 * Import Arc entities.
void DXF2BRD_CONVERTER::addArc( const DRW_Arc& data )
    DRAWSEGMENT* segm = ( m_useModuleItems ) ?
                        static_cast< DRAWSEGMENT* >( new EDGE_MODULE( NULL ) ) : new DRAWSEGMENT;

    segm->SetLayer( ToLAYER_ID( m_brdLayer ) );
    segm->SetShape( S_ARC );

    // Init arc centre:
    wxPoint center( mapX( data.basePoint.x ), mapY( data.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetCenter( center );

    // Init arc start point
    double  arcStartx   = data.radious;
    double  arcStarty   = 0;
    double  startangle = data.staangle;
    double  endangle = data.endangle;

    RotatePoint( &arcStartx, &arcStarty, -RAD2DECIDEG( startangle ) );
    wxPoint arcStart( mapX( arcStartx + data.basePoint.x ),
                      mapY( arcStarty + data.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetArcStart( arcStart );

    // calculate arc angle (arcs are CCW, and should be < 0 in Pcbnew)
    double angle = -RAD2DECIDEG( endangle - startangle );

    if( angle > 0.0 )
        angle -= 3600.0;

    segm->SetAngle( angle );

    segm->SetWidth( mapDim( data.thickness == 0 ? m_defaultThickness : data.thickness ) );
    m_newItemsList.push_back( segm );
 * Import Arc entities.
void DXF2BRD_CONVERTER::addArc( const DRW_Arc& data )
    DRAWSEGMENT* segm = new DRAWSEGMENT( m_brd );

    segm->SetLayer( m_brdLayer );
    segm->SetShape( S_ARC );

    // Init arc centre:
    wxPoint center( mapX( data.basePoint.x ), mapY( data.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetCenter( center );

    // Init arc start point
    double  arcStartx   = data.radious;
    double  arcStarty   = 0;
    double  startangle = data.staangle;
    double  endangle = data.endangle;

    RotatePoint( &arcStartx, &arcStarty, -RAD2DECIDEG( startangle ) );
    wxPoint arcStart( mapX( arcStartx + data.basePoint.x ),
                      mapY( arcStarty + data.basePoint.y ) );
    segm->SetArcStart( arcStart );

    // calculate arc angle (arcs are CCW, and should be < 0 in Pcbnew)
    double angle = -RAD2DECIDEG( endangle - startangle );

    if( angle > 0.0 )
        angle -= 3600.0;

    segm->SetAngle( angle );

    segm->SetWidth( mapDim( data.thickness == 0 ? m_defaultThickness
                            : data.thickness ) );
    appendToBoard( segm );
void GBR_TO_PCB_EXPORTER::export_segarc_copper_item( GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aGbrItem, LAYER_NUM aLayer )
    double  a = atan2( (double) ( aGbrItem->m_Start.y - aGbrItem->m_ArcCentre.y ),
                       (double) ( aGbrItem->m_Start.x - aGbrItem->m_ArcCentre.x ) );
    double  b = atan2( (double) ( aGbrItem->m_End.y - aGbrItem->m_ArcCentre.y ),
                       (double) ( aGbrItem->m_End.x - aGbrItem->m_ArcCentre.x ) );

    wxPoint start   = aGbrItem->m_Start;
    wxPoint end     = aGbrItem->m_End;

    /* Because Pcbnew does not know arcs in tracks,
     * approximate arc by segments (SEG_COUNT__CIRCLE segment per 360 deg)
     * The arc is drawn in an anticlockwise direction from the start point to the end point.
    #define SEG_COUNT_CIRCLE    16
    #define DELTA_ANGLE         2 * M_PI / SEG_COUNT_CIRCLE

    // calculate the number of segments from a to b.
    // we want CNT_PER_360 segments fo a circle
    if( a > b )
        b += 2 * M_PI;

    wxPoint curr_start = start;
    wxPoint seg_start, seg_end;

    int     ii = 1;

    for( double rot = a; rot < (b - DELTA_ANGLE); rot += DELTA_ANGLE, ii++ )
        seg_start = curr_start;
        wxPoint curr_end = start;
        RotatePoint( &curr_end, aGbrItem->m_ArcCentre,
                     -RAD2DECIDEG( DELTA_ANGLE * ii ) );
        seg_end = curr_end;
        // Reverse Y axis:
        NEGATE( seg_start.y );
        NEGATE( seg_end.y );
        writePcbLineItem( 0, TRACK_TYPE, seg_start, seg_end, aGbrItem->m_Size.x, aLayer, -1 );
        curr_start = curr_end;

    if( end != curr_start )
        seg_start   = curr_start;
        seg_end     = end;
        // Reverse Y axis:
        NEGATE( seg_start.y );
        NEGATE( seg_end.y );
        writePcbLineItem( 0, TRACK_TYPE, seg_start, seg_end, aGbrItem->m_Size.x, aLayer, -1 );
bool GERBER_DRAW_ITEM::GetTextD_CodePrms( int& aSize, wxPoint& aPos, double& aOrientation )
    // calculate the best size and orientation of the D_Code text

    if( m_DCode <= 0 )
        return false;       // No D_Code for this item

    if( m_Flashed || m_Shape == GBR_ARC )
        aPos = m_Start;
    else    // it is a line:
        aPos = ( m_Start + m_End) / 2;

    aPos = GetABPosition( aPos );

    int size;   // the best size for the text

    if( GetDcodeDescr() )
        size = GetDcodeDescr()->GetShapeDim( this );
        size = std::min( m_Size.x, m_Size.y );

    aOrientation = TEXT_ANGLE_HORIZ;

    if( m_Flashed )
        // A reasonable size for text is min_dim/3 because most of time this text has 3 chars.
        aSize = size / 3;
    else        // this item is a line
        wxPoint delta = m_Start - m_End;

        aOrientation = RAD2DECIDEG( atan2( (double)delta.y, (double)delta.x ) );
        NORMALIZE_ANGLE_90( aOrientation );

        // A reasonable size for text is size/2 because text needs margin below and above it.
        // a margin = size/4 seems good, expecting the line len is large enough to show 3 chars,
        // that is the case most of time.
        aSize = size / 2;

    return true;
double ArcTangente( int dy, int dx )

    /* gcc is surprisingly smart in optimizing these conditions in
       a tree! */

    if( dx == 0 && dy == 0 )
        return 0;

    if( dy == 0 )
        if( dx >= 0 )
            return 0;
            return -1800;

    if( dx == 0 )
        if( dy >= 0 )
            return 900;
            return -900;

    if( dx == dy )
        if( dx >= 0 )
            return 450;
            return -1800 + 450;

    if( dx == -dy )
        if( dx >= 0 )
            return -450;
            return 1800 - 450;

    // Of course dy and dx are treated as double
    return RAD2DECIDEG( atan2( (double) dy, (double) dx ) );
void GBR_TO_PCB_EXPORTER::export_non_copper_item( GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aGbrItem, LAYER_NUM aLayer )
    #define SEG_SHAPE   0
    #define ARC_SHAPE   2
    int     shape   = SEG_SHAPE;

    // please note: the old PCB format only has integer support for angles
    int     angle   = 0;
    wxPoint seg_start, seg_end;

    seg_start   = aGbrItem->m_Start;
    seg_end     = aGbrItem->m_End;

    if( aGbrItem->m_Shape == GBR_ARC )
        double  a = atan2( (double) ( aGbrItem->m_Start.y - aGbrItem->m_ArcCentre.y),
                           (double) ( aGbrItem->m_Start.x - aGbrItem->m_ArcCentre.x ) );
        double  b = atan2( (double) ( aGbrItem->m_End.y - aGbrItem->m_ArcCentre.y ),
                           (double) ( aGbrItem->m_End.x - aGbrItem->m_ArcCentre.x ) );

        shape       = ARC_SHAPE;
        angle       = KiROUND( RAD2DECIDEG(a - b) );
        seg_start   = aGbrItem->m_ArcCentre;

        if( angle < 0 )
            NEGATE( angle );
            seg_end = aGbrItem->m_Start;

    // Reverse Y axis:
    NEGATE( seg_start.y );
    NEGATE( seg_end.y );
    writePcbLineItem( shape, 0, seg_start, seg_end, aGbrItem->m_Size.x, aLayer, -2, angle );
void DIMENSION::AdjustDimensionDetails( bool aDoNotChangeText )
    const int   arrowz = Mils2iu( 50 );             // size of arrows
    int         ii;
    int         measure, deltax, deltay;            // value of the measure on X and Y axes
    int         arrow_up_X  = 0, arrow_up_Y = 0;    // coordinates of arrow line /
    int         arrow_dw_X  = 0, arrow_dw_Y = 0;    // coordinates of arrow line '\'
    int         hx, hy;                             // dimension line interval
    double      angle, angle_f;
    wxString    msg;

    // Init layer :
    m_Text.SetLayer( GetLayer() );

    // calculate the size of the dimension (text + line above the text)
    ii = m_Text.GetSize().y + m_Text.GetThickness() + (m_Width * 3);

    deltax  = m_featureLineDO.x - m_featureLineGO.x;
    deltay  = m_featureLineDO.y - m_featureLineGO.y;

    // Calculate dimension value
    measure = KiROUND( hypot( deltax, deltay ) );

    angle = atan2( (double)deltay, (double)deltax );

    // Calculation of parameters X and Y dimensions of the arrows and lines.
    hx = hy = ii;

    // Taking into account the slope of the side lines.
    if( measure )
        hx  = abs( KiROUND( ( (double) deltay * hx ) / measure ) );
        hy  = abs( KiROUND( ( (double) deltax * hy ) / measure ) );

        if( m_featureLineGO.x > m_crossBarO.x )
            hx = -hx;

        if( m_featureLineGO.x == m_crossBarO.x )
            hx = 0;

        if( m_featureLineGO.y > m_crossBarO.y )
            hy = -hy;

        if( m_featureLineGO.y == m_crossBarO.y )
            hy = 0;

        angle_f     = angle + DEG2RAD( 27.5 );
        arrow_up_X  = wxRound( arrowz * cos( angle_f ) );
        arrow_up_Y  = wxRound( arrowz * sin( angle_f ) );
        angle_f     = angle - DEG2RAD( 27.5 );
        arrow_dw_X  = wxRound( arrowz * cos( angle_f ) );
        arrow_dw_Y  = wxRound( arrowz * sin( angle_f ) );

    int dx = KiROUND( m_Height * cos( angle + M_PI / 2 ) );
    int dy = KiROUND( m_Height * sin( angle + M_PI / 2 ) );
    m_crossBarO.x   = m_featureLineGO.x + dx;
    m_crossBarO.y   = m_featureLineGO.y + dy;
    m_crossBarF.x   = m_featureLineDO.x + dx;
    m_crossBarF.y   = m_featureLineDO.y + dy;

    m_arrowG1F.x    = m_crossBarO.x + arrow_up_X;
    m_arrowG1F.y    = m_crossBarO.y + arrow_up_Y;

    m_arrowG2F.x    = m_crossBarO.x + arrow_dw_X;
    m_arrowG2F.y    = m_crossBarO.y + arrow_dw_Y;

    /* The right arrow is symmetrical to the left.
     *  / = -\  and  \ = -/
    m_arrowD1F.x    = m_crossBarF.x - arrow_dw_X;
    m_arrowD1F.y    = m_crossBarF.y - arrow_dw_Y;

    m_arrowD2F.x    = m_crossBarF.x - arrow_up_X;
    m_arrowD2F.y    = m_crossBarF.y - arrow_up_Y;

    m_featureLineGF.x   = m_crossBarO.x + hx;
    m_featureLineGF.y   = m_crossBarO.y + hy;

    m_featureLineDF.x   = m_crossBarF.x + hx;
    m_featureLineDF.y   = m_crossBarF.y + hy;

    // Calculate the better text position and orientation:
    wxPoint textPos;
    textPos.x  = (m_crossBarF.x + m_featureLineGF.x) / 2;
    textPos.y  = (m_crossBarF.y + m_featureLineGF.y) / 2;
    m_Text.SetTextPosition( textPos );

    double newAngle = -RAD2DECIDEG( angle );

    NORMALIZE_ANGLE_POS( newAngle );

    if( newAngle > 900  &&  newAngle < 2700 )
        newAngle -= 1800;

    m_Text.SetOrientation( newAngle );

    if( !aDoNotChangeText )
        m_Value = measure;
        msg     = ::CoordinateToString( m_Value );
        SetText( msg );
void POINT_EDITOR::updateItem() const
    EDA_ITEM* item = m_editPoints->GetParent();

    switch( item->Type() )
    case PCB_LINE_T:
        DRAWSEGMENT* segment = static_cast<DRAWSEGMENT*>( item );
        switch( segment->GetShape() )
        case S_SEGMENT:
            if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_START ) ) )
                segment->SetStart( wxPoint( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_START ).GetPosition().x,
                                            m_editPoints->Point( SEG_START ).GetPosition().y ) );

            else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_END ) ) )
                segment->SetEnd( wxPoint( m_editPoints->Point( SEG_END ).GetPosition().x,
                                          m_editPoints->Point( SEG_END ).GetPosition().y ) );


        case S_ARC:
            const VECTOR2I& center = m_editPoints->Point( ARC_CENTER ).GetPosition();
            const VECTOR2I& start = m_editPoints->Point( ARC_START ).GetPosition();
            const VECTOR2I& end = m_editPoints->Point( ARC_END ).GetPosition();

            if( center != segment->GetCenter() )
                wxPoint moveVector = wxPoint( center.x, center.y ) - segment->GetCenter();
                segment->Move( moveVector );

                m_editPoints->Point( ARC_START ).SetPosition( segment->GetArcStart() );
                m_editPoints->Point( ARC_END ).SetPosition( segment->GetArcEnd() );

                segment->SetArcStart( wxPoint( start.x, start.y ) );

                VECTOR2D startLine = start - center;
                VECTOR2I endLine = end - center;
                double newAngle = RAD2DECIDEG( endLine.Angle() - startLine.Angle() );

                // Adjust the new angle to (counter)clockwise setting
                bool clockwise = ( segment->GetAngle() > 0 );

                if( clockwise && newAngle < 0.0 )
                    newAngle += 3600.0;
                else if( !clockwise && newAngle > 0.0 )
                    newAngle -= 3600.0;

                segment->SetAngle( newAngle );


        case S_CIRCLE:
            const VECTOR2I& center = m_editPoints->Point( CIRC_CENTER ).GetPosition();
            const VECTOR2I& end = m_editPoints->Point( CIRC_END ).GetPosition();

            if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( CIRC_CENTER ) ) )
                wxPoint moveVector = wxPoint( center.x, center.y ) - segment->GetCenter();
                segment->Move( moveVector );
                segment->SetEnd( wxPoint( end.x, end.y ) );


        default:        // suppress warnings

        // Update relative coordinates for module edges
        if( EDGE_MODULE* edge = dyn_cast<EDGE_MODULE*>( item ) )


    case PCB_ZONE_AREA_T:
        ZONE_CONTAINER* zone = static_cast<ZONE_CONTAINER*>( item );
        CPolyLine* outline = zone->Outline();

        for( int i = 0; i < outline->GetCornersCount(); ++i )
            VECTOR2I point = m_editPoints->Point( i ).GetPosition();
            outline->SetX( i, point.x );
            outline->SetY( i, point.y );


        DIMENSION* dimension = static_cast<DIMENSION*>( item );

        // Check which point is currently modified and updated dimension's points respectively
        if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ) ) )
            VECTOR2D featureLine( m_editedPoint->GetPosition() - dimension->GetOrigin() );
            VECTOR2D crossBar( dimension->GetEnd() - dimension->GetOrigin() );

            if( featureLine.Cross( crossBar ) > 0 )
                dimension->SetHeight( -featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );
                dimension->SetHeight( featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );

        else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ) ) )
            VECTOR2D featureLine( m_editedPoint->GetPosition() - dimension->GetEnd() );
            VECTOR2D crossBar( dimension->GetEnd() - dimension->GetOrigin() );

            if( featureLine.Cross( crossBar ) > 0 )
                dimension->SetHeight( -featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );
                dimension->SetHeight( featureLine.EuclideanNorm() );

        else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREGO ) ) )
            dimension->SetOrigin( wxPoint( m_editedPoint->GetPosition().x, m_editedPoint->GetPosition().y ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREGO ) ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREDO ) ) );

        else if( isModified( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREDO ) ) )
            dimension->SetEnd( wxPoint( m_editedPoint->GetPosition().x, m_editedPoint->GetPosition().y ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARO ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREGO ) ) );
            m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ).SetConstraint( new EC_LINE( m_editPoints->Point( DIM_CROSSBARF ),
                                                                             m_editPoints->Point( DIM_FEATUREDO ) ) );


 * Function ConvertShapeToPolygon (virtual)
 * convert a shape to an equivalent polygon.
 * Arcs and circles are approximated by segments
 * Useful when a shape is not a graphic primitive (shape with hole,
 * rotated shape ... ) and cannot be easily drawn.
 * note for some schapes conbining circles and solid lines (rectangles), only rectangles are converted
 * because circles are very easy to draw (no rotation problem) so convert them in polygons,
 * and draw them as polygons is not a good idea.
void AM_PRIMITIVE::ConvertShapeToPolygon( const GERBER_DRAW_ITEM* aParent,
                                          std::vector<wxPoint>& aBuffer )
    D_CODE* tool = aParent->GetDcodeDescr();

    switch( primitive_id )
    case AMP_CIRCLE:
        /* Generated by an aperture macro declaration like:
         * "1,1,0.3,0.5, 1.0*"
         * type (1), exposure, diameter, pos.x, pos.y, <rotation>
         * <rotation> is a optional parameter: rotation from origin.
         * type is not stored in parameters list, so the first parameter is exposure
        wxPoint center = mapPt( params[2].GetValue( tool ), params[3].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        int radius = scaletoIU( params[1].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric ) / 2;
        wxPoint corner;
        const int delta = 3600 / seg_per_circle;    // rot angle in 0.1 degree

        for( int angle = 0; angle < 3600; angle += delta )
            corner.x   = radius;
            corner.y   = 0;
            RotatePoint( &corner, angle );
            corner += center;
            aBuffer.push_back( corner );

    case AMP_LINE2:
    case AMP_LINE20:        // Line with rectangle ends. (Width, start and end pos + rotation)
        int     width = scaletoIU( params[1].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        wxPoint start = mapPt( params[2].GetValue( tool ),
                               params[3].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        wxPoint end = mapPt( params[4].GetValue( tool ),
                             params[5].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        wxPoint delta = end - start;
        int     len   = KiROUND( EuclideanNorm( delta ) );

        // To build the polygon, we must create a horizontal polygon starting to "start"
        // and rotate it to have the end point to "end"
        wxPoint currpt;
        currpt.y += width / 2;          // Upper left
        aBuffer.push_back( currpt );
        currpt.x = len;                 // Upper right
        aBuffer.push_back( currpt );
        currpt.y -= width;              // lower right
        aBuffer.push_back( currpt );
        currpt.x = 0;                   // lower left
        aBuffer.push_back( currpt );

        // Rotate rectangle and move it to the actual start point
        double angle = ArcTangente( delta.y, delta.x );

        for( unsigned ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
            RotatePoint( &aBuffer[ii], -angle );
            aBuffer[ii] += start;

        wxPoint size = mapPt( params[1].GetValue( tool ), params[2].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        wxPoint pos  = mapPt( params[3].GetValue( tool ), params[4].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );

        // Build poly:
        pos.x -= size.x / 2;
        pos.y -= size.y / 2;        // Lower left
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );
        pos.y += size.y;            // Upper left
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );
        pos.x += size.x;            // Upper right
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );
        pos.y -= size.y;            // lower right
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );

        wxPoint size = mapPt( params[1].GetValue( tool ), params[2].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        wxPoint lowerLeft = mapPt( params[3].GetValue( tool ), params[4].GetValue(
                                       tool ), m_GerbMetric );

        // Build poly:
        aBuffer.push_back( lowerLeft );
        lowerLeft.y += size.y;          // Upper left
        aBuffer.push_back( lowerLeft );
        lowerLeft.x += size.x;          // Upper right
        aBuffer.push_back( lowerLeft );
        lowerLeft.y -= size.y;          // lower right
        aBuffer.push_back( lowerLeft );

    case AMP_THERMAL:
        // Only 1/4 of the full shape is built, because the other 3 shapes will be draw from this first
        // rotated by 90, 180 and 270 deg.
        // params = center.x (unused here), center.y (unused here), outside diam, inside diam, crosshair thickness
        int outerRadius   = scaletoIU( params[2].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric ) / 2;
        int innerRadius   = scaletoIU( params[3].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric ) / 2;
        int halfthickness = scaletoIU( params[4].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric ) / 2;
        double angle_start = RAD2DECIDEG( asin( (double) halfthickness / innerRadius ) );

        // Draw shape in the first cadrant (X and Y > 0)
        wxPoint pos, startpos;

        // Inner arc
        startpos.x = innerRadius;
        double angle_end = 900 - angle_start;
        for( double angle = angle_start; angle < angle_end; angle += 100 )
            pos = startpos;
            RotatePoint( &pos, angle );
            aBuffer.push_back( pos );

        // Last point
        pos = startpos;
        RotatePoint( &pos, angle_end );
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );

        // outer arc
        startpos.x  = outerRadius;
        startpos.y  = 0;
        angle_start = RAD2DECIDEG( asin( (double) halfthickness / outerRadius ) );
        angle_end   = 900 - angle_start;

        // First point, near Y axis, outer arc
        for( double angle = angle_end; angle > angle_start; angle -= 100 )
            pos = startpos;
            RotatePoint( &pos, angle );
            aBuffer.push_back( pos );

        // last point
        pos = startpos;
        RotatePoint( &pos, angle_start );
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );

        aBuffer.push_back( aBuffer[0] );  // Close poly

    case AMP_MOIRE:     // A cross hair with n concentric circles. Only the cros is build as polygon
                        // because circles can be drawn easily
        int crossHairThickness = scaletoIU( params[6].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );
        int crossHairLength    = scaletoIU( params[7].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric );

        // Create cross. First create 1/4 of the shape.
        // Others point are the same, totated by 90, 180 and 270 deg
        wxPoint pos( crossHairThickness / 2, crossHairLength / 2 );
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );
        pos.y = crossHairThickness / 2;
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );
        pos.x = -crossHairLength / 2;
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );
        pos.y = -crossHairThickness / 2;
        aBuffer.push_back( pos );

        // Copy the 4 shape, rotated by 90, 180 and 270 deg
        for( int jj = 1; jj <= 3; jj ++ )
            for( int ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ )
                pos = aBuffer[ii];
                RotatePoint( &pos, jj*900 );
                aBuffer.push_back( pos );

    case AMP_OUTLINE:
        // already is a polygon. Do nothing

    case AMP_POLYGON:   // Creates a regular polygon
        int vertexcount = KiROUND( params[1].GetValue( tool ) );
        int radius    = scaletoIU( params[4].GetValue( tool ), m_GerbMetric ) / 2;
        // rs274x said: vertex count = 3 ... 10, and the first corner is on the X axis
        if( vertexcount < 3 )
            vertexcount = 3;
        if( vertexcount > 10 )
            vertexcount = 10;
        for( int ii = 0; ii <= vertexcount; ii++ )
            wxPoint pos( radius, 0);
            RotatePoint( &pos, ii * 3600 / vertexcount );
            aBuffer.push_back( pos );

    case AMP_COMMENT:
    case AMP_UNKNOWN:
    case AMP_EOF:
void TRACK::DrawShortNetname( EDA_DRAW_PANEL* panel,
        wxDC* aDC, GR_DRAWMODE aDrawMode, EDA_COLOR_T aBgColor )
    /* we must filter tracks, to avoid a lot of texts.
     *  - only tracks with a length > 10 * thickness are eligible
     * and, of course, if we are not printing the board
    if( DisplayOpt.DisplayNetNamesMode == 0 || DisplayOpt.DisplayNetNamesMode == 1 )

    #define THRESHOLD 10

    int len = KiROUND( GetLineLength( m_Start, m_End ) );

    if( len < THRESHOLD * m_Width )

    // no room to display a text inside track
    if( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( m_Width ) < MIN_TEXT_SIZE )

    if( GetNetCode() == NETINFO_LIST::UNCONNECTED )

    NETINFO_ITEM* net = GetNet();

    if( net == NULL )

    int textlen = net->GetShortNetname().Len();

    if( textlen > 0 )
        // calculate a good size for the text
        int     tsize = std::min( m_Width, len / textlen );
        int     dx = m_End.x - m_Start.x ;
        int     dy = m_End.y - m_Start.y ;
        wxPoint tpos  = m_Start + m_End;
        tpos.x /= 2;
        tpos.y /= 2;

        // Calculate angle: if the track segment is vertical, angle = 90 degrees
        // If horizontal 0 degrees, otherwise compute it
        double angle;        // angle is in 0.1 degree

        if( dy == 0 )        // Horizontal segment
            angle = 0;
            if( dx == 0 )    // Vertical segment
                angle = 900;
                /* atan2 is *not* the solution here, since it can give upside
                   down text. We want to work only in the first and fourth quadrant */
                angle = RAD2DECIDEG( -atan( double( dy ) / double( dx ) ) );

        LAYER_NUM curr_layer = ( (PCB_SCREEN*) panel->GetScreen() )->m_Active_Layer;
        if( ( aDC->LogicalToDeviceXRel( tsize ) >= MIN_TEXT_SIZE )
         && ( !(!IsOnLayer( curr_layer )&& DisplayOpt.ContrastModeDisplay) ) )
            if( (aDrawMode & GR_XOR) == 0 )
                GRSetDrawMode( aDC, GR_COPY );

            tsize = (tsize * 7) / 10;       // small reduction to give a better look
            EDA_RECT* clipbox = panel? panel->GetClipBox() : NULL;
            DrawGraphicHaloText( clipbox, aDC, tpos,
                                 aBgColor, BLACK, WHITE, net->GetShortNetname(), angle,
                                 wxSize( tsize, tsize ),
                                 GR_TEXT_HJUSTIFY_CENTER, GR_TEXT_VJUSTIFY_CENTER,
                                 tsize / 7,
                                 false, false );
bool DRAWING_TOOL::drawArc( DRAWSEGMENT*& aGraphic )
    bool clockwise = true;      // drawing direction of the arc
    double startAngle = 0.0f;   // angle of the first arc line
    VECTOR2I cursorPos = m_controls->GetCursorPosition();

    DRAWSEGMENT helperLine;
    helperLine.SetShape( S_SEGMENT );
    helperLine.SetLayer( Dwgs_User );
    helperLine.SetWidth( 1 );

    // Add a VIEW_GROUP that serves as a preview for the new item
    KIGFX::VIEW_GROUP preview( m_view );
    m_view->Add( &preview );

    m_toolMgr->RunAction( COMMON_ACTIONS::selectionClear, true );
    m_controls->ShowCursor( true );
    m_controls->SetSnapping( true );


    enum ARC_STEPS
        SET_ORIGIN = 0,
    int step = SET_ORIGIN;

    // Main loop: keep receiving events
    while( OPT_TOOL_EVENT evt = Wait() )
        cursorPos = m_controls->GetCursorPosition();

        if( evt->IsCancel() || evt->IsActivate() )
            preview.ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );
            delete aGraphic;
            aGraphic = NULL;

        else if( evt->IsClick( BUT_LEFT ) )
            switch( step )
            case SET_ORIGIN:
                LAYER_ID layer = m_frame->GetScreen()->m_Active_Layer;

                if( IsCopperLayer( layer ) )
                    DisplayInfoMessage( NULL, _( "Graphic not allowed on Copper layers" ) );
                    // Init the new item attributes
                    aGraphic->SetShape( S_ARC );
                    aGraphic->SetAngle( 0.0 );
                    aGraphic->SetWidth( getSegmentWidth( layer ) );
                    aGraphic->SetCenter( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) );
                    aGraphic->SetLayer( layer );

                    helperLine.SetStart( aGraphic->GetCenter() );
                    helperLine.SetEnd( aGraphic->GetCenter() );

                    preview.Add( aGraphic );
                    preview.Add( &helperLine );

                    m_controls->SetAutoPan( true );
                    m_controls->CaptureCursor( true );

            case SET_END:
                if( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) != aGraphic->GetCenter() )
                    VECTOR2D startLine( aGraphic->GetArcStart() - aGraphic->GetCenter() );
                    startAngle = startLine.Angle();
                    aGraphic->SetArcStart( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) );
                    --step;     // one another chance to draw a proper arc

            case SET_ANGLE:
                if( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) != aGraphic->GetArcStart() && aGraphic->GetAngle() != 0 )
                    assert( aGraphic->GetArcStart() != aGraphic->GetArcEnd() );
                    assert( aGraphic->GetWidth() > 0 );

                    m_view->Add( aGraphic );
                    aGraphic->ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );

                    preview.Remove( aGraphic );
                    preview.Remove( &helperLine );
                    --step;     // one another chance to draw a proper arc

            if( ++step == FINISHED )

        else if( evt->IsMotion() )
            switch( step )
            case SET_END:
                helperLine.SetEnd( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) );
                aGraphic->SetArcStart( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) );

            case SET_ANGLE:
                VECTOR2D endLine( wxPoint( cursorPos.x, cursorPos.y ) - aGraphic->GetCenter() );
                double newAngle = RAD2DECIDEG( endLine.Angle() - startAngle );

                // Adjust the new angle to (counter)clockwise setting
                if( clockwise && newAngle < 0.0 )
                    newAngle += 3600.0;
                else if( !clockwise && newAngle > 0.0 )
                    newAngle -= 3600.0;

                aGraphic->SetAngle( newAngle );

            // Show a preview of the item
            preview.ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );

        else if( evt->IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::incWidth ) )
            aGraphic->SetWidth( aGraphic->GetWidth() + WIDTH_STEP );
            preview.ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );

        else if( evt->IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::decWidth ) )
            int width = aGraphic->GetWidth();

            if( width > WIDTH_STEP )
                aGraphic->SetWidth( width - WIDTH_STEP );
                preview.ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );

        else if( evt->IsAction( &COMMON_ACTIONS::arcPosture ) )
            if( clockwise )
                aGraphic->SetAngle( aGraphic->GetAngle() - 3600.0 );
                aGraphic->SetAngle( aGraphic->GetAngle() + 3600.0 );

            clockwise = !clockwise;
            preview.ViewUpdate( KIGFX::VIEW_ITEM::GEOMETRY );

    m_controls->ShowCursor( false );
    m_controls->SetSnapping( false );
    m_controls->SetAutoPan( false );
    m_controls->CaptureCursor( false );
    m_view->Remove( &preview );

    return ( step > SET_ORIGIN );
void DXF2BRD_CONVERTER::insertArc( const wxRealPoint& aSegStart, const wxRealPoint& aSegEnd,
                                   double aBulge, int aWidth )
    DRAWSEGMENT* segm = ( m_useModuleItems ) ?
                        static_cast< DRAWSEGMENT* >( new EDGE_MODULE( NULL ) ) : new DRAWSEGMENT;

    wxPoint segment_startpoint( Millimeter2iu( aSegStart.x ), Millimeter2iu( aSegStart.y ) );
    wxPoint segment_endpoint( Millimeter2iu( aSegEnd.x ), Millimeter2iu( aSegEnd.y ) );

    // ensure aBulge represents an angle from +/- ( 0 .. approx 359.8 deg )
    if( aBulge < -2000.0 )
        aBulge = -2000.0;
    else if( aBulge > 2000.0 )
        aBulge = 2000.0;

    double ang = 4.0 * atan( aBulge );

    // reflect the Y values to put everything in a RHCS
    wxRealPoint sp( aSegStart.x, -aSegStart.y );
    wxRealPoint ep( aSegEnd.x, -aSegEnd.y );
    // angle from end->start
    double offAng = atan2( ep.y - sp.y, ep.x - sp.x );
    // length of subtended segment = 1/2 distance between the 2 points
    double d = 0.5 * sqrt( (sp.x - ep.x) * (sp.x - ep.x) + (sp.y - ep.y) * (sp.y - ep.y) );
    // midpoint of the subtended segment
    double xm   = ( sp.x + ep.x ) * 0.5;
    double ym   = ( sp.y + ep.y ) * 0.5;
    double radius = d / sin( ang * 0.5 );

    if( radius < 0.0 )
        radius = -radius;

    // calculate the height of the triangle with base d and hypotenuse r
    double dh2 = radius * radius - d * d;

    // this should only ever happen due to rounding errors when r == d
    if( dh2 < 0.0 )
        dh2 = 0.0;

    double h = sqrt( dh2 );

    if( ang < 0.0 )
        offAng -= M_PI_2;
        offAng += M_PI_2;

    // for angles greater than 180 deg we need to flip the
    // direction in which the arc center is found relative
    // to the midpoint of the subtended segment.
    if( ang < -M_PI )
        offAng += M_PI;
    else if( ang > M_PI )
        offAng -= M_PI;

    // center point
    double cx = h * cos( offAng ) + xm;
    double cy = h * sin( offAng ) + ym;

    segm->SetLayer( ToLAYER_ID( m_brdLayer ) );
    segm->SetShape( S_ARC );
    segm->SetCenter( wxPoint( Millimeter2iu( cx ), Millimeter2iu( -cy ) ) );

    if( ang < 0.0 )
        segm->SetArcStart( wxPoint( Millimeter2iu( ep.x ), Millimeter2iu( -ep.y ) ) );
        segm->SetAngle( RAD2DECIDEG( ang ) );
        segm->SetArcStart( wxPoint( Millimeter2iu( sp.x ), Millimeter2iu( -sp.y ) ) );
        segm->SetAngle( RAD2DECIDEG( -ang ) );

    segm->SetWidth( aWidth );

    m_newItemsList.push_back( segm );
    #define TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE  ( 40*IU_PER_MILS )

    // Old version unit = 1 mil, so conv_unit is 10 or 0.1
    #define NEW_GPCB_UNIT_CONV ( 0.01*IU_PER_MILS )

    int                   paramCnt;
    double                conv_unit = NEW_GPCB_UNIT_CONV; // GPCB unit = 0.01 mils and Pcbnew 0.1
    wxPoint               textPos;
    wxString              msg;
    wxArrayString         parameters;
    std::auto_ptr<MODULE> module( new MODULE( NULL ) );

    if( aLineReader->ReadLine() == NULL )
        THROW_IO_ERROR( "unexpected end of file" );

    parseParameters( parameters, aLineReader );
    paramCnt = parameters.GetCount();

    /* From the Geda PCB documentation, valid Element definitions:
     *   Element [SFlags "Desc" "Name" "Value" MX MY TX TY TDir TScale TSFlags]
     *   Element (NFlags "Desc" "Name" "Value" MX MY TX TY TDir TScale TNFlags)
     *   Element (NFlags "Desc" "Name" "Value" TX TY TDir TScale TNFlags)
     *   Element (NFlags "Desc" "Name" TX TY TDir TScale TNFlags)
     *   Element ("Desc" "Name" TX TY TDir TScale TNFlags)

    if( parameters[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "Element" ) ) != 0 )
        msg.Printf( _( "unknown token \"%s\"" ), GetChars( parameters[0] ) );
        THROW_PARSE_ERROR( msg, aLineReader->GetSource(), (const char *)aLineReader,
                           aLineReader->LineNumber(), 0 );

    if( paramCnt < 10 || paramCnt > 14 )
        msg.Printf( _( "Element token contains %d parameters." ), paramCnt );
        THROW_PARSE_ERROR( msg, aLineReader->GetSource(), (const char *)aLineReader,
                           aLineReader->LineNumber(), 0 );

    // Test symbol after "Element": if [ units = 0.01 mils, and if ( units = 1 mil
    if( parameters[1] == wxT( "(" ) )
        conv_unit = OLD_GPCB_UNIT_CONV;

    if( paramCnt > 10 )
        module->SetDescription( parameters[3] );
        module->SetReference( parameters[4] );
        module->SetDescription( parameters[2] );
        module->SetReference( parameters[3] );

    // Read value
    if( paramCnt > 10 )
        module->SetValue( parameters[5] );
    // With gEDA/pcb, value is meaningful after instantiation, only, so it's
    // often empty in bare footprints.
    if( module->Value().GetText().IsEmpty() )
        module->Value().SetText( wxT( "Val**" ) );

    if( paramCnt == 14 )
        textPos = wxPoint( parseInt( parameters[8], conv_unit ),
                           parseInt( parameters[9], conv_unit ) );
        textPos = wxPoint( parseInt( parameters[6], conv_unit ),
                           parseInt( parameters[7], conv_unit ) );

    int orientation = parseInt( parameters[paramCnt-4], 1.0 );
    module->Reference().SetOrientation( (orientation % 2) ? 900 : 0 );

    // Calculate size: default height is 40 mils, width 30 mil.
    // real size is:  default * ibuf[idx+3] / 100 (size in gpcb is given in percent of default size
    int thsize = parseInt( parameters[paramCnt-3], TEXT_DEFAULT_SIZE ) / 100;
    thsize = std::max( (int)( 5 * IU_PER_MILS ), thsize ); // Ensure a minimal size = 5 mils
    int twsize = thsize * 30 / 40;
    int thickness = thsize / 8;

    // gEDA/pcb aligns top/left, not pcbnew's default, center/center.
    // Compensate for this by shifting the insertion point instead of the
    // aligment, because alignment isn't changeable in the GUI.
    textPos.x = textPos.x + twsize * module->GetReference().Len() / 2;
    textPos.y += thsize / 2;

    // gEDA/pcb draws a bit too low/left, while pcbnew draws a bit too
    // high/right. Compensate for similar appearance.
    textPos.x -= thsize / 10;
    textPos.y += thsize / 2;

    module->Reference().SetTextPosition( textPos );
    module->Reference().SetPos0( textPos );
    module->Reference().SetSize( wxSize( twsize, thsize ) );
    module->Reference().SetThickness( thickness );

    // gEDA/pcb shows only one of value/reference/description at a time. Which
    // one is selectable by a global menu setting. pcbnew needs reference as
    // well as value visible, so place the value right below the reference.
    module->Value().SetOrientation( module->Reference().GetOrientation() );
    module->Value().SetSize( module->Reference().GetSize() );
    module->Value().SetThickness( module->Reference().GetThickness() );
    textPos.y += thsize * 13 / 10;  // 130% line height
    module->Value().SetTextPosition( textPos );
    module->Value().SetPos0( textPos );

    while( aLineReader->ReadLine() )
        parseParameters( parameters, aLineReader );

        if( parameters.IsEmpty() || parameters[0] == wxT( "(" ) )

        if( parameters[0] == wxT( ")" ) )

        paramCnt = parameters.GetCount();

        // Test units value for a string line param (more than 3 parameters : ident [ xx ] )
        if( paramCnt > 3 )
            if( parameters[1] == wxT( "(" ) )
                conv_unit = OLD_GPCB_UNIT_CONV;
                conv_unit = NEW_GPCB_UNIT_CONV;

        wxLogTrace( traceFootprintLibrary, wxT( "%s parameter count = %d." ),
                    GetChars( parameters[0] ), paramCnt );

        // Parse a line with format: ElementLine [X1 Y1 X2 Y2 Thickness]
        if( parameters[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "ElementLine" ) ) == 0 )
            if( paramCnt != 8 )
                msg.Printf( wxT( "ElementLine token contains %d parameters." ), paramCnt );
                THROW_PARSE_ERROR( msg, aLineReader->GetSource(), (const char *)aLineReader,
                                   aLineReader->LineNumber(), 0 );

            EDGE_MODULE* drawSeg = new EDGE_MODULE( module.get() );
            drawSeg->SetLayer( F_SilkS );
            drawSeg->SetShape( S_SEGMENT );
            drawSeg->SetStart0( wxPoint( parseInt( parameters[2], conv_unit ),
                                         parseInt( parameters[3], conv_unit ) ) );
            drawSeg->SetEnd0( wxPoint( parseInt( parameters[4], conv_unit ),
                                       parseInt( parameters[5], conv_unit ) ) );
            drawSeg->SetWidth( parseInt( parameters[6], conv_unit ) );
            module->GraphicalItems().PushBack( drawSeg );

        // Parse an arc with format: ElementArc [X Y Width Height StartAngle DeltaAngle Thickness]
        if( parameters[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "ElementArc" ) ) == 0 )
            if( paramCnt != 10 )
                msg.Printf( wxT( "ElementArc token contains %d parameters." ), paramCnt );
                THROW_PARSE_ERROR( msg, aLineReader->GetSource(), (const char *)aLineReader,
                                   aLineReader->LineNumber(), 0 );

            // Pcbnew does know ellipse so we must have Width = Height
            EDGE_MODULE* drawSeg = new EDGE_MODULE( module.get() );
            drawSeg->SetLayer( F_SilkS );
            drawSeg->SetShape( S_ARC );
            module->GraphicalItems().PushBack( drawSeg );

            // for and arc: ibuf[3] = ibuf[4]. Pcbnew does not know ellipses
            int     radius = ( parseInt( parameters[4], conv_unit ) +
                               parseInt( parameters[5], conv_unit ) ) / 2;

            wxPoint centre( parseInt( parameters[2], conv_unit ),
                            parseInt( parameters[3], conv_unit ) );

            drawSeg->SetStart0( centre );

            // Pcbnew start angles are inverted and 180 degrees from Geda PCB angles.
            double start_angle = parseInt( parameters[6], -10.0 ) + 1800.0;

            // Pcbnew delta angle direction is the opposite of Geda PCB delta angles.
            double sweep_angle = parseInt( parameters[7], -10.0 );

            // Geda PCB does not support circles.
            if( sweep_angle == -3600.0 )
                drawSeg->SetShape( S_CIRCLE );

            // Angle value is clockwise in gpcb and Pcbnew.
            drawSeg->SetAngle( sweep_angle );
            drawSeg->SetEnd0( wxPoint( radius, 0 ) );

            // Calculate start point coordinate of arc
            wxPoint arcStart( drawSeg->GetEnd0() );
            RotatePoint( &arcStart, -start_angle );
            drawSeg->SetEnd0( centre + arcStart );
            drawSeg->SetWidth( parseInt( parameters[8], conv_unit ) );

        // Parse a Pad with no hole with format:
        //   Pad [rX1 rY1 rX2 rY2 Thickness Clearance Mask "Name" "Number" SFlags]
        //   Pad (rX1 rY1 rX2 rY2 Thickness Clearance Mask "Name" "Number" NFlags)
        //   Pad (aX1 aY1 aX2 aY2 Thickness "Name" "Number" NFlags)
        //   Pad (aX1 aY1 aX2 aY2 Thickness "Name" NFlags)
        if( parameters[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "Pad" ) ) == 0 )
            if( paramCnt < 10 || paramCnt > 13 )
                msg.Printf( wxT( "Pad token contains %d parameters." ), paramCnt );
                THROW_PARSE_ERROR( msg, aLineReader->GetSource(), (const char *)aLineReader,
                                   aLineReader->LineNumber(), 0 );

            D_PAD* pad = new D_PAD( module.get() );

            static const LSET pad_front( 3, F_Cu, F_Mask, F_Paste );
            static const LSET pad_back(  3, B_Cu, B_Mask, B_Paste );

            pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_RECT );
            pad->SetAttribute( PAD_ATTRIB_SMD );
            pad->SetLayerSet( pad_front );

            if( testFlags( parameters[paramCnt-2], 0x0080, wxT( "onsolder" ) ) )
                pad->SetLayerSet( pad_back );

            // Set the pad name:
            // Pcbnew pad name is used for electrical connection calculations.
            // Accordingly it should be mapped to gEDA's pin/pad number,
            // which is used for the same purpose.
            // gEDA also features a pin/pad "name", which is an arbitrary string
            // and set to the pin name of the netlist on instantiation. Many gEDA
            // bare footprints use identical strings for name and number, so this
            // can be a bit confusing.
            pad->SetPadName( parameters[paramCnt-3] );

            int x1 = parseInt( parameters[2], conv_unit );
            int x2 = parseInt( parameters[4], conv_unit );
            int y1 = parseInt( parameters[3], conv_unit );
            int y2 = parseInt( parameters[5], conv_unit );
            int width = parseInt( parameters[6], conv_unit );
            wxPoint delta( x2 - x1, y2 - y1 );
            double angle = atan2( (double)delta.y, (double)delta.x );

            // Get the pad clearance and the solder mask clearance.
            if( paramCnt == 13 )
                int clearance = parseInt( parameters[7], conv_unit );
                // One of gEDA's oddities is that clearance between pad and polygon
                // is given as the gap on both sides of the pad together, so for
                // KiCad it has to halfed.
                pad->SetLocalClearance( clearance / 2 );

                // In GEDA, the mask value is the size of the hole in this
                // solder mask. In Pcbnew, it is a margin, therefore the distance
                // between the copper and the mask
                int maskMargin = parseInt( parameters[8], conv_unit );
                maskMargin = ( maskMargin - width ) / 2;
                pad->SetLocalSolderMaskMargin( maskMargin );

            // Negate angle (due to Y reversed axis) and convert it to internal units
            angle = - RAD2DECIDEG( angle );
            pad->SetOrientation( KiROUND( angle ) );

            wxPoint padPos( (x1 + x2) / 2, (y1 + y2) / 2 );

            pad->SetSize( wxSize( KiROUND( EuclideanNorm( delta ) ) + width,
                                  width ) );

            padPos += module->GetPosition();
            pad->SetPos0( padPos );
            pad->SetPosition( padPos );

            if( !testFlags( parameters[paramCnt-2], 0x0100, wxT( "square" ) ) )
                if( pad->GetSize().x == pad->GetSize().y )
                    pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE );
                    pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_OVAL );

            module->Add( pad );

        // Parse a Pin with through hole with format:
        //    Pin [rX rY Thickness Clearance Mask Drill "Name" "Number" SFlags]
        //    Pin (rX rY Thickness Clearance Mask Drill "Name" "Number" NFlags)
        //    Pin (aX aY Thickness Drill "Name" "Number" NFlags)
        //    Pin (aX aY Thickness Drill "Name" NFlags)
        //    Pin (aX aY Thickness "Name" NFlags)
        if( parameters[0].CmpNoCase( wxT( "Pin" ) ) == 0 )
            if( paramCnt < 8 || paramCnt > 12 )
                msg.Printf( wxT( "Pin token contains %d parameters." ), paramCnt );
                THROW_PARSE_ERROR( msg, aLineReader->GetSource(), (const char *)aLineReader,
                                   aLineReader->LineNumber(), 0 );

            D_PAD* pad = new D_PAD( module.get() );

            pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE );

            static const LSET pad_set = LSET::AllCuMask() | LSET( 3, F_SilkS, F_Mask, B_Mask );

            pad->SetLayerSet( pad_set );

            if( testFlags( parameters[paramCnt-2], 0x0100, wxT( "square" ) ) )
                pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_RECT );

            // Set the pad name:
            // Pcbnew pad name is used for electrical connection calculations.
            // Accordingly it should be mapped to gEDA's pin/pad number,
            // which is used for the same purpose.
            pad->SetPadName( parameters[paramCnt-3] );

            wxPoint padPos( parseInt( parameters[2], conv_unit ),
                            parseInt( parameters[3], conv_unit ) );

            int padSize = parseInt( parameters[4], conv_unit );

            pad->SetSize( wxSize( padSize, padSize ) );

            int drillSize = 0;

            // Get the pad clearance, solder mask clearance, and drill size.
            if( paramCnt == 12 )
                int clearance = parseInt( parameters[5], conv_unit );
                // One of gEDA's oddities is that clearance between pad and polygon
                // is given as the gap on both sides of the pad together, so for
                // KiCad it has to halfed.
                pad->SetLocalClearance( clearance / 2 );

                // In GEDA, the mask value is the size of the hole in this
                // solder mask. In Pcbnew, it is a margin, therefore the distance
                // between the copper and the mask
                int maskMargin = parseInt( parameters[6], conv_unit );
                maskMargin = ( maskMargin - padSize ) / 2;
                pad->SetLocalSolderMaskMargin( maskMargin );

                drillSize = parseInt( parameters[7], conv_unit );
                drillSize = parseInt( parameters[5], conv_unit );

            pad->SetDrillSize( wxSize( drillSize, drillSize ) );
            padPos += module->GetPosition();
            pad->SetPos0( padPos );
            pad->SetPosition( padPos );

            if( pad->GetShape() == PAD_SHAPE_CIRCLE  &&  pad->GetSize().x != pad->GetSize().y )
                pad->SetShape( PAD_SHAPE_OVAL );

            module->Add( pad );

    // Recalculate the bounding box
    return module.release();