void MeshMassPropertiesTests::testClosedTetrahedronMesh() {
    // given a tetrahedron as a closed mesh of four tiangles
    // verify MeshMassProperties computes the right nubers
    // these numbers from the Tonon paper:
    VectorOfPoints points;
    points.push_back(btVector3(8.33220f, -11.86875f, 0.93355f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(0.75523f, 5.00000f, 16.37072f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(52.61236f, 5.00000f, -5.38580f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(2.00000f, 5.00000f, 3.00000f));

    btScalar expectedVolume = 1873.233236f;

    btMatrix3x3 expectedInertia;
    expectedInertia[0][0] = 43520.33257f;
    expectedInertia[1][1] = 194711.28938f;
    expectedInertia[2][2] = 191168.76173f;
    expectedInertia[1][2] = -4417.66150f;
    expectedInertia[2][1] = -4417.66150f;
    expectedInertia[0][2] = 46343.16662f;
    expectedInertia[2][0] = 46343.16662f;
    expectedInertia[0][1] = -11996.20119f;
    expectedInertia[1][0] = -11996.20119f;

    btVector3 expectedCenterOfMass = 0.25f * (points[0] + points[1] + points[2] + points[3]);

    VectorOfIndices triangles;
    pushTriangle(triangles, 0, 2, 1);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 0, 3, 2);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 0, 1, 3);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 1, 2, 3);

    // compute mass properties
    MeshMassProperties mesh(points, triangles);
    // verify
    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._volume, expectedVolume, acceptableRelativeError * expectedVolume);
    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._centerOfMass, expectedCenterOfMass, acceptableAbsoluteError);
    QCOMPARE_WITH_RELATIVE_ERROR(mesh._inertia, expectedInertia, acceptableRelativeError);

    // test again, but this time shift the points so that the origin is definitely OUTSIDE the mesh
    btVector3 shift = points[0] + expectedCenterOfMass;
    for (int i = 0; i < (int)points.size(); ++i) {
        points[i] += shift;
    expectedCenterOfMass = 0.25f * (points[0] + points[1] + points[2] + points[3]);

    // compute mass properties
    mesh.computeMassProperties(points, triangles);

    // verify
//    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._volume, expectedVolume, acceptableRelativeError * expectedVolume);
//    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._centerOfMass, expectedCenterOfMass, acceptableAbsoluteError);
//    QCOMPARE_WITH_RELATIVE_ERROR(mesh._inertia, expectedInertia, acceptableRelativeError);
Exemple #2
void TransformTests::getMatrix() {

    const vec3 t(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f);

    // create a matrix that is composed of a PI/2 rotation followed by a small z translation
    const mat4 m(vec4(rot90 * xAxis, 0.0f),
                 vec4(rot90 * yAxis, 0.0f),
                 vec4(rot90 * zAxis, 0.0f),
                 vec4(vec4(t, 1.0f)));

    // postScale by a mirror about the x axis.
    const mat4 mirrorX(vec4(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                       vec4( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                       vec4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
                       vec4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
    const mat4 result_a = m * mirrorX;

    Transform xform;
    xform.postScale(vec3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));
    mat4 result_b;

    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(result_a, result_b, TEST_EPSILON);
Exemple #3
static void testQuatCompression(glm::quat testQuat) {

    float MAX_COMPONENT_ERROR = 4.3e-5f;

    glm::quat q;
    uint8_t bytes[6];
    packOrientationQuatToSixBytes(bytes, testQuat);
    unpackOrientationQuatFromSixBytes(bytes, q);
    if (glm::dot(q, testQuat) < 0.0f) {
        q = -q;
Exemple #4
void GLMHelpersTests::testEulerDecomposition() {
    // quat to euler and back again....

    const glm::quat ROT_X_90 = glm::angleAxis(PI / 2.0f, glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
    const glm::quat ROT_Y_180 = glm::angleAxis(PI, glm::vec3(0.0f, 1.0, 0.0f));
    const glm::quat ROT_Z_30 = glm::angleAxis(PI / 6.0f, glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));

    const float EPSILON = 0.00001f;

    std::vector<glm::quat> quatVec = {
        ROT_X_90 * ROT_Y_180 * ROT_Z_30,
        ROT_X_90 * ROT_Z_30 * ROT_Y_180,
        ROT_Y_180 * ROT_Z_30 * ROT_X_90,
        ROT_Y_180 * ROT_X_90 * ROT_Z_30,
        ROT_Z_30 * ROT_X_90 * ROT_Y_180,
        ROT_Z_30 * ROT_Y_180 * ROT_X_90,

    for (auto& q : quatVec) {
        glm::vec3 euler = safeEulerAngles(q);
        glm::quat r(euler);

        // when the axis and angle are flipped.
        if (glm::dot(q, r) < 0.0f) {
            r = -r;

void MeshMassPropertiesTests::testParallelAxisTheorem() {
    // verity we can compute the inertia tensor of a box in two different ways:
    // (a) as one box
    // (b) as a combination of two partial boxes.
    btScalar bigBoxX = 7.0f;
    btScalar bigBoxY = 9.0f;
    btScalar bigBoxZ = 11.0f;
    btScalar bigBoxMass = bigBoxX * bigBoxY * bigBoxZ;
    btMatrix3x3 bitBoxInertia;
    computeBoxInertia(bigBoxMass, btVector3(bigBoxX, bigBoxY, bigBoxZ), bitBoxInertia);

    btScalar smallBoxX = bigBoxX / 2.0f;
    btScalar smallBoxY = bigBoxY;
    btScalar smallBoxZ = bigBoxZ;
    btScalar smallBoxMass = smallBoxX * smallBoxY * smallBoxZ;
    btMatrix3x3 smallBoxI;
    computeBoxInertia(smallBoxMass, btVector3(smallBoxX, smallBoxY, smallBoxZ), smallBoxI);

    btVector3 smallBoxOffset(smallBoxX / 2.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    btMatrix3x3 smallBoxShiftedRight = smallBoxI;
    applyParallelAxisTheorem(smallBoxShiftedRight, smallBoxOffset, smallBoxMass);

    btMatrix3x3 smallBoxShiftedLeft = smallBoxI;
    applyParallelAxisTheorem(smallBoxShiftedLeft, -smallBoxOffset, smallBoxMass);

    btMatrix3x3 twoSmallBoxesInertia = smallBoxShiftedRight + smallBoxShiftedLeft;

    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(bitBoxInertia, twoSmallBoxesInertia, acceptableAbsoluteError);
void MeshMassPropertiesTests::testOpenTetrahedonMesh() {
    // given the simplest possible mesh (open, with one triangle) 
    // verify MeshMassProperties computes the right nubers

    // these numbers from the Tonon paper:
    VectorOfPoints points;
    points.push_back(btVector3(8.33220f, -11.86875f, 0.93355f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(0.75523f, 5.00000f, 16.37072f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(52.61236f, 5.00000f, -5.38580f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(2.00000f, 5.00000f, 3.00000f));

    btScalar expectedVolume = 1873.233236f;

    btMatrix3x3 expectedInertia;
    expectedInertia[0][0] = 43520.33257f;
    expectedInertia[1][1] = 194711.28938f;
    expectedInertia[2][2] = 191168.76173f;
    expectedInertia[1][2] = -4417.66150f;
    expectedInertia[2][1] = -4417.66150f;
    expectedInertia[0][2] = 46343.16662f;
    expectedInertia[2][0] = 46343.16662f;
    expectedInertia[0][1] = -11996.20119f;
    expectedInertia[1][0] = -11996.20119f;

    // test as an open mesh with one triangle
    VectorOfPoints shiftedPoints;
    shiftedPoints.push_back(points[0] - points[0]);
    shiftedPoints.push_back(points[1] - points[0]);
    shiftedPoints.push_back(points[2] - points[0]);
    shiftedPoints.push_back(points[3] - points[0]);
    VectorOfIndices triangles;
    pushTriangle(triangles, 1, 2, 3);
    btVector3 expectedCenterOfMass = 0.25f * (shiftedPoints[0] + shiftedPoints[1] + shiftedPoints[2] + shiftedPoints[3]);

    // compute mass properties
    MeshMassProperties mesh(shiftedPoints, triangles);

    // verify
    // (expected - actual) / expected > e   ==>  expected - actual  >  e * expected
    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._volume, expectedVolume, acceptableRelativeError * expectedVolume);
    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._centerOfMass, expectedCenterOfMass, acceptableAbsoluteError);
    QCOMPARE_WITH_RELATIVE_ERROR(mesh._inertia, expectedInertia, acceptableRelativeError);
Exemple #7
void TransformTests::getInverseMatrix() {

    const vec3 t(0.0f, 0.0f, 10.0f);

    // create a matrix that is composed of a PI/2 rotation followed by a small z translation
    const mat4 m(vec4(rot90 * xAxis, 0.0f),
                 vec4(rot90 * yAxis, 0.0f),
                 vec4(rot90 * zAxis, 0.0f),
                 vec4(vec4(t, 1.0f)));

    // mirror about the x axis.
    const mat4 mirrorX(vec4(-1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                       vec4( 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                       vec4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f),
                       vec4( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f));
    const mat4 result_a = glm::inverse(m * mirrorX);

    Transform xform;
    xform.postScale(vec3(-1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f));

    mat4 result_b;

    // don't check elements directly, instead compare each axis transformed by the matrix.
    auto xa = transformPoint(result_a, xAxis);
    auto ya = transformPoint(result_a, yAxis);
    auto za = transformPoint(result_a, zAxis);

    auto xb = transformPoint(result_b, xAxis);
    auto yb = transformPoint(result_b, yAxis);
    auto zb = transformPoint(result_b, zAxis);

void AnimInverseKinematicsTests::testBar() {
    // test AnimPose math
    // TODO: move this to other test file
    glm::vec3 transA = glm::vec3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
    glm::vec3 transB = glm::vec3(5.0f, 7.0f, 9.0f);
    glm::quat rot = identity;
    glm::vec3 scale = glm::vec3(1.0f);

    AnimPose poseA(scale, rot, transA);
    AnimPose poseB(scale, rot, transB);
    AnimPose poseC = poseA * poseB;

    glm::vec3 expectedTransC = transA + transB;
    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(expectedTransC, poseC.trans, EPSILON);
void MeshMassPropertiesTests::testTetrahedron(){
    // given the four vertices of a tetrahedron verify the analytic formula for inertia 
    // agrees with expected results
    // these numbers from the Tonon paper:
    btVector3 points[4];
    points[0] = btVector3(8.33220f, -11.86875f, 0.93355f);
    points[1] = btVector3(0.75523f, 5.00000f, 16.37072f);
    points[2] = btVector3(52.61236f, 5.00000f, -5.38580f);
    points[3] = btVector3(2.00000f, 5.00000f, 3.00000f);

    btScalar expectedVolume = 1873.233236f;

    btMatrix3x3 expectedInertia;
    expectedInertia[0][0] = 43520.33257f;
    expectedInertia[1][1] = 194711.28938f;
    expectedInertia[2][2] = 191168.76173f;
    expectedInertia[1][2] = -4417.66150f;
    expectedInertia[2][1] = -4417.66150f;
    expectedInertia[0][2] = 46343.16662f;
    expectedInertia[2][0] = 46343.16662f;
    expectedInertia[0][1] = -11996.20119f;
    expectedInertia[1][0] = -11996.20119f;

    // compute volume
    btScalar volume = computeTetrahedronVolume(points);
    btScalar error = (volume - expectedVolume) / expectedVolume;
    if (fabsf(error) > acceptableRelativeError) {
        std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " ERROR : volume of tetrahedron off by = "
            << error << std::endl;

    btVector3 centerOfMass = 0.25f * (points[0] + points[1] + points[2] + points[3]);

    // compute inertia tensor
    // (shift the points so that tetrahedron's local centerOfMass is at origin)
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) {
        points[i] -= centerOfMass;
    btMatrix3x3 inertia;
    computeTetrahedronInertia(volume, points, inertia);
    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(volume, expectedVolume, acceptableRelativeError * volume);
    QCOMPARE_WITH_RELATIVE_ERROR(inertia, expectedInertia, acceptableRelativeError);
void MovingMinMaxAvgTests::testInt() {
    // int test

    const int INTERVAL_LENGTH = 1;
    const int WINDOW_INTERVALS = 75;

    MovingMinMaxAvg<int> stats(INTERVAL_LENGTH, WINDOW_INTERVALS);

    int min = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
    int max = 0;
    double average = 0.0;
    int totalSamples = 0;

    int windowMin;
    int windowMax;
    double windowAverage;

    QQueue<int> windowSamples;
    // fill window samples
    for (int i = 0; i < 100000; i++) {

        int sample = rand();

        if (windowSamples.size() > INTERVAL_LENGTH * WINDOW_INTERVALS) {


        min = std::min(min, sample);
        max = std::max(max, sample);
        average = (average * totalSamples + sample) / (totalSamples + 1);

        QCOMPARE(stats.getMin(), min);
        QCOMPARE(stats.getMax(), max);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR((float)stats.getAverage(), (float)average, EPSILON);

        if ((i + 1) % INTERVAL_LENGTH == 0) {


            windowMin = std::numeric_limits<int>::max();
            windowMax = 0;
            windowAverage = 0.0;
            for (int s : windowSamples) {
                windowMin = std::min(windowMin, s);
                windowMax = std::max(windowMax, s);
                windowAverage += (double)s;
            windowAverage /= (double)windowSamples.size();

            QCOMPARE(stats.getWindowMin(), windowMin);
            QCOMPARE(stats.getWindowMax(), windowMax);
            QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR((float)stats.getAverage(), (float)average, EPSILON);
        } else {
void AnimInverseKinematicsTests::testSingleChain() {
    std::vector<FBXJoint> fbxJoints;

    // create a skeleton and doll
    AnimPose offset;
    AnimSkeleton* skeleton = new AnimSkeleton(fbxJoints, offset);
    AnimSkeleton::Pointer skeletonPtr(skeleton);
    AnimInverseKinematics ikDoll("doll");

    { // easy test IK of joint C
        // load intial poses that look like this:
        // A------>B------>C------>D
        AnimPose pose;
        pose.scale = glm::vec3(1.0f);
        pose.rot = identity;
        pose.trans = origin;

        std::vector<AnimPose> poses;

        pose.trans = xAxis;
        for (int i = 1; i < (int)fbxJoints.size(); ++i) {

        // we'll put a target t on D for <2, 1, 0> like this:
        //                 t
        // A------>B------>C------>D
        glm::vec3 targetPosition(2.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        glm::quat targetRotation = glm::angleAxis(PI / 2.0f, zAxis);
        AnimVariantMap varMap;
        varMap.set("positionD", targetPosition);
        varMap.set("rotationD", targetRotation);
        ikDoll.setTargetVars("D", "positionD", "rotationD");
        AnimNode::Triggers triggers;

        // the IK solution should be:
        //                 D
        //                 |
        //                 |
        // A------>B------>C
        float dt = 1.0f;
        ikDoll.evaluate(varMap, dt, triggers);

        // verify absolute results
        // NOTE: since we expect this solution to converge very quickly (one loop)
        // we can impose very tight error thresholds.
        std::vector<AnimPose> absolutePoses;
        float acceptableAngle = 0.0001f;
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(absolutePoses[0].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(absolutePoses[1].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(absolutePoses[2].rot, quaterTurnAroundZ, acceptableAngle);
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(absolutePoses[3].rot, quaterTurnAroundZ, acceptableAngle);

        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(absolutePoses[0].trans, origin, EPSILON);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(absolutePoses[1].trans, xAxis, EPSILON);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(absolutePoses[2].trans, 2.0f * xAxis, EPSILON);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(absolutePoses[3].trans, targetPosition, EPSILON);

        // verify relative results
        const std::vector<AnimPose>& relativePoses = ikDoll.getRelativePoses();
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(relativePoses[0].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(relativePoses[1].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(relativePoses[2].rot, quaterTurnAroundZ, acceptableAngle);
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(relativePoses[3].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);

        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(relativePoses[0].trans, origin, EPSILON);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(relativePoses[1].trans, xAxis, EPSILON);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(relativePoses[2].trans, xAxis, EPSILON);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(relativePoses[3].trans, xAxis, EPSILON);

    { // hard test IK of joint C
        // load intial poses that look like this:
        // D<------C
        //         |
        //         |
        // A------>B
        AnimPose pose;
        pose.scale = glm::vec3(1.0f);
        pose.rot = identity;
        pose.trans = origin;
        std::vector<AnimPose> poses;
        pose.trans = xAxis;

        pose.rot = quaterTurnAroundZ;

        // we'll put a target t on D for <3, 0, 0> like this:
        // D<------C
        //         |
        //         |
        // A------>B               t
        glm::vec3 targetPosition(3.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        glm::quat targetRotation = identity;
        AnimVariantMap varMap;
        varMap.set("positionD", targetPosition);
        varMap.set("rotationD", targetRotation);
        ikDoll.setTargetVars("D", "positionD", "rotationD");
        AnimNode::Triggers triggers;

        // the IK solution should be:
        // A------>B------>C------>D
        float dt = 1.0f;
        ikDoll.evaluate(varMap, dt, triggers);

        // verify absolute results
        // NOTE: the IK algorithm doesn't converge very fast for full-reach targets,
        // so we'll consider the poses as good if they are closer than they started.
        // NOTE: constraints may help speed up convergence since some joints may get clamped
        // to maximum extension. TODO: experiment with tightening the error thresholds when
        // constraints are working.
        std::vector<AnimPose> absolutePoses;
        float acceptableAngle = 0.1f; // radians
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(absolutePoses[0].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(absolutePoses[1].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(absolutePoses[2].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(absolutePoses[3].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);

        float acceptableDistance = 0.4f;
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(absolutePoses[0].trans, origin, EPSILON);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(absolutePoses[1].trans, xAxis, acceptableDistance);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(absolutePoses[2].trans, 2.0f * xAxis, acceptableDistance);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(absolutePoses[3].trans, 3.0f * xAxis, acceptableDistance);

        // verify relative results
        const std::vector<AnimPose>& relativePoses = ikDoll.getRelativePoses();
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(relativePoses[0].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(relativePoses[1].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(relativePoses[2].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);
        QCOMPARE_QUATS(relativePoses[3].rot, identity, acceptableAngle);

        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(relativePoses[0].trans, origin, EPSILON);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(relativePoses[1].trans, xAxis, EPSILON);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(relativePoses[2].trans, xAxis, EPSILON);
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(relativePoses[3].trans, xAxis, EPSILON);
Exemple #12
void GLMHelpersTests::testGenerateBasisVectors() {
    { // very simple case: primary along X, secondary is linear combination of X and Y
        glm::vec3 u(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        glm::vec3 v(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        glm::vec3 w;

        generateBasisVectors(u, v, u, v, w);


    { // point primary along Y instead of X
        glm::vec3 u(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        glm::vec3 v(1.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        glm::vec3 w;

        generateBasisVectors(u, v, u, v, w);


    { // pass bad data (both vectors along Y).  The helper will guess X for secondary.
        glm::vec3 u(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        glm::vec3 v(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
        glm::vec3 w;

        generateBasisVectors(u, v, u, v, w);


    { // pass bad data (both vectors along X).  The helper will guess X for secondary, fail, then guess Y.
        glm::vec3 u(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        glm::vec3 v(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
        glm::vec3 w;

        generateBasisVectors(u, v, u, v, w);


    { // general case for arbitrary rotation
        float angle = 1.234f;
        glm::vec3 axis = glm::normalize(glm::vec3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f));
        glm::quat rotation = glm::angleAxis(angle, axis);

        // expected values
        glm::vec3 x = rotation * Vectors::UNIT_X;
        glm::vec3 y = rotation * Vectors::UNIT_Y;
        glm::vec3 z = rotation * Vectors::UNIT_Z;

        // primary is along x
        // secondary is linear combination of x and y
        // tertiary is unknown
        glm::vec3 u  = 1.23f * x;
        glm::vec3 v = 2.34f * x + 3.45f * y;
        glm::vec3 w;

        generateBasisVectors(u, v, u, v, w);

void MeshMassPropertiesTests::testBoxAsMesh() {
    // verify that a mesh box produces the same mass properties as the analytic box.
    // build a box:
    //                            /
    //                           y
    //                          /
    //            6-------------------------7
    //           /|                        /|
    //          / |                       / |
    //         /  2----------------------/--3
    //        /  /                      /  /
    //   |   4-------------------------5  /  --x--
    //   z   | /                       | /
    //   |   |/                        |/
    //       0 ------------------------1

    btScalar x(5.0f);
    btScalar y(3.0f);
    btScalar z(2.0f);

    VectorOfPoints points;

    points.push_back(btVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(x, 0.0f, 0.0f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(0.0f, y, 0.0f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(x, y, 0.0f));
    points.push_back(btVector3(0.0f, 0.0f, z));
    points.push_back(btVector3(x, 0.0f, z));
    points.push_back(btVector3(0.0f, y, z));
    points.push_back(btVector3(x, y, z));

    VectorOfIndices triangles;
    pushTriangle(triangles, 0, 1, 4);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 1, 5, 4);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 1, 3, 5);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 3, 7, 5);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 2, 0, 6);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 0, 4, 6);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 3, 2, 7);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 2, 6, 7);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 4, 5, 6);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 5, 7, 6);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 0, 2, 1);
    pushTriangle(triangles, 2, 3, 1);

    // compute expected mass properties analytically
    btVector3 expectedCenterOfMass = 0.5f * btVector3(x, y, z);
    btScalar expectedVolume = x * y * z;
    btMatrix3x3 expectedInertia;
    computeBoxInertia(expectedVolume, btVector3(x, y, z), expectedInertia);

    // compute the mass properties using the mesh
    MeshMassProperties mesh(points, triangles);

    // verify
    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._volume, expectedVolume, acceptableRelativeError * expectedVolume);
    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._centerOfMass, expectedCenterOfMass, acceptableAbsoluteError);

    // test this twice: _RELATIVE_ERROR doesn't test zero cases (to avoid divide-by-zero); _ABS_ERROR does.
    QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(mesh._inertia, expectedInertia, acceptableAbsoluteError);
    QCOMPARE_WITH_RELATIVE_ERROR(mesh._inertia, expectedInertia, acceptableRelativeError);

    // These two macros impl this:
//    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
//        for (int j = 0; j < 3; ++j) {
//            if (expectedInertia [i][j] == btScalar(0.0f)) {
//                error = mesh._inertia[i][j] - expectedInertia[i][j];                                  // COMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR
//                if (fabsf(error) > acceptableAbsoluteError) {
//                    std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " ERROR : inertia[" << i << "][" << j << "] off by "
//                        << error << " absolute"<< std::endl;
//                }
//            } else {
//                error = (mesh._inertia[i][j] - expectedInertia[i][j]) / expectedInertia[i][j];        // COMPARE_WITH_RELATIVE_ERROR
//                if (fabsf(error) > acceptableRelativeError) {
//                    std::cout << __FILE__ << ":" << __LINE__ << " ERROR : inertia[" << i << "][" << j << "] off by "
//                        << error << std::endl;
//                }
//            }
//        }
//    }
void RotationConstraintTests::testElbowConstraint() {
    // referenceRotation is the default rotation
    float referenceAngle = 1.23f;
    glm::vec3 referenceAxis = glm::normalize(glm::vec3(1.0f, 2.0f, -3.0f));
    glm::quat referenceRotation = glm::angleAxis(referenceAngle, referenceAxis);

    // NOTE: hingeAxis is in the "referenceFrame"
    glm::vec3 hingeAxis = glm::vec3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

    // the angle limits of the constriant about the hinge axis
    float minAngle = -PI / 4.0f;
    float maxAngle = PI / 3.0f;

    // build the constraint
    ElbowConstraint elbow;
    elbow.setAngleLimits(minAngle, maxAngle);

    float smallAngle = PI / 100.0f;

    { // test reference rotation -- should be unconstrained
        glm::quat inputRotation = referenceRotation;
        glm::quat outputRotation = inputRotation;
        bool updated = elbow.apply(outputRotation);
        QVERIFY(updated == false);
        glm::quat expectedRotation = referenceRotation;
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(expectedRotation, outputRotation, EPSILON);

    { // test several simple rotations that are INSIDE the limits --  should be unconstrained
        int numChecks = 10;
        float startAngle = minAngle + smallAngle;
        float endAngle = maxAngle - smallAngle;
        float deltaAngle = (endAngle - startAngle) / (float)(numChecks - 1);
        for (float angle = startAngle; angle < endAngle + 0.5f * deltaAngle; angle += deltaAngle) {
            glm::quat inputRotation = glm::angleAxis(angle, hingeAxis) * referenceRotation;
            glm::quat outputRotation = inputRotation;
            bool updated = elbow.apply(outputRotation);
            QVERIFY(updated == false);
            QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(inputRotation, outputRotation, EPSILON);

    { // test simple rotation just OUTSIDE minAngle --  should be constrained
        float angle = minAngle - smallAngle;
        glm::quat inputRotation = glm::angleAxis(angle, hingeAxis) * referenceRotation;
        glm::quat outputRotation = inputRotation;
        bool updated = elbow.apply(outputRotation);
        QVERIFY(updated == true);
        glm::quat expectedRotation = glm::angleAxis(minAngle, hingeAxis) * referenceRotation;
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(expectedRotation, outputRotation, EPSILON);

    { // test simple rotation just OUTSIDE maxAngle --  should be constrained
        float angle = maxAngle + smallAngle;
        glm::quat inputRotation = glm::angleAxis(angle, hingeAxis) * referenceRotation;
        glm::quat outputRotation = inputRotation;
        bool updated = elbow.apply(outputRotation);
        QVERIFY(updated == true);
        glm::quat expectedRotation = glm::angleAxis(maxAngle, hingeAxis) * referenceRotation;
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(expectedRotation, outputRotation, EPSILON);

    { // test simple twist rotation that has no hinge component --  should be constrained
        glm::vec3 someVector(7.0f, -5.0f, 2.0f);
        glm::vec3 twistVector = glm::normalize(glm::cross(hingeAxis, someVector));
        float someAngle = 0.789f;
        glm::quat inputRotation = glm::angleAxis(someAngle, twistVector) * referenceRotation;
        glm::quat outputRotation = inputRotation;
        bool updated = elbow.apply(outputRotation);
        QVERIFY(updated == true);
        glm::quat expectedRotation = referenceRotation;
        QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(expectedRotation, outputRotation, EPSILON);
void RotationConstraintTests::testSwingTwistConstraint() {
    // referenceRotation is the default rotation
    float referenceAngle = 1.23f;
    glm::vec3 referenceAxis = glm::normalize(glm::vec3(1.0f, 2.0f, -3.0f));
    glm::quat referenceRotation = glm::angleAxis(referenceAngle, referenceAxis);

    // the angle limits of the constriant about the hinge axis
    float minTwistAngle = -PI / 2.0f;
    float maxTwistAngle = PI / 2.0f;

    // build the constraint
    SwingTwistConstraint shoulder;
    shoulder.setTwistLimits(minTwistAngle, maxTwistAngle);
    float lowDot = 0.25f;
    float highDot = 0.75f;
    // The swing constriants are more interesting: a vector of minimum dot products 
    // as a function of theta around the twist axis.  Our test function will be shaped
    // like the square wave with amplitudes 0.25 and 0.75:
    //          |
    //     0.75 -               o---o---o---o
    //          |              /             '
    //          |             /               '
    //          |            /                 '
    //     0.25 o---o---o---o                   o
    //          |
    //          +-------+-------+-------+-------+---
    //          0     pi/2     pi     3pi/2    2pi

    int numDots = 8;
    std::vector<float> minDots;
    int dotIndex = 0;
    while (dotIndex < numDots / 2) {
    while (dotIndex < numDots) {
    const SwingTwistConstraint::SwingLimitFunction& shoulderSwingLimitFunction = shoulder.getSwingLimitFunction();

    { // test interpolation of SwingLimitFunction
        const float ACCEPTABLE_ERROR = 1.0e-5f;
        float theta = 0.0f;
        float minDot = shoulderSwingLimitFunction.getMinDot(theta);
        float expectedMinDot = lowDot;

        theta = PI;
        minDot = shoulderSwingLimitFunction.getMinDot(theta);
        expectedMinDot = highDot;

        // test interpolation on upward slope
        theta = PI * (7.0f / 8.0f);
        minDot = shoulderSwingLimitFunction.getMinDot(theta);
        expectedMinDot = 0.5f * (highDot + lowDot);

        // test interpolation on downward slope
        theta = PI * (15.0f / 8.0f);
        minDot = shoulderSwingLimitFunction.getMinDot(theta);
        expectedMinDot = 0.5f * (highDot + lowDot);

    float smallAngle = PI / 100.0f;

    // Note: the twist is always about the yAxis
    glm::vec3 yAxis(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);

    { // test INSIDE both twist and swing
        int numSwingAxes = 7;
        float deltaTheta = TWO_PI / numSwingAxes;

        int numTwists = 2;
        float startTwist = minTwistAngle + smallAngle;
        float endTwist = maxTwistAngle - smallAngle;
        float deltaTwist = (endTwist - startTwist) / (float)(numTwists - 1);
        float twist = startTwist;

        for (int i = 0; i < numTwists; ++i) {
            glm::quat twistRotation = glm::angleAxis(twist, yAxis);

            for (float theta = 0.0f; theta < TWO_PI; theta += deltaTheta) {
                float swing = acosf(shoulderSwingLimitFunction.getMinDot(theta)) - smallAngle;
                glm::vec3 swingAxis(cosf(theta), 0.0f, -sinf(theta));
                glm::quat swingRotation = glm::angleAxis(swing, swingAxis);

                glm::quat inputRotation = swingRotation * twistRotation * referenceRotation;
                glm::quat outputRotation = inputRotation;

                bool updated = shoulder.apply(outputRotation);
                QVERIFY(updated == false);
                QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(inputRotation, outputRotation, EPSILON);
            twist += deltaTwist;

    { // test INSIDE twist but OUTSIDE swing
        int numSwingAxes = 7;
        float deltaTheta = TWO_PI / numSwingAxes;

        int numTwists = 2;
        float startTwist = minTwistAngle + smallAngle;
        float endTwist = maxTwistAngle - smallAngle;
        float deltaTwist = (endTwist - startTwist) / (float)(numTwists - 1);
        float twist = startTwist;

        for (int i = 0; i < numTwists; ++i) {
            glm::quat twistRotation = glm::angleAxis(twist, yAxis);

            for (float theta = 0.0f; theta < TWO_PI; theta += deltaTheta) {
                float maxSwingAngle = acosf(shoulderSwingLimitFunction.getMinDot(theta));
                float swing = maxSwingAngle + smallAngle;
                glm::vec3 swingAxis(cosf(theta), 0.0f, -sinf(theta));
                glm::quat swingRotation = glm::angleAxis(swing, swingAxis);

                glm::quat inputRotation = swingRotation * twistRotation * referenceRotation;
                glm::quat outputRotation = inputRotation;

                bool updated = shoulder.apply(outputRotation);
                QVERIFY(updated == true);

                glm::quat expectedSwingRotation = glm::angleAxis(maxSwingAngle, swingAxis);
                glm::quat expectedRotation = expectedSwingRotation * twistRotation * referenceRotation;
                QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(expectedRotation, outputRotation, EPSILON);
            twist += deltaTwist;

    { // test OUTSIDE twist but INSIDE swing
        int numSwingAxes = 6;
        float deltaTheta = TWO_PI / numSwingAxes;

        int numTwists = 2;
        float startTwist = minTwistAngle - smallAngle;
        float endTwist = maxTwistAngle + smallAngle;
        float deltaTwist = (endTwist - startTwist) / (float)(numTwists - 1);
        float twist = startTwist;

        for (int i = 0; i < numTwists; ++i) {
            glm::quat twistRotation = glm::angleAxis(twist, yAxis);
            float clampedTwistAngle = glm::clamp(twist, minTwistAngle, maxTwistAngle);

            for (float theta = 0.0f; theta < TWO_PI; theta += deltaTheta) {
                float maxSwingAngle = acosf(shoulderSwingLimitFunction.getMinDot(theta));
                float swing = maxSwingAngle - smallAngle;
                glm::vec3 swingAxis(cosf(theta), 0.0f, -sinf(theta));
                glm::quat swingRotation = glm::angleAxis(swing, swingAxis);

                glm::quat inputRotation = swingRotation * twistRotation * referenceRotation;
                glm::quat outputRotation = inputRotation;

                bool updated = shoulder.apply(outputRotation);
                QVERIFY(updated == true);

                glm::quat expectedTwistRotation = glm::angleAxis(clampedTwistAngle, yAxis);
                glm::quat expectedRotation = swingRotation * expectedTwistRotation * referenceRotation;
                QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(expectedRotation, outputRotation, EPSILON);
            twist += deltaTwist;

    { // test OUTSIDE both twist and swing
        int numSwingAxes = 5;
        float deltaTheta = TWO_PI / numSwingAxes;

        int numTwists = 2;
        float startTwist = minTwistAngle - smallAngle;
        float endTwist = maxTwistAngle + smallAngle;
        float deltaTwist = (endTwist - startTwist) / (float)(numTwists - 1);
        float twist = startTwist;

        for (int i = 0; i < numTwists; ++i) {
            glm::quat twistRotation = glm::angleAxis(twist, yAxis);
            float clampedTwistAngle = glm::clamp(twist, minTwistAngle, maxTwistAngle);

            for (float theta = 0.0f; theta < TWO_PI; theta += deltaTheta) {
                float maxSwingAngle = acosf(shoulderSwingLimitFunction.getMinDot(theta));
                float swing = maxSwingAngle + smallAngle;
                glm::vec3 swingAxis(cosf(theta), 0.0f, -sinf(theta));
                glm::quat swingRotation = glm::angleAxis(swing, swingAxis);

                glm::quat inputRotation = swingRotation * twistRotation * referenceRotation;
                glm::quat outputRotation = inputRotation;

                bool updated = shoulder.apply(outputRotation);
                QVERIFY(updated == true);

                glm::quat expectedTwistRotation = glm::angleAxis(clampedTwistAngle, yAxis);
                glm::quat expectedSwingRotation = glm::angleAxis(maxSwingAngle, swingAxis);
                glm::quat expectedRotation = expectedSwingRotation * expectedTwistRotation * referenceRotation;
                QCOMPARE_WITH_ABS_ERROR(expectedRotation, outputRotation, EPSILON);
            twist += deltaTwist;