Exemple #1
static PyObject *                        
loftOnCurve(PyObject *self, PyObject *args)
    Part::TopoShapePy   *pcObject;
    PyObject *pcTopoObj,*pcListObj;
    float x=0.0f,y=0.0f,z=1.0f,size = 0.1f;

    if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O(fff)f", &(Part::TopoShapePy::Type), &pcTopoObj,&pcListObj,&x,&y,&z,&size))     // convert args: Python->C 
//  if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O!O!", &(App::TopoShapePy::Type), &pcTopoObj,&PyList_Type,&pcListObj,x,y,z,size))     // convert args: Python->C 
        return NULL;                             // NULL triggers exception 

    pcObject = (Part::TopoShapePy*)pcTopoObj;
    MeshCore::MeshKernel M;

    std::vector<Base::Vector3f> poly;

    if (!PyList_Check(pcListObj))
        Py_Error(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"List of Tuble of three or two floats needed as second parameter!");
    int nSize = PyList_Size(pcListObj);
    for (int i=0; i<nSize;++i)
        PyObject* item = PyList_GetItem(pcListObj, i);
        if (!PyTuple_Check(item))
            Py_Error(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"List of Tuble of three or two floats needed as second parameter!");
        int nTSize = PyTuple_Size(item);
        if(nTSize != 2 && nTSize != 3)
            Py_Error(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"List of Tuble of three or two floats needed as second parameter!");

        Base::Vector3f vec(0,0,0);

        for(int l = 0; l < nTSize;l++)
            PyObject* item2 = PyTuple_GetItem(item, l);
            if (!PyFloat_Check(item2))
                Py_Error(Base::BaseExceptionFreeCADError,"List of Tuble of three or two floats needed as second parameter!");
            vec[l] = (float)PyFloat_AS_DOUBLE(item2);
    PY_TRY {
        TopoDS_Shape aShape = pcObject->getTopoShapePtr()->_Shape;
        // use the MeshAlgos 

    } PY_CATCH;

    return new Mesh::MeshPy(new Mesh::MeshObject(M));
Exemple #2
long resample(long skts_ordinal, int freq1, int freq2, char relation)
    freq_conv_func func = get_asfreq_func(freq1, freq2, 0);

    asfreq_info finfo;
    get_asfreq_info(freq1, freq2, &finfo);

    long val = (*func)(skts_ordinal, relation, &finfo);

    if (val == INT_ERR_CODE)
        Py_Error(PyExc_ValueError, "Unable to convert to desired frequency.");

    return val;
    return INT_ERR_CODE;
Exemple #3
long_t asfreq(long_t period_ordinal, int freq1, int freq2, char relation)
    freq_conv_func func = get_asfreq_func(freq1, freq2, 0);

    asfreq_info finfo;
    get_asfreq_info(freq1, freq2, &finfo);

    long_t val = (*func)(period_ordinal, relation, &finfo);

    if (val == INT_ERR_CODE) {
        Py_Error(PyExc_ValueError, "Unable to convert to desired frequency.");
		goto onError;
    return val;
    return INT_ERR_CODE;
Exemple #4
/* Return the year offset, that is the absolute date of the day
   31.12.(year-1) in the given calendar.

   For the Julian calendar we shift the absdate (which is measured
   using the Gregorian Epoch) value by two days because the Epoch
   (0001-01-01) in the Julian calendar lies 2 days before the Epoch in
   the Gregorian calendar. */
static int dInfoCalc_YearOffset(npy_int64 year, int calendar)
    if (calendar == GREGORIAN_CALENDAR) {
    if (year >= 0 || -1/4 == -1)
        return year*365 + year/4 - year/100 + year/400;
        return year*365 + (year-3)/4 - (year-99)/100 + (year-399)/400;
    else if (calendar == JULIAN_CALENDAR) {
    if (year >= 0 || -1/4 == -1)
        return year*365 + year/4 - 2;
        return year*365 + (year-3)/4 - 2;
    Py_Error(PyExc_ValueError, "unknown calendar");
    return INT_ERR_CODE;
Exemple #5
/* Sets the date part of the date_info struct using the indicated

   XXX This could also be done using some integer arithmetics rather
       than with this iterative approach... */
int dInfoCalc_SetFromAbsDate(register struct date_info *dinfo,
							 npy_int64 absdate, int calendar)
    register npy_int64 year;
    npy_int64 yearoffset;
    int leap,dayoffset;
    int *monthoffset;

    /* Approximate year */
    if (calendar == GREGORIAN_CALENDAR) {
        year = (npy_int64)(((double)absdate) / 365.2425);
    } else if (calendar == JULIAN_CALENDAR) {
        year = (npy_int64)(((double)absdate) / 365.25);
    } else {
        Py_Error(PyExc_ValueError, "unknown calendar");

    if (absdate > 0) year++;

    /* Apply corrections to reach the correct year */
    while (1) {
        /* Calculate the year offset */
        yearoffset = dInfoCalc_YearOffset(year, calendar);
        if (PyErr_Occurred())
            goto onError;

        /* Backward correction: absdate must be greater than the
           yearoffset */
        if (yearoffset >= absdate) {

        dayoffset = absdate - yearoffset;
        leap = dInfoCalc_Leapyear(year,calendar);

        /* Forward correction: non leap years only have 365 days */
        if (dayoffset > 365 && !leap) {

    dinfo->year = year;
    dinfo->calendar = calendar;

    /* Now iterate to find the month */
    monthoffset = month_offset[leap];
        register int month;

        for (month = 1; month < 13; month++) {
            if (monthoffset[month] >= dayoffset)

        dinfo->month = month;
        dinfo->quarter = monthToQuarter(month);
        dinfo->day = dayoffset - month_offset[leap][month-1];

    dinfo->day_of_week = dInfoCalc_DayOfWeek(absdate);
    dinfo->day_of_year = dayoffset;
    dinfo->absdate = absdate;

    return 0;

    return INT_ERR_CODE;
Exemple #6
/* generate an ordinal in period space */
npy_int64 get_period_ordinal(int year, int month, int day,
        int hour, int minute, int second, int microseconds, int picoseconds,
        int freq)
    npy_int64 absdays, delta, seconds;
    npy_int64 weeks, days;
    npy_int64 ordinal, day_adj;
    int freq_group, fmonth, mdiff;
    freq_group = get_freq_group(freq);

    if (freq == FR_SEC || freq == FR_MS || freq == FR_US || freq == FR_NS) {

        absdays = absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day);
        delta = (absdays - ORD_OFFSET);
        seconds = (npy_int64)(delta * 86400 + hour * 3600 + minute * 60 + second);

        switch(freq) {
          case FR_MS:
            return seconds * 1000 + microseconds / 1000;

          case FR_US:
            return seconds * 1000000 + microseconds;

          case FR_NS:
            return seconds * 1000000000 + microseconds * 1000 + picoseconds / 1000;

        return seconds;

    if (freq == FR_MIN) {
        absdays = absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day);
        delta = (absdays - ORD_OFFSET);
        return (npy_int64)(delta*1440 + hour*60 + minute);

    if (freq == FR_HR) {
        if ((absdays = absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day)) == INT_ERR_CODE)
            goto onError;
        delta = (absdays - ORD_OFFSET);
        return (npy_int64)(delta*24 + hour);

    if (freq == FR_DAY)
        return (npy_int64) (absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day) - ORD_OFFSET);

    if (freq == FR_UND)
        return (npy_int64) (absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day) - ORD_OFFSET);

    if (freq == FR_BUS)
        if((days = absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day)) == INT_ERR_CODE)
            goto onError;
        weeks = days / 7;
        return (npy_int64)(days - weeks * 2) - BDAY_OFFSET;

    if (freq_group == FR_WK)
        if((ordinal = (npy_int64)absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day)) == INT_ERR_CODE)
            goto onError;
        day_adj = freq - FR_WK;
        return (ordinal - (1 + day_adj)) / 7 + 1 - WEEK_OFFSET;

    if (freq == FR_MTH)
        return (year - BASE_YEAR) * 12 + month - 1;

    if (freq_group == FR_QTR)
        fmonth = freq - FR_QTR;
        if (fmonth == 0) fmonth = 12;

        mdiff = month - fmonth;
        if (mdiff < 0) mdiff += 12;
        if (month >= fmonth) mdiff += 12;

        return (year - BASE_YEAR) * 4 + (mdiff - 1) / 3;

    if (freq_group == FR_ANN)
        fmonth = freq - FR_ANN;
        if (fmonth == 0) fmonth = 12;
        if (month <= fmonth) {
            return year - BASE_YEAR;
        else {
            return year - BASE_YEAR + 1;

    Py_Error(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unable to generate frequency ordinal");

    return INT_ERR_CODE;
Exemple #7
/* generate an ordinal in period space */
long_t get_period_ordinal(int year, int month, int day,
                      int hour, int minute, int second,
                      int freq)
    int freq_group = get_freq_group(freq);
    int quarter=((month-1)/3)+1;

    if (freq == FR_SEC) {
        long_t absdays, delta;
        absdays = absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day);
        delta = (absdays - HIGHFREQ_ORIG);
        return (long_t)(delta*86400 + hour*3600 + minute*60 + second + 1);

    if (freq == FR_MIN) {
        long_t absdays, delta;
        absdays = absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day);
        delta = (absdays - HIGHFREQ_ORIG);
        return (long_t)(delta*1440 + hour*60 + minute + 1);

    if (freq == FR_HR) {
        long_t absdays, delta;
        if ((absdays = absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day)) == INT_ERR_CODE)
            goto onError;
        delta = (absdays - HIGHFREQ_ORIG);
        return (long_t)(delta*24 + hour + 1);

    if (freq == FR_DAY)
        return (long_t)absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day);

    if (freq == FR_UND)
        return (long_t)absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day);

    if (freq == FR_BUS)
        long_t weeks, days;
        if((days = absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day)) == INT_ERR_CODE)
            goto onError;
        weeks = days/7;
        return (long_t)(days - weeks*2);

    if (freq_group == FR_WK)
        long_t adj_ordinal, ordinal, day_adj;
        if((ordinal = (long_t)absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day)) == INT_ERR_CODE)
            goto onError;
        day_adj = (7 - (freq - FR_WK)) % 7;
        adj_ordinal = ordinal + ((7 - day_adj) - ordinal % 7) % 7;
        return adj_ordinal/7;

    if (freq == FR_MTH)
        return (year-1)*12 + month;

    if (freq_group == FR_QTR)
        return (year-1)*4 + quarter;

    if (freq_group == FR_ANN)
        return year;

    Py_Error(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unable to generate frequency ordinal");

    return INT_ERR_CODE;
Exemple #8
/* generate an ordinal in period space */
int64_t get_period_ordinal(int year, int month, int day,
                      int hour, int minute, int second,
                      int freq)
	  int64_t absdays, delta;
    int64_t weeks, days;
    int64_t adj_ordinal, ordinal, day_adj;
    int freq_group, fmonth, mdiff, quarter;
    freq_group = get_freq_group(freq);

    if (freq == FR_SEC) {
        absdays = absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day);
        delta = (absdays - HIGHFREQ_ORIG);
        return (int64_t)(delta*86400 + hour*3600 + minute*60 + second + 1);

    if (freq == FR_MIN) {
        absdays = absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day);
        delta = (absdays - HIGHFREQ_ORIG);
        return (int64_t)(delta*1440 + hour*60 + minute + 1);

    if (freq == FR_HR) {
        if ((absdays = absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day)) == INT_ERR_CODE)
            goto onError;
        delta = (absdays - HIGHFREQ_ORIG);
        return (int64_t)(delta*24 + hour + 1);

    if (freq == FR_DAY)
        return (int64_t)absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day);

    if (freq == FR_UND)
        return (int64_t)absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day);

    if (freq == FR_BUS)
        if((days = absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day)) == INT_ERR_CODE)
            goto onError;
        weeks = days/7;
        return (int64_t)(days - weeks*2);

    if (freq_group == FR_WK)
        if((ordinal = (int64_t)absdate_from_ymd(year, month, day)) == INT_ERR_CODE)
            goto onError;
        day_adj = (7 - (freq - FR_WK)) % 7;
        adj_ordinal = ordinal + ((7 - day_adj) - ordinal % 7) % 7;
        return adj_ordinal/7;

    if (freq == FR_MTH)
        return (year-1)*12 + month;

    if (freq_group == FR_QTR)
      fmonth = freq - FR_QTR;
      if (fmonth == 0) fmonth = 12;

      mdiff = month - fmonth;
      if (mdiff < 0) mdiff += 12;
      if (month >= fmonth) mdiff += 12;

      return 1 + (year - 1) * 4 + (mdiff - 1) / 3;

    if (freq_group == FR_ANN)
      fmonth = freq - FR_ANN;
      if (fmonth == 0) fmonth = 12;
      if (month <= fmonth) {
        return year;
      else {
        return year + 1;

    Py_Error(PyExc_RuntimeError, "Unable to generate frequency ordinal");

    return INT_ERR_CODE;