/* Sets the socket option \a opt to \a v. */ bool QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::setOption(QNativeSocketEngine::SocketOption opt, int v) { Q_Q(QNativeSocketEngine); if (!q->isValid()) return false; int n = 0; int level = SOL_SOCKET; // default switch (opt) { case QNativeSocketEngine::ReceiveBufferSocketOption: n = SO_RCVBUF; break; case QNativeSocketEngine::SendBufferSocketOption: n = SO_SNDBUF; break; case QNativeSocketEngine::BroadcastSocketOption: n = SO_BROADCAST; break; case QNativeSocketEngine::NonBlockingSocketOption: { // Make the socket nonblocking int flags = ::fcntl(socketDescriptor, F_GETFL, 0); if (flags == -1) { #ifdef QNATIVESOCKETENGINE_DEBUG perror("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::setOption(): fcntl(F_GETFL) failed"); #endif return false; } if (::fcntl(socketDescriptor, F_SETFL, flags | O_NONBLOCK) == -1) { #ifdef QNATIVESOCKETENGINE_DEBUG perror("QNativeSocketEnginePrivate::setOption(): fcntl(F_SETFL) failed"); #endif return false; } return true; } case QNativeSocketEngine::AddressReusable: #if defined(SO_REUSEPORT) // on OS X, SO_REUSEADDR isn't sufficient to allow multiple binds to the // same port (which is useful for multicast UDP). SO_REUSEPORT is, but // we most definitely do not want to use this for TCP. See QTBUG-6305. if (socketType == QAbstractSocket::UdpSocket) n = SO_REUSEPORT; else n = SO_REUSEADDR; #else n = SO_REUSEADDR; #endif break; case QNativeSocketEngine::BindExclusively: return true; case QNativeSocketEngine::ReceiveOutOfBandData: n = SO_OOBINLINE; break; case QNativeSocketEngine::LowDelayOption: level = IPPROTO_TCP; n = TCP_NODELAY; break; case QNativeSocketEngine::KeepAliveOption: n = SO_KEEPALIVE; break; case QNativeSocketEngine::MulticastTtlOption: if (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) { level = IPPROTO_IPV6; n = IPV6_MULTICAST_HOPS; } else { level = IPPROTO_IP; n = IP_MULTICAST_TTL; } break; case QNativeSocketEngine::MulticastLoopbackOption: if (socketProtocol == QAbstractSocket::IPv6Protocol) { level = IPPROTO_IPV6; n = IPV6_MULTICAST_LOOP; } else { level = IPPROTO_IP; n = IP_MULTICAST_LOOP; } break; } return ::setsockopt(socketDescriptor, level, n, (char *) &v, sizeof(v)) == 0; }
void QProcessPrivate::startProcess() { Q_Q(QProcess); bool success = false; if (pid) { CloseHandle(pid->hThread); CloseHandle(pid->hProcess); delete pid; pid = 0; } pid = new PROCESS_INFORMATION; memset(pid, 0, sizeof(PROCESS_INFORMATION)); q->setProcessState(QProcess::Starting); if (!createChannel(stdinChannel) || !createChannel(stdoutChannel) || !createChannel(stderrChannel)) return; QString args = qt_create_commandline(program, arguments); QByteArray envlist; if (environment.d.constData()) envlist = qt_create_environment(environment.d.constData()->hash); if (!nativeArguments.isEmpty()) { if (!args.isEmpty()) args += QLatin1Char(' '); args += nativeArguments; } #if defined QPROCESS_DEBUG qDebug("Creating process"); qDebug(" program : [%s]", program.toLatin1().constData()); qDebug(" args : %s", args.toLatin1().constData()); qDebug(" pass environment : %s", environment.isEmpty() ? "no" : "yes"); #endif // Forwarded channels must not set the CREATE_NO_WINDOW flag because this // will render the stdout/stderr handles we're passing useless. DWORD dwCreationFlags = (processChannelMode == QProcess::ForwardedChannels ? 0 : CREATE_NO_WINDOW); dwCreationFlags |= CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT; STARTUPINFOW startupInfo = { sizeof( STARTUPINFO ), 0, 0, 0, (ulong)CW_USEDEFAULT, (ulong)CW_USEDEFAULT, (ulong)CW_USEDEFAULT, (ulong)CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, 0, 0, STARTF_USESTDHANDLES, 0, 0, 0, stdinChannel.pipe[0], stdoutChannel.pipe[1], stderrChannel.pipe[1] }; success = CreateProcess(0, (wchar_t*)args.utf16(), 0, 0, TRUE, dwCreationFlags, environment.isEmpty() ? 0 : envlist.data(), workingDirectory.isEmpty() ? 0 : (wchar_t*)QDir::toNativeSeparators(workingDirectory).utf16(), &startupInfo, pid); if (!success) { // Capture the error string before we do CloseHandle below q->setErrorString(QProcess::tr("Process failed to start: %1").arg(qt_error_string())); } if (stdinChannel.pipe[0] != INVALID_Q_PIPE) { CloseHandle(stdinChannel.pipe[0]); stdinChannel.pipe[0] = INVALID_Q_PIPE; } if (stdoutChannel.pipe[1] != INVALID_Q_PIPE) { CloseHandle(stdoutChannel.pipe[1]); stdoutChannel.pipe[1] = INVALID_Q_PIPE; } if (stderrChannel.pipe[1] != INVALID_Q_PIPE) { CloseHandle(stderrChannel.pipe[1]); stderrChannel.pipe[1] = INVALID_Q_PIPE; } if (!success) { cleanup(); processError = QProcess::FailedToStart; emit q->error(processError); q->setProcessState(QProcess::NotRunning); return; } q->setProcessState(QProcess::Running); // User can call kill()/terminate() from the stateChanged() slot // so check before proceeding if (!pid) return; if (threadData->hasEventDispatcher()) { processFinishedNotifier = new QWinEventNotifier(pid->hProcess, q); QObject::connect(processFinishedNotifier, SIGNAL(activated(HANDLE)), q, SLOT(_q_processDied())); processFinishedNotifier->setEnabled(true); notifier = new QTimer(q); QObject::connect(notifier, SIGNAL(timeout()), q, SLOT(_q_notified())); notifier->start(NOTIFYTIMEOUT); } _q_startupNotification(); }
void LibInputHandlerPrivate::_q_liEventHandler() { Q_Q(LibInputHandler); if (libinput_dispatch(li) != 0) { qCWarning(lcInput) << "Failed to dispatch libinput events"; return; } libinput_event *event; while ((event = libinput_get_event(li)) != Q_NULLPTR) { libinput_event_type type = libinput_event_get_type(event); libinput_device *device = libinput_event_get_device(event); switch (type) { // Devices case LIBINPUT_EVENT_DEVICE_ADDED: if (libinput_device_has_capability(device, LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_KEYBOARD)) { ++keyboardCount; Q_EMIT q->capabilitiesChanged(); Q_EMIT q->keyboardCountChanged(keyboardCount); } if (libinput_device_has_capability(device, LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_POINTER)) { ++pointerCount; Q_EMIT q->capabilitiesChanged(); Q_EMIT q->pointerCountChanged(pointerCount); } if (libinput_device_has_capability(device, LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TOUCH)) { QTouchDevice *td = touch->registerDevice(device); Q_EMIT q->touchDeviceRegistered(td); ++touchCount; Q_EMIT q->capabilitiesChanged(); Q_EMIT q->touchCountChanged(touchCount); } if (libinput_device_has_capability(device, LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_GESTURE)) { ++gestureCount; Q_EMIT q->capabilitiesChanged(); Q_EMIT q->gestureCountChanged(gestureCount); } break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_DEVICE_REMOVED: if (libinput_device_has_capability(device, LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_KEYBOARD)) { --keyboardCount; Q_EMIT q->capabilitiesChanged(); Q_EMIT q->keyboardCountChanged(keyboardCount); } if (libinput_device_has_capability(device, LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_POINTER)) { --pointerCount; Q_EMIT q->capabilitiesChanged(); Q_EMIT q->pointerCountChanged(pointerCount); } if (libinput_device_has_capability(device, LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_TOUCH)) { QTouchDevice *td = Q_NULLPTR; touch->unregisterDevice(device, &td); Q_EMIT q->touchDeviceUnregistered(td); --touchCount; Q_EMIT q->capabilitiesChanged(); Q_EMIT q->touchCountChanged(touchCount); } if (libinput_device_has_capability(device, LIBINPUT_DEVICE_CAP_GESTURE)) { --gestureCount; Q_EMIT q->capabilitiesChanged(); Q_EMIT q->gestureCountChanged(gestureCount); } break; // Keyboard case LIBINPUT_EVENT_KEYBOARD_KEY: keyboard->handleKey(libinput_event_get_keyboard_event(event)); break; // Pointer case LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_BUTTON: pointer->handleButton(libinput_event_get_pointer_event(event)); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_AXIS: pointer->handleAxis(libinput_event_get_pointer_event(event)); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_MOTION: pointer->handleMotion(libinput_event_get_pointer_event(event)); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_POINTER_MOTION_ABSOLUTE: pointer->handleAbsoluteMotion(libinput_event_get_pointer_event(event)); break; // Touch case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_UP: touch->handleTouchUp(libinput_event_get_touch_event(event)); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_DOWN: touch->handleTouchDown(libinput_event_get_touch_event(event)); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_FRAME: touch->handleTouchFrame(libinput_event_get_touch_event(event)); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_MOTION: touch->handleTouchMotion(libinput_event_get_touch_event(event)); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_TOUCH_CANCEL: touch->handleTouchCancel(libinput_event_get_touch_event(event)); break; // Gesture case LIBINPUT_EVENT_GESTURE_PINCH_BEGIN: gesture->handlePinchBegin(libinput_event_get_gesture_event(event)); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_GESTURE_PINCH_END: gesture->handlePinchEnd(libinput_event_get_gesture_event(event)); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_GESTURE_PINCH_UPDATE: gesture->handlePinchUpdate(libinput_event_get_gesture_event(event)); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_GESTURE_SWIPE_BEGIN: gesture->handleSwipeBegin(libinput_event_get_gesture_event(event)); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_GESTURE_SWIPE_END: gesture->handleSwipeEnd(libinput_event_get_gesture_event(event)); break; case LIBINPUT_EVENT_GESTURE_SWIPE_UPDATE: gesture->handleSwipeUpdate(libinput_event_get_gesture_event(event)); break; default: break; } libinput_event_destroy(event); } }
uchar *QFSFileEnginePrivate::map(qint64 offset, qint64 size, QFile::MemoryMapFlags flags) { #ifndef Q_OS_WINPHONE Q_Q(QFSFileEngine); Q_UNUSED(flags); if (openMode == QFile::NotOpen) { q->setError(QFile::PermissionsError, qt_error_string(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)); return 0; } if (offset == 0 && size == 0) { q->setError(QFile::UnspecifiedError, qt_error_string(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER)); return 0; } // check/setup args to map DWORD access = 0; if (flags & QFileDevice::MapPrivateOption) { #ifdef FILE_MAP_COPY access = FILE_MAP_COPY; #else q->setError(QFile::UnspecifiedError, "MapPrivateOption unsupported"); return 0; #endif } else if (openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly) { access = FILE_MAP_WRITE; } else if (openMode & QIODevice::ReadOnly) { access = FILE_MAP_READ; } if (mapHandle == NULL) { // get handle to the file HANDLE handle = fileHandle; #ifndef Q_OS_WINCE if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE && fh) handle = (HANDLE)::_get_osfhandle(QT_FILENO(fh)); #endif #ifdef Q_USE_DEPRECATED_MAP_API nativeClose(); // handle automatically closed by kernel with mapHandle (below). handle = ::CreateFileForMapping((const wchar_t*)fileEntry.nativeFilePath().utf16(), GENERIC_READ | (openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly ? GENERIC_WRITE : 0), 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); // Since this is a special case, we check if the return value was NULL and if so // we change it to INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE to follow the logic inside this function. if(0 == handle) handle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; #endif if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { q->setError(QFile::PermissionsError, qt_error_string(ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED)); return 0; } // first create the file mapping handle DWORD protection = (openMode & QIODevice::WriteOnly) ? PAGE_READWRITE : PAGE_READONLY; #ifndef Q_OS_WINRT mapHandle = ::CreateFileMapping(handle, 0, protection, 0, 0, 0); #else mapHandle = ::CreateFileMappingFromApp(handle, 0, protection, 0, 0); #endif if (mapHandle == NULL) { q->setError(QFile::PermissionsError, qt_error_string()); #ifdef Q_USE_DEPRECATED_MAP_API ::CloseHandle(handle); #endif return 0; } } DWORD offsetHi = offset >> 32; DWORD offsetLo = offset & Q_UINT64_C(0xffffffff); SYSTEM_INFO sysinfo; #ifndef Q_OS_WINRT ::GetSystemInfo(&sysinfo); #else ::GetNativeSystemInfo(&sysinfo); #endif DWORD mask = sysinfo.dwAllocationGranularity - 1; DWORD extra = offset & mask; if (extra) offsetLo &= ~mask; // attempt to create the map #ifndef Q_OS_WINRT LPVOID mapAddress = ::MapViewOfFile(mapHandle, access, offsetHi, offsetLo, size + extra); #else LPVOID mapAddress = ::MapViewOfFileFromApp(mapHandle, access, (ULONG64(offsetHi) << 32) + offsetLo, size + extra); #endif if (mapAddress) { uchar *address = extra + static_cast<uchar*>(mapAddress); maps[address] = extra; return address; } switch(GetLastError()) { case ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED: q->setError(QFile::PermissionsError, qt_error_string()); break; case ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER: // size are out of bounds default: q->setError(QFile::UnspecifiedError, qt_error_string()); } ::CloseHandle(mapHandle); mapHandle = NULL; #else // !Q_OS_WINPHONE Q_UNUSED(offset); Q_UNUSED(size); Q_UNUSED(flags); Q_UNIMPLEMENTED(); #endif // Q_OS_WINPHONE return 0; }
void QLocalSocketPrivate::_q_canWrite() { Q_Q(QLocalSocket); if (state == QLocalSocket::ClosingState) q->close(); }
void QAbstractTransitionPrivate::emitTriggered() { Q_Q(QAbstractTransition); emit q->triggered(); }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ctkDICOMDatabasePrivate::init(QString databaseFilename) { Q_Q(ctkDICOMDatabase); q->openDatabase(databaseFilename); }
void QToolButtonPrivate::popupTimerDone() { Q_Q(QToolButton); popupTimer.stop(); if (!menuButtonDown && !down) return; menuButtonDown = true; QPointer<QMenu> actualMenu; bool mustDeleteActualMenu = false; if(menuAction) { actualMenu = menuAction->menu(); } else if (defaultAction && defaultAction->menu()) { actualMenu = defaultAction->menu(); } else { actualMenu = new QMenu(q); mustDeleteActualMenu = true; for(int i = 0; i < actions.size(); i++) actualMenu->addAction(actions.at(i)); } repeat = q->autoRepeat(); q->setAutoRepeat(false); bool horizontal = true; #if !defined(QT_NO_TOOLBAR) QToolBar *tb = qobject_cast<QToolBar*>(parent); if (tb && tb->orientation() == Qt::Vertical) horizontal = false; #endif QPoint p; QRect screen = QApplication::desktop()->availableGeometry(q); QSize sh = ((QToolButton*)(QMenu*)actualMenu)->receivers(SIGNAL(aboutToShow()))? QSize() : actualMenu->sizeHint(); QRect rect = q->rect(); if (horizontal) { if (q->isRightToLeft()) { if (q->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, rect.bottom())).y() + sh.height() <= screen.height()) { p = q->mapToGlobal(rect.bottomRight()); } else { p = q->mapToGlobal(rect.topRight() - QPoint(0, sh.height())); } p.rx() -= sh.width(); } else { if (q->mapToGlobal(QPoint(0, rect.bottom())).y() + sh.height() <= screen.height()) { p = q->mapToGlobal(rect.bottomLeft()); } else { p = q->mapToGlobal(rect.topLeft() - QPoint(0, sh.height())); } } } else { if (q->isRightToLeft()) { if (q->mapToGlobal(QPoint(rect.left(), 0)).x() - sh.width() <= screen.x()) { p = q->mapToGlobal(rect.topRight()); } else { p = q->mapToGlobal(rect.topLeft()); p.rx() -= sh.width(); } } else { if (q->mapToGlobal(QPoint(rect.right(), 0)).x() + sh.width() <= screen.right()) { p = q->mapToGlobal(rect.topRight()); } else { p = q->mapToGlobal(rect.topLeft() - QPoint(sh.width(), 0)); } } } p.rx() = qMax(screen.left(), qMin(p.x(), screen.right() - sh.width())); p.ry() += 1; QPointer<QToolButton> that = q; actualMenu->setNoReplayFor(q); if (!mustDeleteActualMenu) //only if action are not in this widget QObject::connect(actualMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), q, SLOT(_q_menuTriggered(QAction*))); QObject::connect(actualMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), q, SLOT(_q_updateButtonDown())); actualMenu->d_func()->causedPopup.widget = q; actualMenu->d_func()->causedPopup.action = defaultAction; actionsCopy = q->actions(); //(the list of action may be modified in slots) actualMenu->exec(p); QObject::disconnect(actualMenu, SIGNAL(aboutToHide()), q, SLOT(_q_updateButtonDown())); if (mustDeleteActualMenu) delete actualMenu; else QObject::disconnect(actualMenu, SIGNAL(triggered(QAction*)), q, SLOT(_q_menuTriggered(QAction*))); if (!that) return; actionsCopy.clear(); if (repeat) q->setAutoRepeat(true); }
void QToolButtonPrivate::_q_menuTriggered(QAction *action) { Q_Q(QToolButton); if (action && !actionsCopy.contains(action)) emit q->triggered(action); }
int QDBusInterfacePrivate::metacall(QMetaObject::Call c, int id, void **argv) { Q_Q(QDBusInterface); if (c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { int offset = metaObject->methodOffset(); QMetaMethod mm = metaObject->method(id + offset); if (mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Signal) { // signal relay from D-Bus world to Qt world QMetaObject::activate(q, metaObject, id, argv); } else if (mm.methodType() == QMetaMethod::Slot) { // method call relay from Qt world to D-Bus world // get D-Bus equivalent signature QString methodName = QLatin1String(metaObject->dbusNameForMethod(id)); const int *inputTypes = metaObject->inputTypesForMethod(id); int inputTypesCount = *inputTypes; // we will assume that the input arguments were passed correctly QVariantList args; for (int i = 1; i <= inputTypesCount; ++i) args << QVariant(inputTypes[i], argv[i]); // make the call QPointer<QDBusInterface> qq = q; QDBusMessage reply = q->callWithArgumentList(QDBus::Block, methodName, args); args.clear(); // we ignore return values // access to "this" or to "q" below this point must check for "qq" // we may have been deleted! if (!qq.isNull()) lastError = reply; // done return -1; } } else if (c == QMetaObject::ReadProperty) { // Qt doesn't support non-readable properties // we have to re-check QMetaProperty mp = metaObject->property(id + metaObject->propertyOffset()); if (!mp.isReadable()) return -1; // don't read QVariant *value = reinterpret_cast<QVariant*>(argv[1]); argv[1] = 0; *value = property(mp); return -1; // handled, error or not } else if (c == QMetaObject::WriteProperty) { // QMetaProperty::write has already checked that we're writable // it has also checked that the type is right QVariant *value = reinterpret_cast<QVariant *>(argv[1]); QMetaProperty mp = metaObject->property(id + metaObject->propertyOffset()); setProperty(mp, *value); return -1; } return id; }
void QToolButtonPrivate::_q_actionTriggered() { Q_Q(QToolButton); if (QAction *action = qobject_cast<QAction *>(q->sender())) emit q->triggered(action); }
QT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE /*! \class QScrollBar \brief The QScrollBar widget provides a vertical or horizontal scroll bar. \ingroup basicwidgets \inmodule QtWidgets A scroll bar is a control that enables the user to access parts of a document that is larger than the widget used to display it. It provides a visual indication of the user's current position within the document and the amount of the document that is visible. Scroll bars are usually equipped with other controls that enable more accurate navigation. Qt displays scroll bars in a way that is appropriate for each platform. If you need to provide a scrolling view onto another widget, it may be more convenient to use the QScrollArea class because this provides a viewport widget and scroll bars. QScrollBar is useful if you need to implement similar functionality for specialized widgets using QAbstractScrollArea; for example, if you decide to subclass QAbstractItemView. For most other situations where a slider control is used to obtain a value within a given range, the QSlider class may be more appropriate for your needs. \table \row \li \image qscrollbar-picture.png \li Scroll bars typically include four separate controls: a slider, scroll arrows, and a page control. \list \li a. The slider provides a way to quickly go to any part of the document, but does not support accurate navigation within large documents. \li b. The scroll arrows are push buttons which can be used to accurately navigate to a particular place in a document. For a vertical scroll bar connected to a text editor, these typically move the current position one "line" up or down, and adjust the position of the slider by a small amount. In editors and list boxes a "line" might mean one line of text; in an image viewer it might mean 20 pixels. \li c. The page control is the area over which the slider is dragged (the scroll bar's background). Clicking here moves the scroll bar towards the click by one "page". This value is usually the same as the length of the slider. \endlist \endtable Each scroll bar has a value that indicates how far the slider is from the start of the scroll bar; this is obtained with value() and set with setValue(). This value always lies within the range of values defined for the scroll bar, from \l{QAbstractSlider::minimum()}{minimum()} to \l{QAbstractSlider::minimum()}{maximum()} inclusive. The range of acceptable values can be set with setMinimum() and setMaximum(). At the minimum value, the top edge of the slider (for a vertical scroll bar) or left edge (for a horizontal scroll bar) will be at the top (or left) end of the scroll bar. At the maximum value, the bottom (or right) edge of the slider will be at the bottom (or right) end of the scroll bar. The length of the slider is usually related to the value of the page step, and typically represents the proportion of the document area shown in a scrolling view. The page step is the amount that the value changes by when the user presses the \uicontrol{Page Up} and \uicontrol{Page Down} keys, and is set with setPageStep(). Smaller changes to the value defined by the line step are made using the cursor keys, and this quantity is set with \l{QAbstractSlider::}{setSingleStep()}. Note that the range of values used is independent of the actual size of the scroll bar widget. You do not need to take this into account when you choose values for the range and the page step. The range of values specified for the scroll bar are often determined differently to those for a QSlider because the length of the slider needs to be taken into account. If we have a document with 100 lines, and we can only show 20 lines in a widget, we may wish to construct a scroll bar with a page step of 20, a minimum value of 0, and a maximum value of 80. This would give us a scroll bar with five "pages". \table \row \li \inlineimage qscrollbar-values.png \li The relationship between a document length, the range of values used in a scroll bar, and the page step is simple in many common situations. The scroll bar's range of values is determined by subtracting a chosen page step from some value representing the length of the document. In such cases, the following equation is useful: \e{document length} = maximum() - minimum() + pageStep(). \endtable QScrollBar only provides integer ranges. Note that although QScrollBar handles very large numbers, scroll bars on current screens cannot usefully represent ranges above about 100,000 pixels. Beyond that, it becomes difficult for the user to control the slider using either the keyboard or the mouse, and the scroll arrows will have limited use. ScrollBar inherits a comprehensive set of signals from QAbstractSlider: \list \li \l{QAbstractSlider::valueChanged()}{valueChanged()} is emitted when the scroll bar's value has changed. The tracking() determines whether this signal is emitted during user interaction. \li \l{QAbstractSlider::rangeChanged()}{rangeChanged()} is emitted when the scroll bar's range of values has changed. \li \l{QAbstractSlider::sliderPressed()}{sliderPressed()} is emitted when the user starts to drag the slider. \li \l{QAbstractSlider::sliderMoved()}{sliderMoved()} is emitted when the user drags the slider. \li \l{QAbstractSlider::sliderReleased()}{sliderReleased()} is emitted when the user releases the slider. \li \l{QAbstractSlider::actionTriggered()}{actionTriggered()} is emitted when the scroll bar is changed by user interaction or via the \l{QAbstractSlider::triggerAction()}{triggerAction()} function. \endlist A scroll bar can be controlled by the keyboard, but it has a default focusPolicy() of Qt::NoFocus. Use setFocusPolicy() to enable keyboard interaction with the scroll bar: \list \li Left/Right move a horizontal scroll bar by one single step. \li Up/Down move a vertical scroll bar by one single step. \li PageUp moves up one page. \li PageDown moves down one page. \li Home moves to the start (mininum). \li End moves to the end (maximum). \endlist The slider itself can be controlled by using the \l{QAbstractSlider::triggerAction()}{triggerAction()} function to simulate user interaction with the scroll bar controls. This is useful if you have many different widgets that use a common range of values. Most GUI styles use the pageStep() value to calculate the size of the slider. \table 100% \row \li \inlineimage macintosh-horizontalscrollbar.png Screenshot of a Macintosh style scroll bar \li A scroll bar shown in the \l{Macintosh Style Widget Gallery}{Macintosh widget style}. \row \li \inlineimage windowsvista-horizontalscrollbar.png Screenshot of a Windows Vista style scroll bar \li A scroll bar shown in the \l{Windows Vista Style Widget Gallery}{Windows Vista widget style}. \row \li \inlineimage fusion-horizontalscrollbar.png Screenshot of a Fusion style scroll bar \li A scroll bar shown in the \l{Fusion Style Widget Gallery}{Fusion widget style}. \endtable \sa QScrollArea, QSlider, QDial, QSpinBox, {fowler}{GUI Design Handbook: Scroll Bar}, {Sliders Example} */ bool QScrollBarPrivate::updateHoverControl(const QPoint &pos) { Q_Q(QScrollBar); QRect lastHoverRect = hoverRect; QStyle::SubControl lastHoverControl = hoverControl; bool doesHover = q->testAttribute(Qt::WA_Hover); if (lastHoverControl != newHoverControl(pos) && doesHover) { q->update(lastHoverRect); q->update(hoverRect); return true; } return !doesHover; }
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ctkDynamicSpacerPrivate::init() { Q_Q(ctkDynamicSpacer); this->ActiveSizePolicy = q->sizePolicy(); this->InactiveSizePolicy = q->sizePolicy(); }
void QAbstractAnimationPrivate::setState(QAbstractAnimation::State newState) { Q_Q(QAbstractAnimation); if (state == newState) return; if (loopCount == 0) return; QAbstractAnimation::State oldState = state; int oldCurrentTime = currentTime; int oldCurrentLoop = currentLoop; QAbstractAnimation::Direction oldDirection = direction; // check if we should Rewind if ((newState == QAbstractAnimation::Paused || newState == QAbstractAnimation::Running) && oldState == QAbstractAnimation::Stopped) { //here we reset the time if needed //we don't call setCurrentTime because this might change the way the animation //behaves: changing the state or changing the current value totalCurrentTime = currentTime = (direction == QAbstractAnimation::Forward) ? 0 : (loopCount == -1 ? q->duration() : q->totalDuration()); } state = newState; QWeakPointer<QAbstractAnimation> guard(q); //(un)registration of the animation must always happen before calls to //virtual function (updateState) to ensure a correct state of the timer bool isTopLevel = !group || group->state() == QAbstractAnimation::Stopped; if (oldState == QAbstractAnimation::Running) { if (newState == QAbstractAnimation::Paused && hasRegisteredTimer) QUnifiedTimer::ensureTimerUpdate(); //the animation, is not running any more QUnifiedTimer::unregisterAnimation(q); } else if (newState == QAbstractAnimation::Running) { QUnifiedTimer::registerAnimation(q, isTopLevel); } q->updateState(newState, oldState); if (!guard || newState != state) //this is to be safe if updateState changes the state return; // Notify state change emit q->stateChanged(newState, oldState); if (!guard || newState != state) //this is to be safe if updateState changes the state return; switch (state) { case QAbstractAnimation::Paused: break; case QAbstractAnimation::Running: { // this ensures that the value is updated now that the animation is running if (oldState == QAbstractAnimation::Stopped) { if (isTopLevel) { // currentTime needs to be updated if pauseTimer is active QUnifiedTimer::ensureTimerUpdate(); q->setCurrentTime(totalCurrentTime); } } } break; case QAbstractAnimation::Stopped: // Leave running state. int dura = q->duration(); if (deleteWhenStopped) q->deleteLater(); if (dura == -1 || loopCount < 0 || (oldDirection == QAbstractAnimation::Forward && (oldCurrentTime * (oldCurrentLoop + 1)) == (dura * loopCount)) || (oldDirection == QAbstractAnimation::Backward && oldCurrentTime == 0)) { emit q->finished(); } break; } }
bool QAbstractTransitionPrivate::callEventTest(QEvent *e) { Q_Q(QAbstractTransition); return q->eventTest(e); }
void QItemDelegatePrivate::_q_commitDataAndCloseEditor(QWidget *editor) { Q_Q(QItemDelegate); emit q->commitData(editor); emit q->closeEditor(editor, QAbstractItemDelegate::SubmitModelCache); }
void QAbstractTransitionPrivate::callOnTransition(QEvent *e) { Q_Q(QAbstractTransition); q->onTransition(e); }
bool QSerialPortPrivate::open(QIODevice::OpenMode mode) { Q_Q(QSerialPort); DWORD desiredAccess = 0; originalEventMask = EV_ERR | EV_CTS | EV_DSR | EV_RING /*| EV_RLSD*/; if (mode & QIODevice::ReadOnly) { desiredAccess |= GENERIC_READ; originalEventMask |= EV_RXCHAR; } if (mode & QIODevice::WriteOnly) desiredAccess |= GENERIC_WRITE; handle = ::CreateFile(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(systemLocation.utf16()), desiredAccess, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, NULL); if (handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { q->setError(decodeSystemError()); return false; } ::ZeroMemory(&restoredDcb, sizeof(restoredDcb)); restoredDcb.DCBlength = sizeof(restoredDcb); if (!::GetCommState(handle, &restoredDcb)) { q->setError(decodeSystemError()); return false; } currentDcb = restoredDcb; currentDcb.fBinary = TRUE; currentDcb.fInX = FALSE; currentDcb.fOutX = FALSE; currentDcb.fAbortOnError = FALSE; currentDcb.fNull = FALSE; currentDcb.fErrorChar = FALSE; if (currentDcb.fDtrControl == DTR_CONTROL_HANDSHAKE) currentDcb.fDtrControl = DTR_CONTROL_DISABLE; if (!updateDcb()) return false; if (!::GetCommTimeouts(handle, &restoredCommTimeouts)) { q->setError(decodeSystemError()); return false; } ::ZeroMemory(¤tCommTimeouts, sizeof(currentCommTimeouts)); currentCommTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD; if (!updateCommTimeouts()) return false; if (mode & QIODevice::ReadOnly) readCompletionNotifier->setEnabled(true); if (mode & QIODevice::WriteOnly) writeCompletionNotifier->setEnabled(true); if (!::SetCommMask(handle, originalEventMask)) { q->setError(decodeSystemError()); return false; } if (!startAsyncCommunication()) return false; communicationNotifier->setEnabled(true); return true; }
/* Initializes the data structure needed by qGeomCalc and recalculates max/min and size hint. */ void QBoxLayoutPrivate::setupGeom() { if (!dirty) return; Q_Q(QBoxLayout); int maxw = horz(dir) ? 0 : QLAYOUTSIZE_MAX; int maxh = horz(dir) ? QLAYOUTSIZE_MAX : 0; int minw = 0; int minh = 0; int hintw = 0; int hinth = 0; bool horexp = false; bool verexp = false; hasHfw = false; int n = list.count(); geomArray.clear(); QVector<QLayoutStruct> a(n); QSizePolicy::ControlTypes controlTypes1; QSizePolicy::ControlTypes controlTypes2; int fixedSpacing = q->spacing(); int previousNonEmptyIndex = -1; QStyle *style = 0; if (fixedSpacing < 0) { if (QWidget *parentWidget = q->parentWidget()) style = parentWidget->style(); } for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { QBoxLayoutItem *box = list.at(i); QSize max = box->item->maximumSize(); QSize min = box->item->minimumSize(); QSize hint = box->item->sizeHint(); Qt::Orientations exp = box->item->expandingDirections(); bool empty = box->item->isEmpty(); int spacing = 0; if (!empty) { if (fixedSpacing >= 0) { spacing = (previousNonEmptyIndex >= 0) ? fixedSpacing : 0; #ifdef Q_OS_MAC if (!horz(dir) && previousNonEmptyIndex >= 0) { QBoxLayoutItem *sibling = (dir == QBoxLayout::TopToBottom ? box : list.at(previousNonEmptyIndex)); if (sibling) { QWidget *wid = sibling->item->widget(); if (wid) spacing = qMax(spacing, sibling->item->geometry().top() - wid->geometry().top()); } } #endif } else { controlTypes1 = controlTypes2; controlTypes2 = box->item->controlTypes(); if (previousNonEmptyIndex >= 0) { QSizePolicy::ControlTypes actual1 = controlTypes1; QSizePolicy::ControlTypes actual2 = controlTypes2; if (dir == QBoxLayout::RightToLeft || dir == QBoxLayout::BottomToTop) qSwap(actual1, actual2); if (style) { spacing = style->combinedLayoutSpacing(actual1, actual2, horz(dir) ? Qt::Horizontal : Qt::Vertical, 0, q->parentWidget()); if (spacing < 0) spacing = 0; } } } if (previousNonEmptyIndex >= 0) a[previousNonEmptyIndex].spacing = spacing; previousNonEmptyIndex = i; } bool ignore = empty && box->item->widget(); // ignore hidden widgets bool dummy = true; if (horz(dir)) { bool expand = (exp & Qt::Horizontal || box->stretch > 0); horexp = horexp || expand; maxw += spacing + max.width(); minw += spacing + min.width(); hintw += spacing + hint.width(); if (!ignore) qMaxExpCalc(maxh, verexp, dummy, max.height(), exp & Qt::Vertical, box->item->isEmpty()); minh = qMax(minh, min.height()); hinth = qMax(hinth, hint.height()); a[i].sizeHint = hint.width(); a[i].maximumSize = max.width(); a[i].minimumSize = min.width(); a[i].expansive = expand; a[i].stretch = box->stretch ? box->stretch : box->hStretch(); } else { bool expand = (exp & Qt::Vertical || box->stretch > 0); verexp = verexp || expand; maxh += spacing + max.height(); minh += spacing + min.height(); hinth += spacing + hint.height(); if (!ignore) qMaxExpCalc(maxw, horexp, dummy, max.width(), exp & Qt::Horizontal, box->item->isEmpty()); minw = qMax(minw, min.width()); hintw = qMax(hintw, hint.width()); a[i].sizeHint = hint.height(); a[i].maximumSize = max.height(); a[i].minimumSize = min.height(); a[i].expansive = expand; a[i].stretch = box->stretch ? box->stretch : box->vStretch(); } a[i].empty = empty; a[i].spacing = 0; // might be initialized with a non-zero value in a later iteration hasHfw = hasHfw || box->item->hasHeightForWidth(); } geomArray = a; expanding = (Qt::Orientations) ((horexp ? Qt::Horizontal : 0) | (verexp ? Qt::Vertical : 0)); minSize = QSize(minw, minh); maxSize = QSize(maxw, maxh).expandedTo(minSize); sizeHint = QSize(hintw, hinth).expandedTo(minSize).boundedTo(maxSize); q->getContentsMargins(&leftMargin, &topMargin, &rightMargin, &bottomMargin); int left, top, right, bottom; effectiveMargins(&left, &top, &right, &bottom); QSize extra(left + right, top + bottom); minSize += extra; maxSize += extra; sizeHint += extra; dirty = false; }
void QLCDNumberPrivate::drawSegment(const QPoint &pos, char segmentNo, QPainter &p, int segLen, bool erase) { Q_Q(QLCDNumber); QPoint ppt; QPoint pt = pos; int width = segLen/5; const QPalette &pal = q->palette(); QColor lightColor,darkColor,fgColor; if (erase){ lightColor = pal.color(q->backgroundRole()); darkColor = lightColor; fgColor = lightColor; } else { lightColor = pal.light().color(); darkColor = pal.dark().color(); fgColor = pal.color(q->foregroundRole()); } #define LINETO(X,Y) addPoint(a, QPoint(pt.x() + (X),pt.y() + (Y))) #define LIGHT #define DARK if (fill) { QPolygon a(0); //The following is an exact copy of the switch below. //don't make any changes here switch (segmentNo) { case 0 : ppt = pt; LIGHT; LINETO(segLen - 1,0); DARK; LINETO(segLen - width - 1,width); LINETO(width,width); LINETO(0,0); break; case 1 : pt += QPoint(0 , 1); ppt = pt; LIGHT; LINETO(width,width); DARK; LINETO(width,segLen - width/2 - 2); LINETO(0,segLen - 2); LIGHT; LINETO(0,0); break; case 2 : pt += QPoint(segLen - 1 , 1); ppt = pt; DARK; LINETO(0,segLen - 2); LINETO(-width,segLen - width/2 - 2); LIGHT; LINETO(-width,width); LINETO(0,0); break; case 3 : pt += QPoint(0 , segLen); ppt = pt; LIGHT; LINETO(width,-width/2); LINETO(segLen - width - 1,-width/2); LINETO(segLen - 1,0); DARK; if (width & 1) { // adjust for integer division error LINETO(segLen - width - 3,width/2 + 1); LINETO(width + 2,width/2 + 1); } else { LINETO(segLen - width - 1,width/2); LINETO(width,width/2); } LINETO(0,0); break; case 4 : pt += QPoint(0 , segLen + 1); ppt = pt; LIGHT; LINETO(width,width/2); DARK; LINETO(width,segLen - width - 2); LINETO(0,segLen - 2); LIGHT; LINETO(0,0); break; case 5 : pt += QPoint(segLen - 1 , segLen + 1); ppt = pt; DARK; LINETO(0,segLen - 2); LINETO(-width,segLen - width - 2); LIGHT; LINETO(-width,width/2); LINETO(0,0); break; case 6 : pt += QPoint(0 , segLen*2); ppt = pt; LIGHT; LINETO(width,-width); LINETO(segLen - width - 1,-width); LINETO(segLen - 1,0); DARK; LINETO(0,0); break; case 7 : if (smallPoint) // if smallpoint place'.' between other digits pt += QPoint(segLen + width/2 , segLen*2); else pt += QPoint(segLen/2 , segLen*2); ppt = pt; DARK; LINETO(width,0); LINETO(width,-width); LIGHT; LINETO(0,-width); LINETO(0,0); break; case 8 : pt += QPoint(segLen/2 - width/2 + 1 , segLen/2 + width); ppt = pt; DARK; LINETO(width,0); LINETO(width,-width); LIGHT; LINETO(0,-width); LINETO(0,0); break; case 9 : pt += QPoint(segLen/2 - width/2 + 1 , 3*segLen/2 + width); ppt = pt; DARK; LINETO(width,0); LINETO(width,-width); LIGHT; LINETO(0,-width); LINETO(0,0); break; default : qWarning("QLCDNumber::drawSegment: (%s) Illegal segment id: %d\n", q->objectName().toLocal8Bit().constData(), segmentNo); } // End exact copy p.setPen(Qt::NoPen); p.setBrush(fgColor); p.drawPolygon(a); p.setBrush(Qt::NoBrush); pt = pos; } #undef LINETO #undef LIGHT #undef DARK #define LINETO(X,Y) p.drawLine(ppt.x(), ppt.y(), pt.x()+(X), pt.y()+(Y)); \ ppt = QPoint(pt.x()+(X), pt.y()+(Y)) #define LIGHT p.setPen(lightColor) #define DARK p.setPen(darkColor) if (shadow) switch (segmentNo) { case 0 : ppt = pt; LIGHT; LINETO(segLen - 1,0); DARK; LINETO(segLen - width - 1,width); LINETO(width,width); LINETO(0,0); break; case 1 : pt += QPoint(0,1); ppt = pt; LIGHT; LINETO(width,width); DARK; LINETO(width,segLen - width/2 - 2); LINETO(0,segLen - 2); LIGHT; LINETO(0,0); break; case 2 : pt += QPoint(segLen - 1 , 1); ppt = pt; DARK; LINETO(0,segLen - 2); LINETO(-width,segLen - width/2 - 2); LIGHT; LINETO(-width,width); LINETO(0,0); break; case 3 : pt += QPoint(0 , segLen); ppt = pt; LIGHT; LINETO(width,-width/2); LINETO(segLen - width - 1,-width/2); LINETO(segLen - 1,0); DARK; if (width & 1) { // adjust for integer division error LINETO(segLen - width - 3,width/2 + 1); LINETO(width + 2,width/2 + 1); } else { LINETO(segLen - width - 1,width/2); LINETO(width,width/2); } LINETO(0,0); break; case 4 : pt += QPoint(0 , segLen + 1); ppt = pt; LIGHT; LINETO(width,width/2); DARK; LINETO(width,segLen - width - 2); LINETO(0,segLen - 2); LIGHT; LINETO(0,0); break; case 5 : pt += QPoint(segLen - 1 , segLen + 1); ppt = pt; DARK; LINETO(0,segLen - 2); LINETO(-width,segLen - width - 2); LIGHT; LINETO(-width,width/2); LINETO(0,0); break; case 6 : pt += QPoint(0 , segLen*2); ppt = pt; LIGHT; LINETO(width,-width); LINETO(segLen - width - 1,-width); LINETO(segLen - 1,0); DARK; LINETO(0,0); break; case 7 : if (smallPoint) // if smallpoint place'.' between other digits pt += QPoint(segLen + width/2 , segLen*2); else pt += QPoint(segLen/2 , segLen*2); ppt = pt; DARK; LINETO(width,0); LINETO(width,-width); LIGHT; LINETO(0,-width); LINETO(0,0); break; case 8 : pt += QPoint(segLen/2 - width/2 + 1 , segLen/2 + width); ppt = pt; DARK; LINETO(width,0); LINETO(width,-width); LIGHT; LINETO(0,-width); LINETO(0,0); break; case 9 : pt += QPoint(segLen/2 - width/2 + 1 , 3*segLen/2 + width); ppt = pt; DARK; LINETO(width,0); LINETO(width,-width); LIGHT; LINETO(0,-width); LINETO(0,0); break; default : qWarning("QLCDNumber::drawSegment: (%s) Illegal segment id: %d\n", q->objectName().toLocal8Bit().constData(), segmentNo); } #undef LINETO #undef LIGHT #undef DARK }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void ctkDICOMDatabasePrivate::insert( const ctkDICOMDataset& ctkDataset, const QString& filePath, bool storeFile, bool generateThumbnail) { Q_Q(ctkDICOMDatabase); // Check to see if the file has already been loaded // TODO: // It could make sense to actually remove the dataset and re-add it. This needs the remove // method we still have to write. // QString sopInstanceUID ( ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_SOPInstanceUID) ); QSqlQuery fileExists ( Database ); fileExists.prepare("SELECT InsertTimestamp,Filename FROM Images WHERE SOPInstanceUID == ?"); fileExists.bindValue(0,sopInstanceUID); fileExists.exec(); if ( fileExists.next() && QFileInfo(fileExists.value(1).toString()).lastModified() < QDateTime::fromString(fileExists.value(0).toString(),Qt::ISODate) ) { logger.debug ( "File " + fileExists.value(1).toString() + " already added" ); return; } //If the following fields can not be evaluated, cancel evaluation of the DICOM file QString patientsName(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_PatientName) ); QString studyInstanceUID(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_StudyInstanceUID) ); QString seriesInstanceUID(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_SeriesInstanceUID) ); QString patientID(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_PatientID) ); if ( patientsName.isEmpty() || studyInstanceUID.isEmpty() || patientID.isEmpty() ) { logger.error("Dataset is missing necessary information!"); return; } QString patientsBirthDate(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_PatientBirthDate) ); QString patientsBirthTime(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_PatientBirthTime) ); QString patientsSex(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_PatientSex) ); QString patientsAge(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_PatientAge) ); QString patientComments(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_PatientComments) ); QString studyID(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_StudyID) ); QString studyDate(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_StudyDate) ); QString studyTime(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_StudyTime) ); QString accessionNumber(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_AccessionNumber) ); QString modalitiesInStudy(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_ModalitiesInStudy) ); QString institutionName(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_InstitutionName) ); QString performingPhysiciansName(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_PerformingPhysicianName) ); QString referringPhysician(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_ReferringPhysicianName) ); QString studyDescription(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_StudyDescription) ); QString seriesDate(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_SeriesDate) ); QString seriesTime(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_SeriesTime) ); QString seriesDescription(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_SeriesDescription) ); QString bodyPartExamined(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_BodyPartExamined) ); QString frameOfReferenceUID(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_FrameOfReferenceUID) ); QString contrastAgent(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_ContrastBolusAgent) ); QString scanningSequence(ctkDataset.GetElementAsString(DCM_ScanningSequence) ); long seriesNumber(ctkDataset.GetElementAsInteger(DCM_SeriesNumber) ); long acquisitionNumber(ctkDataset.GetElementAsInteger(DCM_AcquisitionNumber) ); long echoNumber(ctkDataset.GetElementAsInteger(DCM_EchoNumbers) ); long temporalPosition(ctkDataset.GetElementAsInteger(DCM_TemporalPositionIdentifier) ); // store the file if the database is not in memomry // TODO: if we are called from insert(file) we // have to do something else // QString filename = filePath; if ( storeFile && !q->isInMemory() && !seriesInstanceUID.isEmpty() ) { // QString studySeriesDirectory = studyInstanceUID + "/" + seriesInstanceUID; QString destinationDirectoryName = q->databaseDirectory() + "/dicom/"; QDir destinationDir(destinationDirectoryName); filename = destinationDirectoryName + studyInstanceUID + "/" + seriesInstanceUID + "/" + sopInstanceUID; destinationDir.mkpath(studyInstanceUID + "/" + seriesInstanceUID); if(filePath.isEmpty()) { logger.debug ( "Saving file: " + filename ); if ( !ctkDataset.SaveToFile( filename) ) { logger.error ( "Error saving file: " + filename ); return; } } else { // we're inserting an existing file QFile currentFile( filePath ); currentFile.copy(filename); logger.debug( "Copy file from: " + filePath ); logger.debug( "Copy file to : " + filename ); } } QSqlQuery checkPatientExistsQuery(Database); //The dbPatientID is a unique number within the database, //generated by the sqlite autoincrement //The patientID is the (non-unique) DICOM patient id int dbPatientID = -1; if ( patientID != "" && patientsName != "" ) { //Speed up: Check if patient is the same as in last file; // very probable, as all images belonging to a study have the same patient if ( lastPatientID != patientID || lastPatientsBirthDate != patientsBirthDate || lastPatientsName != patientsName ) { // Ok, something is different from last insert, let's insert him if he's not // already in the db. // // Check if patient is already present in the db // TODO: maybe add birthdate check for extra safety checkPatientExistsQuery.prepare ( "SELECT * FROM Patients WHERE PatientID = ? AND PatientsName = ?" ); checkPatientExistsQuery.bindValue ( 0, patientID ); checkPatientExistsQuery.bindValue ( 1, patientsName ); loggedExec(checkPatientExistsQuery); if (checkPatientExistsQuery.next()) { // we found him dbPatientID = checkPatientExistsQuery.value(checkPatientExistsQuery.record().indexOf("UID")).toInt(); } else { // Insert it QSqlQuery insertPatientStatement ( Database ); insertPatientStatement.prepare ( "INSERT INTO Patients ('UID', 'PatientsName', 'PatientID', 'PatientsBirthDate', 'PatientsBirthTime', 'PatientsSex', 'PatientsAge', 'PatientsComments' ) values ( NULL, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ); insertPatientStatement.bindValue ( 0, patientsName ); insertPatientStatement.bindValue ( 1, patientID ); insertPatientStatement.bindValue ( 2, patientsBirthDate ); insertPatientStatement.bindValue ( 3, patientsBirthTime ); insertPatientStatement.bindValue ( 4, patientsSex ); // TODO: shift patient's age to study, // since this is not a patient level attribute in images // insertPatientStatement.bindValue ( 5, patientsAge ); insertPatientStatement.bindValue ( 6, patientComments ); loggedExec(insertPatientStatement); dbPatientID = insertPatientStatement.lastInsertId().toInt(); logger.debug ( "New patient inserted: " + QString().setNum ( dbPatientID ) ); } /// keep this for the next image lastPatientUID = dbPatientID; lastPatientID = patientID; lastPatientsBirthDate = patientsBirthDate; lastPatientsName = patientsName; } // Patient is in now. Let's continue with the study if ( studyInstanceUID != "" && lastStudyInstanceUID != studyInstanceUID ) { QSqlQuery checkStudyExistsQuery (Database); checkStudyExistsQuery.prepare ( "SELECT * FROM Studies WHERE StudyInstanceUID = ?" ); checkStudyExistsQuery.bindValue ( 0, studyInstanceUID ); checkStudyExistsQuery.exec(); if(!checkStudyExistsQuery.next()) { QSqlQuery insertStudyStatement ( Database ); insertStudyStatement.prepare ( "INSERT INTO Studies ( 'StudyInstanceUID', 'PatientsUID', 'StudyID', 'StudyDate', 'StudyTime', 'AccessionNumber', 'ModalitiesInStudy', 'InstitutionName', 'ReferringPhysician', 'PerformingPhysiciansName', 'StudyDescription' ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ); insertStudyStatement.bindValue ( 0, studyInstanceUID ); insertStudyStatement.bindValue ( 1, dbPatientID ); insertStudyStatement.bindValue ( 2, studyID ); insertStudyStatement.bindValue ( 3, QDate::fromString ( studyDate, "yyyyMMdd" ) ); insertStudyStatement.bindValue ( 4, studyTime ); insertStudyStatement.bindValue ( 5, accessionNumber ); insertStudyStatement.bindValue ( 6, modalitiesInStudy ); insertStudyStatement.bindValue ( 7, institutionName ); insertStudyStatement.bindValue ( 8, referringPhysician ); insertStudyStatement.bindValue ( 9, performingPhysiciansName ); insertStudyStatement.bindValue ( 10, studyDescription ); if ( !insertStudyStatement.exec() ) { logger.error ( "Error executing statament: " + insertStudyStatement.lastQuery() + " Error: " + insertStudyStatement.lastError().text() ); } else { lastStudyInstanceUID = studyInstanceUID; } } } if ( seriesInstanceUID != "" && seriesInstanceUID != lastSeriesInstanceUID ) { QSqlQuery checkSeriesExistsQuery (Database); checkSeriesExistsQuery.prepare ( "SELECT * FROM Series WHERE SeriesInstanceUID = ?" ); checkSeriesExistsQuery.bindValue ( 0, seriesInstanceUID ); logger.warn ( "Statement: " + checkSeriesExistsQuery.lastQuery() ); loggedExec(checkSeriesExistsQuery); if(!checkSeriesExistsQuery.next()) { QSqlQuery insertSeriesStatement ( Database ); insertSeriesStatement.prepare ( "INSERT INTO Series ( 'SeriesInstanceUID', 'StudyInstanceUID', 'SeriesNumber', 'SeriesDate', 'SeriesTime', 'SeriesDescription', 'BodyPartExamined', 'FrameOfReferenceUID', 'AcquisitionNumber', 'ContrastAgent', 'ScanningSequence', 'EchoNumber', 'TemporalPosition' ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ? )" ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 0, seriesInstanceUID ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 1, studyInstanceUID ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 2, static_cast<int>(seriesNumber) ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 3, seriesDate ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 4, QDate::fromString ( seriesTime, "yyyyMMdd" ) ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 5, seriesDescription ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 6, bodyPartExamined ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 7, frameOfReferenceUID ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 8, static_cast<int>(acquisitionNumber) ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 9, contrastAgent ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 10, scanningSequence ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 11, static_cast<int>(echoNumber) ); insertSeriesStatement.bindValue ( 12, static_cast<int>(temporalPosition) ); if ( !insertSeriesStatement.exec() ) { logger.error ( "Error executing statament: " + insertSeriesStatement.lastQuery() + " Error: " + insertSeriesStatement.lastError().text() ); lastSeriesInstanceUID = ""; } else { lastSeriesInstanceUID = seriesInstanceUID; } } } // TODO: what to do with imported files // if ( !filename.isEmpty() && !seriesInstanceUID.isEmpty() ) { QSqlQuery checkImageExistsQuery (Database); checkImageExistsQuery.prepare ( "SELECT * FROM Images WHERE Filename = ?" ); checkImageExistsQuery.bindValue ( 0, filename ); checkImageExistsQuery.exec(); if(!checkImageExistsQuery.next()) { QSqlQuery insertImageStatement ( Database ); insertImageStatement.prepare ( "INSERT INTO Images ( 'SOPInstanceUID', 'Filename', 'SeriesInstanceUID', 'InsertTimestamp' ) VALUES ( ?, ?, ?, ? )" ); insertImageStatement.bindValue ( 0, sopInstanceUID ); insertImageStatement.bindValue ( 1, filename ); insertImageStatement.bindValue ( 2, seriesInstanceUID ); insertImageStatement.bindValue ( 3, QDateTime::currentDateTime() ); insertImageStatement.exec(); } } if( generateThumbnail && thumbnailGenerator && !seriesInstanceUID.isEmpty() ) { QString studySeriesDirectory = studyInstanceUID + "/" + seriesInstanceUID; //Create thumbnail here QString thumbnailPath = q->databaseDirectory() + "/thumbs/" + studyInstanceUID + "/" + seriesInstanceUID + "/" + sopInstanceUID + ".png"; QFileInfo thumbnailInfo(thumbnailPath); if( !(thumbnailInfo.exists() && (thumbnailInfo.lastModified() > QFileInfo(filename).lastModified()))) { QDir(q->databaseDirectory() + "/thumbs/").mkpath(studySeriesDirectory); DicomImage dcmImage(QDir::toNativeSeparators(filename).toAscii()); thumbnailGenerator->generateThumbnail(&dcmImage, thumbnailPath); } } if (q->isInMemory()) { emit q->databaseChanged(); } } }
void QGraphicsWidgetPrivate::windowFrameMouseMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event) { Q_Q(QGraphicsWidget); ensureWindowData(); if (!(event->buttons() & Qt::LeftButton) || windowData->hoveredSubControl != QStyle::SC_TitleBarLabel) return; QLineF delta(q->mapFromScene(event->buttonDownScenePos(Qt::LeftButton)), event->pos()); QLineF parentDelta(q->mapToParent(delta.p1()), q->mapToParent(delta.p2())); QLineF parentXDelta(q->mapToParent(QPointF(delta.p1().x(), 0)), q->mapToParent(QPointF(delta.p2().x(), 0))); QLineF parentYDelta(q->mapToParent(QPointF(0, delta.p1().y())), q->mapToParent(QPointF(0, delta.p2().y()))); QRectF newGeometry; switch (windowData->grabbedSection) { case Qt::LeftSection: newGeometry = QRectF(windowData->startGeometry.topLeft() + QPointF(parentXDelta.dx(), parentXDelta.dy()), windowData->startGeometry.size() - QSizeF(delta.dx(), delta.dy())); break; case Qt::TopLeftSection: newGeometry = QRectF(windowData->startGeometry.topLeft() + QPointF(parentDelta.dx(), parentDelta.dy()), windowData->startGeometry.size() - QSizeF(delta.dx(), delta.dy())); break; case Qt::TopSection: newGeometry = QRectF(windowData->startGeometry.topLeft() + QPointF(parentYDelta.dx(), parentYDelta.dy()), windowData->startGeometry.size() - QSizeF(0, delta.dy())); break; case Qt::TopRightSection: newGeometry = QRectF(windowData->startGeometry.topLeft() + QPointF(parentYDelta.dx(), parentYDelta.dy()), windowData->startGeometry.size() - QSizeF(-delta.dx(), delta.dy())); break; case Qt::RightSection: newGeometry = QRectF(windowData->startGeometry.topLeft(), windowData->startGeometry.size() + QSizeF(delta.dx(), 0)); break; case Qt::BottomRightSection: newGeometry = QRectF(windowData->startGeometry.topLeft(), windowData->startGeometry.size() + QSizeF(delta.dx(), delta.dy())); break; case Qt::BottomSection: newGeometry = QRectF(windowData->startGeometry.topLeft(), windowData->startGeometry.size() + QSizeF(0, delta.dy())); break; case Qt::BottomLeftSection: newGeometry = QRectF(windowData->startGeometry.topLeft() + QPointF(parentXDelta.dx(), parentXDelta.dy()), windowData->startGeometry.size() - QSizeF(delta.dx(), -delta.dy())); break; case Qt::TitleBarArea: newGeometry = QRectF(windowData->startGeometry.topLeft() + QPointF(parentDelta.dx(), parentDelta.dy()), windowData->startGeometry.size()); break; case Qt::NoSection: break; } if (windowData->grabbedSection != Qt::NoSection) { _q_boundGeometryToSizeConstraints(windowData->startGeometry, &newGeometry, windowData->grabbedSection, q->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MinimumSize), q->effectiveSizeHint(Qt::MaximumSize), q); q->setGeometry(newGeometry); } }
void QLocalSocketPrivate::_q_pipeClosed() { Q_Q(QLocalSocket); q->close(); }
void QGraphicsWidgetPrivate::windowFrameHoverMoveEvent(QGraphicsSceneHoverEvent *event) { Q_Q(QGraphicsWidget); if (!hasDecoration()) return; ensureWindowData(); if (q->rect().contains(event->pos())) { if (windowData->buttonMouseOver || windowData->hoveredSubControl != QStyle::SC_None) windowFrameHoverLeaveEvent(event); return; } bool wasMouseOver = windowData->buttonMouseOver; QRect oldButtonRect = windowData->buttonRect; windowData->buttonRect = QRect(); windowData->buttonMouseOver = false; QPointF pos = event->pos(); QStyleOptionTitleBar bar; // make sure that the coordinates (rect and pos) we send to the style are positive. if (windowFrameMargins) { pos.rx() += windowFrameMargins[Left]; pos.ry() += windowFrameMargins[Top]; } initStyleOptionTitleBar(&bar); bar.rect = q->windowFrameRect().toRect(); bar.rect.moveTo(0,0); bar.rect.setHeight(int(titleBarHeight(bar))); Qt::CursorShape cursorShape = Qt::ArrowCursor; bool needsSetCursorCall = true; switch (q->windowFrameSectionAt(event->pos())) { case Qt::TopLeftSection: case Qt::BottomRightSection: cursorShape = Qt::SizeFDiagCursor; break; case Qt::TopRightSection: case Qt::BottomLeftSection: cursorShape = Qt::SizeBDiagCursor; break; case Qt::LeftSection: case Qt::RightSection: cursorShape = Qt::SizeHorCursor; break; case Qt::TopSection: case Qt::BottomSection: cursorShape = Qt::SizeVerCursor; break; case Qt::TitleBarArea: windowData->buttonRect = q->style()->subControlRect( QStyle::CC_TitleBar, &bar, QStyle::SC_TitleBarCloseButton, 0); #ifdef Q_WS_MAC // On mac we should hover if we are in the 'area' of the buttons windowData->buttonRect |= q->style()->subControlRect( QStyle::CC_TitleBar, &bar, QStyle::SC_TitleBarMinButton, 0); windowData->buttonRect |= q->style()->subControlRect( QStyle::CC_TitleBar, &bar, QStyle::SC_TitleBarMaxButton, 0); #endif if (windowData->buttonRect.contains(pos.toPoint())) windowData->buttonMouseOver = true; event->ignore(); break; default: needsSetCursorCall = false; event->ignore(); } #ifndef QT_NO_CURSOR if (needsSetCursorCall) q->setCursor(cursorShape); #endif // update buttons if we hover over them windowData->hoveredSubControl = q->style()->hitTestComplexControl(QStyle::CC_TitleBar, &bar, pos.toPoint(), 0); if (windowData->hoveredSubControl != QStyle::SC_TitleBarCloseButton) windowData->hoveredSubControl = QStyle::SC_TitleBarLabel; if (windowData->buttonMouseOver != wasMouseOver) { if (!oldButtonRect.isNull()) q->update(QRectF(oldButtonRect).translated(q->windowFrameRect().topLeft())); if (!windowData->buttonRect.isNull()) q->update(QRectF(windowData->buttonRect).translated(q->windowFrameRect().topLeft())); } }
/* Create the pipes to a QProcessPrivate::Channel. This function must be called in order: stdin, stdout, stderr */ bool QProcessPrivate::createChannel(Channel &channel) { Q_Q(QProcess); if (&channel == &stderrChannel && processChannelMode == QProcess::MergedChannels) { return DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), stdoutChannel.pipe[1], GetCurrentProcess(), &stderrChannel.pipe[1], 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS); } if (channel.type == Channel::Normal) { // we're piping this channel to our own process const bool isStdInChannel = (&channel == &stdinChannel); if (isStdInChannel || processChannelMode != QProcess::ForwardedChannels) qt_create_pipe(channel.pipe, isStdInChannel); else duplicateStdWriteChannel(channel.pipe, (&channel == &stdoutChannel) ? STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE : STD_ERROR_HANDLE); if (processChannelMode != QProcess::ForwardedChannels) { QWindowsPipeReader *pipeReader = 0; if (&channel == &stdoutChannel) { if (!stdoutReader) { stdoutReader = new QWindowsPipeReader(q); q->connect(stdoutReader, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(_q_canReadStandardOutput())); } pipeReader = stdoutReader; } else if (&channel == &stderrChannel) { if (!stderrReader) { stderrReader = new QWindowsPipeReader(q); q->connect(stderrReader, SIGNAL(readyRead()), SLOT(_q_canReadStandardError())); } pipeReader = stderrReader; } if (pipeReader) { pipeReader->setHandle(channel.pipe[0]); pipeReader->startAsyncRead(); } } return true; } else if (channel.type == Channel::Redirect) { // we're redirecting the channel to/from a file SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES secAtt = { sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES), NULL, TRUE }; if (&channel == &stdinChannel) { // try to open in read-only mode channel.pipe[1] = INVALID_Q_PIPE; channel.pipe[0] = CreateFile((const wchar_t*)QFSFileEnginePrivate::longFileName(channel.file).utf16(), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &secAtt, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (channel.pipe[0] != INVALID_Q_PIPE) return true; q->setErrorString(QProcess::tr("Could not open input redirection for reading")); } else { // open in write mode channel.pipe[0] = INVALID_Q_PIPE; channel.pipe[1] = CreateFile((const wchar_t *)QFSFileEnginePrivate::longFileName(channel.file).utf16(), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ | FILE_SHARE_WRITE, &secAtt, channel.append ? OPEN_ALWAYS : CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (channel.pipe[1] != INVALID_Q_PIPE) { if (channel.append) { SetFilePointer(channel.pipe[1], 0, NULL, FILE_END); } return true; } q->setErrorString(QProcess::tr("Could not open output redirection for writing")); } // could not open file processError = QProcess::FailedToStart; emit q->error(processError); cleanup(); return false; } else { Q_ASSERT_X(channel.process, "QProcess::start", "Internal error"); Channel *source; Channel *sink; if (channel.type == Channel::PipeSource) { // we are the source source = &channel; sink = &channel.process->stdinChannel; if (source->pipe[1] != INVALID_Q_PIPE) { // already constructed by the sink // make it inheritable HANDLE tmpHandle = source->pipe[1]; if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), tmpHandle, GetCurrentProcess(), &source->pipe[1], 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) return false; CloseHandle(tmpHandle); return true; } Q_ASSERT(source == &stdoutChannel); Q_ASSERT(sink->process == this && sink->type == Channel::PipeSink); qt_create_pipe(source->pipe, /* in = */ false); // source is stdout sink->pipe[0] = source->pipe[0]; source->pipe[0] = INVALID_Q_PIPE; return true; } else { // we are the sink; source = &channel.process->stdoutChannel; sink = &channel; if (sink->pipe[0] != INVALID_Q_PIPE) { // already constructed by the source // make it inheritable HANDLE tmpHandle = sink->pipe[0]; if (!DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess(), tmpHandle, GetCurrentProcess(), &sink->pipe[0], 0, TRUE, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS)) return false; CloseHandle(tmpHandle); return true; } Q_ASSERT(sink == &stdinChannel); Q_ASSERT(source->process == this && source->type == Channel::PipeSource); qt_create_pipe(sink->pipe, /* in = */ true); // sink is stdin source->pipe[1] = sink->pipe[1]; sink->pipe[1] = INVALID_Q_PIPE; return true; } } }
void QGraphicsWidgetPrivate::resetHeight() { Q_Q(QGraphicsWidget); q->setGeometry(QRectF(q->x(), q->y(), width(), 0)); }
bool QProcessPrivate::waitForBytesWritten(int msecs) { Q_Q(QProcess); QIncrementalSleepTimer timer(msecs); forever { // Check if we have any data pending: the pipe writer has // bytes waiting to written, or it has written data since the // last time we called pipeWriter->waitForWrite(). bool pendingDataInPipe = pipeWriter && (pipeWriter->bytesToWrite() || pipeWriter->hadWritten()); // If we don't have pending data, and our write buffer is // empty, we fail. if (!pendingDataInPipe && writeBuffer.isEmpty()) return false; // If we don't have pending data and we do have data in our // write buffer, try to flush that data over to the pipe // writer. Fail on error. if (!pendingDataInPipe) { if (!_q_canWrite()) return false; } // Wait for the pipe writer to acknowledge that it has // written. This will succeed if either the pipe writer has // already written the data, or if it manages to write data // within the given timeout. If the write buffer was non-empty // and the pipeWriter is now dead, that means _q_canWrite() // destroyed the writer after it successfully wrote the last // batch. if (!pipeWriter || pipeWriter->waitForWrite(0)) return true; // If we wouldn't write anything, check if we can read stdout. if (bytesAvailableFromStdout() != 0) { _q_canReadStandardOutput(); timer.resetIncrements(); } // Check if we can read stderr. if (bytesAvailableFromStderr() != 0) { _q_canReadStandardError(); timer.resetIncrements(); } // Check if the process died while reading. if (!pid) return false; // Wait for the process to signal any change in its state, // such as incoming data, or if the process died. if (WaitForSingleObject(pid->hProcess, 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { _q_processDied(); return false; } // Only wait for as long as we've been asked. if (timer.hasTimedOut()) break; } processError = QProcess::Timedout; q->setErrorString(QProcess::tr("Process operation timed out")); return false; }
void EffectWidgetPrivate::autogenerateUi() { Q_Q(EffectWidget); QVBoxLayout *mainLayout = new QVBoxLayout(q); mainLayout->setMargin(0); foreach (const EffectParameter ¶, effect->parameters()) { QVariant value = effect->parameterValue(para); QHBoxLayout *pLayout = new QHBoxLayout; mainLayout->addLayout(pLayout); QLabel *label = new QLabel(q); pLayout->addWidget(label); label->setText(para.name()); #ifndef QT_NO_TOOLTIP label->setToolTip(para.description()); #endif QWidget *control = 0; switch (para.type()) { case QVariant::String: { QComboBox *cb = new QComboBox(q); control = cb; if (value.type() == QVariant::Int) { //value just defines the item index foreach (const QVariant &item, para.possibleValues()) { cb->addItem(item.toString()); } cb->setCurrentIndex(value.toInt()); QObject::connect(cb, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(int)), q, SLOT(_k_setIntParameter(int))); } else { foreach (const QVariant &item, para.possibleValues()) { cb->addItem(item.toString()); if (item == value) { cb->setCurrentIndex(cb->count() - 1); } } QObject::connect(cb, SIGNAL(currentIndexChanged(QString)), q, SLOT(_k_setStringParameter(QString))); } } break; case QVariant::Bool: { QCheckBox *cb = new QCheckBox(q); control = cb; cb->setChecked(value.toBool()); QObject::connect(cb, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), q, SLOT(_k_setToggleParameter(bool))); } break; case QVariant::Int: { QSpinBox *sb = new QSpinBox(q); control = sb; bool minValueOk = false; bool maxValueOk = false; const int minValue = para.minimumValue().toInt(&minValueOk); const int maxValue = para.minimumValue().toInt(&maxValueOk); sb->setRange(minValueOk ? minValue : DEFAULT_MIN_INT, maxValueOk ? maxValue : DEFAULT_MAX_INT); sb->setValue(value.toInt()); QObject::connect(sb, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), q, SLOT(_k_setIntParameter(int))); } break; case QVariant::Double: { const double minValue = (para.minimumValue().type() == QVariant::Double ? para.minimumValue().toDouble() : DEFAULT_MIN); const double maxValue = (para.maximumValue().type() == QVariant::Double ? para.maximumValue().toDouble() : DEFAULT_MAX); if (minValue == -1. && maxValue == 1.) { //Special case values between -1 and 1.0 to use a slider for improved usability QSlider *slider = new QSlider(Qt::Horizontal, q); slider->setRange(-SLIDER_RANGE, +SLIDER_RANGE); slider->setValue(int(SLIDER_RANGE * value.toDouble())); slider->setTickPosition(QSlider::TicksBelow); slider->setTickInterval(TICKINTERVAL); QObject::connect(slider, SIGNAL(valueChanged(int)), q, SLOT(_k_setSliderParameter(int))); } else { double step = 0.1; if (qAbs(maxValue - minValue) > 50) step = 1.0; QDoubleSpinBox *sb = new QDoubleSpinBox(q); control = sb; sb->setRange(minValue, maxValue); sb->setValue(value.toDouble()); sb->setSingleStep(step); QObject::connect(sb, SIGNAL(valueChanged(double)), q, SLOT(_k_setDoubleParameter(double))); } } break; default: break; }
void QDeclarativeImplicitSizeItemPrivate::implicitHeightChanged() { Q_Q(QDeclarativeImplicitSizeItem); emit q->implicitHeightChanged(); }
void QAbstractKineticScrollerPrivate::handleMove(QMouseEvent *me, QPoint &delta) { Q_Q(QAbstractKineticScroller); if (mode == QAbstractKineticScroller::AccelerationMode) { // we need delta to be the delta to ipos, not pos in this case delta = me->globalPos() - ipos; } if (axisLockThreshold) { int dx = qAbs(delta.x()); int dy = qAbs(delta.y()); if (dx || dy) { bool vertical = (dy > dx); qreal alpha = qreal(vertical ? dx : dy) / qreal(vertical ? dy : dx); qKSDebug() << "axis lock: " << alpha << " / " << axisLockThreshold << " - isvertical: " << vertical << " - dx: " << dx << " - dy: " << dy; if (alpha <= axisLockThreshold) { if (vertical) delta.setX(0); else delta.setY(0); } } } switch (mode) { case QAbstractKineticScroller::PushMode: // Scroll by the amount of pixels the cursor has moved // since the last motion event. scrollUpdate(delta); pos = me->globalPos(); break; case QAbstractKineticScroller::AccelerationMode: { // Set acceleration relative to the initial click QSize size = q->viewportSize(); qreal signX = 0, signY = 0; if (delta.x() < 0) signX = -1; else if (delta.x() > 0) signX = 1; if (delta.y() < 0) signY = -1; else if (delta.y() > 0) signY = 1; velocity.setX(signX * ((qreal(qAbs(delta.x())) / qreal(size.width()) * (maxVelocity - minVelocity)) + minVelocity)); velocity.setY(signY * ((qreal(qAbs(delta.y())) / qreal(size.height()) * (maxVelocity - minVelocity)) + minVelocity)); break; } case QAbstractKineticScroller::AutoMode: QPointF newVelocity = calculateVelocity(delta, lastTime.elapsed()); QPoint maxPos = q->maximumScrollPosition(); bool alwaysOvershoot = (overshootPolicy == QAbstractKineticScroller::OvershootAlwaysOn); if (!maxPos.x() && !alwaysOvershoot) { delta.setX(0); newVelocity.setX(0); } if (!maxPos.y() && !alwaysOvershoot) { delta.setY(0); newVelocity.setY(0); } velocity = newVelocity; scrollUpdate(delta); if (maxPos.x() || alwaysOvershoot) pos.setX(me->globalPos().x()); if (maxPos.y() || alwaysOvershoot) pos.setY(me->globalPos().y()); break; } }