Exemple #1
/* ********************************************************************* */
unsigned char CheckZone (int z, int bit)
 * Check if bit "bit" is turned on in zone "z".
 *********************************************************************** */
  if (flag == NULL){

  /* ----------------------------------------------
      the flag array is not defined when Chombo 
      is converting conservative variables to 
      primitive ones.
     ---------------------------------------------- */  
    #ifdef CH_SPACEDIM
     return (0);
    print1 ("! CheckZone: NULL pointer in CheckZone\n");

  if (g_dir == IDIR) return (flag[g_k][g_j][z] & bit);
  if (g_dir == JDIR) return (flag[g_k][z][g_i] & bit);
  if (g_dir == KDIR) return (flag[z][g_j][g_i] & bit);
    print1 ("! CheckZone: wrong direction\n");

Exemple #2
/* ********************************************************************* */
void GetOutputFrequency(Output *output, char *output_format)
 *  Set the intervals between output files. 
 *  This can be done in three different ways:
 *  - dt: time interval in code units
 *  - dn: step interval
 *  - dclock: actual clock time (in hours)
 * However, dn and dclock are mutually exclusive.
 *********************************************************************** */
  char *str;
  int len, nhrs, nmin, nsec;

/* -- time interval in code units (dt) -- */

  output->dt = atof(ParamFileGet(output_format, 1));

/* -- check the 2nd field and decide to set "dn" or "dclock" -- */

  str = ParamFileGet(output_format,2);
  len = strlen(str);
  if (str[len-1] == 'h'){
    output->dclock = atof(str);    /* clock interval in hours */
    nhrs = (int)output->dclock;    /* integer part */
    nmin = (int)((output->dclock - nhrs)*100.0); /* remainder in minutes */
    if (nmin >= 60){
      printf ("! OutputFrequency: number of minutes exceeds 60 in %s output\n",
    output->dclock = nhrs*3600.0 + nmin*60;  /* convert to seconds */
    output->dn     = -1;
  }else if (str[len-1] == 'm'){
    output->dclock = atof(str);      /* clock interval in minutes */
    nmin = (int)output->dclock;      /* integer part */
    nsec = (int)((output->dclock - nmin)*100.0); /* remainder in seconds */
    if (nsec >= 60){
      printf ("! OutputFrequency: number of seconds exceeds 60 in %s output\n",
    output->dclock = nmin*60.0 + nsec;
    output->dn     = -1;
  }else if (str[len-1] == 's'){
    output->dclock = atof(str);           /* clock interval in seconds */
    output->dn     = -1;
    output->dclock = -1.0;    
    output->dn     = atoi(ParamFileGet(output_format, 2));

Exemple #3
/* ********************************************************************* */
void SoundSpeed2 (double **v, double *cs2, double *h, int beg, int end,
                  int pos, Grid *grid)
 * Define the square of the sound speed.
 * \param [in]    v   1D array of primitive quantities
 * \param [out] cs2   1D array containing the square of the sound speed
 * \param [in]    h   1D array of enthalpy values
 * \param [in]  beg   initial index of computation 
 * \param [in]  end   final   index of computation
 * \param [in]  pos   an integer specifying the spatial position 
 *                    inside the cell (only for spatially-dependent EOS)
 * \param [in]  grid  pointer to an array of Grid structures
 * \return  This function has no return value.
 *********************************************************************** */
  int  i;
  double theta;

   Enthalpy(v, h, beg, end);
   for (i = beg; i <= end; i++) {
     theta = v[i][PRS]/v[i][RHO];
     #if EOS == IDEAL
      cs2[i] = g_gamma*theta/h[i];
     #elif EOS == TAUB
      cs2[i] = theta/(3.0*h[i])*(5.0*h[i] - 8.0*theta)/(h[i] - theta);
   print ("! SoundSpeed2: Taub EOS not defined for this physics module.\n");
Exemple #4
/* ********************************************************************* */
void Entropy (double **v, double *s, int is, int ie)
 * Compute the entropy.
 * \param [in]    v   1D array of primitive quantities
 * \param [in]    s   1D array of entropy values
 * \param [in]   is   initial index of computation 
 * \param [in]   ie   final   index of computation
 * \return  This function has no return value.
 *********************************************************************** */
  int i;
  double rho;

  #if EOS == IDEAL
   for (i = is; i <= ie; i++){
     rho  = v[i][RHO];
     s[i] = v[i][PRS]/pow(rho,g_gamma);
   print (" Entropy not defined in isothermal or barotropic MHD\n");
Exemple #5
/* ********************************************************************* */
void SoundSpeed2 (double **u, double *cs2, double *h, int beg, int end,
                  int pos, Grid *grid)
 * Define the square of the sound speed.
 * \param [in]    u   1D array of primitive quantities
 * \param [out] cs2   1D array containing the square of the sound speed
 * \param [in]    h   1D array of enthalpy values
 * \param [in]  beg   initial index of computation 
 * \param [in]  end   final   index of computation
 * \param [in]  pos   an integer specifying the spatial position 
 *                    inside the cell (only for spatially-dependent EOS)
 * \param [in]  grid  pointer to an array of Grid structures
 * \return  This function has no return value.
 *********************************************************************** */
  int  i;

  #if EOS == IDEAL
   for (i = beg; i <= end; i++) cs2[i] = g_gamma*u[i][PRS]/u[i][RHO];
    int    j,k;  /* -- used as multidimensional indices -- */
    double *x1, *x2, *x3;

    x1 = grid[IDIR].x;
    x2 = grid[JDIR].x;
    x3 = grid[KDIR].x;

    i = *g_i;
    j = *g_j;
    k = *g_k;
    if (g_dir == IDIR) {

      x1 = (pos == FACE_CENTER ? grid[IDIR].xr : grid[IDIR].x);
      for (i = beg; i <= end; i++) cs2[i] = g_isoSoundSpeed*g_isoSoundSpeed;

    }else if (g_dir == JDIR){

      x2 = (pos == FACE_CENTER ? grid[JDIR].xr : grid[JDIR].x);
      for (j = beg; j <= end; j++) cs2[j] = g_isoSoundSpeed*g_isoSoundSpeed;

    }else if (g_dir == KDIR){

      x3 = (pos == FACE_CENTER ? grid[KDIR].xr : grid[KDIR].x);
      for (k = beg; k <= end; k++) cs2[k] = g_isoSoundSpeed*g_isoSoundSpeed;

   for (i = is ; i <= ie ; i++) {
     cs2[i] = g_gamma*BAROTROPIC_PR(u[i][RHO])/u[i][RHO]; /* true only if p = K rho^\gamma */
   print ("! SoundSpeed2: not defined for this EoS\n");
Exemple #6
/* ********************************************************************* */
void Enthalpy (double **v, real *h, int beg, int end)
 * Compute the enthalpy.
 * \param [in]    v   1D array of primitive quantities
 * \param [in]    h   1D array of enthalpy values
 * \param [in]  beg   initial index of computation 
 * \param [in]  end   final   index of computation
 * \return  This function has no return value.
 *********************************************************************** */
  int i;
  double gmmr;

  #if EOS == IDEAL
   gmmr = g_gamma/(g_gamma - 1.0);
   for (i = beg; i <= end; i++){
     h[i] = gmmr*v[i][PRS]/v[i][RHO];
   print (" Enthalpy not defined in isothermal or barotropic MHD\n");
Exemple #7
/* ***************************************************************** */
void Radiat (double *v, double *rhs)
 *   Provide r.h.s. for tabulated cooling.
 ******************************************************************* */
  int    klo, khi, kmid;
  static int ntab;
  double  mu, T, Tmid, scrh, dT, prs;
  static double *L_tab, *T_tab, E_cost;
  FILE *fcool;

/* -------------------------------------------
        Read tabulated cooling function
   ------------------------------------------- */

  if (T_tab == NULL){
    print1 (" > Reading table from disk...\n");
    fcool = fopen("cooltable.dat","r");
    if (fcool == NULL){
      print1 ("! Radiat: cooltable.dat could not be found.\n");
    L_tab = ARRAY_1D(20000, double);
    T_tab = ARRAY_1D(20000, double);

    ntab = 0;
    while (fscanf(fcool, "%lf  %lf\n", T_tab + ntab, 
                                       L_tab + ntab)!=EOF) {
Exemple #8
/* ********************************************************************* */
void Enthalpy (double **uprim, double *h, int beg, int end)
 * Compute the enthalpy.
 * \param [in]    v   1D array of primitive quantities
 * \param [in]    h   1D array of enthalpy values
 * \param [in]  beg   initial index of computation 
 * \param [in]  end   final   index of computation
 * \return  This function has no return value.
 *********************************************************************** */
  int i;
  double gmmr;

  #if EOS == IDEAL
   gmmr = g_gamma/(g_gamma - 1.0);
   for (i = beg; i <= end; i++){
     h[i] = gmmr*uprim[i][PRS]/uprim[i][RHO];
  #elif EOS == ISOTHERMAL 
   print ("! Enthalpy: not defined for isothermal EoS\n");
Exemple #9
/* *********************************************************************** */
void PrimRHS (double *v, double *dv, double cs2, double h, double *Adv)
 * Compute the matrix-vector multiplication \f$ A(\mathbf{v})\cdot 
 * d\mathbf{v} \f$ where A is the matrix of the quasi-linear form 
 * of the MHD equations.
 *  \b References
 *  - "A solution adaptive upwind scheme for ideal MHD",
 *    Powell et al., JCP (1999) 154, 284
 *  - "An unsplit Godunov method for ideal MHD via constrained transport"
 *    Gardiner \& Stone, JCP (2005) 205, 509
 * \param [in]  v    vector of primitive variables
 * \param [in]  dv   limited (linear) slopes
 * \param [in]  cs2  local sound speed
 * \param [in]  h    local enthalpy
 * \param [out] AdV  matrix-vector product
 * \return This function has no return value.
 ************************************************************************* */
  int nv;
  double tau, scrh;
  double ch2;

  tau = 1.0/v[RHO];

/* ---------------------------------------------
         Adv[k]  Contains A[k][*]*dv[*]  
   ---------------------------------------------  */

  Adv[RHO] = v[VXn]*dv[RHO] + v[RHO]*dv[VXn];
  scrh = EXPAND(0.0, + v[BXt]*dv[BXt], + v[BXb]*dv[BXb]);

  #if EOS == IDEAL
   Adv[VXn] = v[VXn]*dv[VXn] + tau*(dv[PRS] + scrh);
   Adv[VXn] = v[VXn]*dv[VXn] + tau*(cs2*dv[RHO] + scrh);
   Adv[VXn] = v[VXn]*dv[VXn] + tau*(cs2*dv[RHO] + scrh);
   print ("! PRIM_RHS: not defined for this EoS\n");

  EXPAND(                                         ;    ,
Exemple #10
/* ********************************************************************* */
void ParabolicFlux (Data_Arr V, const State_1D *state,
                    double **dcoeff, int beg, int end, Grid *grid)
 * Add the diffusion fluxes to the upwind fluxes for explicit time
 * integration.
 * \param [in] V   pointer to the 3D array of cell-centered primitive
 *                 variables
 * \param [in,out] state pointer to a State_1D structure
 * \param [out]    dcoeff the diffusion coefficients 1D array
 * \param [in]      beg   initial index of computation
 * \param [in]      end   final   index of computation
 * \param [in]      grid  pointer to an array of Grid structures
 *********************************************************************** */
  int i, j, k, nv;
  static double *par_Eflx;
/* ------------------------------------------------------------
    define par_Eflx as the sum of all parabolic contributions 
    (i.e., visc+tc+resistive) to the total energy flux.
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */

  if (par_Eflx == NULL) par_Eflx = ARRAY_1D(NMAX_POINT, double);

  for (i = beg; i <= end + 1; i++){    /* -- use memset instead -- */
    for (nv = NVAR; nv--;  ) {
      state->par_src[i][nv] = 0.0;
      state->par_flx[i][nv] = 0.0;
    par_Eflx[i] = 0.0;

/* -------------------------------------------------
     1. Viscosity 
   ------------------------------------------------- */
   #ifdef FARGO
    print ("! ParabolicFlux: FARGO incompatible with explicit viscosity.\n");
    print ("                 Try STS or RKC instead\n");
   ViscousFlux (V, state->par_flx, state->par_src, dcoeff, beg, end, grid);
   for (i = beg; i <= end; i++){
     EXPAND(state->flux[i][MX1] += state->par_flx[i][MX1];  ,
            state->flux[i][MX2] += state->par_flx[i][MX2];  ,
Exemple #11
/* ********************************************************************* */
int CheckNaN (double **u, int is, int ie, int id)
 * Cheeck whether the array \c u contains Not-a-Number
 *  (NaN)
 *********************************************************************** */
  int ii, nv, i, j;

  for (ii = is; ii <= ie; ii++) {
  for (nv = 0; nv < NVAR; nv++) {
    if (u[ii][nv] != u[ii][nv]) {
      print (" > NaN found (%d), |", id);
      Show (u, ii);
  return (0);
Exemple #12
/* *************************************************************** */
void Enthalpy (real **uprim, real *h, int beg, int end)
 ***************************************************************** */
  int i;
  double g_gammar;

  #if EOS == IDEAL
   g_gammar = g_gamma/(g_gamma - 1.0);
   for (i = beg; i <= end; i++){
     h[i] = g_gammar*uprim[i][PRS]/uprim[i][RHO];
  #elif EOS == ISOTHERMAL 
   print (" Enthalpy not defined for isothermal EoS\n");
Exemple #13
/* *************************************************************** */
void ENTROPY (real **v, real *s, int is, int ie)
 ***************************************************************** */
  int i;
  double rho;

  #if EOS == IDEAL
   for (i = is; i <= ie; i++){
     rho  = v[i][RHO];
     s[i] = v[i][PRS]/pow(rho,g_gamma);
   print (" Entropy not defined in isothermal or barotropic MHD\n");
Exemple #14
/* ********************************************************************* */
void HancockStep (const State_1D *state, int beg, int end, Grid *grid)
 * Use Taylor expansion to compute time-centered states in primitive
 * variables.
 * \param [in,out] state  pointer to a State_1D structure
 * \param [in]     beg    initial index of computation
 * \param [in]     end    final index of computation 
 * \param [in      grid   pointer to array of Grid structures
 * \b References
 *    - "Riemann Solvers and Numerical Methods for  Fluid Dynamics" \n
 *      E.F. Toro
 *********************************************************************** */
  int    nv, i;
  double scrh, dt_2, ch2;
  double Adv[NVAR], dv[NVAR];
  double *vp, *vm, *vc;
  static double **src, *d_dl;

/* -----------------------------------------
         Check scheme compatibility
   ----------------------------------------- */

   print1 ("! MUSCL-Hancock scheme works with Linear reconstruction only\n");

  if (src == NULL){
    src  = ARRAY_2D(NMAX_POINT, NVAR, double);
    d_dl = ARRAY_1D(NMAX_POINT, double);
Exemple #15
/* ********************************************************************* */
double NextTimeStep (Time_Step *Dts, struct INPUT *ini, Grid *grid)
 * Compute and return the time step for the next time level
 * using the information from the previous integration
 * (Dts->inv_dta and Dts->inv_dp).
 * \param [in] Dts pointer to the Time_Step structure
 * \param [in] ini pointer to the Input structure
 * \param [in] grid pointer to array of Grid structures
 * \return The time step for next time level
 *********************************************************************** */
  int idim;
  double dt_adv, dt_par, dtnext;
  double dxmin;
  double xloc, xglob;

/* ---------------------------------------------------
   1. Take the maximum of inv_dt across all processors
   --------------------------------------------------- */

  #ifdef PARALLEL
   xloc = Dts->inv_dta;
   MPI_Allreduce (&xloc, &xglob, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   Dts->inv_dta = xglob;
    xloc = Dts->inv_dtp;
    MPI_Allreduce (&xloc, &xglob, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    Dts->inv_dtp = xglob;
   #if COOLING != NO
    xloc = Dts->dt_cool;
    MPI_Allreduce (&xloc, &xglob, 1, MPI_DOUBLE, MPI_MIN, MPI_COMM_WORLD);
    Dts->dt_cool = xglob;

/* ----------------------------------
   2. Compute time step
   ---------------------------------- */

   dt_adv  = 1.0/(Dts->inv_dta + 2.0*Dts->inv_dtp);
   dt_adv  = 1.0/Dts->inv_dta;
  dt_adv *= ini->cfl;
  dtnext  = dt_adv;

/* -------------------------------------------------------
   3. Maximum propagation speed for the local processor.
      Global glm_ch will be computed later in GLM_Init.
   ------------------------------------------------------- */

  #ifdef GLM_MHD
   dxmin = grid[IDIR].dl_min;
   for (idim = 1; idim < DIMENSIONS; idim++){ /*  Min cell length   */
     dxmin = MIN(dxmin, grid[idim].dl_min);
   glm_ch = ini->cfl*dxmin/dtnext;

/* ---------------------------------------------------------
   4. With STS, the ratio between advection (full) and 
      parabolic time steps should not exceed ini->rmax_par.
   --------------------------------------------------------- */
   dt_par  = ini->cfl_par/(2.0*Dts->inv_dtp);
   dtnext *= MIN(1.0, ini->rmax_par/(dt_adv/dt_par));

/* ----------------------------------
   5. Compute Cooling time step
   ---------------------------------- */

  #if COOLING != NO
   dtnext = MIN(dtnext, Dts->dt_cool);
/* --------------------------------------------------------------
    6. Allow time step to vary at most by a factor 
       Quit if dt gets too small, issue a warning if first_dt has
       been overestimated.
   -------------------------------------------------------------- */

  dtnext = MIN(dtnext, ini->cfl_max_var*g_dt);

  if (dtnext < ini->first_dt*1.e-9){
    print1 ("! dt is too small (%12.6e)!\n", dtnext);
    print1 ("! Cannot continue\n");

  if (g_stepNumber <= 1 && (ini->first_dt > dtnext/ini->cfl)){
    print1 ("! NextTimeStep: initial dt exceeds stability limit\n");

/* --------------------------------------------
   7. Reset time step coefficients
   -------------------------------------------- */

  DIM_LOOP(idim) Dts->cmax[idim] = 0.0;
  Dts->inv_dta = 0.0;
  Dts->inv_dtp = 0.0;
  Dts->dt_cool = 1.e38;

/* ********************************************************************* */
void EntropyOhmicHeating (const Data *d, Data_Arr UU, double dt, Grid *grid)
 * Add Ohmic heating term to the conservative entropy equation when
 * RESISTIVITY is set to YES.
 * \return  This function has no return value.
 *********************************************************************** */
#if PHYSICS == MHD && (RESISTIVITY == EXPLICIT) /* at the moment ... remove later ! */
  int    i,j,k,nv;
  double rho, rhog, gm1, vc[NVAR];
  double Jc[3], eta[3], J2eta;
  double ***Jx1, *x1, *dx1;
  double ***Jx2, *x2, *dx2;
  double ***Jx3, *x3, *dx3;
  Data_Arr V;

/* ---------------------------------------------
   1. Set pointer shortcuts 
   --------------------------------------------- */
  V   = d->Vc;
  Jx1 = d->J[IDIR]; x1 = grid[IDIR].x ; dx1 = grid[IDIR].dx;
  Jx2 = d->J[JDIR]; x2 = grid[JDIR].x ; dx2 = grid[JDIR].dx;
  Jx3 = d->J[KDIR]; x3 = grid[KDIR].x ; dx3 = grid[KDIR].dx;

  gm1 = g_gamma - 1.0;
  Jc[IDIR] = Jc[JDIR] = Jc[KDIR] = 0.0;
/* ---------------------------------------------
   2. Main spatial loop
   --------------------------------------------- */

  /* ---------------------------------
     2a. compute currents at cell center
     --------------------------------- */

    #ifdef STAGGERED_MHD  /* Staggered MHD */

     #if COMPONENTS == 3
      Jc[IDIR] = AVERAGE_YZ(Jx1,k-1,j-1,i);
      Jc[JDIR] = AVERAGE_XZ(Jx2,k-1,j,i-1);
     Jc[KDIR] = AVERAGE_XY(Jx3,k,j-1,i-1);

    #else               /* Cell-centered MHD */

     #if COMPONENTS == 3
      Jc[IDIR] = CDIFF_X2(V[BX3],k,j,i)/dx2[j] - CDIFF_X3(V[BX2],k,j,i)/dx3[k];
      Jc[JDIR] = CDIFF_X3(V[BX1],k,j,i)/dx3[k] - CDIFF_X1(V[BX3],k,j,i)/dx1[i];
     Jc[KDIR] = CDIFF_X1(V[BX2],k,j,i)/dx1[i] - CDIFF_X2(V[BX1],k,j,i)/dx2[j];

      print1 ("! EntropyOhmicHeating: only CT supported in this geometry.\n")


  /* ----------------------------------------
     2b. compute resistivity at cell center.
     ---------------------------------------- */

    VAR_LOOP(nv) vc[nv] = V[nv][k][j][i];
    rho  = vc[RHO];
    rhog = pow(rho,-gm1);

    Resistive_eta (vc, x1[i], x2[j], x3[k], Jc, eta);
    J2eta = 0.0;
    for (nv = 0; nv < 3; nv++) J2eta += Jc[nv]*Jc[nv]*eta[nv];

  /* ----------------------------------------
     2c. Update conserved entropy
     ---------------------------------------- */
    UU[k][j][i][ENTR] += dt*rhog*gm1*J2eta;
/* ********************************************************************* */
void ParseCmdLineArgs (int argc, char *argv[], char *ini_file, 
                       Cmd_Line *cmd)
 * Parse command line options. Error messages will be output to
 * stdout.
 * \param[in]  argc       argument count
 * \param[in]  argv       argument vector
 * \param[in]  ini_file   a pointer to a string containing the name of
 *                        the initialization file (default: "pluto.ini")
 * \param[out] cmd        the command-line structure.
 *********************************************************************** */
  int i,j;

/* -----------------------------------------------
           Set default values first
   ----------------------------------------------- */

  cmd->restart   = NO;
  cmd->h5restart = NO;
  cmd->maxsteps  = 0 ;
  cmd->write     = YES;
  cmd->makegrid  = NO; 
  cmd->jet       = -1; /* -- means no direction -- */
  cmd->show_dec  = NO;
  cmd->xres      = -1; /* -- means no grid resizing -- */
  /* AYW -- 2012-06-19 09:21 JST 
   maxtime default - 0 means no limit set*/
  cmd->maxtime = 0 ;
  /* --AYW */
  /* DM 10Aug15: initialise only */
  cmd->init_only = NO;

  cmd->nproc[IDIR] = -1; /* means autodecomp will be used */
  cmd->nproc[JDIR] = -1;
  cmd->nproc[KDIR] = -1;

  #ifdef PARALLEL
   cmd->parallel_dim[IDIR] = YES;  /* by default, we parallelize */
   cmd->parallel_dim[JDIR] = YES;  /* all directions             */
   cmd->parallel_dim[KDIR] = YES;

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------
             Parse Command Line Options.

    Note: Since at this time the output directory is now known and
          "pluto.log" has not been opened yet, we use printf to issue
          error messages.
   -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  for (i = 1; i < argc ; i++){

    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-dec")) {

    /* -- start reading integers at i+1 -- */

      for (g_dir = 0; g_dir < DIMENSIONS; g_dir++){

        if ((++i) >= argc){
          if (prank == 0){
            D_SELECT(printf ("! You must specify -dec n1\n");  ,
                     printf ("! You must specify -dec n1  n2\n");  ,
                     printf ("! You must specify -dec n1  n2  n3\n");)
        cmd->nproc[g_dir] = atoi(argv[i]);
        if (cmd->nproc[g_dir] == 0){
            if (prank == 0) {
              printf ("! Incorrect number of processor for g_dir = %d \n", g_dir);
Exemple #18
/* ********************************************************************* */
void Init (double *us, double x1, double x2, double x3)
 *********************************************************************** */
  double dr, vol, r;

  g_gamma = g_inputParam[GAMMA];

/* --------------------------------------------------
    dr is the size of the initial energy deposition 
    region: 2 ghost zones.
   -------------------------------------------------- */

  #if DIMENSIONS == 1
   dr = 2.0*(g_domEnd[IDIR]-g_domBeg[IDIR])/(double)NX1;
   dr = 3.5*(g_domEnd[IDIR]-g_domBeg[IDIR])/(double)NX1;

/* ---------------------------------------
     compute region volume 
   --------------------------------------- */

   vol = 2.0*dr;
   vol = CONST_PI*dr*dr;
  #elif (GEOMETRY == SPHERICAL   && DIMENSIONS == 1)|| \
   vol = 4.0/3.0*CONST_PI*dr*dr*dr;
   print1 ("! Init: geometrical configuration not allowed\n");

  r = EXPAND(x1*x1, + x2*x2, +x3*x3);
  r = sqrt(r);

  us[RHO] = g_inputParam[DNST0];
  us[VX1] = 0.0;
  us[VX2] = 0.0;
  us[VX3] = 0.0;

  if (r <= dr) {
    us[PRS] =  (g_gamma - 1.0)*g_inputParam[ENRG0]/vol;
    us[PRS] = 1.e-5;

  us[TRC]  = 0.0;


   us[BX1] = 0.0;
   us[BX2] = 0.0;
   us[BX3] = 0.0;


    us[AX] = 0.0;
    us[AY] = 0.0;
    us[AZ] = 0.0;


Exemple #19
/* ********************************************************************* */
int Setup (Input *input, Cmd_Line *cmd_line, char *ini_file)
 * Open and parse the initialization file. 
 * Assign values to the input structure.
 * \param [out]  input     pointer to an Input structure
 * \param [in]   cmd_line  pointer to a Cmd_Line structure (useful, e.g.,
 *                         to resize the domain using the \c -xres option)
 * \param [in]   ini_file  the name of the initialization file (default
 *                         is "pluto.ini") specified with the \c -i option.
 *********************************************************************** */
  int    idim, ip, ipos, itype, nlines;
  char   *bound_opt[NOPT], str_var[512], *str;
  char  *glabel[]     = {"X1-grid", "X2-grid","X3-grid"};
  char  *bbeg_label[] = {"X1-beg", "X2-beg","X3-beg"};
  char  *bend_label[] = {"X1-end", "X2-end","X3-end"};
  double dbl_var, rx;
  Output *output;
  FILE *fp;

  print1 ("> Reading %s (Setup) ...\n\n", ini_file);

  for (itype = 0; itype < NOPT; itype++) {
    bound_opt[itype] = "0000";

/*  ---------------------------------------------------
      available options are given as two set of names;
      This facilitates when updating the code and
      people are too lazy to read the manual !
    --------------------------------------------------- */

  bound_opt[OUTFLOW]      = "outflow";
  bound_opt[REFLECTIVE]   = "reflective";
  bound_opt[AXISYMMETRIC] = "axisymmetric";
  bound_opt[EQTSYMMETRIC] = "eqtsymmetric";
  bound_opt[PERIODIC]     = "periodic";
  bound_opt[SHEARING]     = "shearingbox";
  bound_opt[USERDEF]      = "userdef";

  input->log_freq = 1; /* -- default -- */
  nlines = ParOpen (ini_file);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
                        [Grid] Section 
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */

  for (idim = 0; idim < 3; idim++){
    input->npatch[idim] = atoi(ParGet(glabel[idim], 1));
    input->npoint[idim] = 0;

    ipos = 1;
    for (ip = 1; ip <= input->npatch[idim]; ip++) {

      input->patch_left_node[idim][ip] = atof(ParGet(glabel[idim], ++ipos));
      input->patch_npoint[idim][ip]    = atoi(ParGet(glabel[idim], ++ipos));
      input->npoint[idim]             += input->patch_npoint[idim][ip];
      input->grid_is_uniform[idim]     = 0;

      strcpy (str_var, ParGet(glabel[idim], ++ipos)); 
printf ("%f  %d %s\n",input->patch_left_node[idim][ip],input->patch_npoint[idim][ip],str_var);
      if (strcmp(str_var,"u") == 0 || strcmp(str_var,"uniform") == 0) {
        input->patch_type[idim][ip] = UNIFORM_GRID;
        if (input->npatch[idim] == 1) input->grid_is_uniform[idim] = 1;        
      }else if (strcmp(str_var,"s") == 0 || strcmp(str_var,"strecthed") == 0) { 
        input->patch_type[idim][ip] = STRETCHED_GRID;
      }else if (strcmp(str_var,"l+") == 0){
        input->patch_type[idim][ip] = LOGARITHMIC_INC_GRID;
      }else if (strcmp(str_var,"l-") == 0){
        input->patch_type[idim][ip] = LOGARITHMIC_DEC_GRID;
        print("\nYou must specify either 'u', 's', 'l+' or 'l-' as grid-type in %s\n", ini_file);
    input->patch_left_node[idim][ip] = atof(ParGet(glabel[idim], ++ipos));

    if ( (ipos+1) != (input->npatch[idim]*3 + 3)) {
      print (" ! Domain #%d setup is not properly defined \n", idim);
    if (idim >= DIMENSIONS && input->npoint[idim] != 1) {
      print ("! %d point(s) on dim. %d is NOT valid, resetting to 1\n",
      input->npoint[idim]          = 1;
      input->npatch[idim]          = 1;
      input->patch_npoint[idim][1] = 1;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
      Change the resolution if cmd_line->xres has been given
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */

  if (cmd_line->xres > 1) {
    rx =  (double)cmd_line->xres/(double)input->patch_npoint[IDIR][1];
    for (idim = 0; idim < DIMENSIONS; idim++){
      if (input->npatch[idim] > 1){  
        print ("! -xres option works on uniform, single patch grid\n");
      dbl_var = (double)input->patch_npoint[idim][1];
      input->patch_npoint[idim][1] = (int)(dbl_var*rx);
      dbl_var = (double)input->npoint[idim];
      input->npoint[idim] = (int)(dbl_var*rx); 

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
                     [Time] Section 
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */

  input->cfl         = atof(ParGet("CFL", 1));

  if (ParQuery ("CFL_par")) input->cfl_par = atof(ParGet("CFL_par", 1));
  else                       input->cfl_par = 0.8/(double)DIMENSIONS;

  if (ParQuery ("rmax_par")) input->rmax_par = atof(ParGet("rmax_par", 1));
  else                        input->rmax_par = 100.0;

  input->cfl_max_var = atof(ParGet("CFL_max_var", 1));
  input->tstop       = atof(ParGet("tstop", 1));
  input->first_dt    = atof(ParGet("first_dt", 1));

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
                     [Solver] Section 
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */

  sprintf (input->solv_type,"%s",ParGet("Solver",1));

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
                     [Boundary] Section 
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */

  for (idim = 0; idim < 3; idim++){

    str = ParGet(bbeg_label[idim], 1);
    COMPARE (str, bound_opt[itype], itype);
    if (itype == NOPT) {
      print ("! Setup: don't know how to put left boundary '%s'  \n", str);
    input->lft_bound_side[idim] = itype;

  for (idim = 0; idim < 3; idim++){

    str = ParGet(bend_label[idim], 1);
    COMPARE (str, bound_opt[itype], itype);
    if (itype == NOPT) {
      print ("! Setup: don't know how to put left boundary '%s'  \n", str);
    input->rgt_bound_side[idim] = itype;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
                     [Output] Section 
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */

  input->user_var = atoi(ParGet("uservar", 1));
  for (ip = 0; ip < input->user_var; ip++){

    if ( (str = ParGet("uservar", 2 + ip)) != NULL){
      sprintf (input->user_var_name[ip], "%s", str);
      print ("! Setup: missing name after user var name '%s'\n", 

 /* ---- dbl output ---- */

  ipos = 0;
  output = input->output + (ipos++);
  output->type  = DBL_OUTPUT;
  GetOutputFrequency(output, "dbl");

  sprintf (output->mode,"%s",ParGet("dbl",3));
  #ifdef USE_ASYNC_IO
   if (    strcmp(output->mode,"single_file") 
        && strcmp(output->mode,"single_file_async")
        && strcmp(output->mode,"multiple_files")){
      print1 (
      "! Setup: expecting 'single_file', 'single_file_async' or 'multiple_files' in dbl output\n");
   if (   strcmp(output->mode,"single_file")
       && strcmp(output->mode,"multiple_files")){
      print1 (
      "! Setup: expecting 'single_file' or 'multiple_files' in dbl output\n");

 /* ---- flt output ---- */

  output = input->output + (ipos++);
  output->type  = FLT_OUTPUT;
  GetOutputFrequency(output, "flt");

  sprintf (output->mode,"%s",ParGet("flt",3));  
  #ifdef USE_ASYNC_IO
   if (    strcmp(output->mode,"single_file") 
        && strcmp(output->mode,"single_file_async")
        && strcmp(output->mode,"multiple_files")){
      print1 (
      "! Setup: expecting 'single_file', 'single_file_async' or 'multiple_files' in flt output\n");
   if (    strcmp(output->mode,"single_file") 
        && strcmp(output->mode,"multiple_files")){
      print1 (
      "! Setup: expecting 'single_file' or 'multiple_files' in flt output\n");

 /* -- hdf5 output -- */

  if (ParQuery("dbl.h5")){
    output = input->output + (ipos++);
    output->type  = DBL_H5_OUTPUT;
    GetOutputFrequency(output, "dbl.h5");
  if (ParQuery("flt.h5")){
    output = input->output + (ipos++);
    output->type  = FLT_H5_OUTPUT;
    GetOutputFrequency(output, "flt.h5");

 /* -- vtk output -- */

  if (ParQuery ("vtk")){
    output = input->output + (ipos++);
    output->type  = VTK_OUTPUT;
    GetOutputFrequency(output, "vtk");

    if (ParGet("vtk",3) == NULL){
      print1 (" ! Setup: extra field missing in vtk output\n");
    sprintf (output->mode,"%s",ParGet("vtk",3));
    if (   strcmp(output->mode,"single_file")
        && strcmp(output->mode,"multiple_files")){
       print1 (" ! Setup: expecting 'single_file' or 'multiple_files' in\n");
       print1 ("          vtk output\n");


 /* -- tab output -- */

  if (ParQuery ("tab")){
    output = input->output + (ipos++);
    output->type  = TAB_OUTPUT;
    GetOutputFrequency(output, "tab");

 /* -- ppm output -- */

  if (ParQuery ("ppm")){
    output = input->output + (ipos++);
    output->type  = PPM_OUTPUT;
    GetOutputFrequency(output, "ppm");

 /* -- png output -- */

  if (ParQuery ("png")){
    output = input->output + (ipos++);
    output->type  = PNG_OUTPUT;
    GetOutputFrequency(output, "png");

 /* -- log frequency -- */

  input->log_freq = atoi(ParGet("log", 1));
  input->log_freq = MAX(input->log_freq, 1);
 /* -- set default for remaining output type -- */

  while (ipos < MAX_OUTPUT_TYPES){
    output = input->output + ipos;
    output->type   = -1;
    output->dt     = -1.0;
    output->dn     = -1;
    output->dclock = -1.0;

 /* -- analysis -- */

  if (ParQuery ("analysis")){
    input->anl_dt = atof(ParGet("analysis", 1));
    input->anl_dn = atoi(ParGet("analysis", 2));
    input->anl_dt = -1.0;   /* -- defaults -- */
    input->anl_dn = -1;

/* ------------------------------------------------------------
                   [Parameters] Section 
   ------------------------------------------------------------ */

  fp = fopen(ini_file,"r");
/* -- find position at "[Parameters" -- */

  for (ipos = 0; ipos <= nlines; ipos++){ 
    fgets(str_var, 512, fp);
    if (strlen(str_var) > 0) {
      str = strtok (str_var,"]");
      if (strcmp(str,"[Parameters") == 0) break;

  fgets(str_var, 512, fp); 
  for (ip = 0; ip < USER_DEF_PARAMETERS; ip++){
    fscanf (fp,"%s %lf\n", str_var, &dbl_var);
    input->aux[ip] = dbl_var;

/* --------------------------------------------
            print some output
   -------------------------------------------- */
  print1 ("  CFL   : %4.2f\n",input->cfl);
  print1 ("  Solver: %s\n",input->solv_type);
  for (ip = 0; ip < USER_DEF_PARAMETERS; ip++){
    print1 ("  User def par #%d = %10.4e\n",ip,input->aux[ip]);
  for (idim = 0; idim < DIMENSIONS; idim++){
    print1 ("  X%d boundary: ",idim+1);
    print1 ("[beg ... end]  %s ... %s\n", bound_opt[input->lft_bound_side[idim]], 
Exemple #20
/* ********************************************************************* */
void Init (double *v, double x, double y, double z)
 *********************************************************************** */
  static int first_call = 1;
  double Bz0, rnd, dvy, cs, H;
  double Lx, Ly, Lz;
  double kx, ky, kz;

  print1 ("! ShearingBox module has not been included.\n");
  print1 ("! Cannot continue.\n");

/* -- compute domain sizes -- */

  Lx = g_domEnd[IDIR] - g_domBeg[IDIR]; kx = 2.0*CONST_PI/Lx;
  Ly = g_domEnd[JDIR] - g_domBeg[JDIR]; ky = 2.0*CONST_PI/Ly;
  Lz = g_domEnd[KDIR] - g_domBeg[KDIR]; kz = 2.0*CONST_PI/Lz;

/* -- get sound speed and pressure scale height -- */

  cs = g_inputParam[CSOUND];    /* sound speed */
//H  = sqrt(2.0)*cs/sb_Omega;   /* pressure scale height */
  H  = sqrt(2.0)*cs/SB_OMEGA;   /* pressure scale height */

/* -- seed random numbers differently for each processor -- */

  if (first_call == 1){
    srand(time(NULL) + prank);
    first_call = 0;
  rnd = (double)(rand())/((double)RAND_MAX + 1.0);

/* -- set velocity perturbation [1]: random noise -- */

/*  dvy = 0.01*cs*rnd; */

/* -- set velocity perturbation [2], two harmonics for each direction -- */

  dvy  = sin(kx*x + 0.20) + sin(2.0*kx*x - 0.37);
  dvy *= sin(ky*y + 0.13) + sin(2.0*ky*y + 0.04);
  dvy *= sin(kz*z + 0.56) + sin(2.0*kz*z + 0.62);
  dvy *= 0.01*cs/8.0;

/* -- in 2D we don't use any perturbation -- */

  #if DIMENSIONS == 2
   dvy = 0.0;

/* -- set initial condition -- */

   v[RHO] = exp(-z*z/(H*H));
   v[RHO] = 1.0;

  v[VX1] = 0.0;
//v[VX2] = -sb_q*sb_Omega*x + dvy;
  v[VX2] = -SB_Q*SB_OMEGA*x + dvy;
  v[VX3] = 0.0;
  #if EOS == IDEAL
   v[PRS] = cs*cs*v[RHO];
   g_isoSoundSpeed = cs;

  v[TRC] = 0.0;

/* ----------------------------------------------------------------
    The magnetic field amplitude is set by the parameter
    beta = 2p/B^2 = 2*rho*c^2/b0^2   -->   b0 = c*sqrt(2/beta)
    where it is assumed that rho = 1 (midplane).
   ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

  #if PHYSICS == MHD 
   Bz0 = cs*sqrt(2.0/g_inputParam[BETA]);

   #if  NET_FLUX  == YES  /* -- Net flux, constant vertical field Bz = B0 -- */

    v[BX1] = 0.0;
    v[BX2] = 0.0;
    v[BX3] = Bz0;

    v[AX1] = 0.0;
    v[AX2] = Bz0*x;
    v[AX3] = 0.0;

   #else /* -- Zero net flux, Bz = B0*sin(2*pi*x/Lx) -- */

   v[BX1] = 0.0;
   v[BX2] = 0.0;
   v[BX3] = Bz0*sin(kx*x);

   v[AX1] = 0.0;
   v[AX2] = -Bz0*cos(kx*x)/kx;
   v[AX3] = 0.0;


   #if DIMENSIONS == 2  /* 2D Case only for testing */
    v[BX1] = Bz0*sin(ky*y);
    v[BX2] = 0.0;
    v[BX3] = 0.0;

    v[AX1] = 0.0;
    v[AX2] = 0.0;
    v[AX3] = -Bz0*cos(ky*y)/ky;
Exemple #21
/* **************************************************************** */
void SoundSpeed2 (double **u, double *cs2, double *h, int beg, int end,
                  int pos, Grid *grid)
 *    Define the square of the sound speed for different EOS
 ****************************************************************** */
  int  i;

  #if EOS == IDEAL
   for (i = beg; i <= end; i++) cs2[i] = g_gamma*u[i][PRS]/u[i][RHO];
    int    j,k;  /* -- used as multidimensional indices -- */
    double *x1, *x2, *x3;

    x1 = grid[IDIR].x;
    x2 = grid[JDIR].x;
    x3 = grid[KDIR].x;

    i = g_i;
    j = g_j;
    k = g_k;

    if (g_dir == IDIR) {
      double R;

      x1 = (pos == FACE_CENTER ? grid[IDIR].xr : grid[IDIR].x);
      for (i = beg; i <= end; i++){
        #if GEOMETRY == POLAR
         R = x1[i];
        #elif GEOMETRY == SPHERICAL
         R = x1[i]*sin(x2[j]);
        cs2[i] = g_isoSoundSpeed*g_isoSoundSpeed/R;

    }else if (g_dir == JDIR){
      double R;

      x2 = (pos == FACE_CENTER ? grid[JDIR].xr : grid[JDIR].x);
      for (j = beg; j <= end; j++) {
        #if GEOMETRY == POLAR
         R = x1[i];
        #elif GEOMETRY == SPHERICAL
         R = x1[i]*sin(x2[j]);
        cs2[j] = g_isoSoundSpeed*g_isoSoundSpeed/R;
    }else if (g_dir == KDIR){
      double R;

      x3 = (pos == FACE_CENTER ? grid[KDIR].xr : grid[KDIR].x);
      for (k = beg; k <= end; k++){
        #if GEOMETRY == POLAR
         R = x1[i];
        #elif GEOMETRY == SPHERICAL
         R = x1[i]*sin(x2[j]);
        cs2[k] = g_isoSoundSpeed*g_isoSoundSpeed/R;
   print ("! SoundSpeed2: not defined for this EoS\n");
Exemple #22
/* ********************************************************************* */
void FARGO_ShiftSolution(Data_Arr U, Data_Arr Us, Grid *grid)
 * Shifts conserved variables in the orbital direction.
 * \param [in,out]  U    a 3D array of conserved, zone-centered values
 * \param [in,out]  Us   a 3D array of staggered magnetic fields
 * \param [in]      grid  pointer to Grid structure;
 * \return  This function has no return value.
 * \todo    Optimization: avoid using  too many if statement like
 *          on nproc_s > 1 or == 1
 *********************************************************************** */
 #define s j   /* -- orbital direction index -- */
 #define s k
  int    i, j, k, nv, ngh, nvar_c;
  int    sm, m;
  static int mmax, mmin;  /* Used to determine buffer size from time to time */
  int    nbuf_lower, nbuf_upper, nproc_s = 1;
  double *dx, *dy, *dz, dphi;
  double *x, *xp, *y, *yp, *z, *zp, w, Lphi, dL, eps;
  double **wA, ***Uc[NVAR];
  static double *q00, *flux00;
  double *q, *flux;    
  static double ***Ez, ***Ex;
  #ifdef PARALLEL
   double ***upper_buf[NVAR];  /* upper layer buffer  */
   double ***lower_buf[NVAR];  /* lower layer buffer  */
   RBox    lbox, ubox;              /* lower and upper box structures  */

   print1 ("! FARGO cannot be used in this geometry\n");

/* -----------------------------------------------------------------
    Allocate memory for static arrays.
    In parallel mode, one-dimensional arrays must be large enough
    to contain data values coming from neighbour processors.
    For this reason we augment them with an extra zone buffer
    containing MAX_BUF_SIZE cells on both sides.
    In this way, the array indices for q can be negative.
    <..MAX_BUF_SIZE..>|---|---| ... |---|----|<..MAX_BUF_SIZE..>
                        0   1            NX2-1
   ----------------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (q00 == NULL){
     q00    = ARRAY_1D(NX3_TOT + 2*MAX_BUF_SIZE,double);
     flux00 = ARRAY_1D(NX3_TOT + 2*MAX_BUF_SIZE,double);
     q00    = ARRAY_1D(NX2_TOT + 2*MAX_BUF_SIZE,double);
     flux00 = ARRAY_1D(NX2_TOT + 2*MAX_BUF_SIZE,double);
    #ifdef STAGGERED_MHD
     Ez = ARRAY_3D(NX3_TOT, NX2_TOT, NX1_TOT, double);
     Ex = ARRAY_3D(NX3_TOT, NX2_TOT, NX1_TOT, double);
  /* --------------------------------------------------------------
      The value of mmax and mmin is kept from call to call because
      they are used to determine the size of the send/receive
      buffers each time step.
      At the very beginning, we initialize them to the largest
      possible value. 
     -------------------------------------------------------------- */

    mmax = MIN(NS, MAX_BUF_SIZE-1) - grid[SDIR].nghost - 2;
    mmin = mmax;
Exemple #23
/* ********************************************************************* */
void FD_Flux (const State_1D *state, int beg, int end, 
               double *cmax, Grid *grid)
 * Compute interface flux by suitable high-order finite
 * difference non-oscillatory interpolants.
 * \param [in]  state   pointer to State_1D structure
 * \param [in]    beg   initial index of computation
 * \param [in]    end   final   index of computation
 * \param [out]  cmax   array of maximum characteristic speeds
 * \param [in]    grid  pointer to an array of Grid structures
 * \b Reference
 *    - "High-order conservative finite difference GLM-MHD schemes
 *     for cell-centered MHD"\n
 *      Mignone et al., JCP (2010), 229, 5896
 * \return This function has no return value.    
 ****************************************************************** */
  int    nv, i, j, k, np_tot;
  int    Kmax, S;
  double **v, **flux, *press;
  double fs, fp, fm, flx[NFLX], dx;

  static double *Fp, *Fm, **F, *a2, **u;
  static double **Uave, **Vave, **lp;
  double **L, **R;
  static double *psim, *Bm; 
  double (*REC)(double *, double, int);

/* ------------------------------------------------------------------
           Check compatibility with other modules 
   ------------------------------------------------------------------ */

   print1 ("! Finite Difference schemes work with RK3 only \n");
   print1 ("! Finite Difference schemes work in Cartesian coordinates only\n");
   print1 ("! Finite difference schemes work only for HD od MHD modules\n");
   print1 ("! Finite difference schemes work only with cell-centered schemes\n");

/* --------------------------------------------------------------
     - Define pointer to reconstruction function
     - Determine the stencil for interpolation
       For a given S, the stencil is: i-S <= i <= i+S+1
   -------------------------------------------------------------- */

  dx = grid[g_dir].dx[beg];
   REC = WENO3_Reconstruct;
   S   = 1;
   REC = LIMO3_Reconstruct;
   S   = 1;
   REC = WENOZ_Reconstruct;
   S   = 2;
   REC = MP5_Reconstruct;
   S   = 2;
  if (F == NULL){
    Fp   = ARRAY_1D(NMAX_POINT, double);
    Fm   = ARRAY_1D(NMAX_POINT, double);
    F    = ARRAY_2D(NMAX_POINT, NVAR, double);
    lp   = ARRAY_2D(NMAX_POINT, NVAR, double);
    psim = ARRAY_1D(NMAX_POINT, double);
    Bm   = ARRAY_1D(NMAX_POINT, double);
    a2   = ARRAY_1D(NMAX_POINT, double);
    Uave = ARRAY_2D(NMAX_POINT, NVAR, double);
    Vave = ARRAY_2D(NMAX_POINT, NVAR, double);
    u    = ARRAY_2D(NMAX_POINT, NVAR, double);
/* ********************************************************************* */
double GaussQuadrature(double (*func)(double), double xb, double xe, 
                       int nstep, int order)
 * Perform numerical quadrature of the function f(x) between 
 * the lower bound xb and upper bound xe by subdividing the interval 
 * into 'nstep' steps.
 * A 3 or 5-point Gaussian quadrature rule is used depending on the 
 * input variable order (=3 or =5)
 * \param [in] *func   a pointer to the function func(x) (returning double)
 *                     to be integrated
 * \param [in] xb      the lower interval bound
 * \param [in] xe      the upper interval bound
 * \param [in] nstep   the number of sub-intervals into which the 
 *                     original interval [xb,xe] has to be divided
 * \param [in] order   the number of Gaussian points (only 3 or 5)    
 *********************************************************************** */
  int    i, n;
  double w[8], z[8], x;
  double I, Isub;
  double xb0, xe0, dx;
  if (order == 3){
    double s3 = sqrt(3.0/5.0);

    z[0] = -s3;  w[0] = 5.0/9.0;
    z[1] = 0.0;  w[1] = 8.0/9.0;
    z[2] =  s3;  w[2] = 5.0/9.0;
  }else if (order == 5){
    double s1, s7;
    s1 = sqrt(10.0/7.0);
    s7 = sqrt(70.0);
    z[0] = -1.0/3.0*sqrt(5.0 - 2.0*s1); w[0] = (322.0 + 13.0*s7)/900.0;
    z[1] = -z[0]; w[1] = w[0];

    z[2] = -1.0/3.0*sqrt(5.0 + 2.0*s1); w[2] = (322.0 - 13.0*s7)/900.0;
    z[3] = -z[2]; w[3] = w[2];

    z[4] = 0.0; w[4] = 128.0/225.0;
    print ("! GaussQuadrature: order must be either 3 or 5\n");
  if (nstep <= 0){
    print ("! GaussQuadrature: nstep must be > 0\n");
  xb0 = xb; xe0 = xe; /* save original interval endpoints */
  dx = (xe - xb)/(double)nstep; /* sub-interval length */
  I  = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < nstep; i++){
    xb = xb0 + i*dx;
    xe = xb + dx;
    Isub = 0.0;  /* intgrate sub-interval */
    for (n = 0; n < order; n++){
      x     = 0.5*(xe - xb)*z[n] + (xe + xb)*0.5;
      Isub += w[n]*func(x);
    Isub *= 0.5*(xe - xb);
    I    += Isub;
  return I;
Exemple #25
/* ********************************************************************* */
void WriteData (const Data *d, Output *output, Grid *grid)
 * Write data to disk using any of the available formats.
 * \param [in] d      pointer to PLUTO Data structre 
 * \param [in] output the output structure corresponding to a given
 *                    format
 * \param [in] grid   pointer to an array of Grid structures
 *********************************************************************** */
  int    i, j, k, nv;
  int    single_file;
  size_t dsize;
  char   filename[512], sline[512];
  static int last_computed_var = -1;
  double units[MAX_OUTPUT_VARS]; 
  float ***Vpt3;
  void *Vpt;
  FILE *fout, *fbin;
  time_t tbeg, tend;
  long long offset;

/* -----------------------------------------------------------
            Increment the file number and initialize units
   ----------------------------------------------------------- */


  print1 ("> Writing file #%d (%s) to disk...", output->nfile, output->ext);

  #ifdef PARALLEL
   MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   if (prank == 0) time(&tbeg);

  for (nv = 0; nv < MAX_OUTPUT_VARS; nv++) units[nv] = 1.0;
  if (output->cgs) GetCGSUnits(units);

/* --------------------------------------------------------
            Get user var if necessary 
   -------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (last_computed_var != g_stepNumber && d->Vuser != NULL) {
    ComputeUserVar (d, grid);
    last_computed_var = g_stepNumber;

/* --------------------------------------------------------
            Select the output type 
   -------------------------------------------------------- */

  if (output->type == DBL_OUTPUT) {

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*! - \b DBL output:
        Double-precision data files can be written using single or
        multiple file mode. 
        - for single file, serial: we open the file just once before
          the main variable loop, dump variables and then close.
        - for single file, parallel the distributed array descriptor sz is
          different for cell-centered or staggered data type and we
          thus have to open and close the file after each variable
          has been dumped.
        - when writing multiple files we open, write to and close the
          file one each loop cycle.
        \note In all cases, the pointer to the data array that has to be 
              written must be cast into (void *) and the starting index of 
              the array must be zero.
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    int sz;
    single_file = strcmp(output->mode,"single_file") == 0;
    dsize = sizeof(double);

    if (single_file){  /* -- single output file -- */

      sprintf (filename, "%s/data.%04d.%s", output->dir,output->nfile, 
      offset = 0;
      #ifndef PARALLEL
       fbin = OpenBinaryFile (filename, 0, "w");
      for (nv = 0; nv < output->nvar; nv++) {
        if (!output->dump_var[nv]) continue;

        if      (output->stag_var[nv] == -1) {  /* -- cell-centered data -- */
          sz = SZ;
          Vpt = (void *)output->V[nv][0][0];
        } else if (output->stag_var[nv] == 0) { /* -- x-staggered data -- */
          sz  = SZ_stagx;
          Vpt = (void *)(output->V[nv][0][0]-1);
        } else if (output->stag_var[nv] == 1) { /* -- y-staggered data -- */
          sz = SZ_stagy;
          Vpt = (void *)output->V[nv][0][-1];
        } else if (output->stag_var[nv] == 2) { /* -- z-staggered data -- */
           sz = SZ_stagz;
           Vpt = (void *)output->V[nv][-1][0];
        #ifdef PARALLEL
         fbin = OpenBinaryFile (filename, sz, "w");
         AL_Set_offset(sz, offset);
        WriteBinaryArray (Vpt, dsize, sz, fbin, output->stag_var[nv]);
        #ifdef PARALLEL
         offset = AL_Get_offset(sz);
         CloseBinaryFile(fbin, sz);
      #ifndef PARALLEL
       CloseBinaryFile(fbin, sz);

    }else{              /* -- multiple files -- */

      for (nv = 0; nv < output->nvar; nv++) {
        if (!output->dump_var[nv]) continue;
        sprintf (filename, "%s/%s.%04d.%s", output->dir, output->var_name[nv], 
                                            output->nfile, output->ext);

        if      (output->stag_var[nv] == -1) {  /* -- cell-centered data -- */
          sz = SZ;
          Vpt = (void *)output->V[nv][0][0];
        } else if (output->stag_var[nv] == 0) { /* -- x-staggered data -- */
          sz  = SZ_stagx;
          Vpt = (void *)(output->V[nv][0][0]-1);
        } else if (output->stag_var[nv] == 1) { /* -- y-staggered data -- */
          sz = SZ_stagy;
          Vpt = (void *)output->V[nv][0][-1];
        } else if (output->stag_var[nv] == 2) { /* -- z-staggered data -- */
           sz = SZ_stagz;
           Vpt = (void *)output->V[nv][-1][0];
        fbin = OpenBinaryFile (filename, sz, "w");
        WriteBinaryArray (Vpt, dsize, sz, fbin, output->stag_var[nv]);
        CloseBinaryFile (fbin, sz);

  } else if (output->type == FLT_OUTPUT) {

  /* ----------------------------------------------------------
                 FLT output for cell-centered data
     ---------------------------------------------------------- */

    single_file = strcmp(output->mode,"single_file") == 0;

    if (single_file){  /* -- single output file -- */
      sprintf (filename, "%s/data.%04d.%s", output->dir, output->nfile, 
      fbin = OpenBinaryFile (filename, SZ_float, "w");
      for (nv = 0; nv < output->nvar; nv++) {
        if (!output->dump_var[nv]) continue;
/*        Vpt = (void *)(Convert_dbl2flt(output->V[nv],0))[0][0];  */
        Vpt3 = Convert_dbl2flt(output->V[nv], units[nv],0);
        Vpt = (void *)Vpt3[0][0];
        WriteBinaryArray (Vpt, sizeof(float), SZ_float, fbin, 
      CloseBinaryFile(fbin, SZ_float);
BOV_Header(output, filename);
    }else{              /* -- multiple files -- */

      for (nv = 0; nv < output->nvar; nv++) {
        if (!output->dump_var[nv]) continue;
        sprintf (filename, "%s/%s.%04d.%s", output->dir, output->var_name[nv], 
                                            output->nfile, output->ext);

        fbin = OpenBinaryFile (filename, SZ_float, "w");
/*        Vpt = (void *)(Convert_dbl2flt(output->V[nv],0))[0][0];   */
        Vpt3 = Convert_dbl2flt(output->V[nv], units[nv],0);
        Vpt = (void *)Vpt3[0][0];
        WriteBinaryArray (Vpt, sizeof(float), SZ_float, fbin, 
        CloseBinaryFile (fbin, SZ_float);

  }else if (output->type == DBL_H5_OUTPUT || output->type == FLT_H5_OUTPUT){

  /* ------------------------------------------------------
       HDF5 (static grid) output (single/double precision)
     ------------------------------------------------------ */

    #ifdef USE_HDF5 
     single_file = YES;
     WriteHDF5 (output, grid);
     print1 ("! WriteData: HDF5 library not available\n");

  }else if (output->type == VTK_OUTPUT) { 

  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*! - \b VTK output:  
      in order to enable parallel writing, files must be closed and
      opened again for scalars, since the distributed array descriptors 
      used by ArrayLib (Float_Vect) and (float) are different. This is
      done using the AL_Get_offset() and AL_Set_offset() functions.      */
  /* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    single_file = strcmp(output->mode,"single_file") == 0;
    sprintf (filename, "%s/data.%04d.%s", output->dir, output->nfile,

    if (single_file){  /* -- single output file -- */

      fbin  = OpenBinaryFile(filename, SZ_Float_Vect, "w");
      WriteVTK_Header(fbin, grid);
      for (nv = 0; nv < output->nvar; nv++) {  /* -- write vectors -- */
        if (output->dump_var[nv] != VTK_VECTOR) continue;
        WriteVTK_Vector (fbin, output->V + nv, units[nv],
                         output->var_name[nv], grid);

      #ifdef PARALLEL
       offset = AL_Get_offset(SZ_Float_Vect);
       CloseBinaryFile(fbin, SZ_Float_Vect);
       fbin  = OpenBinaryFile(filename, SZ_float, "w");
       AL_Set_offset(SZ_float, offset);
      for (nv = 0; nv < output->nvar; nv++) { /* -- write scalars -- */
        if (output->dump_var[nv] != YES) continue;
        WriteVTK_Scalar (fbin, output->V[nv], units[nv],
                         output->var_name[nv], grid);
      CloseBinaryFile(fbin, SZ_float);

    }else{          /* -- multiple output files -- */

      for (nv = 0; nv < output->nvar; nv++) { /* -- write vectors -- */
        if (output->dump_var[nv] != VTK_VECTOR) continue;
        if (strcmp(output->var_name[nv],"vx1") == 0) {
          sprintf (filename, "%s/vfield.%04d.%s", output->dir, output->nfile, 
        }else if (strcmp(output->var_name[nv],"bx1") == 0) {
          sprintf (filename, "%s/bfield.%04d.%s", output->dir, output->nfile, 
          print1 ("! WriteData: unknown vector type in VTK output\n"); 

        fbin = OpenBinaryFile(filename, SZ_Float_Vect, "w");
        WriteVTK_Header(fbin, grid);
        WriteVTK_Vector(fbin, output->V + nv, units[nv],
                        output->var_name[nv], grid);
        CloseBinaryFile(fbin, SZ_Float_Vect);

      for (nv = 0; nv < output->nvar; nv++) {  /* -- write scalars -- */
        if (output->dump_var[nv] != YES) continue;
        sprintf (filename, "%s/%s.%04d.%s", output->dir, output->var_name[nv], 
                                            output->nfile,  output->ext);
        fbin = OpenBinaryFile(filename, SZ_Float_Vect, "w");
        WriteVTK_Header(fbin, grid);
        #ifdef PARALLEL
         offset = AL_Get_offset(SZ_Float_Vect);
         CloseBinaryFile(fbin, SZ_Float_Vect);
         fbin  = OpenBinaryFile(filename, SZ_float, "w");
         AL_Set_offset(SZ_float, offset);
        WriteVTK_Scalar(fbin, output->V[nv], units[nv],
                        output->var_name[nv], grid);
        CloseBinaryFile (fbin, SZ_float);

  }else if (output->type == TAB_OUTPUT) { 

  /* ------------------------------------------------------
               Tabulated (ASCII) output
     ------------------------------------------------------ */

    single_file = YES;
    sprintf (filename,"%s/data.%04d.%s", output->dir, output->nfile,
    WriteTabArray (output, filename, grid);

  }else if (output->type == PPM_OUTPUT) { 

  /* ------------------------------------------------------
                   PPM output
     ------------------------------------------------------ */

    single_file = NO;
    for (nv = 0; nv < output->nvar; nv++) {
      if (!output->dump_var[nv]) continue;
      sprintf (filename, "%s/%s.%04d.%s", output->dir, output->var_name[nv], 
                                          output->nfile, output->ext);
      WritePPM (output->V[nv], output->var_name[nv], filename, grid);

  }else if (output->type == PNG_OUTPUT) { 

  /* ------------------------------------------------------
                   PNG  output
     ------------------------------------------------------ */

    #ifdef USE_PNG
     single_file = NO;
     for (nv = 0; nv < output->nvar; nv++) {
       if (!output->dump_var[nv]) continue;
       sprintf (filename, "%s/%s.%04d.%s", output->dir, output->var_name[nv], 
                                           output->nfile, output->ext);
       WritePNG (output->V[nv], output->var_name[nv], filename, grid);
     print1 ("! PNG library not available\n");


/* -------------------------------------------------------------
           Update corresponding ".out" file
   ------------------------------------------------------------- */

  sprintf (filename,"%s/%s.out",output->dir, output->ext);

  if (prank == 0) {
    if (output->nfile == 0) {
      fout = fopen (filename, "w");
    }else {
      fout = fopen (filename, "r+");
      for (nv = 0; nv < output->nfile; nv++) fgets (sline, 512, fout);
      fseek (fout, ftell(fout), SEEK_SET);

  /* -- write a multi-column file -- */

    fprintf (fout, "%d %12.6e %12.6e %ld ",
             output->nfile, g_time, g_dt, g_stepNumber);

    if (single_file) fprintf (fout,"single_file ");
    else             fprintf (fout,"multiple_files ");

    if (IsLittleEndian()) fprintf (fout, "little ");
    else                  fprintf (fout, "big ");

    for (nv = 0; nv < output->nvar; nv++) { 
      if (output->dump_var[nv]) fprintf (fout, "%s ", output->var_name[nv]);

    fprintf (fout,"\n");
    fclose (fout);

  #ifdef PARALLEL
   MPI_Barrier (MPI_COMM_WORLD);
   if (prank == 0){
     print1 (" [%5.2f sec]",difftime(tend,tbeg));
  print1 ("\n");

/* ********************************************************************* */
double MeanMolecularWeight(double *v)
 * Return the mean molecular weight.
 * \param [in]  v  array of primitive variables (including ions)
 *********************************************************************** */
  int nv;
  double mu;
        (2.0 + FRAC_He + FRAC_Z*(1.0 + CONST_AZ*0.5));

        (2.0 + FRAC_He + FRAC_Z*(1.0 + CONST_AZ*0.5));

#elif COOLING == SNEq

       (2.0 + FRAC_He + 2.0*FRAC_Z - v[X_HI]);
  return  ( (CONST_AH + frac_He*CONST_AHe + frac_Z*CONST_AZ) /
            (2.0 + frac_He + 2.0*frac_Z - v[X_HI]));

#elif COOLING == H2_COOL

  double munum, muden;
    v[nv] = MAX(v[nv], 0.0);
    v[nv] = MIN(v[nv], 1.0);

  v[X_H2] = MIN(v[X_H2], 0.5);

  double fn = v[X_HI];
  double gn = v[X_H2];
  double hn = v[X_HII];

        (fn + gn + 2*hn + FRAC_He + FRAC_Z + 0.5*CONST_AZ*FRAC_Z);
  double N_H  = (H_MASS_FRAC/CONST_AH);  
  double N_He = (He_MASS_FRAC/CONST_AHe); 
  double N_Z  = ((1.0 - H_MASS_FRAC - He_MASS_FRAC)/CONST_AZ);  

  double fracHe = N_He/N_H;
  double fracZ  = N_Z/N_H;
  double fn = v[X_HI];
  double gn = v[X_H2];
  double hn = v[X_HII];
  munum = 1.0 + CONST_AHe*(fracHe) + CONST_AZ*(fracZ);
  muden = fn + gn + 2*hn + fracHe + fracZ + 0.5*CONST_AZ*(fracZ);

  return munum/muden;
#elif COOLING == MINEq

  double mmw1, mmw2;
  int    i, j;
  mmw1 = mmw2 = 0.0;
  for (i = 0; i < NIONS; i++) {
    if (v[NFLX+i] < 0.0) v[NFLX+i] = 0.0;
    if (v[NFLX+i] > 1.0) v[NFLX+i] = 1.0;
    CoolCoeffs.dmuN_dX[i] = elem_mass[elem_part[i]]*elem_ab[elem_part[i]];
    CoolCoeffs.dmuD_dX[i] = elem_ab[elem_part[i]]  *rad_rec_z[i];
    mmw1 += CoolCoeffs.dmuN_dX[i]*v[NFLX+i];  /*    Numerator part of mu    */
    mmw2 += CoolCoeffs.dmuD_dX[i]*v[NFLX+i];  /*    Denominator part of mu  */    

/* -- Add contributions from ionized H --  */

  CoolCoeffs.dmuN_dX[0] += -elem_mass[0]*elem_ab[el_H];
  CoolCoeffs.dmuD_dX[0] += -2.0*elem_ab[el_H];

  mmw1 += elem_mass[0]*elem_ab[el_H]*(1.0 - v[X_HI]); 
  mmw2 += elem_ab[el_H]*(1.0 - v[X_HI])*2.;

  CoolCoeffs.muN = mmw1;
  CoolCoeffs.muD = mmw2;

  if (mmw1 != mmw1) {
    print(">>> Error!  MMW1  NaN! %ld\n",g_stepNumber);
    for (i = 0; i < NIONS; i++) {
       print ("%d   %10.4e\n",i,v[NFLX+i]);
  if (mmw2 != mmw2) {
    print(">>> Error!  MMW2  NaN!\n");
    for (i = 0; i < NIONS; i++) {
       print ("%d   %10.4e\n",i,v[NFLX+i]);
  mu = mmw1/mmw2;

  return mu;