void CEP2GameStats::Event_LoadGame( void )

	Ep2LevelStats_t *map = m_pCurrentMap;
	if ( !map )

	++map->m_IntCounters[ Ep2LevelStats_t::COUNTER_LOADS ];
	StatsLog( " %I64uth load on this map\n", map->m_IntCounters[ Ep2LevelStats_t::COUNTER_LOADS ] );

	char const *pchSaveFile = engine->GetMostRecentlyLoadedFileName();
	if ( !pchSaveFile || !pchSaveFile[ 0 ] )

	char name[ 512 ];
	Q_snprintf( name, sizeof( name ), "SAVE/%s", pchSaveFile );
	Q_DefaultExtension( name, IsX360() ? ".360.sav" : ".sav", sizeof( name ) );
	Q_FixSlashes( name );
	Q_strlower( name );

	Ep2LevelStats_t::SaveGameInfo_t *pSaveGameInfo = &map->m_SaveGameInfo;

	if ( pSaveGameInfo->m_nCurrentSaveFileTime == 0 || 
		pSaveGameInfo->m_sCurrentSaveFile != name )
		unsigned int uFileTime = filesystem->GetFileTime( name, "GAME" );

		// Latch off previous
		StatsLog( "Relatching save game file due to time or filename change (%s : %u)\n", name, uFileTime );
		pSaveGameInfo->Latch( name, uFileTime );
Exemple #2
// Purpose: Writes out a new .dem file based on the existing dem file with new camera positions saved into the dem file
//  Note:  The new file is named filename_smooth.dem
// Input  : *filename - 
//			smoothing - 
void SaveSmoothingInfo( char const *filename, CSmoothingContext& smoothing )
	// Nothing to do
	int c = smoothing.smooth.Count();
	if ( !c )

	IBaseFileSystem *fs = g_pFileSystem;

	FileHandle_t infile, outfile;

	infile = fs->Open( filename, "rb", "GAME" );

	int filesize = fs->Size( infile );

	char outfilename[ 512 ];
	Q_StripExtension( filename, outfilename, sizeof( outfilename ) );
	Q_strncat( outfilename, "_smooth", sizeof(outfilename), COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
	Q_DefaultExtension( outfilename, ".dem", sizeof( outfilename ) );
	outfile = fs->Open( outfilename, "wb", "GAME" );
		fs->Close( infile );

	int i;

	// The basic algorithm is to seek to each sample and "overwrite" it during copy with the new data...
	int lastwritepos = 0;
	for ( i = 0; i < c; i++ )
		demosmoothing_t	*p = &smoothing.smooth[ i ];

		int copyamount = p->file_offset - lastwritepos;

		COM_CopyFileChunk( outfile, infile, copyamount );

		fs->Seek( infile, p->file_offset, FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD );

		// wacky hacky overwriting 
		fs->Write( &p->info, sizeof( democmdinfo_t ), outfile );

		lastwritepos = fs->Tell( outfile );
		fs->Seek( infile, p->file_offset + sizeof( democmdinfo_t ), FILESYSTEM_SEEK_HEAD );

	// Copy the final bit of data, if any...
	int final = filesize - lastwritepos;

	COM_CopyFileChunk( outfile, infile, final );

	fs->Close( outfile );
	fs->Close( infile );
bool GetModelNameFromSourceFile( char const *filename, char *modelname, int maxlen )

	int filelength;
	char *buffer = (char *)COM_LoadFile( filename, &filelength );
	if ( !buffer )
		vprint( 0, "Couldn't load %s\n", filename );
		return false;

	bool valid = false;

	// Parse tokens
	char *current = buffer;
	while ( current )
		current = CC_ParseToken( current );
		if ( strlen( com_token ) <= 0 )

		if ( stricmp( com_token, "$modelname" ) )

		current = CC_ParseToken( current );

		strcpy( modelname, com_token );
		_strlwr( modelname );

		Q_FixSlashes( modelname );

		Q_DefaultExtension( modelname, ".mdl", maxlen );

		valid = true;

	COM_FreeFile( (unsigned char *)buffer );

	if ( !valid )
		vprint( 0, ".qc file %s missing $modelname directive!!!\n", filename );
	return valid;
Exemple #4
// Purpose: Loads up all camera samples from a .dem file into the passed in context.
// Input  : *filename - 
//			smoothing - 
void LoadSmoothingInfo( const char *filename, CSmoothingContext& smoothing )
	char name[ MAX_OSPATH ];
	Q_strncpy (name, filename, sizeof(name) );
	Q_DefaultExtension( name, ".dem", sizeof( name ) );

	CToolDemoFile demoFile;

	if ( !demoFile.Open( filename, true )  )
		Warning( "ERROR: couldn't open %s.\n", name );

	demoheader_t * header = demoFile.ReadDemoHeader();

	if ( !header )

	Msg( "\n\n" );
	Msg( "--------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
	Msg( "demofilestamp:     '%s'\n", header->demofilestamp );
	Msg( "demoprotocol:      %i\n", header->demoprotocol );
	Msg( "networkprotocol:   %i\n", header->networkprotocol );
	Msg( "servername:        '%s'\n", header->servername );
	Msg( "clientname:        '%s'\n", header->clientname );
	Msg( "mapname:           '%s'\n", header->mapname );
	Msg( "gamedirectory:     '%s'\n", header->gamedirectory );
	Msg( "playback_time:     %f seconds\n", header->playback_time );
	Msg( "playback_ticks:    %i ticks\n", header->playback_ticks );
	Msg( "playback_frames:   %i frames\n", header->playback_frames );
	Msg( "signonlength:      %s\n", Q_pretifymem( header->signonlength ) );

	smoothing.active = true;
	Q_strncpy( smoothing.filename, name, sizeof(smoothing.filename) );


	ClearSmoothingInfo( smoothing );

	ParseSmoothingInfo( demoFile, smoothing.smooth );

	Msg( "--------------------------------------------------------------\n" );
	Msg( "smoothing data:    %i samples\n", smoothing.smooth.Count() );

	if ( verbose )
		int c = smoothing.smooth.Count();
		for ( int i = 0; i < c; ++i )
			demosmoothing_t& sample = smoothing.smooth[ i ];

			Msg( "Sample %i:\n", i );
			Msg( "  file pos:         %i\n", sample.file_offset );
			Msg( "  tick:             %i\n", sample.frametick );
			Msg( "  flags:	          %s\n", DescribeFlags( sample.info.flags ) );

			Msg( "  Original Data:\n" );
			Msg( "  origin:           %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", sample.info.viewOrigin.x, sample.info.viewOrigin.y, sample.info.viewOrigin.z );
			Msg( "  viewangles:       %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", sample.info.viewAngles.x, sample.info.viewAngles.y, sample.info.viewAngles.z );
			Msg( "  localviewangles:  %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", sample.info.localViewAngles.x, sample.info.localViewAngles.y, sample.info.localViewAngles.z );

			Msg( "  Resampled Data:\n" );
			Msg( "  origin:           %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", sample.info.viewOrigin2.x, sample.info.viewOrigin2.y, sample.info.viewOrigin2.z );
			Msg( "  viewangles:       %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", sample.info.viewAngles2.x, sample.info.viewAngles2.y, sample.info.viewAngles2.z );
			Msg( "  localviewangles:  %.4f %.4f %.4f\n", sample.info.localViewAngles2.x, sample.info.localViewAngles2.y, sample.info.localViewAngles2.z );

			Msg( "\n" );
