica trigger to \"Freerun\"");
            return false;
        return true;
    return false;

bool ofxVideoGrabberPvAPI::initGrabber(int w, int h, bool setUseTexture){

    width = w;
    height = h;
    tPvErr ret;   //PvAPI return codes
	bUseTexture = setUseTexture;
    memset( &cameraUID, 0, sizeof(cameraUID) );
    memset( &cameraHandle, 0, sizeof(cameraHandle) );
    memset( &cameraFrame, 0, sizeof(cameraFrame) );
    //---------------------------------- 1 - open the sequence grabber
    // lazy initialization of the Prosilica API
    if( !bPvApiInitiated ){
        ret = PvInitialize();
        if( ret == ePvErrSuccess ) {
            ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "PvAPI initialized");
        } else {
            ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "unable to initialize PvAPI");
            return false;
        bPvApiInitiated = true;
    //---------------------------------- 3 - buffer allocation
    // Create a buffer big enough to hold the video data,
    // make sure the pointer is 32-byte aligned.
    // also the rgb image that people will grab
    pixels = new unsigned char[width*height];
    // check for any cameras plugged in
    int waitIterations = 0;
    while( PvCameraCount() < 1 ) {
        if( waitIterations > 8 ) {
            ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "error: no camera found");
            return false;        

    //---------------------------------- 4 - device selection
    tPvUint32 count, connected;
    tPvCameraInfo list[maxConcurrentCams];

    count = PvCameraList( list, maxConcurrentCams, &connected );
    if(count >= 1) {
        bool bSelectedDevicePresent = false;
        if(bChooseDevice) {
            //check if selected device is available
            for( int i=0; i<count; ++i) {
                if( deviceID == list[i].UniqueId ) {
                    bSelectedDevicePresent = true;
                    cameraUID = list[i].UniqueId;
        if( !bSelectedDevicePresent ){
            cameraUID = list[0].UniqueId;
            ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE, "cannot find selected camera -> defaulting to first available");
            ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "there is currently an arbitrary hard limit of %i concurrent cams", maxConcurrentCams);
    } else {
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "no cameras available");
        return false;     
    //---------------------------------- 5 - final initialization steps
    ret = PvCameraOpen( cameraUID, ePvAccessMaster, &cameraHandle );
    if( ret == ePvErrSuccess ){
        ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "camera opened");
    } else {
        if( ret == ePvErrAccessDenied ) {
            ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "camera access denied, probably already in use");
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to open camera");
        return false;     

    unsigned long FrameSize = 0;
    ret = PvAttrUint32Get( cameraHandle, "TotalBytesPerFrame", &FrameSize );
    if( ret == ePvErrSuccess ){
        // allocate the buffer for the single frame we need
        cameraFrame.ImageBuffer = new char[FrameSize];
        cameraFrame.ImageBufferSize = FrameSize;    
        ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "camera asked for TotalBytesPerFrame");
    } else { 
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "failed to allocate capture buffer");
        return false;    
    ret = PvCaptureStart(cameraHandle);
    if( ret == ePvErrSuccess ){
        ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "camera set to capture mode");
    } else { 
        if( ret == ePvErrUnplugged ){
            ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "cannot start capture, camera was unplugged");
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "cannot set to capture mode");
        return false;    
    ret = PvAttrEnumSet(cameraHandle,"FrameStartTriggerMode","Freerun");
    if( ret == ePvErrSuccess ){
        ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "camera set to continuous mode");
    } else {
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "cannot set to continous mode");
        return false;    
    ret = PvCommandRun(cameraHandle,"AcquisitionStart");
    if( ret == ePvErrSuccess ){
        ofLog(OF_LOG_VERBOSE, "camera continuous acquisition started");
    } else {
        // if that fail, we reset the camera to non capture mode
        PvCaptureEnd(cameraHandle) ;
        ofLog(OF_LOG_ERROR, "cannot start continuous acquisition");
        return false;    
    bGrabberInited = true;
    ofLog(OF_LOG_NOTICE,"camera is ready now");  
    //---------------------------------- 6 - setup texture if needed

    if (bUseTexture){
        // create the texture, set the pixels to black and
        // upload them to the texture (so at least we see nothing black the callback)
        memset(pixels, 0, width*height);
        tex.loadData(pixels, width, height, GL_LUMINANCE);

    // we are done
    return true;