void sensorsAcquire(sensorData_t *sensors, const uint32_t tick)
  if (RATE_DO_EXECUTE(IMU_RATE, tick)) {
    imu9Read(&sensors->gyro, &sensors->acc, &sensors->mag);

 if (RATE_DO_EXECUTE(BARO_RATE, tick) && imuHasBarometer()) {
    // Experimental: receive the position from parameters
    if (position.timestamp) {
      sensors->position = position;
bool compassCalibration(const uint32_t tick)
  // Begin 100Hz updates
    if (calRequired == 1) {
      magcalOn = false;
      xmax = -10000;
      xmin =  10000;
      ymax = -10000;
      ymin =  10000;
      zmax = -10000;
      zmin =  10000;
    else if (calRequired == 2) {
      magcalOn = true;
      if (f_magx > xmax) xmax = f_magx;
      if (f_magy > ymax) ymax = f_magy;          
      if (f_magx < xmin) xmin = f_magx;
      if (f_magy < ymin) ymin = f_magy;         
    else if (calRequired == 3) {
      magcalOn = false;
    else if (calRequired == 4) {
      magcalOn = true;
      if (f_magz > zmax) zmax = f_magz;
      if (f_magz < zmin) zmin = f_magz;
    else if (calRequired == 5) {
      magcalOn = false;
      xoff = xmax+xmin;
      xoff = -(xoff)/2.0f;
      yoff = ymax+ymin;
      yoff = -(yoff)/2.0f;
      zoff = zmax+zmin;
      zoff = -(zoff)/2.0f;
      xsf = -1.0f;
      ysf = (xmax+xoff)/(ymax+yoff);
      zsf = (xmax+xoff)/(zmax+zoff);
      calRequired = 0;
    else {
      magcalOn = false;
      calRequired = 0;
  return true;
void estimatorComplementary(state_t *state, sensorData_t *sensorData, control_t *control, const uint32_t tick)
  sensorsAcquire(sensorData, tick); // Read sensors at full rate (1000Hz)
    sensfusion6UpdateQ(sensorData->gyro.x, sensorData->gyro.y, sensorData->gyro.z,
                       sensorData->acc.x, sensorData->acc.y, sensorData->acc.z,

    // Save attitude, adjusted for the legacy CF2 body coordinate system
    sensfusion6GetEulerRPY(&state->attitude.roll, &state->attitude.pitch, &state->attitude.yaw);

    // Save quaternion, hopefully one day this could be used in a better controller.
    // Note that this is not adjusted for the legacy coordinate system

    state->acc.z = sensfusion6GetAccZWithoutGravity(sensorData->acc.x,

    positionUpdateVelocity(state->acc.z, ATTITUDE_UPDATE_DT);

    // If position sensor data is preset, pass it throught
    // FIXME: The position sensor shall be used as an input of the estimator
    if (sensorData->position.timestamp) {
      state->position = sensorData->position;
    } else {
      positionEstimate(state, sensorData, POS_UPDATE_DT, tick);
void stateController(control_t *control, const sensorData_t *sensors,
                                         const state_t *state,
                                         const setpoint_t *setpoint,
                                         const uint32_t tick)
    // Rate-controled YAW is moving YAW angle setpoint
    if (setpoint->mode.yaw == modeVelocity) {
       attitudeDesired.yaw -= setpoint->attitudeRate.yaw/500.0;
      while (attitudeDesired.yaw > 180.0)
        attitudeDesired.yaw -= 360.0;
      while (attitudeDesired.yaw < -180.0)
        attitudeDesired.yaw += 360.0;
    } else {
      attitudeDesired.yaw = setpoint->attitude.yaw;

    positionController(&actuatorThrust, &attitudeDesired, state, setpoint);

    // Switch between manual and automatic position control
    if (setpoint->mode.z == modeDisable) {
      actuatorThrust = setpoint->thrust;
    if (setpoint->mode.x == modeDisable || setpoint->mode.y == modeDisable) {
      attitudeDesired.roll = setpoint->attitude.roll;
      attitudeDesired.pitch = setpoint->attitude.pitch;

    attitudeControllerCorrectAttitudePID(state->attitude.roll, state->attitude.pitch, state->attitude.yaw,
                                setpoint->attitude.roll, setpoint->attitude.pitch, attitudeDesired.yaw,
                                &rateDesired.roll, &rateDesired.pitch, &rateDesired.yaw);

    if (setpoint->mode.roll == modeVelocity) {
      rateDesired.roll = setpoint->attitudeRate.roll;
    if (setpoint->mode.pitch == modeVelocity) {
      rateDesired.pitch = setpoint->attitudeRate.pitch;

    // TODO: Investigate possibility to subtract gyro drift.
    attitudeControllerCorrectRatePID(sensors->gyro.x, -sensors->gyro.y, sensors->gyro.z,
                             rateDesired.roll, rateDesired.pitch, rateDesired.yaw);


    control->yaw = -control->yaw;

  control->thrust = actuatorThrust / sensfusion6GetInvThrustCompensationForTilt();

  if (control->thrust == 0)
    control->thrust = 0;
    control->roll = 0;
    control->pitch = 0;
    control->yaw = 0;


    // Reset the calculated YAW angle for rate control
    attitudeDesired.yaw = state->attitude.yaw;
void compassController(state_t *state, const sensorData_t *sensorData, const uint32_t tick)
#ifdef CAL_BUTTONS    
  if (calSeqButton) {
    if ((calRequired % 2) == 0) calRequired++;
  else if (calHorzButton && calRequired == 1) {
  else if (calVertButton && calRequired == 3) {      
  // Begin 100Hz updates  
    //Magnetometer axis data is used to calculate geodetic cf2 yaw angle
    // which is needed to apply gps lat && lon corrections to cf2 roll and pitch.

    //Manual compensation for magnetic inclination and attitude compensation has been implemented.   
    //In addition the magnetometer requires calibration and repeated again
    // when changing cf2 platform hardware configurations or when there is a change
    // in the local magnetic disturbance nearby that affect the magnetometer.
    //Calibration data is gathered while
    // rotating the cf2 360 degrees or more in the horizontal plane during a ~30 second
    // period when the magcalOn parameter is true and
    // rotating the cf2 360 degrees or more in a 90 deg tilt angle during a second ~30
    // second period when magcalOn is again true.
    //Read the x, y and z (min and max) values during each of the 30 second periods when
    // magcalOn is false
    //cfclient View Tabs Log Blocks utility can be used to capture min && max values while
    // watching the plotter tab of magcalOn switching between 1 (cal period) and 0 (read
    // cal values period)

    //Note: This assumes mag +X axis is aft, +y axis is larboard, +z axia is up
    magx = (sensorData->mag.x * RawMag);
    magy = (sensorData->mag.y * RawMag);
    magz = (sensorData->mag.z * RawMag); 
    f_magx = (f_magx * 3 + magx) >> 2;
    f_magy = (f_magy * 3 + magy) >> 2;
    f_magz = (f_magz * 3 + magz) >> 2;

    calAdvance = false;
    if ((calRequired == 2) || (calRequired == 4)) { 
      if (cal_Timeout(30000)) {  //30s to collect horz/vert min & max x, y, z values
        calAdvance = true;
        lastOnOffTime = xTaskGetTickCount ();
    else if (calRequired < 5) {
      if (cal_Timeout(15000)) { //15 seconds between collection periods
        calAdvance = true;
        lastOnOffTime = xTaskGetTickCount ();
    if (calAdvance) {
      calAdvance = false;
    if (calRequired > 4) calRequired = 0;

  } // end 100Hz updates
  // Begin 5HZ Updates
    fmagx = (f_magx + xoff) * xsf;
    fmagy = (f_magy + yoff) * ysf;
    fmagz = (f_magz + zoff) * zsf;

    theta = -state->attitude.roll; //convert to magnetometer axis
    //Limit roll to +/- 90 degrees
    if (theta > 90.0f)
      theta = 180.0f - theta;
    else if (theta < -90.0f)
      theta = -180.0f - theta;
    theta *= D2R;
    phi  = state->attitude.pitch * D2R; //convert to magnetometer axis
    sinr = sinf(theta);
    cosr = cosf(theta);
    sinp = sinf(phi);
    cosp = cosf(phi);
    //Limit pitch to +/- 90 degrees
    if (cosp < 0.0f) cosp = -cosp;

    //CF2 Yaw +/- 180 degrees, zero at power on, ccw positive rotation
    //yawangle +/- 180 degrees, cw positive rotation, zero at true north
    //Note roll from eulerActuals (gyro) is negated above

    xm = fmagx*cosp + fmagy*sinr*sinp + fmagz*cosr*sinp;
    ym = fmagy*cosr - fmagz*sinr;

    yawangle = atan2f(ym,xm) / D2R  + magneticdeclination;
    AdjAngle(&yawangle);                 //+ angle cw    
    state->attitude.yawgeo = -yawangle;  //+ angle ccw
//  In converting position (desired-measured) to roll/pitch
//  D2R = (float) M_PI/180.0f
//  cos = cosf(yawgeo * D2R)
//  sin = sinf(yawgeo * D2R)
//  pitch = - position.x * cos - position.y * sin
//  roll  = - position.y * cos + position.x * sin
  } //End 5 Hz updates