long CTWenUGCtrlEx::RowIndexOfMinValue(bool emptyFirst, int col, long rowFrom, long rowTo)
	long index = rowFrom;
	CString minValue;
	QuickGetText(col, index, &minValue);
	if(minValue.IsEmpty() && emptyFirst) return index;
	CString si;
	for(long i=rowFrom+1; i<=rowTo; i++)
		QuickGetText(col, i, &si);
			if(emptyFirst) return i;
			else continue;

		if(minValue.IsEmpty() || (_tstof(minValue) > _tstof(si)))
			minValue = si;
			index = i;

	return index;
void CLayerTypeGrid::OnDClicked(int col,long row, RECT *rect,POINT *point,BOOL processed)
   int lastColIndx = GetNumberCols() - 1;
   CString cellText(QuickGetText(lastColIndx, row));
   int layerType = atoi(cellText);

   // Edit color if a layerType row (not a group name row)
   // and double click was not in the layer type column.
   if (layerType > -1 && col > 0)
      CUGCell cell;
      GetCell(col, row, &cell); 

      COLORREF color = cell.GetBackColor(); // current color

	   CPersistantColorDialog dialog(color);
	   if (dialog.DoModal() == IDOK)
	      color = dialog.GetColor();
         SetCell(col, row, &cell);
void CLayerTypeGrid::ExpandLayerGroup(int groupNameRowIndx)
   int rowCnt = GetNumberRows();
   int lastColIndx = GetNumberCols() - 1;

   bool keepGoing = true;
   for (int rowIndx = groupNameRowIndx+1; rowIndx < rowCnt && keepGoing; rowIndx++)
      CString cellText( QuickGetText(lastColIndx, rowIndx) );
      int layerType = atoi(cellText);
      if (layerType < 0)
         keepGoing = false;
         SetRowHeight(rowIndx, m_expandedRowHeight);

   CString groupNameText( QuickGetText(0, groupNameRowIndx) );
   groupNameText.SetAt(0, '-');  // Is now expanded, show operator to collapse.
   QuickSetText(0, groupNameRowIndx, groupNameText);
void CLayerTypeGrid::OnLClicked(int col,long row, int updn, RECT *rect, POINT *point, int processed) 
   // A click will get two event calls here, one for button down (updn = true) and one
   // for button up. We don't want to do this twice for a single click.
   // So react only to the button up, that is the end of the click event.
   if (updn)
      return;  // Ignore the button down.

   int lastColIndx = GetNumberCols() - 1;
   CString cellText(QuickGetText(lastColIndx, row));
   int layerType = atoi(cellText);

   // Toggle expand/collapse if layer type indicates this is a layer group row.
   // React only if cell was first column cell.
   if (layerType < 0 && col == 0)
      int rowCnt = GetNumberRows();

      CUGCell cell;
      GetCell(col, row, &cell);

      // We use the "+" and "-" in name to track expanded/collapsed state.
      // The char shows the current state.
      CString groupNameText( cell.GetText() );
      bool isExpanded = (groupNameText.Left(1).Compare("-") == 0);

      if (isExpanded)
         // Is expanded, perform collapse.
         // Is collapsed, perform expand.