QDomElement StyleNode::getElement(QStringList path) { if (path.size() < 1 || path.first() != elem.tagName() ) return QDomElement(); if ( path.size() == 1) return elem; // Try to find this element among the children QDomElement e; int index = 0; while ( e.isNull() && index < children.size() ) { e = children[index]->getElement(path.mid(1)); index++; } if (!e.isNull() ) return e; // Try to find this element among the prototypes index = 0; while ( e.isNull() && index < prototypes.size() ) { QStringList newPath = path.mid(1); newPath.prepend("style"); e = prototypes[index]->getElement(newPath); index++; } return e; }
bool endElement(const QString &namespaceURI, const QString &localName, const QString &qName) { --depth; if(depth == 0) { Parser::Event *e = new Parser::Event; e->setDocumentClose(namespaceURI, localName, qName); e->setActualString(in->lastString()); in->resetLastData(); eventList.append(e); in->pause(true); } else { // done with a depth 1 element? if(depth == 1) { Parser::Event *e = new Parser::Event; e->setElement(elem); e->setActualString(in->lastString()); in->resetLastData(); eventList.append(e); in->pause(true); elem = QDomElement(); current = QDomElement(); } else current = current.parentNode().toElement(); } if(in->lastRead() == '/') checkNeedMore(); return true; }
QDomElement QgsServerProjectParser::firstComposerLegendElement() const { if ( !mXMLDoc ) { return QDomElement(); } QDomElement documentElem = mXMLDoc->documentElement(); if ( documentElem.isNull() ) { return QDomElement(); } QDomElement composerElem = documentElem.firstChildElement( "Composer" ); if ( composerElem.isNull() ) { return QDomElement(); } QDomElement compositionElem = composerElem.firstChildElement( "Composition" ); if ( compositionElem.isNull() ) { return QDomElement(); } return compositionElem.firstChildElement( "ComposerLegend" ); }
QDomElement XmlHelper::GetXmlNodeParent(const QString &node_tag) { if (!LoadXmlFile()) { return QDomElement(); } QDomNodeList node_list = doc_.elementsByTagName(node_tag); if (node_list.count() > 0) { return node_list.at(0).toElement(); } return QDomElement(); }
void Item::setSaveToElement(bool val) { _saveToElement = val; // if we don't want direct saving, clear the memory if (!_saveToElement) _node = QDomElement(); }
QDomElement QDomNodeProto:: lastChildElement(const QString &tagName) const { QDomNode *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomNode*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->lastChildElement(tagName); return QDomElement(); }
QDomElement QDomDocumentProto::previousSiblingElement(const QString &tagName) const { QDomDocument *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomDocument*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->previousSiblingElement(tagName); return QDomElement(); }
QDomElement QDomDocumentProto::toElement() const { QDomDocument *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomDocument*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->toElement(); return QDomElement(); }
QDomElement QDomDocumentProto::elementById(const QString& elementId) { QDomDocument *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomDocument*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->elementById(elementId); return QDomElement(); }
//@Override /*public*/ void OperationsSetupXml::readFile(QString name) //throw (JDOMException, IOException) { // suppress rootFromName(name) warning message by checking to see if file exists if (findFile(name) == NULL) { log->debug(tr("%1 file could not be found").arg(name)); return; } // find root QDomElement root = rootFromName(name); if (root == QDomElement()) { log->debug(tr("%1 file could not be read").arg(name)); return; } Setup::load(root); // load manifest header text strings TrainManifestHeaderText::load(root); // load manifest text strings TrainManifestText::load(root); // load switch list text strings TrainSwitchListText::load(root); // load control settings Control::load(root); }
QDomElement QDomNodeProto:: nextSiblingElement(const QString &taName) const { QDomNode *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomNode*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->nextSiblingElement(taName); return QDomElement(); }
QDomElement QDomAttrProto:: ownerElement() const { QDomAttr *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomAttr*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->ownerElement(); return QDomElement(); }
QDomElement QgsWFSServer::createPolygonElem( QgsGeometry* geom, QDomDocument& doc ) const { if ( !geom ) { return QDomElement(); } QDomElement polygonElem = doc.createElement( "gml:Polygon" ); QgsPolygon poly = geom->asPolygon(); for ( int i = 0; i < poly.size(); ++i ) { QString boundaryName; if ( i == 0 ) { boundaryName = "outerBoundaryIs"; } else { boundaryName = "innerBoundaryIs"; } QDomElement boundaryElem = doc.createElementNS( "http://www.opengis.net/gml", boundaryName ); QDomElement ringElem = doc.createElement( "gml:LinearRing" ); QDomElement coordElem = createCoordinateElem( poly.at( i ), doc ); ringElem.appendChild( coordElem ); boundaryElem.appendChild( ringElem ); polygonElem.appendChild( boundaryElem ); } return polygonElem; }
QString ElementWrapper::xmlBase() const { if (!d->xmlBaseParsed) // xmlBase not computed yet { QDomElement current = d->element; while (!current.isNull()) { if (current.hasAttributeNS(xmlNamespace(), QLatin1String("base"))) { d->xmlBase = current.attributeNS(xmlNamespace(), QLatin1String("base")); return d->xmlBase; } QDomNode parent = current.parentNode(); if (!parent.isNull() && parent.isElement()) current = parent.toElement(); else current = QDomElement(); } d->xmlBaseParsed = true; } return d->xmlBase; }
QDomElement KXMLGUIClient::findMatchingElement( const QDomElement &base, const QDomElement &additive ) { static const QString &tagAction = KGlobal::staticQString( "Action" ); static const QString &tagMergeLocal = KGlobal::staticQString( "MergeLocal" ); static const QString &attrName = KGlobal::staticQString( "name" ); QDomNode n = additive.firstChild(); while ( !n.isNull() ) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); n = n.nextSibling(); // Advance now so that we can safely delete e if (e.isNull()) continue; // skip all action and merge tags as we will never use them if ( ( e.tagName() == tagAction ) || ( e.tagName() == tagMergeLocal ) ) { continue; } // now see if our tags are equivalent if ( ( e.tagName() == base.tagName() ) && ( e.attribute( attrName ) == base.attribute( attrName ) ) ) { return e; } } // nope, return a (now) null element return QDomElement(); }
QDomElement QgsWFSServer::createMultiLineStringElem( QgsGeometry* geom, QDomDocument& doc ) const { if ( !geom ) { return QDomElement(); } QDomElement multiLineStringElem = doc.createElement( "gml:MultiLineString" ); QgsMultiPolyline multiline = geom->asMultiPolyline(); QgsMultiPolyline::const_iterator multiLineIt = multiline.constBegin(); for ( ; multiLineIt != multiline.constEnd(); ++multiLineIt ) { QgsGeometry* lineGeom = QgsGeometry::fromPolyline( *multiLineIt ); if ( lineGeom ) { QDomElement lineStringMemberElem = doc.createElement( "gml:lineStringMember" ); QDomElement lineElem = createLineStringElem( lineGeom, doc ); lineStringMemberElem.appendChild( lineElem ); multiLineStringElem.appendChild( lineStringMemberElem ); } delete lineGeom; } return multiLineStringElem; }
QDomElement ASkinner::skinModuleElement(QString module, QString elementName) { QDomElement moduleRoot = modules.firstChildElement(module); if(!moduleRoot.isNull()) { QDomElement objectRoot = moduleRoot.firstChildElement(elementName); if(!objectRoot.isNull()) { qDebug() << "Loaded skin element: " << elementName; return objectRoot; } else { qDebug() << "No such element in module" << module << "skin defenition:" << elementName; return QDomElement(); } } else { qDebug() << "ERROR: No configuration for" << module << "in this skin!"; return QDomElement(); } }
QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> BtBookmarkLoader::loadTree(QString fileName) { qDebug() << "BtBookmarkLoader::loadTree"; QList<QTreeWidgetItem*> itemList; QDomDocument doc; doc.setContent(loadXmlFromFile(fileName)); //bookmarkfolder::loadBookmarksFromXML() QDomElement document = doc.documentElement(); if( document.tagName() != "SwordBookmarks" ) { qWarning("Not a BibleTime Bookmark XML file"); return QList<QTreeWidgetItem*>(); } QDomElement child = document.firstChild().toElement(); while ( !child.isNull() && child.parentNode() == document) { qDebug() << "BtBookmarkLoader::loadTree while start"; QTreeWidgetItem* i = handleXmlElement(child, 0); itemList.append(i); if (!child.nextSibling().isNull()) { child = child.nextSibling().toElement(); } else { child = QDomElement(); //null } } return itemList; }
bool ParseQuery(const QByteArray& data, XmlQuery* query, bool* connection_problems) { try { *query = lastfm::XmlQuery(data); #ifdef Q_OS_WIN32 if (lastfm::ws::last_parse_error != lastfm::ws::NoError) { return false; } #endif // Q_OS_WIN32 } catch (lastfm::ws::ParseError e) { qLog(Error) << "Last.fm parse error: " << e.enumValue(); if (connection_problems) { *connection_problems = e.enumValue() == lastfm::ws::MalformedResponse; } return false; } catch (std::runtime_error& e) { qLog(Error) << e.what(); return false; } if (connection_problems) { *connection_problems = false; } // Check for app errors. if (QDomElement(*query).attribute("status") == "failed") { return false; } return true; }
QDomElement QDomDocumentProto::createElement(const QString& tagName) { QDomDocument *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomDocument*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->createElement(tagName); return QDomElement(); }
QDomElement RecordingSet::serialize(QDomDocument *doc) const { if (m_isNull) return QDomElement(); QDomElement recordingSetElem = doc->createElement("ttsset"); recordingSetElem.setAttribute("id", QString::number(m_id)); QDomElement nameElem = doc->createElement("name"); nameElem.appendChild(doc->createTextNode(m_name)); QDomElement recordingsElem = doc->createElement("recordings"); QList<RecordingSetText> texts = m_recordings.keys(); kDebug() << "Available texts:"; kDebug() << texts; foreach (const RecordingSetText& text, texts) { QDomElement recordingElem = doc->createElement("recording"); QDomElement textElem = doc->createElement("text"); QDomElement pathElem = doc->createElement("path"); textElem.appendChild(doc->createTextNode(text)); pathElem.appendChild(doc->createTextNode(m_recordings.value(text))); recordingElem.appendChild(textElem); recordingElem.appendChild(pathElem); recordingsElem.appendChild(recordingElem); }
QDomElement JingleContent::nextCandidate() { if (!FTransportCandidates.isEmpty() && FTransportCandidateItreator!=FTransportCandidates.constEnd()) return *(FTransportCandidateItreator++); else return QDomElement(); }
QDomElement QDomDocumentProto::firstChildElement(const QString &tagName) const { QDomDocument *item = qscriptvalue_cast<QDomDocument*>(thisObject()); if (item) return item->firstChildElement(tagName); return QDomElement(); }
void QXmppStream::_q_socketReadyRead() { d->dataBuffer.append(d->socket->readAll()); // handle whitespace pings if (!d->dataBuffer.isEmpty() && d->dataBuffer.trimmed().isEmpty()) { d->dataBuffer.clear(); handleStanza(QDomElement()); } // FIXME : maybe these QRegExps could be static? QRegExp startStreamRegex("^(<\\?xml.*\\?>)?\\s*<stream:stream.*>"); startStreamRegex.setMinimal(true); QRegExp endStreamRegex("</stream:stream>$"); endStreamRegex.setMinimal(true); // check whether we need to add stream start / end elements // // NOTE: as we may only have partial XML content, do not alter the stream's // state until we have a valid XML document! QByteArray completeXml = d->dataBuffer; const QString strData = QString::fromUtf8(d->dataBuffer); bool streamStart = false; if (d->streamStart.isEmpty() && strData.contains(startStreamRegex)) streamStart = true; else completeXml.prepend(d->streamStart); bool streamEnd = false; if (strData.contains(endStreamRegex)) streamEnd = true; else completeXml.append(streamRootElementEnd); // check whether we have a valid XML document QDomDocument doc; if (!doc.setContent(completeXml, true)) return; // remove data from buffer logReceived(strData); d->dataBuffer.clear(); // process stream start if (streamStart) { d->streamStart = startStreamRegex.cap(0).toUtf8(); handleStream(doc.documentElement()); } // process stanzas QDomElement nodeRecv = doc.documentElement().firstChildElement(); while (!nodeRecv.isNull()) { handleStanza(nodeRecv); nodeRecv = nodeRecv.nextSiblingElement(); } // process stream end if (streamEnd) disconnectFromHost(); }
const QDomElement EffectsListWidget::currentEffect() const { QTreeWidgetItem *item = currentItem(); if (!item) return QDomElement(); int type = item->data(0, TypeRole).toInt(); QStringList info = item->data(0, IdRole).toStringList(); return itemEffect(type, info); }
QDomElement QgsServerProjectParser::legendElem() const { if ( !mXMLDoc ) { return QDomElement(); } return mXMLDoc->documentElement().firstChildElement( "legend" ); }
inline QDomElement getDomElementByTagName(QDomElement parent, QString tagname) { QDomNodeList elementList = parent.elementsByTagName(tagname); if (elementList.count()) return elementList.at(0).toElement(); else return QDomElement(); }
QDomElement findLastElementByTag(const QDomElement element, const QString tagName) { QDomNodeList l = element.elementsByTagName(tagName); if (l.isEmpty()) return QDomElement(); return l.at(l.length()-1).toElement(); }
void CreateCommand::redo() { QString parentAddress = KBookmark::parentAddress(m_to); KBookmarkGroup parentGroup = m_model->bookmarkManager()->findByAddress(parentAddress).toGroup(); QString previousSibling = KBookmark::previousAddress(m_to); // kDebug() << "previousSibling=" << previousSibling; KBookmark prev = (previousSibling.isEmpty()) ? KBookmark(QDomElement()) : m_model->bookmarkManager()->findByAddress(previousSibling); KBookmark bk = KBookmark(QDomElement()); const int pos = KBookmark::positionInParent(m_to); m_model->beginInsert(parentGroup, pos, pos); if (m_separator) { bk = parentGroup.createNewSeparator(); } else if (m_group) { Q_ASSERT(!m_text.isEmpty()); bk = parentGroup.createNewFolder(m_text); bk.internalElement().setAttribute("folded", (m_open ? "no" : "yes")); if (!m_iconPath.isEmpty()) { bk.setIcon(m_iconPath); } } else if(!m_originalBookmark.isNull()) { QDomElement element = m_originalBookmark.internalElement().cloneNode().toElement(); bk = KBookmark(element); parentGroup.addBookmark(bk); } else { bk = parentGroup.addBookmark(m_text, m_url, m_iconPath); } // move to right position parentGroup.moveBookmark(bk, prev); if (!(text().isEmpty()) && !parentAddress.isEmpty() ) { // open the parent (useful if it was empty) - only for manual commands Q_ASSERT( parentGroup.internalElement().tagName() != "xbel" ); parentGroup.internalElement().setAttribute("folded", "no"); } Q_ASSERT(bk.address() == m_to); m_model->endInsert(); }
QDomElement ElementWrapper::firstElementByTagNameNS(const QString& nsURI, const QString& localName) const { if (isNull()) return QDomElement(); for (QDomNode n = d->element.firstChild(); !n.isNull(); n = n.nextSibling()) { if (n.isElement()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (e.localName() == localName && e.namespaceURI() == nsURI) return e; } } return QDomElement(); }