Exemple #1
TQ3ViewObject MyNewView(DocumentPtr theDocument)
	TQ3Status				myStatus;
	TQ3ViewObject			myView;
	TQ3DrawContextObject	myDrawContext;
	TQ3RendererObject		myRenderer;
	TQ3CameraObject			myCamera;
	TQ3GroupObject			myLights;
	myView = Q3View_New();
	//	Create and set draw context.
	switch( theDocument->drawcontextType ) 
	case kQ3DrawContextTypeWin32DC:
		if ((myDrawContext = NewWin32DCDrawContext(theDocument)) == NULL )
			goto bail;
 	case kQ3DrawContextTypeDDSurface:
		goto bail;	/* TBD */
	case kQ3DrawContextTypePixmap:
		if ((myDrawContext = NewPixmapDrawContext(theDocument, theDocument->fPixelFormat )) == NULL )
			goto bail;
	if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetDrawContext(myView, myDrawContext)) == kQ3Failure )
		goto bail;

	Q3Object_Dispose( myDrawContext ) ;
	//	Create and set renderer.
	switch( theDocument->rendererType ) 
	case kQ3RendererTypeWireFrame: // this uses the wire frame renderer
		myRenderer = Q3Renderer_NewFromType(kQ3RendererTypeWireFrame);
		if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetRenderer(myView, myRenderer)) == kQ3Failure ) {
			goto bail;
	case kQ3RendererTypeInteractive: // this uses the interactive renderer
		if ((myRenderer = Q3Renderer_NewFromType(kQ3RendererTypeInteractive)) != NULL ) {
			if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetRenderer(myView, myRenderer)) == kQ3Failure ) {
				goto bail;
			// these two lines set us up to use the best possible renderer,
			// including  hardware if it is installed.
			Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetDoubleBufferBypass (myRenderer, kQ3True);						
			Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetPreferences(myRenderer, kQAVendor_BestChoice, 0);
		else {
			goto bail;

	Q3Object_Dispose( myRenderer ) ;
	//	Create and set camera
	if ( (myCamera = MyNewCamera(theDocument)) == NULL )
		goto bail;
	if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetCamera(myView, myCamera)) == kQ3Failure )
		goto bail;

	Q3Object_Dispose( myCamera ) ;
	//	Create and set lights
	if ((myLights = MyNewLights()) == NULL )
		goto bail;
	if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetLightGroup(myView, myLights)) == kQ3Failure )
		goto bail;

	return ( myView );
	//	If any of the above failed, then don't return a view.
	return ( NULL );
	static TQ3ViewObject QD3DSupport_NewView(HWND theWindow)
	TQ3Status				myStatus;
	TQ3ViewObject			myView;
	TQ3DrawContextObject	myDrawContext;
	TQ3RendererObject		myRenderer;
	TQ3GroupObject			myLights;
	TQ3CameraObject			myCamera;
	RECT					clientRect;
	BOOL					success;

		myView = Q3View_New();
		if (myView == nil)
			goto bail;

		//	Create and set draw context.
		if ((myDrawContext = QD3DSupport_NewDrawContext(theWindow)) == nil )
			goto bail;
		if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetDrawContext(myView, myDrawContext)) == kQ3Failure )
			goto bail;

		Q3Object_Dispose( myDrawContext ) ;
		//	Create and set renderer.
		// this would use the Z-Buffer renderer
	#if 0

		myRenderer = Q3Renderer_NewFromType(kQ3RendererTypeWireFrame);
		if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetRenderer(myView, myRenderer)) == kQ3Failure ) {
			goto bail;

		// this would use the interactive software renderer

		if ((myRenderer = Q3Renderer_NewFromType(kQ3RendererTypeInteractive)) != nil )
			if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetRenderer(myView, myRenderer)) == kQ3Failure )
				goto bail;
			// these two lines set us up to use the best possible renderer,
			// including  hardware if it is installed.
			Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetDoubleBufferBypass (myRenderer, kQ3True);						
			Q3InteractiveRenderer_SetPreferences(myRenderer, kQAVendor_BestChoice, 0);

			goto bail;

		Q3Object_Dispose( myRenderer ) ;
		//	Create and set camera.
			if ( (myCamera = QD3DSupport_NewCamera((float) (theWindow->portRect.right - theWindow->portRect.left),
													(float) (theWindow->portRect.bottom - theWindow->portRect.top))) == nil )
				goto bail;
		#else if TARGET_OS_WIN32
			success = GetClientRect(theWindow, &clientRect);
			if (success)
				if ( (myCamera = QD3DSupport_NewCamera((float)RECT_WIDTH(clientRect), (float)RECT_HEIGHT(clientRect))) == nil )
					goto bail;
				goto bail;
		if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetCamera(myView, myCamera)) == kQ3Failure )
			goto bail;
		Q3Object_Dispose( myCamera ) ;
		//	Create and set lights.
		if ((myLights = QD3DSupport_NewLights()) == nil )
			goto bail;
		if ((myStatus = Q3View_SetLightGroup(myView, myLights)) == kQ3Failure )
			goto bail;

		//	Done!!!
		return ( myView );
		//	If any of the above failed, then don't return a view.
		return ( nil );