void CHalfLife2Survival::ParseSurvivalSettings( KeyValues *pSubKey )
	if ( pSubKey == NULL )

	m_SurvivalSettings.m_szPickups = NULL_STRING;
	m_SurvivalSettings.m_iSpawnHealth = 100;

	KeyValues *pTestKey = pSubKey->GetFirstSubKey();

	while ( pTestKey )
		if ( !stricmp( pTestKey->GetName(), "weapons" ) )
			const char *pLoadout =  pTestKey->GetString();
			Q_SplitString( pLoadout, ";", m_SurvivalSettings.m_Loadout );
		else if ( !stricmp( pTestKey->GetName(), "spawnhealth" ) )
			m_SurvivalSettings.m_iSpawnHealth = pTestKey->GetInt( 0, 100 );
		else if ( !stricmp( pTestKey->GetName(), "allowedpickups" ) )
			m_SurvivalSettings.m_szPickups = MAKE_STRING( pTestKey->GetString() );
		pTestKey = pTestKey->GetNextKey();
void BuyState::OnUpdate( CCSBot *me )
	char cmdBuffer[256];

	// wait for a Navigation Mesh
	if (!TheNavMesh->IsLoaded())

	// apparently we cant buy things in the first few seconds, so wait a bit
	if (m_isInitialDelay)
		const float waitToBuyTime = 0.25f;
		if (gpGlobals->curtime - me->GetStateTimestamp() < waitToBuyTime)

		m_isInitialDelay = false;

	// if we're done buying and still in the freeze period, wait
	if (m_doneBuying)
		if (CSGameRules()->IsMultiplayer() && CSGameRules()->IsFreezePeriod())
			// make sure we're locked and loaded
			me->EquipBestWeapon( MUST_EQUIP );


	// If we're supposed to buy a specific weapon for debugging, do so and then bail
	const char *cheatWeaponString = bot_loadout.GetString();
	if ( cheatWeaponString && *cheatWeaponString )
		CUtlVector<char*, CUtlMemory<char*> > loadout;
		Q_SplitString( cheatWeaponString, " ", loadout );
		for ( int i=0; i<loadout.Count(); ++i )
			const char *item = loadout[i];
			if ( FStrEq( item, "vest" ) )
				me->GiveNamedItem( "item_kevlar" );
			else if ( FStrEq( item, "vesthelm" ) )
				me->GiveNamedItem( "item_assaultsuit" );
			else if ( FStrEq( item, "defuser" ) )
				if ( me->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT )
			else if ( FStrEq( item, "nvgs" ) )
				me->m_bHasNightVision = true;
			else if ( FStrEq( item, "primammo" ) )
				me->AttemptToBuyAmmo( 0 );
			else if ( FStrEq( item, "secammo" ) )
				me->AttemptToBuyAmmo( 1 );
				me->GiveWeapon( item );
		m_doneBuying = true;

	if (!me->IsInBuyZone())
		m_doneBuying = true;
		CONSOLE_ECHO( "%s bot spawned outside of a buy zone (%d, %d, %d)\n",
						(me->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_CT) ? "CT" : "Terrorist",
						(int)me->GetAbsOrigin().z );

	// try to buy some weapons
	const float buyInterval = 0.02f;
	if (gpGlobals->curtime - me->GetStateTimestamp() > buyInterval)
		me->m_stateTimestamp = gpGlobals->curtime;

		bool isPreferredAllDisallowed = true;

		// try to buy our preferred weapons first
		if (m_prefIndex < me->GetProfile()->GetWeaponPreferenceCount() && bot_randombuy.GetBool() == false )
			// need to retry because sometimes first buy fails??
			const int maxPrefRetries = 2;
			if (m_prefRetries >= maxPrefRetries)
				// try to buy next preferred weapon
				m_prefRetries = 0;

			int weaponPreference = me->GetProfile()->GetWeaponPreference( m_prefIndex );

			// don't buy it again if we still have one from last round
			char weaponPreferenceName[32];
			Q_snprintf( weaponPreferenceName, sizeof(weaponPreferenceName), "weapon_%s", me->GetProfile()->GetWeaponPreferenceAsString( m_prefIndex ) );
			if( me->Weapon_OwnsThisType(weaponPreferenceName) )//Prefs and buyalias use the short version, this uses the long
				// done with buying preferred weapon
				m_prefIndex = 9999;

			if (me->HasShield() && weaponPreference == WEAPON_SHIELDGUN)
				// done with buying preferred weapon
				m_prefIndex = 9999;

			const char *buyAlias = NULL;

			if (weaponPreference == WEAPON_SHIELDGUN)
				if (TheCSBots()->AllowTacticalShield())
					buyAlias = "shield";
				buyAlias = WeaponIDToAlias( weaponPreference );
				WeaponType type = GetWeaponType( buyAlias );
				switch( type )
					case PISTOL:
						if (!TheCSBots()->AllowPistols())
							buyAlias = NULL;

					case SHOTGUN:
						if (!TheCSBots()->AllowShotguns())
							buyAlias = NULL;

					case SUB_MACHINE_GUN:
						if (!TheCSBots()->AllowSubMachineGuns())
							buyAlias = NULL;

					case RIFLE:
						if (!TheCSBots()->AllowRifles())
							buyAlias = NULL;

					case MACHINE_GUN:
						if (!TheCSBots()->AllowMachineGuns())
							buyAlias = NULL;

					case SNIPER_RIFLE:
						if (!TheCSBots()->AllowSnipers())
							buyAlias = NULL;

			if (buyAlias)
				Q_snprintf( cmdBuffer, 256, "buy %s\n", buyAlias );

				CCommand args;
				args.Tokenize( cmdBuffer );
				me->ClientCommand( args );

				me->PrintIfWatched( "Tried to buy preferred weapon %s.\n", buyAlias );
				isPreferredAllDisallowed = false;


			// bail out so we dont waste money on other equipment
			// unless everything we prefer has been disallowed, then buy at random
			if (isPreferredAllDisallowed == false)

		// if we have no preferred primary weapon (or everything we want is disallowed), buy at random
		if (!me->HasPrimaryWeapon() && (isPreferredAllDisallowed || !me->GetProfile()->HasPrimaryPreference()))
			if (m_buyShield)
				// buy a shield
				CCommand args;
				args.Tokenize( "buy shield" );
				me->ClientCommand( args );

				me->PrintIfWatched( "Tried to buy a shield.\n" );
				// build list of allowable weapons to buy
				BuyInfo *masterPrimary = (me->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST) ? primaryWeaponBuyInfoT : primaryWeaponBuyInfoCT;
				BuyInfo *stockPrimary[ PRIMARY_WEAPON_BUY_COUNT ];
				int stockPrimaryCount = 0;

				// dont choose sniper rifles as often
				const float sniperRifleChance = 50.0f;
				bool wantSniper = (RandomFloat( 0, 100 ) < sniperRifleChance) ? true : false;

				if ( bot_randombuy.GetBool() )
					wantSniper = true;

				for( int i=0; i<PRIMARY_WEAPON_BUY_COUNT; ++i )
					if ((masterPrimary[i].type == SHOTGUN && TheCSBots()->AllowShotguns()) ||
						(masterPrimary[i].type == SUB_MACHINE_GUN && TheCSBots()->AllowSubMachineGuns()) ||
						(masterPrimary[i].type == RIFLE && TheCSBots()->AllowRifles()) ||
						(masterPrimary[i].type == SNIPER_RIFLE && TheCSBots()->AllowSnipers() && wantSniper) ||
						(masterPrimary[i].type == MACHINE_GUN && TheCSBots()->AllowMachineGuns()))
						stockPrimary[ stockPrimaryCount++ ] = &masterPrimary[i];
				if (stockPrimaryCount)
					// buy primary weapon if we don't have one
					int which;

					// on hard difficulty levels, bots try to buy preferred weapons on the first pass
					if (m_retries == 0 && TheCSBots()->GetDifficultyLevel() >= BOT_HARD && bot_randombuy.GetBool() == false )
						// count up available preferred weapons
						int prefCount = 0;
						for( which=0; which<stockPrimaryCount; ++which )
							if (stockPrimary[which]->preferred)

						if (prefCount)
							int whichPref = RandomInt( 0, prefCount-1 );
							for( which=0; which<stockPrimaryCount; ++which )
								if (stockPrimary[which]->preferred && whichPref-- == 0)
							// no preferred weapons available, just pick randomly
							which = RandomInt( 0, stockPrimaryCount-1 );
						which = RandomInt( 0, stockPrimaryCount-1 );

					Q_snprintf( cmdBuffer, 256, "buy %s\n", stockPrimary[ which ]->buyAlias );

					CCommand args;
					args.Tokenize( cmdBuffer );
					me->ClientCommand( args );

					me->PrintIfWatched( "Tried to buy %s.\n", stockPrimary[ which ]->buyAlias );

		// If we now have a weapon, or have tried for too long, we're done
		if (me->HasPrimaryWeapon() || m_retries++ > 5)
			// primary ammo
			CCommand args;
			if (me->HasPrimaryWeapon())
				args.Tokenize( "buy primammo" );
				me->ClientCommand( args );

			// buy armor last, to make sure we bought a weapon first
			args.Tokenize( "buy vesthelm" );
			me->ClientCommand( args );
			args.Tokenize( "buy vest" );
			me->ClientCommand( args );

			// pistols - if we have no preferred pistol, buy at random
			if (TheCSBots()->AllowPistols() && !me->GetProfile()->HasPistolPreference())
				if (m_buyPistol)
					int which = RandomInt( 0, SECONDARY_WEAPON_BUY_COUNT-1 );
					const char *what = NULL;

					if (me->GetTeamNumber() == TEAM_TERRORIST)
						what = secondaryWeaponBuyInfoT[ which ].buyAlias;
						what = secondaryWeaponBuyInfoCT[ which ].buyAlias;

					Q_snprintf( cmdBuffer, 256, "buy %s\n", what );
					args.Tokenize( cmdBuffer );
					me->ClientCommand( args );

					// only buy one pistol
					m_buyPistol = false;

				// make sure we have enough pistol ammo
				args.Tokenize( "buy secammo" );
				me->ClientCommand( args );

			// buy a grenade if we wish, and we don't already have one
			if (m_buyGrenade && !me->HasGrenade())
				if (UTIL_IsTeamAllBots( me->GetTeamNumber() ))
					// only allow Flashbangs if everyone on the team is a bot (dont want to blind our friendly humans)
					float rnd = RandomFloat( 0, 100 );

					if (rnd < 10)
						args.Tokenize( "buy smokegrenade" );
						me->ClientCommand( args );	// smoke grenade
					else if (rnd < 35)
						args.Tokenize( "buy flashbang" );
						me->ClientCommand( args );	// flashbang
						args.Tokenize( "buy hegrenade" );
						me->ClientCommand( args );	// he grenade
					if (RandomFloat( 0, 100 ) < 10)
						args.Tokenize( "buy smokegrenade" );	// smoke grenade
						me->ClientCommand( args );
						args.Tokenize( "buy hegrenade" );	// he grenade
						me->ClientCommand( args );

			if (m_buyDefuseKit)
				args.Tokenize( "buy defuser" );
				me->ClientCommand( args );

			m_doneBuying = true;